Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 17, 1905, Image 4

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    Coquille Jerald.
L e tte r
fr o m
Elijah Smith.
S. O. Co President Rufutes Long­
standing Rumors W it h Cold
Elijah Smith in a letter to F. A.
D- r ■ DEAN,
Stewart, of the PortO rford Tribune,
answers a former artiole in that
County Official Paper. journal from the pen of J. H. Up­
D ev o ted to th e m aterial and sooial up­
b u ild in g o f the C oquille V alley partionlarly ton, wherein be rorrects a current
t 't d o f Ooo§ County gen erally.
dvanoe, 92.00 rumor of long standing, which has
rear, in adv
iu bsoription. per year,
bad such persistent circulation that
it has heretofore been accepted as
N ew
C o u rs e o f S tu d y .
the truth by many o f our people.
Salem, Or., May 3— Superintend- The epistle of the Southern Oregon
of Publio Instruction J. H, Acker­ Company's president follows:
man has prepared and submitted to 27 Broadway, New York, April 12,
the state board of education a re­
Mr. F. A. Stewart, Port Orford,
vised course of study for the pub­
lic schools of Oregon.
The course Oregon,— M y Dear Sir: My atten­
the board will consider at its meet­ tion has been called to the state­
ing on the first Monday in June. ment, or mis-statement, of J. H.
The new course, if adopted will go Upton, with respect to the Southern
into effect with the school year, be­ Oregon Company and my relations
ginning this fall, by which time to it, published in the Port Orford
copies can be printed and contrib­ Tribune, of a recent date.
It is in­
uted. The elimination o f unneces­ deed most astonishing that people
sary work in arithmetic, the consol­ will invent and set aflost such bald
idation of civil go.em inent with his lies, or become resjioneible for
tory, the restriction of grammar to statements, which are w/hout the
a two-book course uud the use of least shadow of truth, or nv foun­
the elementary history and Dole’s dation whatever, in fact.
“ Arneiieau Citizen” as reading books lies. Atrocious in their conception
in the fifth and sixth years, are the and evidently malicious in their in­
principal changes found in the new tent.
course as compared with that now
I am tempted to vary an estab­
in effect.
lished rule with respect to newspa­
Among the subjects entirely eli­ per items, and no matter what may
minated in the study of arithmetic have been the purpose or intent of
are troy weight, apothecaries’ liquid Mr. Upton, his false and unwarrant­
measure, the metric system, present ed statements should not be per­
worth, true discount, bank discount, mitted to remain uncontradicted or
exact interest, anualaud compound denied.
Neither the present Southern Ore­
interest, stocks and bonds, average
Company or the Oregon
of payments and all problems that gon
oome under these subjects. Sec­ Southern Improvement Company,
tions 7 and 8 of the mental are also which preceded it, were conceived,
eliminated. This does not mean organized or promoted by Elijah
that less time will be given to the Smith; he not only did not promote
study of arithmetic, but rather that either of those companies but never
the same length of time will be promoted any company in all bis
given to the subject, but it will be life, and is hardly entitled to either
concentrated upon those branches the credit or discredit, whichever
of the subject whicli the child is applies to such business, of being
likely to find of practical use An ‘ a promoter of some renown.”
Elijah '-mit,h became interested
other change iu the course, so far
U Mai Southern Oregon
ns arithmetic is concerned, is t no in th
joining of written aiul mental arith­ Impio'. ement Company sometimes
metic together by topics. Under the after it was organized by other
new course when a boy ¿is studying parties, when It required additional
addition of fractions in the written capital to prosecute the work for
arithmetic be will be studying the which it was created or to save the
same topic in the mental, and so on work already in progress from be­
through the two books. This is be­ ing stopped for lack of funds. Be­
lieved to be an economy of time and ing appealed to for assistance he
invested quite a large sum of money,
Probably more important than and did it, so far as be knows and
the change that has been made in believes, on exactly the same terms
arithmetic is that which has been and basis as did every other party
made in the study o f history. Here­ who become interested in the enter­
tofore civil government has studied prise. Although at the time the
as a separate subject. Now it will outlook was rather less promising
be studied in connection with his­ than at the start, and the day has
tory. Whenever any event in his. never dawned that would enable
tory relates to a sectoin of the Con­ him to get his money back with in­
stitution, that section is studied in terest, and this is equally true as to
connection with the portion of the all other stockholders.
I t is not true that the stock was
history which makes it of particular
sold to poor people, nor
were savings banks “ ransacked” ,
Several changes have been made
ami probably in uo single instance
in reading.
