Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 17, 1905, Image 1

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{foqmlk îlentlfc
V ol .
22: No. 85
Application made at tho post-
office at Coquille, Oregon, for trans­
mission through the mails as second-
class matter.
W ill Reap no Profit
County CourtJProceedings.
office, circuit court............. 42 00
No further business appearing
oourt adjourned for the term.
State of Oregon (
County of Cooe J 8S
I, James Watson, County Clerk,
ex-officio Clerk of the CountyjCourt
for the County of Coos, State of
Oregon, hereby oertify that the fore,
going is a true and correct synopsis
of the proceedings of the county
court at the adjourned April, 1905,
term thereof, and the whole of such
proceedings at said court
Wituoss my haud aud the seal of
said court affixed this 9th day of
May A. D. 1905.
County court proceedings at the
Boston, May 3.— A private letter
from an ndministrution official in adjourned April, 1905, term, May
Washington says that Embassadors 6th, 1905.
Walter Culin, M. D.
Jusserand of France anil Sternburg
Expenses in vacation after April,
P h y sic ia n a n d S urgeon
of Oermany are only awaiting the 1905, adjourned term to May 8th,
O o q u il l e C i t y , O rb .
return of President Roosevelt to the 1905:
capital to learn his views on the Salaries of officers.................$208 34
« Ä S i p i S :
T e le p h o n e s .
question of peace between Russia Court House, janitor, eto........ 60 84
and Japan before sailing for their Indigents.................................. 103 00
respective countries. This is the Indigent soldiers.................. 28 00
Stanley & Burns,
real reason for the President’s sud- Attys appointed by circuit
A ttorn eys-at-Law ,
' den change of plans. He hopes be­
court ................................. 20 00
Real Estate, Collections.
fore May 15 to be able to do some­ Court bailiffs at circuit court 87 00
Specialties—Criminal and U. S. Land
Cases, Notaries Publio.
thing for peace. He will communi­
In the matter of declaring prohi­
C o qu illb ,
O bkqon .
cate to the Embassadors of powers, bition in the county of Coos, state
to Russia and to JapaD, the termB of Oregon:
J ames W atson ,
Now, at this time this matter com­
upon whioh the United States will
County Clerk.
insist in the treaty of peace between ing on to be heard, and it appear­
Geo. Russell, M. D.,
the two warring nations.
ing to the court that at the Novem­ w i l l K isffitr I r o n i ltli< M iu tn ti»> ii?
As a power having material inter­ ber, 1904, election held in the state
Why suffer from rheumatism
ests at stake in the Philippines and of Oregon and in the county of when one application of Chamber­
; Calls promptly answered day or night.
commercial interests on the Asiatic Coos; that a majority of the votis lain’s Pain Balm will relieve the
mainland, the United States will be cast at said election were cast for pain? The quick relief which this
Phone, main 136-
as much entitled as any neutral pow­ prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liniment affords makes rest and
I Coquille,
er to dictate some of the terms on liquors within the entire county of sleep possible, and that alone is
Coos. It is therefore ordered by worth many times its cost. Many
whioh peace shall be based.
The letter says the maiu terms up­ the court that the sale of intoxicat­ who have used it hoping only for a
on which the United States will in­ ing liquors shall be prohibited ex. short relief from suffering have been
A. J. Sherwood,
sist were long ago discussed and cept as in the local option liquor happily surprised to find that after
A ttornry - at - L aw ,
decided upon
in Washington. law passed by the Legislature, pro­ awhile the relief became permanent.
N otary P ublio ,
Holding fast to the policy having vided. And this order shall be in M rs. V. II. Leggett of Yum Yum,
as its sole purpose the maintenance effect from and after the 8th day of Tennessee, U. S. A., writes. “ I am
of the integrity of China and the May, 1905, until at a legal election a great Bufl'erer from rheumatism,
all over from head to foot, and
“open door,” the United States will a majority vote otherwise.
Walter Sinclair,
strive only for the expulsion of Rus­
This order was objected to by H Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is the
A T X O R N K Y -A T -L A W j
sia from Manchuria, but it also will H McPherson by his attorneys, only tiling that will relieve the
N otary P u b lic ,
expect the Japanese Government to which objection was overruled by pain.” For sale by R. S. Knowlton.
adhere to the pledges it frequently the court.
made, both before and during the
In the matter of painting the Circuit Court Proceedings ior
April 1905 Term.
war, and not attempt the annexa­ court house and court yard fence,
/ . Hacher,
tion of Manchuria or interference etc:
2258. J T McCormac vs Henry
with Chinese administration of that
A bstracter op T itle «.
