Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 17, 1905, Image 3

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    LOCAL N E W S.
Dr. D. L. Steele,
Aw ay
Coquille vh Bandon at (loquille
Softool Report
uext Sunday.
Grandma Collier.
Report of Coquille Public School
G. C. Welch was up from t im pa
lineehall at Coquille Sunday.
* Again we are called upon to for month oudiug May 5,' 1905:
See those black silk skirts at on business Monday.
will be iu Coquille May 25th,
chronicle the passing away of an­
The steamer Chico sailed from
Mrs. Perrott’s.
Grade 1, F'unny Getty, teacher.
1905, prepared to do dental work
other of our old pioneer friends No. pupils enrolled, 55; No. days’
Mr. and Mrs. Post were up from Sa" Francisco on Sunday,
ltiverton Monday
, Mrs. A. Feuoglio, of Beaver Hill, and will remain ten days,
aud citizens, this time in the person attendance, 654; No. days’ absence
Highest spot cash price paid for waB ’ n *own shopping Monday.
A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical
of Hannah J. Collier, widow of the 41; No. times tardy, 2.
Burt McDuffee was up from
chickens at Dean A Morgan’s
Fred Moser and Albert Bright late Joseph Collier, who proceeded j Grades 2, Mrs. Yoakarn, teacher,
and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern
Parkersburg the first of the week.
were down from Gravel Ford yes­ her four and a half years. The de- No. belonging, 411; attendance, 785;
in every particular.
Kates from
The steamer Elizabeth succeeded terday.
Mr and Mrs. T. W. Panter, of
ceased, formerly Hannah Hathaway, I absence, 37; tardy, t.
W . T. Miller, of Myrtle Point, was born June 19, 1823, in the
Bandon, were Coquille visitors on in going to Bea on Monday evening.
Grade 3, Inez Lusk, teacher. At-
A. E. Smith, of Riverton, had greeted old friends iu this city yes­ stato of Ohio, and died at her home tendance, 691; absence, 27; tardy,2;
Luther Williams, the upper river business in this place the lust of the
Including room, board, g Olierai nursing and drugs.
Mrs. Perrott has just received a ' ll * oflu*lle, May 10, 1905, at the enrollment, 35.
logger, had business in this city week.
"pat-! advanced ago of 81 years, 10 months
j and 21 days. During her girlhood Enrollment, 37; attendance, 518;
Rev. H. M. Branham goes to terns.
John Snyder, the Marshfield hotel
j days she Itved with her parents in absence, 42; tardy, 0.
man, was in our city a day or so
Bandon from San Francisco last j the states of Michigan, Wisconsin,
11 a. m.
Grades 5 and 6, Grace L. Bridges,
last week.
j Illinois and Iowa.
She was mar­ teacher. Enrollment, 58; No. pupils
B orn . — At Bandon, May 8th,
Mrs. J. A. Jacobson came over
Mrs. Harry Houghton and son,
from North Bend Monday for a 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ander­ George, of Norway, were in town ried to Joseph Collier in Illinois, attending, 37; No. days’ Attendance,
June 22, 1843.
They crossed the 688; No. days’ absence, 18; tardy, 0.
son, a son.
shopping on Monday.
short visit.
plains, landing in Jackson county,
Grades 7 and 8, Ellen N.Beamis,
Eolines, Voiles and Mohair at
Rev. Horsfall will conduct ser­
Mrs. Wato.-s and Mrs. D. P.
Oregon, in 1860, and in 1865 came teacher.
Enrollment, 46; remain
Strang were in from Lee the last Mrs. Perrott’s. Just the thing for
to Coquille where they resided till ing, 35; attendance, 689; absence,
this city uext Sun day.
of the week
Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Short, of death.
32J; tardy, 0.
Round Hill Strawberries Tues­
Boax.— Near Coquille, May 14,
To this union were born ten
Grades 9 and 10, T. C. Jory.
1905, to Mr. and Mrs. George days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Monday on a short visit.
children, six sons and four*’ daugh­ Enrollment, 18; remaining, 8; at
Leave orders at Robinson's.
Steward, a son.
Anyone wishing a fine team of ters, all except two of whom are tendance, 153; absence, 10^; tardy,
Declamatory contest by tbepu pils
Miss Flossie Mansell, of this city,
of Mrs. Wooten, at Masonic Hall, large young mares will do well to living, n son, when but a child in 1.
A beautiful dapple gray and from imported blood weighs
went to North Bend Saturday for a
call on George Houghton, of Nor­ 1852, while their eldest daughter,
Summary: Total enrollment, 298,
May 27th. Watch for posters.
1700 pounds. Sired by Thoroughbred Stallion Boneparte,
visit with friends.
Mrs. J. D. Waugh, died at Visalia, Total attendance, 4078;
Total ab.