The lightening of
were they ever applied lo, or though!
in the
by parties who subscribed
year has been accompanied by
to the enterprise. Elijah Smith had
heavier work in rending, so that by
notbiug whatever to do with pur­
the end of the second year the
chase of tho land, or other property
primer and the first and second
acquired by the company. On ac­
readers are completed, whereas the
count of poor management on the
second readers work has heretofore
Coast and for other reasons, not
extended into the third year. In
unusal in similar cases, the business
the fifth year the elementary history
was unsuccessful and it became de­
will be taken up as a reader, and
sirable to foreclose the mortgage
Dole’s “ American Citizen" will be­
and change the bonds, which were
come a reader in the sixth year.
originally created, and which re­
All supplementary reading books
quired absolute interest payments,
have been cut out of the course,
which conld not be met, into stock
and tlioso will be used by the pupils
which could not demand interest or
only as library books. In no case will
divedondB unless they were earned.
the pupils be required to buy sup­
Every stockholder comes into the
plementary reading books. In the
reorganized company and on exact­
new course of study no books are
ly the same basis and terms, receiv­
mentioned except those that were
ing an equivalent iu the stock of the
adopted as textbooks by the Text
new company for their bonds in the
Book Commission. Therefore every
old company, and on the same rela­
book mentioned is to be purchased
tive basis; they are interested in the
by the pupils.
company today, and with a single
In language only tho two book i exception are the people who start­
course will heareafter be used, and ed with it, in the beginning, twenty
the work heretofore done iu the years ago, except in some cases of
third book will be made up by more death, where estates have succeed­
composition work.
ed to the ownership, ami one small
In geography only the coarse lot o f ten * ares formerly represent­
print matter and map questions will ing one bo 1 which has been sold
be studied. The fine print matter, No stockholder has bean squeezed
which is explanatory, will be read or bought out.
by the teseher. It is also recom­
The interest of Elijah Smith in
mended that in all schools employ, the present or-reorg*nired company
ing three teachers o r less only the is the same, or the equivalent of it,
elementary geography be
used that he held in the origiual com­
What Mr. Upton's object
Where three or more teachers are pany.
employed the two book course may j or purpose was for making such
be adopted upon an order of the niis-statements I can only surmise,
but it ie rare to find more, and ap.
lies in the
In spelling all of part 4 of the pnrentlv intentional
book, relating to synonyms, etc., is same small stiace than are comprised
Music and drawing in his published article, and I feel
are optional throughout the course. it to be my duty to myself and as­
No change has been made in the sociates to correct them and state
high school course.
T errill»* K nee W i lli Hentla.
an of the people in that section of Dairy Farm
for Sale,
the country, including yourself, be­
A fine dairy farm oonriiining 70
lieve I have been guilty of the
methods described which I have al­ ai'res of bottom land *23 in tes of bill
ways considered to he contemptible land, and adjoBLing the town of
and dishonest, and if true, would Myrtle Point, Coos county, Oregon,
justify Mr. Upton in asserting that and £ mile from creamery. Forty-
I was without “ conscience” al­ five acres of bottom laud improved
though from the charactei of bis and in good state of cultivation; 5
statements in connection with this acres slashed, burned and newly
matter, he has very little conception seeded; hill land is all good for pas­
of what a conscience is, and is him­ ture; 3 acres of orchard in good
self clearly not burdened with one eari bngcondilion aud different var­
ieties of fruit. House, bnrn and
or controlled by it.
j other buildings. W hile we have a
Yours truly,
number of other dairy farms for
E lijah S m it h .
sale, yet this is one of the best bar­
gains, as the location is all that
Church Directory-
could bi- desired, being mar town,
C h b is t ia n
C hubch . - - P i caching every school and creamery.
Tnis is cer-
Bandar at 11 a. ia. and 7:30 p. ra. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at I tainly a bargain for some progres­
6:80 p. m . Prayer m eeting every Wedn 98-
sive dairyman. Price $7,500.
day evening at 7:30. A ll cord ially invited.
Every farmer raises some fruit. All could . raise f
more and better fruit and make more money from I
it if they read a first-class fruit paper like
$The National Fruit Grower
Published at St. Joseph, Mich., in the heart o f the famous
Michigan Fruit Belt. A large, beautifully printed Monthly,
ably edited, full o f the latest and best methods o f cultivating,
handling and marketing large and small fruits. ■
l i m n T I I A i n n to any farmer or fruit grower to
I T U n l l l i p l v U have this paper fo r this next year.