This matter coining on to be
Sengstacken A E G Flanagan, ac­
territory. Furthermore, the United heard at this time, and it appearing
Coquii.LE C it y , O re
tion at law. Hall & Hall attys for
States will insist that Corea be re­ that Leneve, McDuffee and Mathe-
plft. Desire to file amended com­
stored to the status existing before son have completed their contract
Motion to strike out
the exigencies ot was compelled Ja­ in workmen-like manner and the
Permitted to file
Hall & Hall,
pan to seize the reins of govern­ same accepted by the court, it is
nmended complaint.
A ttohney 9- at - L aw ,
ment there.
ordered that the county clerk draw
to amended complaint overruled.
Dealet in K kal E state o f all kinda.
President Roosevelt has been a warrant on the county treasurer,
Answer to he filed.
Marshfield, Oregon.
criticized in some quarters for the on the general fund, for the sum of
and settled.
seemingly partial attitude of the $195.50 to pay the balance due said
2259. Schiller B Herman vs Henry
administration in faverof Japan and parties on said contract.
W ard et al suitiu equity, S D Pul-
Ellsworth B. Hall,
against Russia. The writer of the
In the matter of constructing a
ford for plft. Default.
latter declares that the President scow for ferry boat at Coquille:
$2020 and interest and $150.
has put the good faith of Japan to
Now at this time this matter com­
Atty fee.
C o q u il l e ,
O regon .
the full test and assumes that all ing on to be heard, and the bids for
Collections and Insurance.
ptedges made relative to the admin­ the above mentioned ferry-boat, be­ 2261. W M Wood nnd HeDry Mc­
Culloch vs W H Shepherd, suit to
istrative and territorial entity of ing opened, and it appearing to the
foreclose mechanic's hen.
F. M.
China will be carried out. Japan court that the bid of E Heucken-
has been regarded not as fighting dorff of $250, is the lowest and best j Rummill atty for pltf.
E. D. Sperry.
W . C. Chase.
and dismissed.
foy the conquest of territory, but bid therefore. It is therefore or­
John S Coke, jr, vs Jas H
to prevent encroachments by Russia dered that the court enter into a
Wall et al, action at law.
npon a district of the Far East contract with the said E Heucken-
Attorney s-at-Law.
Seabrook and C F McKnight attys
which must remain open to the com­ dorff for the construction of said
for pltf.
Demurrer to complaint
merce of all nations.
Offloe in Robinsoo Building,
ferry boat.
- * - * • * - « --
overruled aud answer filed. M o­
In the matter of making a fill on
tion to strike out part of answer
The Daughters of the Revolution
the John Morgan place:
Reply filed. Jury
are inclined to declare a feud over
This matter coming on to be }
taken. Verdict for pltf for $60
the disposition of the remains of
heard at this time, and the b id s ;
E. G. D. Holden,
John Paul Jones.
against Jas. Wall.
Judgment on
heretofore advertised boiog opened
I j AW Y KR,
verdict. Roferred to court re­
Anothe example of Russian tyr­ by court for contract to make the
City Recorder, U. S. Coramissioner, Gen
porter to take and report testi.
anny is afforded by the reduction said fill; the bid of R O Hoberg for
crai Insaranoo Agent, and Notary
of poor Kuropatkin’s salary to only the sum of $565.00 being the lowest
Publio. Office in Robin­
$54,000 a year.
and best bid therefore.
It is o r ­ 2263. Mary M Nosier vs J \V Nos­
son Building.
ier, suit for divorce.
dered by the court that said bid be
How to yVnril oflT O ld A r <\
Coquille, Oregon.
The most successful way of ward­ accepted and they enter into con­
divorce and custody of minor
I __________________i
maintain a vigorous digestion. the same.
A. F. Kirshman,
D e n tist .
Office two doors South of Post office.
C oqu ille
str. D IS P A T C H
Tom White, Master,
I Arrives
Bandnn....... 7 a - m . I Coquille. .10 A-«.
C oquille....... 1 r-M. | Bandon . . . . 4 F-M
Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield
and steamer Eiho for Myrtle Point.
Str. F A V O R IT E
J. C. Moomaw, Master,
! Arrives
Coquille....... 7 A-M. j Bandon. .10:45 a - m .