Parties wishing the best of pas­
Bee hives of good pattern and
sence, 208. Total times tardy, 9.
The declamatory contest by M rs.
Will make the season at COQUILLE and other points in the valley
ture for stock will do well to inquire
ing sons, H. J., J, A., B. F., Charles
put up in woraman-like manner at
Season commences April 15th. *For terms address or inquire of
J oky ,
of W . A. Goodman, Coquille, Or.
the Coquille Furniture Factory.
27, at Masonic Hall. Program next and George Collier, and daughters,
Slingsby Bros., Coquille, Oregon.
Ed Gundlefinger, the popular
Mrs. W. C. Paxson, Mrs. T. A.
— -,m- «-
Wm. Hammerburg, the pioneer
salesman for Fuller’s paints, paid
Mrs. Wnj. Gallier, of Bandon,
R. G. MoQuigg is in from Doug­ Walker and Mrs. J. C. Franz to
sawmill mau, was up from the lower
Coos county a business visit last
las county visiting his daughters, mourn her death, all of whom were has been in town for a week past
river the latter part of last week
week, leaving on the south-bound
the Mesdames Cunningham and present with their families, except visiting her sons, Sheriff and Depu
Mrs. Conger, of this city, went to Alliance.
ty Stephen and Ed Gallier. Mr.
Peart, and other friends in this sec­ Mrs. Paxson and George.
the bay Saturday. She will visit
Rev. and Mrs. Hare, of Myrtle tion.
Mr. and Mrs. Collier were among Gallier came up Saturday and re­
her daughter, Mrs. Boone of Sum­
Point, came down Monday and pro­
W. J. Liohty came down last the early settlers of Coos county, turned Sunday and shook hands
ceeded to Bandon, accompanied by
their homestead coveriug a portion with many of his old friends.
J. C. Shields, of Bandon, visited Rev. Elliott, of North Bend who week and took Jack W ood, his of the present site of Coquille, and
his daughter, Mrs. Osborne, near joined them here.
Watchm aker and Jeweler,
old man having been under the consequently knew what real pion­
town, and other friends of this sec­
eer life means, having crossed the
Eric Wold, the civil engineer, weather of late.
Front Street,
plains by team when that was a long
did some surveying last week at
Is and Gene N osier arrived here
Miss Winnie Spires, of Myrtle Rocky Point for Dr. Swensen at his
and arduous task, fraught with
Point, visited her friend, Miss Reta new and extensive logging business yesterday from Coronado Beach, hardships and dangers known only
California, and are greeting old
Johnson, of this place, the last of on the lower river.
to those who have had that ex­
friends, many of whom are pleased
A ll w o r k g u a r a n t e e d .
the week.
Miss. E. H. Brewer, of Pasadena, to see the boys back again.
John Shelton, of Beaver slough, California, accompanied by a friend,
The deceased joined the Univer-
Captains Jenson and Martin, of salists which was the first church
was in town t ie last of the week Mrs. Lavender, arrived here lately
carrying one eye in a sling, the and are visiting Miss Brewer’s broth­ the steamers Elizabeth and Chico organized in this city, and remained
respectively, ivere in town on Satur­ a faithful member till 1890 when
result of au ulcer.
er, P. H. Brower, of Fishtrap.
day between boats, while they were she united with the M. E. church,
Peter Crow was down from the
Those who know themselves to be waiting a favorable time to sail.
South, and remained till death.
Ecklev miuiug district last week indebted to the Russell Pharmacy
Clyde Barker, of Fairview, has
The final summons came very Clocks!
Clocksl That we are Headguarters for Gents' Furnish­
and greeted his many friends in are reminde J that they are expected
been so unfortunate as to cut a foot suddenly, she seeming in her usual
town on Thursday.
Large, Assortment at
to call at the office of E. B. Hall and
very severely, the big toe being al­ health in the early evening when
Mrs. M. D. Cutlip, of Coos river, pay without unnecessary delay.
W il s o n J e w e l r y C o .
ing Goods.
most severed from the foot. He Miss Ray Collier, who was living
is home again after a visit of several
J. W. Mast, clerk and book keep­ was brought to town yesterday and with her went to lodge, and on re­
Watch Repairing.
months with her sister, Mrs. Dr. er at the Prosper mill, came up last
the wound was dressed by Dr. Culin. turning found her grandmother in (20 years’ experience.)
Baker, of Starbuok, Washington.
Our line of Ready-made Clothing cannot be
week and went out to Lee to see
Mrs. Ellen Peterson, of Arago, bed, but noticed that all was not
Robert Burns,
the attorney, his grandma Mast, and other friends
passed through town Monday on exactly as usual about the room and
started for Gold Beach, the county in that section, returning on Mon­
her way to Empire City where she approached the old lady and asked
scat of Curry county, Monday, hav­ day.
goes to visit her parents, Mr. and how she was to which she replied
ing had legal business which called
W. W. Gatcliell, of Myrtle Poiut, Mrs. Daved Roberts, her sister, that she believed she was dying.
------ IN ------
him there.