The Spraying Calendar is invaluable. W e w ill give
this paper absolutely free for one year to any new or old
subscriber who pays arrearage and one year in advance.
Cut out this advertisement and send or bring it in at once.
Th is offer may be withdrawn without notice.
F or H unt .— A good dary ranch,
carry 20 or 25 cows. Apply at
1 ” i H erald office.
enquire at the H e r a l d office.
To tlie Unfortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
“ I have been using Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy and want to say it
is the best cough medicine I have
ever taken,” says Geo. L. Chubb, a
merchant of Harlam, Mich. There
is no question about its being the
best, as it will cure a cough or cold
in less time than other treatment.
It should always be kept in the
house ready for instant use, for a
cold can be cured in much less
time when promptly treated. For
sale by R. S. Knowlton.
JP^TThe sale and reliable t i w n - . ^ ^
« ■ T T l . e New and Speedy, J U M
This old reliable and the
most successful Special­
ist In Han Francisco,still
continues to cure all
ft e x u a l and S e m i n » !
D is e a s e s , such as
U u n o rr lK P S , » H e e l
ft t r lc t u r e . S y p h ilis
in all its forms, A k in
IIIo e n s e s , N e rv o u s
D e b i l i t y , I m p o l e t i­
e r N e m ia a l W e a k ­
n ess anil L o s s o f 91 a n -
h oo d , the consequence
o f self abuse and excesses
producing the following symptoms; sallow coun­
tenance, dark spots under the eyes, pain m the
head,ringing In the ears, loss o f confidence,diffi­
dence in Approaching strangers, palpitation of the
heart, wenkuess of the limb« and back, loss of mein-
ory, pimples on the face, coughs, conmimption, etc.
O r . U ib b o n has practiced in Ran Francisco 40
rears aud those troubled should not fail to consult
him and receive the benefit o f his great skill and
experience. The doctor cures when others fail. T ry
him. t 's r e a g a s r a n t e e d . Persons cured at
home. Charges reasonable. Call or write. O r . J. F .
O lb b o n ,«8 0 k s a r n y S I.,N a n F r s n c ls e o ,C a L
The Whole Thing in an Egg Shell
H ow
to Get
‘The Sheepherder’
n o u t a n d g e t (Ir a * C h a p te r
Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc.
full line of
We carry a,
F lo u r a n d F e e d .
Everything found in a first-class Grocery.
Prices the ' owest
consistent with good goods.
W . T. Knuii, Cresi ¡cut
T o introduce onr m onthly into your home
we w ill send the paper one year and A \
Practical Ponltrv Manual fo r 35 cents.
The Pacific Tree and Vine
P a r k H otel B ldg.,
il s o n ,
H. H
E. D.
S perry ,
O. C
azard ,
in t o r d ,
Cor. Secretary
Correspondence solicited from all wishing locations for
Industries of nny kind.
From the office ot the ( ’omnopolitan Maga
zine Is published the “ Twentieth Century
Home,” a new magazine for women on new
lines, printed on coated paper (toned), pro
fusely illustrated and contributed to by more
noted writers than any other periodical. An
English publisher has ordered in advance ot
publication 10,000 copies for the London mar­
ket. W e have made arrangements to buy a
limited number of annual subscriptions to this
new periodical, which we offer absolutely free
o our subscribers, new or old. Here is the
most generous offer ever made by an American
c e n ts a c o p y ,
jfi.o o a yea r.
The Twentieth Century Home,
for one yea t (regular price $1),... FREE
The Cosmopolitan Magazine,
for one year (regular price $1).... $1.00 is the cleanest, most stimulating, meatiest general magazine for the fam­
This Paper for One Year,
52 numbers................................. $1.50 ily, says one of the million who read it every mouth. I t is without ques­
"The Best at any Price."
Great features aie promise for next year— six or more wholesome inter­
esting short dories in every number, continued stories, beautiful pictures
in colors, and articles by such famous writers as Ida M. Tsrbell, Lincoln
Steffens, Ray Stanuard Baker, John La Farge, William Allen W hite and
Charles Wagner.
Got all of it right into your homo by taking advant­
age of this
Send $1.00
and we will
-fo u rte e n
C L L R E S,
before January 31, 1905, for a subscription for tho year 1905
send you free tho November and December numbers of 1904
months for $1.00 or the price of twelve. Address Mc-
48-09 East 23rd St., New York City, W rite for agents’ terms
What the Twentieth Century Home Offers
200 Eggs a
Year per Hen
Coquille River and San
the facts, being unwillioff to have au b ««lb .
