Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 14, 1905, Image 1

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    gfoqttille îlcMfc
22: No. 89
V ol .
Application made at tho poet,
offioo at Coquille, Oregon, for trans-
misriou through the maila as second,
class matter.
W alter Culin, M. D.
P h y s ic ia n
S urgeon
an d
C o q u il l e C i t y , O r e .
K ro n e n b e rg D M r .
N e x t D o o r to P . O .
T e le p h o n e 3 .
Stanley & Burns,
Real Estate, Collections.
S p ecialties—Crim inal and ü . S. L and
Cases, N otaries Public.
C o q u il l h .
O regon .
Geo. Russell, M. D.,
P hysician
S ubgkon .
Office in R U 8 8 E L L
C a lls prom ptly answered d ay or nigh t,
O re g o n .
A. J. Sherwood,
A t to b n k y - a t - L a w ,
N o t a r y P u b l ic ,
Walter Sinclair,
N ota ry P u b l i c ,
S e ts
Relics of Conquest.
Santo Domingo's silence contin­
Mexico City, June 5.— Laborers
Portland —Prophets may be with­
Butte, Mont., June 7.— A Philips-
excavating trenches for the under­ ues to be the best possible testimon­
out honor in their own country, but burg, Mont., dispatch, says Clarence
ground cable system of the telephne ial for the President’s Dominican
in the case of Joaquin Miller there Young, the woodchopper who held
company near Cindo de Mayo street, ! policy.
is a poet who is going to be honor­ up the North Coast Limited, on the
have struck a number of clay uten- !
ed in his own country. There is Northern Pacific, at Bearmounth.
Americans seem to have a cq u i­
sils, concrete foundations of temples
to be a “ Joaquine Miller Day” at on the night of May 27, pleaded
and pottery covered with hieroglyp­ red an incuruble habit of winning
the Lewis and Clark Exposition, guilty last night and was sentenced
hics, also Spanish coins whose international yacht races, regard­
which opened June 1 at Portland, to 50 years in the Montana State
dates are undecipherable, but which, less of who o f f o r s the trophy.
the city were Miller’s first volumes Penitentiary, by Judge G. B. Win­
mingling with tbe pottery, induces
of poetry were published and the ston.
Young had no money, and
the supposition that the antiquities 1 Was President McKinley “ a free
metropolis of the state where the the court appointed counsel for
found appertain to periods of the trader because he suggested iu his
poet grew to manhood.
him. He made no defense.
conquest when Cortez razed every Buffalo speech that the time had
Miller is commonly limit fixed by tbe last Legislature
building in the Azteo capital.
come to lower the Dingley tariff
known as the poet of the Sierras, was given him.
He received the
Professor Batree is eager to obtain rates?
because hie first book of any Conse­ sentence without flinching,
government permission to excavate
quence was ‘ ‘Songs of the Sierras.” will be more than 80 years old
When Secretary Shaw attempts
below the present find for older
But the Oregon people prize him should he live to serve out tbe
to explain how we can meet foreign
most highly as the poet of Mount sentence.
tariff discrimination he is compelled
Hood, and of the heroio pioneers
l . H. HAZARD. C u liie r
R. E. SHINE, V ie t Pré«
for the once, to nbandon his policy A. J. SHERWOOD, Prs«.
The terrible defeat administered
who peopled tho virgin state. Mil­
Trusties Jump Job.
of “ stand pat.”
to the Russian fleet by Admiral To­
ler has sung grandly of Mount Hood,
which is Ooegonis our beloved
Salem, June 7—Two “ trusties ’, go is already being used by the ad­
The President should send Gen­
snow-peak, visible on all clear days Edward Loueinot and Fred Collins, vocates of ‘‘The big stick,” — in oth­
eral Leonard Wood an engrossed
the Exposition
grounds told the penitentiary goodbye yes­ er words— a greatly enlarged navy,
copy of his remarks on “ race sui­
though it is forty-six miles away.
terday afternoon and are still enjoy­ as an argument for materially in­ cide” before tbe Inst surviving Moro
The date of Joaquin Miller’s day ing the wild freedom of the woods creasing the size of the American
has perished.
navy. But it is a question of the
will be selected to suit the poet's and the absence of guards.
T r a n s a c t s a G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s
own convenience. Invitations will
The men were in a gang engaged
Judge TJ. S . Kendall of West
be sent to all western authors, and in road building and were in chare navy do not see argumants in favor Virginia says that mothers-in-law
C orrespon den ts.
Board o f D ire c to rs .
to writers in the East whose books of Guards Skipton and Byrne. The of their pet theme, even where ar­ cause nine-tenths of the divorces.
