Maquille JicMfc COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1905. V ol . 22: No. 84 Application made at the post- Circuit Court Proceedings office at Coquille, Oregon, for trans- April 1905 Term. miseion through the mails asseoond class matter. (Continue!' from laat week) Walter Culin, M. D. P hysician and S prokon (J ohuille C it y , O k *. Kronenberg B ldg. N ext Door to P. O. T e le p h o n e 3. Stanley & Burns, AHoruey#-at-Law, Beal Estate, Collections. Specialties—Criminal and ü . 8. Land Cases, Notaries Publio. Osinoti. COQUILLH, i ! Geo. Russell, M. 0., ior 21(51. R H Rosa vs Eliza Boice and J T Boice, suit to foreclose lien. J M Upton, atty for pltf A J Sherwood, atty for defts. Re­ port of referee filed. Argued aud taken under advisement. 2204. J H Guerry ve North Bend Woolen Mills Co, actiou at law. Guerry A Hollister, attj s for pltf. J M Upton, atty for deft. In­ cluded in decree of Simpson Lumber Co vs North Bend Wool­ en Mill Co. 220(5. John B Anderson vs Coos Bay Mill it Lumber Co, action at law. Hall k Hall attys for pltf, J W Bennett atty for deft. Re­ port of assignee confirmed. Accuses Father of Murder. Rush of Immigrants NOTE AN D CO M M EN T Grants Pass, April 28.— Brooding over his secret and the fact of the threats of death should lie ever tell, for over 16 months, lead Lloyd In­ gram, aged 17 years, to tell of the murder of Wm. Dunlap The mur. der was committed about the 19th or 20 o f September, 1903, at the cabin of the hermit miner and pros­ pector on Louse creek, and no clue was ever gained as to whom com­ mitted the crime. Andrew iDgram and Elsey Dod- son are in jail here, charged with the never-solved murder of Win Dunlap of Louse creek, Jssephine county. Dunlap, a hermit placer miner, was shot to give robber: op­ portunity to search his shack unmo­ lested for gold supposed to be secreted there. In some respects the killing resembled the murder of Patrick Dunn on the Crescent City stage road a few months ago. Ingram and Dodson, the former of Crescent City, and the latter of Grants Pass, were apprehended through the confession of Lloyd Ingram, son of Andrew Ingram, who claims to have been with bis father and Dodson when they killed Dunlap, and that he helped to search the premises for treasure. Twelve dollars he tells Sheriff Lewis was all they got in money, apart from gold dust The boy, who is aged 17, says he was afraid his father would kill him, and so con­ fessed. New York, May 1.— On 22 steam­ ships due to arrive at this port this week from Great Brituin and the continent is the highest numbe.* of immigrants ever scheuled to enter during such a period of time. The horde roaches nearly 25,000. At Ellis Island arrangements have been made for their prompt handling, because the detention of any part would at once tax the facilities of the emigration station far beyond ita limits. ' The bulletins mmounuing the complete ruin of the Delawure peach crop have arrived on time. Figures for the week that has just closed were close to 22,000, showing that rush has been kept up for a longer period than ever before, and it is likely that the total immi­ gration for the spring will far ex­ ceed any previous year. The Prince of Wales has just had a boil lanced. The Prince might have purer blood if he had kept Lent. It must rejoice? The British tax payer that Great Britain proposes to make its navy greater than that of any other three European powers. If the Mormons start iu to inves­ tigate their Apostle and Revelation Trust they may have their hands full without mixing in politics. It is a lucky girl who finds “ an SI. 50 P er Y eah nowlton’s Store Besides a complete stock H oi Drugs and Druggist’s Sun- I dries carries Kodaks and Sup- I plies, Phyrography outfits and 1 Supplies. affinity” worth #20,000,000. That A J. SHERWOOD, P r» . R. E. SHINE, Vies P r » l. H. HAZARD, C ith lsr has bsen the experience of Miss 2201). Henry Carnpe & Co, vs C O Rose Pastor who is to nuirry Mr. ! Calls promptly answered day or night, Nearly 22,000 immigrants arrived Gilkey, action at law. A J Sher­ Phelps-Stokes. . in New York last wast week, and Phone, main 186. wood atty ,for pltf. Default. the number to arrive on steamers Judgment for $345.92 and costs “ Resolved, That we gravely : Oregon. C oqu ille, : : due this week is 25,000. All pre­ doubt the sincerity of President and order of sale of attached o p C O Q U in iiB , O R H