S p e c ia l O ffe rs
Single copies 10c. Annual subscription $1.
The Cosmopolitan Magazine occupies a posi-
sion distinctly its qwn. While giving great
attention to fiction and entertainment—fifty
short stories and one or more complete novels
appear in its pages each year —it has a definite
plan beyond. It may be likened to a great
modern university, with a million and a halt
student-readers. A year’s course embraces
what is most important in the Scientific field,
what is most interesting in Invention and Dis­
covery. what is most entertaining in Travel
and adventure, what is most valuable in the
World of Business. A portion o f each num­
ber is edited with reference to the Woman of
the World, another to the Woman ot the
Home, and another to interest Youth, and
still another for the Man of Affairs, covering
equally the clerk just startiug in lite anti the
captain ot industry.
Tho second edition o f n Pracical Poultry
Manual is now ready. Contains among
other things the famous Sampson Method
o f Feeding, which is known to be one of
Wil! make regular trips between
tho best means o f making a profit from
poultry. Some o f the chapter headings are:
Brooder Chicks: Profitable Poultry R h is - I
ing; Principle Difficulties: Remedies for j
Roup: During the M ouli: Economy in ;
I f e S to p -o v e r a t W a y P o rte
Feeding; Ponltry as a Business; Trap |
BloeHic Lights. Everything in First- Nests, w ith plans nnd illustrations. This
Class Style.
chapter is worth the price o f the book. [
T e lls the practical way to make poultry i
pay. Price 50o.
)nr paper is a 3’J page Agricultural Maga- j
zine with Household, Ponltrv, Horticulture |
aud Dairy Departments.
price $1.00.
A story ot the great range war
into which ie interwoven the
romantic episodes of acquiring
timber lends and the advance­
ment of irrigation.
This pro­
duction will appenr in the Ore­
gon Semi-Weekly Journnl in
serial form.
The Journal will
he clubbed with thie paper, the
two for $2.75.
Subscribe at
once and read thia great story
of life as told by Paul De Laney.
Fancy and Staple Groceries.
C. P. Jensen, Master
Oregon Writer’s Best Effort.
V. R.
Regular Price $3.50,
AH Three to the subscriber for...$2.50
Str. E liz a b e t h
De Leney'a N ew Novel.
D ra n e ’s S to re ,
M A N U FA C TU R E R S of Butter Boxes, Cuhbs, Apple and Fru it Boxes
Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc.
Turning W ork a Specialty.
A ll Orders given
promp' Attention.
W anted .— 10 men in each state to
travel, tack sigus and distribute
samples and circulars of our goods.
For Sale.
Salary *75.00 per month. $3 00 per
One 6 horse power steam engine; one day for oxpensns.
Kuhltnan C o.
600 gallon cheese vat; one cu.-d sink;
Atlas B u ild in g, Ch'cigo.
cheeBe hoops and press screws. All the Dept.
C lia in lie r lM l» . r o u g h R e m e ily I I I «
T e r » n ex t.
J- Ö- Pish
good paying business. For terms and
information write or apply to J. G. Fish,
Coquille, Oregon.
Euerythlng neat and up-to-date in every
respect. Meals at all hours, day or night.
Rooms by the Day, Week or Month.
W hile a billious attack is decid­
edly unpleasant it ie quickly over
Coal Miners
Wanted.— D. S.
when Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets are used. For sale Rouse, ; 'i t - eriti ten den t of the Co-
by R. 8. Knowlton.
quille Co’s mine at Riverton, is now
FOR S A L E .— At s bargain, the Co­ in shape ! ■ > employ several more
qnille Furniture and Box Factory-
A men nt good pay.
abr ve are about as good as new, but
will be sold very cheap.
Coqnille, Oregon.
Newly established.
Goquille furniture|Coquilli BMr(! of Trade
Anyone in .need of the service of
traotion or marine, will do well to
r r o n r - iK T ìT v »
W a n t e d .— A good teRra of driving
h sea, weighing 1100 or 1200
A ojly at. tho H kr . vld office,
of a first-class engineer —stationery
City Restaurant
FRANK W IL S O N , Prop.
Paper Free
A C re e p in g ; D e a t h .
Blood poison creeps up towards
the heart, causing death. J. E.
Stearns. Belle Plaine, Minn., writes
that a friend dreadfully injured his
hand, which swelled up like blood
poisoning. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
drew out the poison, healed the
wound, and saved his life. Best in
the world for burns and sores. 25c
a:. R. S. Knowlton’s drug store.