National Bank of Commerce, New York City
R . O. Dement,
A . J . Sherwood,
deal with western matters, and the escape was made a few minutes be­ guments do not exist. Analysis of And yet men are prone to treat
Crocker W ool worth N ’l Bank, San Francisco
, H . Hazard,
First N at’l Bank of Portland,
Portland, Or.
R . E . Shine.
plan is have a “ Western Authors’ fore 5 o'clock, as the guards were tbe naval history of the Russo-Ja­ mother-in-law as a jo k e .
Isaiah Hacker,
week,’’ with the Joaquin Miller day rounding up the gang for the re­ panese war, and that of the last
great naval battle is no exception to
as the chief feature, On this day i turn to the penitentiary.
General Miles would survive the
the rule, shows it is not the big
there iB to be a reception to Mr. j
Continental uniform for the use of
Miller in the Auditorium of the Ex -1 Peary Considers Finding Gar­ navy but the thoroughly trained tho Massachusetts militia. Why
«and equipped naval force that is ef­
position, with appropriate literate j
den of Eden
not? It would prove no more start­
fective m naval warfare. Wnen the
program including perhaps a new '
ling than the Rough Rider uniform.
South Portland (Me.) June 4.— war broke out Russia enjoyed tne
poem by Miller himself.
, “ Supposeing that I succeed in find- possession o f a larger navy than
Hecretary Shaw's little presiden-
' ing the north pole, what good shall Japau, aud Togo, with a smaller
I tiul boom was launched very nicely
Union Dissolved.
| we derive from it?” said Liutendant- fleet at his command, immediately
I but it soon struck in tbe mud, so Newly established,
Everything neat and up-to-date in every
_ ! Commander Robert E Penry, os be took steps to reduce the size of his
deep and fast that ouly Secretary
ChriBtiania. June 7 .—King Os-1
. . . .
. ,
, .
discussed his plans for leaving New
respect. Meals at all hours, day or night.
c a r s refusal to sanction the b ill, , r ,
, . ,,,
j Taft could extricate it.
York on July 4th on steamer Roose­ receut and well known to require
Rooms by the Day, Week or Month.
passed by the Storthing providing
velt in nnother effort to reach the repitition here. Port Arthur and
It begins to look as though there
for a separate Consular service for
place he has sought for several Chomulop tell the tale o f a fleet su­
would be no special session of Con­
Norway culminated today in the
perior in mere weight, destroyed by
gress next fall. The pressuro be­
passage of a resolution by the Storth­
“ I don’t suppose there is any a smaller enemy who was thorough­
ing brought to bear on the Presi­
ing declaring the dissolution o f the
money in it,¡and, although^here is a ly trained and prepared. In the
dent is almost too strong to be re­
union of Sweeden and Norway, and
possibility of funding new whaling Corean straits the history of the
that the King had ceased to act as
grounds, it is a possibility so remote earlier engagements has been re­
King of Norway.
as to be hardly worth considering. peated.
Mr. Hoch, the Chicago bigamist,
Tho Storthing further empower­
But there are other considerations.
The flower of the Russian navy, a announces that be will “ die like a
ed the present State Council to act
We may, quite possibly, take sound- fleet consisting of 11 battleships and gentleman.’’ If he had only lived
A private hospital for the care aud treatment o f medical, surgical
as a government of Norway until
! ings which will determine the gen­ 5 armoured cruisers, has been vir­ like one he might have deferred the
further notice and exercise the
and obstetrical cases. Equipment new aud modern
eral features of the great polar tually annihilated by the Japanese, date of his demise for a consider­
power heretofore appertaining to
ocean, and then there are three mill­ whose total strength consisted of 4 able period.
in every particular.
Rates from
the King.
ion miles square of unknown land battle ships, 6 armours and 14 pro­
An address to the King was
and sea. A new land may exist tected cruisers, the latter class in­
A Maryland couple have just
adopted declaring that no ill feeling
there— a continent containing new cluding vessels of only 2,700 tons beeu married after a courtship of 4G
existed against him, his dynasty or
Including room, board, general nursing and drugs.
fauna * .* * and who knows? Even burthern, diminutive as compared
years. The groom is 76 and the
the Swedish Nation, and asking him
human beings as intelligent as our­ with Russian 13,500 ton battleships. blushing bride is 68. At any rate
to co-operate in the selection of a
Naval officers as a cliss, it must they haven’t married in haste for
young Price o f the house of Berna-
“ For myself, I doubt the exist­ be remembered, want a constantly repentance.