Bandon......... 1 P-M. | Coquille. 4:45 P-M
James. Master,
M yrtleP oiu t.. .7 A-M. | oquille C’y 9 30 A-N.
quille City. . 1 P-M. | Myrtle P t.,4 00 r-M.
Dally except S u n d a y . _______
Str. W E L C O M E
W . R. Tanter, Master.
Myrtle Point 1:30 p-M. I Coquille C y 4KK) p - m .
Coquille City 7:00 a - m . I Myrtle P’t 104)0 a - m
Connects with lower-river boats at Coquille
City for Band, .n and intermediate points.
Ample l arges for handling freight.________
Sewing Machine Repairing
Dayid Fulton, of this city, ia an expert
cieaher and repairer, and anyone in
need of his services will do well to call
at hia residence or drop him a card.
For Sale.
A good hom e
aay te rm s:
th is c ily ,
Enquire at this office,
This can bo done by eating only
food suited to your age and occupa­
tion, and when and disorder of the
stomach appears take a dose of
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets to correct it. If you have
a week stomach nr a-e troubled
with indigestion, you will find these
Tablets to be just what you need
For sale by R. S. Knowlton.
In the matter of the application
of Mrs Kennedy for aid from Coos
Now, at this time this matter com­
ing on to be beard and the court
being advised in the premises and
it appearing to the court that the
above application should be grant­
ed. It is ordered that the county
clerk draw a warrant on the county
treasurer for the sum of ten dollars
in favor of Mrs Kennedy, and a
warrant for like amount at the end
of each month hereafter until furth­
er order of th is court.
In the matter of the Bridge
across the north fork the Coquille
river at Lee, Oregon:
The matter of the bridge at the
al>o7e mentioned place being con-
W a n te d — Trustworthy man or
woman to manage business in this
county and adjoining territory for
well established house of solid
financial standing. $20.00 straight
cash salary with all necessary ex­
penses paid weekly by check from
headquarters. Money advanced for
previous experience not essential.
No investment required. We furn-.
isbed everything. Enclose self ad- «¡dered, and it appearing that the
dressed envelope. Address, Mana- brid« e 18 in a d M i etou( condition
- 111. nnd that a new bridge should be
ger, 810 Como
Block, Chicago,
built It is therefore ordered that
L Harlocker, county judge, have
Fine Breakfast Bacon at Dcau A plans and specifications prepared
and advertise for bids for the con­
Attention! Wool Growers— W. T. struction of a bridge at Lee, Ore­
Kerr will make contracts and cash gon, and that said bids be opened
advances for your wool.
at the July, 1905, term of this
F or S ale . — Three beautiful town
lots, nicely situated at a reasonable
The following bills were consid.
price and on the installment plan. ered and allowed by the court, and
Enquire at the H e r a l d office.
the county clerk ordered to draw
David Fulton, of this city, will take warrants in payment of the same:
orders ior head stones, monuments and Frank Morse, electric lights
all kinds of cemetery work for the Coos
and lamps......................... $ 27 00
C mnty Marble anil Granite Works, of
R H Mast, work in clerk’s
M arshfield.
2264. W T Kerr <fe Co vs C N
Wigant, suit to foreclose mort­
gage. Stanley & Burns attys for
pltf. Default.
Decree of fore­
closure and judgment for $100
and inst and $25.00 atty fee.
P er
Y ear
The public knows that the beef
trust is likely to be indictsd. but
the trouble is that the beef trust
does not seem to know it.
A pretty advertisement advises
hunting with a camera.
tho gun depicted in the illustration
is to be used after the snap.
The Colorado clergyman who
gravely announces that tho world
has only two more years to exist
must have a grudge against Vice.
President Fairbanks.
The Standard Oil Company of
Kansas has informed the adminis­
tration ut Washington that Com­
missioner of Corporations Garfield
is persona non grata.
With carriage horses selling in
New York at $500 a pair, the sale of
$5000 nutos on the increase and a
demand for diamonds which exceed
the supply, why s.hould anyone
complain of hard times?
nowlton’s Drug Store
Besides a complete stock
| ol Drugs and Druggist’s Sun-1
I dries carries Kodaks and Sup-
I plies, Phyrography outfits and
I Supplies.
l. H. HAZARD, C lt k ls r
R. E. SHINE, Vice Prta
T ra n sa cts a General Ranking B u sin e ss
When Governor Folk asked the
Missouri legislature to enact a bill
Board of Director«.
making bribery a felony, he ought
A. J. Sherwood,
to have known that the constitution R. 0. Dement,
L. H. Hazard,
L. Harlocker,
provides that no man shall be com­
R .E . Shine.