F ox,
Don’ t forget I am still agent for the
old reliable De Laval Separator. If
you want a separator 1 can sell you
one on any terms you desire; money is
no object, so it is up to you, Mr. Dairy­
fc*. M. NOSLKlt, Agent,
UoiiKSTS <fc O a RTKR,
Kpisoopal Charoh.— Episcopal services
Coqnille, Oregon.
w ill be held at St. James oharoh, Coqnille
Myrtle Poiut Oregon.
C ity the third Sanday in eaoh month.
Mrs. Perrott will receive a nice lot of
Sunday school at 10 a. m. each sanday.
Have you seen the Lewis aud
W m . H orsefall, Pastor. ;
ladies’ anil children’s hats next week.
I f. E .C h aroh . South: Preaching eaoh ¡Clark souvenirs at Mrs. Nosler's?
At reasonable prices.
Bad every Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
■3. Sunday-school every
Sunday at 10
o’ clock. Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p.
ra. Junior League at 3:30,p. m. Prayerm eet­
ing Th ursday evening at 7:30.
H . *f. Branham, pastor.
Episcopal church.—Service
th « first and third Sunday in each month
Preaching at 11 o’clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m .
Sanday school at 10 o’clock a. m .
worth League at 6:30 p. ra.
J. L . B ic atty , Pastor.
Th e W. C. T . U. meets every 1st and 3rd
Friday at 2 p .n i. at the Christian chnrch.
.S s v m n t h D a y
A d v k n t i r t C h u r c h — Sab-
oath 'seventh day) services: Sabbath
■oho» I 10 a. m., Bible study 11 a. m .,
prayer m eeting Tuesday evening 8 p. in.,
young people’ s m eeting F riday, 8 p. m.
1U are invited to attend these meetings.
C. H . B U N C H .
"Death was fast approaching,’
writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of
Tampa, Fla,, describing his fearful
race with death, “ as a result of liver
trouble and heart disease, which
had robbed me of sleep aud o f all
interest in life. 1 had tried many
Goods Handled with Care and
different doctors and several medi­ Meets all Boats and Trains.
cines, but got no benefit, until I l>e-
gan to use Electric Ritters. So
Leave order.- at T. [. Little's Liverv
wonderful was their effect, that in W OOD FOR S A L Iv
three days 1 lelt like a new man,
and today I am cured of all my
troubles.” Guaranteed nl R. S.
Knowltons’s drug store; price 50c.
R. S. Knowltou.
Single <N>pies 10c. Annual subscription $1.
A magazine for Women, printed on fine
coated paper (toned), beautifully illustrated.
I t w ill contain what is newest, if best, what
is most useful, if new; what is most entertain­
ing, if helpful, what is most instructive, if in­
A homey magazine—each month helpful,
practical and inspiring. Full of fasci­
nating features; beautifully illus­
trated. A million readers.
$1.00 per Year— 10 Cents a Copy.
A F ref . ample ' ->y to all requesting.
If 'A N T E D
G ood H ousi -. kkf . ping v . ,tn( a subscription
representative in every city and town in
the west. To those win» v> ¡11 give all or a
portion of their time it offers attractive
work and pays exceedingly liberal commis­
sions. It will i)Bv von t<> investigate. A
postal card will bring particulars. Write
at once so an to be the first in your field.
Monuments and Headstones
We guarantee better
work at lower prices
than can be had else­
Do not order
Monumental work until
you have called upon or
written us for prices.
Telephone, M sin 238.
Pacific Coast Office:
59 C olumbian B u ild in g . S an F rancisco
dose, C alif.
Stewart & White Props.
' r.
An Illustrated M a. asine for the Family.
fn o c u a c o a n d o c r iN o io .,^ °dn« M-l
drawing ->rph. t<>. for expert *oarrn Mid frr*r«port.
Free »»Wire, how to obtain patents, trad« marks,
•oi”rrl*h|«,e*^ )P| A L L C O U N T R IE S .
P o u ltry F arm ,
J, R. Stillwell, Prop
Business dir ret n-'uh Washington sorts time A
money and often the patent.
Patent md Infrinfemewt Prtctlc# Exclusively.
Writ® or eorae to u.« nt
• U M att 8 tract. i $ f T7a!t*4 «tata> fe t t t « 0 0 «
______ W A S H IN G T O N . O. C.__________
B. F E N T O N
P ro p
Sddle Horses o f best quality always on band. G ood Rigs in readi
[Thoughbred cockerels from $1 up nes for special trips. I d fact, a geeneral Stage and L ivery business.
and eggs $1 per setting.
Accommodations fo r Taveling men a specialty