Marshfield, Oregon.
dotte to occupy the throne of Nor­
It means more
ence of human beings there,” Lieu­ increasing navy.
tenant Peary says in n letter to rapid promotion for them, more
Is the respectable citizen who
President Roosevelt, “ yet some fleets, more flag-ships, more ad­
bribes a board of aldermen to steal
Drunk Strikes W oman.
But does not common
claim in a scientific work that the mirals.
and deliver to him a public fran.
those who are not
San Francisco, June 6.— Mrs. P.
chine, any better than the man who
O’Connell, 23 years old, o f 258 j at the pole. Perhaps I may find it naval experts to judge of the lesson acept the bribe? If so, how much
Stevenson street, was benten by a I now aud some prehistoric people in taught by the war in the far east? bettor and wby?
I it For me, however, there is a sen­ Will any naval expert question the
drunken man while in an automobile 1
early this morning, and is likely to timental reason far greater than this. assertion that had Russia spent a
John D Rockefeller denies that he
die as a result of her injuries, The My discovery of the pole means ad- portion of the funds she has invest­ will give $10,000,000 to establish
inebriate was taken away by tw o 1 ditional prestige for my country, ed in battleships on amunition and
fund for broken down clergymen.
policemen, who did not arrest him. and should i succeed in my mission so trained her men to shoot straight,
Probably Dr. Washington Gladden
Mrs. O ’Connell had been autoing
has convinced John D. that clergy
P H O N E 116
with her husband. The car stopped plant the Stars and Stripes at the nitely better? Does anyone doubt
m a n would rather starve than liye
at the corner of South Park and summit of the frozen north—well, that if Russia had insisted on more
on “ tainted money.”
Third street when the drunken man it may be that seventy millions of thorough discipline and moro com­
became abusive. He first thrashed my countrymen and countrywoman plete training of her naval person­
The long excluded heathen Chi­
her husband, who resented his re­ would feel one thrill of pride, a thrill nel the battle of the Corean
proposes to boycott United
marks, and then beat the chauffeur,
States products and a wail of indig
Walter Bloom, who interfered. and the sufferings my trip is going cataclysmic.
A small navy trained to the high­ nation goes up from the Pacific
After this he leaped into the auto- to cost.
Reasonable Rates
possible state of efficiency has coast. They don’t seem to appre­ Experienced Help
mobile and struck the woman a blow
New York, June 6.— Myron T. been tbe aim of the United States in ciate out there that they can’t ex
on the forehead.
The policemen
Special Kates to Families and Hotels
then errried him away.
Mrs. O ’­ Herrick, Governor of Ohio, will be the past and there is no reason to elude the Chinaman and enjoy his
Connell is Buffering from concussion selected as tho chairman of the believe that it will not prove a good trade at the same time.
Equitable board.
After consulta­ policy te adhere to.
We make our own soap and know Us ingredients. No injurious chemicals used.
of the braiD.
Our baskets will lie left at all tbe principal points on the river.
tion with persons representing the Russo-Japanese war, has or
The Philadelphia ring has been
Uoods called for and delivered in Coquille City.
James H. Hyde, Governor Herrick should have, taught another lesson, defeated and the people of that
Portland, Juno 1.— In the county
left the Waldorf-Astoria at 6 o’clock namely the difficulty which con- j «Hy
I f™ tbe tyranny of the
jail this afternoon Charles McGinty,
for his home in Cleveland. He had fronts a nation with far distant
trust. There may yet be suffi-
convicted of having beaten bis w ife,1
assured his visitors that he was will­ posspssion to protect.
That is n o t; °*eD^ strengthen our corrupt muni
was given 20 lashes with a rawhide
ing to take bold of the Equitable at a popular lesson but it is one it is c>P*tity to enable them to purify
whip under the direction of Sheriff
at a salary of $150,000 a .year, pro­ wiser not entirely to overlook, themselves. Conditions in St. Louis
Word. The knouting was by com- i
viding he was given absolute free- though we refrain from admitting Pbiladelpha, New York and Chicago
mand of Judge Frazer, who im-
. . . .
dom in his control o f the society, it, even to ourselves.
are hopeful.
’ ' 'nowlton’s Drug Store
Besides a complete stock
oi Drugs and Druggist’s Sun-1
\ dries carries Kodaks and Sup-1
\ plies, Phyrography outfits and
TheCity Restaurant
A ttorney -A t - L a w ,
C o q u ille,
Train Robber
Phone, m ain 186.
C o q u ille ,
Honor for Joaqnin Miller.
8 1 .5 0 P e r Y e a r
O regon .