O O fi. vious records in the immigrant busi­ Roosevelt’s protestations against property. ness have been broken several times race suicide.” (¡Signed) The Bears I 2217. Stella Fox and Claud Fox, T r a n sa c ts a General B anking B u sin e ss this year, and when the average of Colorado. her husband, vs Julia Hayes etal, A. J. Sherwood, runs up in excess of 3000 per day at suit in equity. Stanley & Burns A t to r n e y - a t - L a w , We fear Commissioner of Corpo­ one port, the effect will, sooner or Board of Dlreotoro. oto. attys for pltfs. Default, and ap­ N o t a b y P u b l io , later, he felt mi industrial conditions rations Garfield made a mistake in R. 0. Dement, A. J. Sherwood, National Bank of Commerce, New York City pointment of guardian ad litem. C oquille, : : Oregon L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, Crocker Woolworth N’l Bank, San Francisco throughout the country. Women going to Kansas to investigate the O C Sanfotd appointed for Bird Isaiah Hacker, R .E . Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or. and children, of course, make up a trusts. He should have gone to Vowell, minor. Decree of sale by considerable portion of the crowd New Jersey. petition and appointment of J. S. Walter Sinclair, now pouring in’from the Old World, Lawrence to make sale. The Czar need not fear that it A t t o r n e y -A t - L a w , but in tlib two weeks “ receipts” men­ 2228. W II Smith vs E I Braddock, will injure the prestige of the Rus­ N o t a r y P u b l ic , tioned th ere were enough able bodi­ sian arms to tnako peace. Outside action at law. Sperry & Chase Coquille, : Oregon. ed men to HU every position vacated of Russia everyono is familiar with attys for pltf. W Sinclair atty by the strikers in Chicago and leavo recent events in Manchuria. for deft. Demurer to complaint. some to spare fo r other pointH This Demurrer sustained. Pltf given Rojestvensky W rites Despair­ /. Hacker, heavy immigration is a more serious ■How shall the masses be reached? leave to file amended complaint ing Letter. menace to the cause of labor than asks Secretary Shaw. We can as­ A bstracter o r T itles . by Monday at I p . m. Agreed all of the "Farleys” in the country. sure the Secretary that there is no OoquiLbS C it y , O r it St. Petersburg, May 4— Admiral that he have till April 29. Dis­ — Oregonian. better way than through the adver­ missed on raotiou of pltf without Rojestvensky has written a letter to tising columns of this paper. a relative here, which complains thut prejudice. Chicago, May 2.—The doath of it will he impossible for him to tight Hall & Hall, one man and the injuy of scores of 2234. John Marsh vs Bandon Oil President Roosevelt ip taking A t t o r n e y s - a t - L aw , Co, a corporation, action at law. with the material at his command. others were tho immediate result, of well earned rest. His variety of E g g s p e r S e t t i n g $ 2 .5 0 . Dealer in U ral E state o f all kinds. Sperry k Chase attys for pltf. He says that the lack of discipline today’s fighting between the strik­ resting is strenuous but it is doubt­ ing teamsters aud their sympathizers ful, ami perhaps even more benefic­ Demurrer to complaint.) Demur­ is appalling, and concludes: M arshfield, Oregon. “ These are the men and ships with on the one side and the police and The above named fowls are the best layers rer overruled. Permitted to file ial, than a siesta in a hammaek. which I am expected to face the the non-union men on the other. amonded complaint. Deft given known to the poultry man and mystoch is all prize It is a There were riots in all parts of the till 1 o’clock April 25tb. Jury powerful Japanese fleet. Major Warner, the new senator, Ellsworth B. Hall, winners. taken and stipulated that trial be hopeless enterprise, ' and nothing city. Men were clubbed and stoue- from Missouri, expended just $29.80 Atto rnoy-at-L aw , by jury of seven. Verdict for short of a miracle can save us from ed almost to death wi" ;r a Square for his seat in the upper chamber. annihilation.” of police headquarters and five miles What a source of sorrow it must be C oquille , : *• '■ O regon . deft for $1.00. It is said that the government away men were shot down in the to Gasman Addicks that he doea 2242. Louis Dufuult vs Catherioe Collections ami Insurance. stroDgly resents the publication of streets. At a hundred places be­ not live in Missou ri. Dufault, suit