Isaiah Hacker,
pelled to incriminate himself.
Until a senate committee began
to investigate the railway problem
no one ever dreamed how solicitous
railway managers were for the in­
terests of the dear people who have
invested their savings in railway
A professor in a Chicago Uni­
versity claims te have discovered
that the July 4th ought to be cele­
brated on August 18.
We are
afraid it will require all his peda­
gogic resources to educate the pat­
riotic small boy to believe it.
Rev. Or. Charles A. Crane, after
a careful investigation, announces
that there are at least 140 varieties
of religion in one city. Something
of a commentary on the Biblical an­
nouncement that “ There shall bo
one faith and one baptism," etc.
According to some Canadian lapd
advertisements there is an all water
route for grain from the wheat
fields of British Columbia to Liver­
The advertisements forgot
to say that most all of the water is
under three feet of ice, as in Hud­
son’s bay.
Madame President General Fair­
banks did say, “ Now you hush,”
when trying to preserve order in
the D. A. R- congress.
But if a
man had been obliged to preserve
order in that assemblage the things
ho would have said would not have
done to print.
National Bank of Commerce, New York City
Crocker Woolwurth N ’l Bank, San Francisco
First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
Blue Andalusian
Hens, Prize Winners.
Eggs per Setting, $2.50.
White Faced Black Spanish
Eggs per Setting $2.50.
The above named fowls are the
best layers
known to the poultryman and my stock is a ll prize
^ J. A. Wimer, Coquille, Oregon.
C oquille
Steam Laundry
S. li. NOSLER.
A New York man recently told a
Salvation Army meeting how he led
the simple life.
He said he was
Experienced Help
Reasonable Rates
deckhand of a mud scow, the hus­
band of a tug captain’s daughter,
Special Kates to Families and Hotels
the father of a child born aboard
ship and lived in one room with a
our own soap and know Its ingredients. No injurious chemicals used.
monkey, o parrot and a concertina We make Our
baskets will be left at all the principal points on the river.
Only superficial thinkers will be
scandalized at the fact that exten­
sive dishonesty is being exposed in
the present administration. Ninety
per cont of the men who have been
2237. John P Hunter vs Catherine found guilty of betrayal of their
E Hunter, suit for divorce, Hall trust, in the government service,
& Hall attys for plft. Decree of were appointed before the begin­
ning of the present administration
and nearly ninety-five per cent of
the men discharged or indicted for
To cold draughts of air, to keen dishonesty were appointed under
and cutting winds, sudden changes the spoils systom. And this in nat­
of the temperature, scanty clothing, ural. There is everything in the
undue exposure of the throat nnd method whereby men gain title to
neck after public speaking and political preferment, sucb prefer­
-----— and —1*
singing, 1
on coughs
cold. ment as minor federal offices, which
Ballard’s Horehound Syrup is is calculated to vitiate the moral
the best cure. Mrs. A. Barr, Hous­ stamina of the aspirants for publio
ton, Texas writes, Jan. 31, 1902: office, everything which is likely to
‘ One bottle of Ballard’s Horehound blunt the conscience and lead men
Syrup cured me of a very bad to regard the federal treasury as
cough. It is very pleasant to take. the natural prey of the cleverest
politician. It is to the credit of an
For sale by R- S. Rnowlton.
administration to uncover dishon­
Hotel and livery stable (or sale. Both
esty and prosecute “ grafters.”
buildings in good condition ; 16 rooms in
hotel, 12 bedrooms. All rooms fur­ would be easy to bush these things
24 stalls in stable.
down, b a la n c e on easy payments.
For up and so preserve "an unblemish­
further information call on or address ed record,’’ while on some future
E. M. Furman, the Piano Man, Marsh­
' administration would devolve the
field, Or., or a t this office.
See those baby bonnets at Mrs. Per- duty of exposing the rottenness of
' the public service.
rott’ s.
2224. F E Nelson vs North Bend
Woolen Mills Co, action at law.
J W Bennett, atty for pltf. J udg-
ment for $477.
Order for sale
of attached property
Best of Work
Goods called for and delivered in Coquille City.
wm m
The New Store,
Ladies Furnishing Gu^ua, etc.
Novelties, Fancy Goods
Notions, Nuts, Can­
dies and Tropi­
cal Fruits.
F ron t S treet,
C o q u ille , O r e g o n