O. W IL SO N , Prop.
I. Hacher,
A hj T u u t k k
T iih . ks
O o q n u .K C ity , O he
. . . .
H all & Hall,
A ttorneys - at -L a w ,
Dealer in
U kal E st a t k o f a ll k in d s.
M a r s h fie ld ,
O re g o n .
General Hospital
Ellsworth B. Hall,
O o q u il l e ,
O regon .
Collections and Insurance
W . 0 . C hase.
E . D . S p e rry .
A ttorn ey s-a t-L a w .
Office in R obinson B uilding,
C o q u ille ,
O re g o n .
E. G. D. Holden,
L aw ykr .
] ¡C ity
Rooorder, U . 8 . C om m issioner,
G en
eral Insuranoe A gent, and Notnry
in R ob in ­
O re g o n .
A. F. Kirshman,
D k ntih t .
O regon .
Tom W hite, Master,
I Arrives
B an d o n ........ 7 a - m .
j C oquille. .. .10 a - m .
C o q u ille........ 1 p - m . I B anclon------- 4 P-M.
Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield
and steamer Edho for M yrtle Point.
S tr . F A V O R I T E
J . C. M oomaw. M aster,
o q u il l e
Office two doors Booth o f Post oRloe.
C o q u ille
Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron.
Steam Laundry
son B n ild in g.
C o q u ille ,
$ $ 1 5 t o $ > 3 0 p e i* w e e k
| A rrives
Coquille......... 7 a - m . | Bandoli. .10:45 a - m .
Bandon........... 1 P-M. | Coquille. 4:45 P-M.
H . Jam s. Master,
M y r tle P o in t.. .7 a - m . | oquille C’y 9 30 a - m .
Coquille C i t y .. .1 P-M. | M yrtle P ’t. .4 00 p - m .
Daily except Sunday.
S tr. W E L C O M E
Best o f W o rk
Monuments and Headstones
posed the extreme penalty after the
and it was added that this was as­
prisoner had confessed his brutal
sured and he would be unhampered
action. This is the first punishment
in his management.
under the new wbipping-post law.
It was said tonight that Governor
Herrick, as the representative of a
A London paper says: Radium Ryndicate. had made a liberal cash
is quoted at twenty pounds sterling offer for Mr Hyde.g stock holdingB>
a milligram, which is at the rata of BO thati jf a tranB,er were madc, the
83,000,000 an ounce. Notwitbstand- ccmtrol of the 80ciety not OD,y u
Sewing Machine Kepamng
David Fulton, of this city, is an expert ing all that has been written about VCf)ted jn 0ovcrnor Herrick,
clenlier and repairer, and anyone in radium and of the discoveries r e -, chairnian of the boardj with plenty
need of his services will do well to call
ported to have been made of radi- | Qj p0werSj but jn fact he would be
at his residence or drop him a card.
urn bearing ores, one expert declares jn absoluto control.
W . R. Panter, Master.
Myrtle Point 1:30 P-M. | Coquille C’ y 4:00 p - m .
Coquille C ity 7:00 a - m . | M yrtle F t 10:00 a - m .
Connect« with lower-river boat* at Coquille
City for Bandon and intermediate points.
Ample barges for handling freight.
Track W ashed Out.
Sheridan, Wyo., June 7 ,-T h irty -
eight miles of track on the Burling-1
ton road between this city and Cody
have been washed out by a sudden
rise in Big Goose and other streams.
Ten cars of an extra freight train
near Coburn ware washed into a
The United States Consul at
Sheffield, England, reports that a
Privftte coneern in ,hat cit* ha"
10 f0D8umera ,or 28
and 32 cents per 1,000 feet, has
paid a liberal dividend and has put
away a considerable surplus.
32 cent gas is furnished . for ordi­
nary use, the 28 cent gas for use
in gas engines.
And yet New
York and Philadelphia, and most
other American cities, ranuot get
For Sale.
that not more than one-half of an
_____ _________
Foil I alk . —One acre tract in nice the price down below $1 per 1,000
F or S ale — Some fine young location with house and barn; 10O
A ron ! home in this city, on ounce of radium has been manu-
will make heavy team. En- y ou n g fruit trees.
Enquire at
See those black silk skirts a
easy terms:
fessor Curie,
quire at H erald office.
Mrs. Perrott’s,
H erald office.
Enquire at this office.
We guarantee better
work at lower prices
than can be had else­
Do not order
Monumental work until
you have called upon or
written us for prices.
Telephone, Main
Stewart & White Props.
DAVID FTLTON, Local Agent, Coquille, Oregon,