Cali and inspect our line of WALK-OVER Shoes
returned from Marshfield Friday, Mrs. John Morgan, and many Miss Ray stepped to the door and
Adam Pershbnker, accompanied having gone over to report the do­ friends of that place.
called to some of her companions
by his daughter, Mrs. Lowe, re­ ings of the head camp, Woodmen
J. P. Jacobsen, of Eureka, Calif., with whom she had returned from $3,000 A large school building hereto-
as well as many other leading styles.
turned last week from a visit on of America, to which he bad been a
foie conducted as an academy,
father of our townsman, J. N. lodge, and Mrs. Walker, who lives
in center of well populated dis­
Coos river with Captain Edwards delegate.
trict. Building fully furnished.
Jaccobsen, one of the managers of next door, and by the time they
Good grounds. An excellent op-
and family.
Rev. Father Donnelly, of Marsh­ the Myrtle Grove creamery, arrived came in she only breathed a few
•ortunitv for the right party, Staple and Fancy Groceries.
"ill lease.
Owiug to the lateness of the sea­ field, came over Friday and went to here Mouday and is enjoying a visit times, and till the last answered
This amount of fine property,
son, A. J. Wimor is offering eggs Bandon Saturday, where he held with nis son and wife aud also a question, saying she was no better. $11,500
i in... including two fine residences
10-aore orange grove in Pomona, Cal. OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT.
from his thoroughbred Blue Anda- services on Sunday.
Next Sunday daughter, Miss Jacobsen who is
This has been a long life well and
to exchange for good stock ranch.
lusiaus and White Faced Black he will be of Cape Blanco, and at spending the summer here with her spent and the profusion of beauti­ *4500 A good farm of 220 acres near Co-
quille. Has *2.000 worth of first-
Spanish at $1.00 per setting.
Rogue River on the Sunday follow­ brother.
ful flowers waB a token of love and *
class timber. Will lease.
Prof. L. R. Edmunds, of Bandon,
$ 2 800 A fine corner business property
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cleghorn, of
returned from Marshfield Thursday
Rev. D. H. Hare will preacn at Jeffersou City, Mo., who will be re­ The funeral services were conducted
$ 1 500
Nice small place of 8 acres near
town, well improved, 4 acres full
where ho had gone to deliver Ban- the Presbyterian church next Sun­ membered as having spent a year in the M. E. Church, South, by
orchard, balance pasture
don’s educational exhibit for the day evening, services beginning at or so with us, but
and meadow. Good eyoporator.
returned Rev. H. M. Branham, and the re­
good investment.
Lewis anil Clark Exposition.
8 o ’clock.
He will hold a short home a few months ago, have con­ mains were lain to rest in the Odd
House and two lots in good
location. A bargain.
Mr. Hartson, manager of the Hil - conference with the members of the cluded to try Coos again, arriving
W. H- MANSELL, P r o p .
Good house, barn and four lots
mer and Bredhoff creamery, has church at the close of the service at Myrtle Point the last of the week. huge concourse of relatives and
Successor to T. J. Little.
in fine location.
inado arrangements by which he and would like to have all present. They are visiting Mrs. Cleghorn’s friends.
Corner business property. Bettor
General Hospital
$$15 to $$30 p e r w eek
Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron.
Marshfield, Oregon.
Boneparte, Jr.
Jw w w w w w w w w w w w S
Sanford’s Bargains
W. T. Kerr
will handle the output of the Sugar
Leaf Creamery, of Myrtle Point.
The union prayer meeting will he
held at the Christian church next
Thursday evening at 8 o ’clock. The
interest is growing in these meet­
ings nnd all are cordially invited to
Henry Grady, of Norway, went to
the hay Monday to take a steamer
for San Francisco where he goes to
visit his daugher, Mrs. Amanda
Nelson, who he thiuks may return
with him.
W ak run — A neat woman or girl
to do house keeping and chores
on small ranch 1J miles from Myr­
tle Point. Wages 810 to $15 per
month, address Capt. John Felsher,
Myrtle Point, Oregon.
W. D. Marshall, of Bandon, pass
ed through this city on Saturday,
beiug on his way to Portland,
where he goes as a delegate to at­
tend the Grand Court of the Forest­
ers of America which convenes there
W. O. Williams, one of Marsh­
field’s real estate men, was over to
the county seat Monday.
He in­
forms us that some changes in the
ownership of real estate on the bay
have taken place and that the indi­
cations are that this will be a lively
season on the bay.
uncle, Tex Robison, and family.
Mrs P B. Hoyt Dead.
Several members of Coqui lie’s
baseball nine for this season have
On Saturday morning, Amelia,
arrived, including T. C. Streib, 1st
wife of P. B. Hoyt, of this place,
B., Geo. Cooper, P.; Willis Ordway,
passed away after a long illness.
L. F.; Mike Nevins, S. S .; Paul|
The funeral took place Monday
Peralta, C.; Chas. Robinson, 3rd
afternoon, the service being con­
B. Of our local boys, Henry Smith,
ducted by Rev. W. Horsfall, in the
Mrs. W. T. Lewis got word from 2nd B.; Ed. Lorenz, C. F., will
Episcopal Church.
her husbandJast W’eek that he had take part The prospects are good
The attendance was large, the
purchased a farm at North Ynkama, for some pretty lively games here
being too small to accommo­
Washington, and on Monday start­ this summer.
date those in attendance.
ed for that place with her children
Will Barrows who was severly
The floral tribute at the grave
for future residence. She was ac­ hurt and came near being killed by
companied by Mrs. Orth, Mr. Lewis’ a falling tree one day last week, is was very beautiful and • profuse, in­
mother, who recently came out getting along all right, having come dicative of the esteem in which de­
ceased was held.
from Kentucky.
to town yesterday. While sawing on j
W. D. Cox, of Portland, who has a log a large tree fell without any ap- j Deceased leaves a husband nnd
been here for a month or more look­ parent cause and would have struck : three children, a father and mother,
ing up the records of lands belong­ him had he not moved and while | two sisters and two brothers, and a
ing to the Southern Pacific within he dodged the big tree, there was : | large number of friends to mourn
her departure.— Bandon Recorder.
Coos county, for the purpose of a small maple fell, and many limbs |
------------ .»»«
making assessments more accurate, scattered about him, one of which
Kerr, of Portland, repre­
got through with his work, and ac­ struck him. He is to be congrat­
companied by his wife, went to the ulated that he got ofi as luckily as senting Busbong A Co., stationers
and lithographers, accompanied by
bay last Saturday to catch a steam­ he did.
H. Stinnsmith, introducing Dr.
er for home.
J. E. and E. J. Martin, of east-
Clark's Dandruff Cure, have been
j ern Oregon, who have been at Myr-
in town two or three days and made
j tie Point several day visiting anoth-
our office a pleasant business call.
i er brother, went to Bandon yester- _____
day. While in town they met old
friends in the persons of V. N. Perry : W
Cut this out.
andJ.B.Fox. In 1872 they were here i $
Bring it to Dl.
and worked for Mr. Perry’s father
in the clearing of the old place near J
It ia worth 25 cents in trade
Norway, and in company, with Vale,
at our store on repairing or
they visited with J. B. Fox, then on
purchases amounting to tl.0 0
his old place near Gravel Ford and
or more.
with bim took an elk hunt wbicb
Wilaon Jewelry Co.,
was an event greatly enjoyed and
T b e R e l i a b l e J e w e le r *
20 T eere'
E x p e r ie n c e
long to lie remembered by those
ib-S» o a o o o o
taking part.
£ CO'S
For men who toil
investigate this now.
A hill ranoh on Fishtrap of 150
acres, 4 acres cultivated, 40 acres
in grass, 2 rough houses, barn, 100 young
fruit trees, about 300,000 feet fine cedar
timber. This is a genuine bargain.
A residence property that is dirt
8 500
* 260 Two fine lots near the school-
5-room cottage and one lot.
t 500 Now
A cozy home.
fine residence lots, close to
$ 400 Three
business. An extraordinary bar­
$ 100 Two corne»* bottom lots.
It is impossible to describe my list in this
C3lnmn. If yon are looking for a good
piece of property at a reasonable prioe,
can certainly suit yon.
Kemembei, I rent houses and farms,
make loans and do-all kinds o f agency
business. Come in and see me before buy­
ing. I oan save yon DOLLARS.
Coquille, Oregon.
All orders handled with carefulness and expedience.
Sole Agent for
Coquille Coal and Lumber Co’s Coal
Z M I^ U S T
Who tied the oow’s tail to his leg iu the process of milk
ing; said she had not dragged him over tw o m iles b efor
he realized he had m i lo a mistake.
H o w
: m :- u c £ i . F a r t h e r
Must you be dragged before you realize you are making a
mistake in not using E lectric L igh ts.
Quality as well as Quantity
for the price paid at the
Dealer In
Bicyles Sundries, Etc.
Wheel8 to Rent.
Speciality .
City M eat Market
Lard, Bacon, Hams, Sausage, Chickens, Vegetables,
, Turkey8 and Game in Season.
Front Street,
Coquille, Ore.,
Phone, Main 43.
P. 0. Box 224