for divorce, Hall k Hall, attys for plft. Order for the letter, and the Ministers have tween these two extremes there I reprimanded Rojestvensky . for his were assaults aud fights iu the The people of the U nited States publicatiou of summons. lack of discretion. E . D. Sperry. W . C . Chase. drink an average of 1.48 gallons of streets. Blood was shed on State 2243. John Hartley vs H L Under­ street, in the heart of the fashion­ distilled liquor per capita; the peo­ wood & J E Underwood, action at SPERRY & CHASE, Hold up Bank able shopping district, ami furious ple of Great Britain 1.38 gallons; law Sjierry k Chase, attys for plft. the people of Franco 1.85 gallons Attorney s-at-Law. Salem, May 3.— The Bank of riots took place almost in the door­ Stanley & Burns attys for Defts. ways of the leading hotels. Non­ and the people of Germany 2,11 Woodburu was held up aud robbed Demurrer to compluint. Demur­ Office in Robinson Bailding, gallo us. rer withdrawn and permission of three thousand dollars this after­ union men were pelted with stones, C oqu ille, - - ’ Oregon. bricks and every other conceivable given to file answer by Monday noon. Two men entered tho front It may be that these Omaha 9 am . Answer filed. Demurrer door and presenting a pistol, held sortof missiles. They were dragged school boys who struck because of from thoir wagons, beaten, clubbed to answer sustained. Amended up the cashier, Tracy M. Poorman. the presence of two Japanese boys E. G. D. Holden, and stamped upon. .The mobs that answer to be filed by Tuesday at No one was in the bank but the at their school had experienced followsd the wagons on which they L àwybr , PHONE 11« 3 o’clock. Demurrer to answer cashier, a son of J. M. Poorman, some of the surprises of jiu jitsu. rode were ugly in the extreme, and ity Beoorder, U. S. Commissioaer, Qen overruled. Jury taken. Vvedict the banker, his little boy, and Miss but for the splendid sorvice render­ eral tnsuranoe Agent, and Notary Secretary Loeb has begun to deny Eddy, a stenographer. for $281 and costs. ed by the po ice, the list of dead the wild stories that have gained Publio. Office in Robin­ The robbers were two short men 2253. John H Diers vs Belt Line would be 20 instead of one. circulation regarding the Presi­ son Building. They bad no Railway Co., a corporation, ac­ wearing overalls. dent’s hunting trip. We fear the C oqu ille, Oregon. HO P H 1B T O R tion at law. J M Blake, atty for coats on, and had handkerchiefs Grants Pass, Or., May 2— Tho Secretary has started in on a long plft. Domurrer withdrawn and over their faces, and one of them matter of a railroad from Grants and tedious undertaking. Monday at 9 a. m. set as time for wore goggles. Pass to Crescent City and the sea Experienced Help Reasonable Rates Young Poorman thought at first has again been taken up, and recent filing aoewer. Answer filed. Mo­ Senator Platt, of New York, A. F. Kirshman, tion for bill of particulars over­ that it was some of his friends play­ developments inilicato construction gravely announces that this is the Special Kali's to Fam ilies and Hotels D entist . ruled. Motion to make more ing a practical joke on him, but of the line this summer. Colonel foolish season in politics. Recent Offioe at Hesidenoe, one blook east o f deffimte overruled. Given until when one covered him with a gun T. W. Draper, of San Francisco, reports from New York would in- one o’clock Tuesday to file reply. while the other swept all the cash chief engineer for the California k licate that the Se nator speaks from W o m ake our ow n soap and know its ingredients. N o Injurious chemicals used. Tattle Hotel. Our baskets will lie left at all the principal points on the river. Reply filed. Motion for continu­ in the money trays into a sack, he Oregon Coast Railway Company, experience. Goods called for and d elivered in O oqu ille C ity. C oqullle . - . Oregon, awoke to the fact that they meant which has completed its final survey ance allowed. 2252. J M Perkins vs Julia Ran- business. They threatened to kill o f the line, has just made a further From the manner in which the dlemen et al, suit for injunction any one who made an outcry, and inspection of the proposed route. Daughters of the Revolution man­ Stanley & Burns, attys for plfts. had the money anil were gone be­ Colonel Draper has also secured re­ age to rautulute parliamentary pro- Str. D IS P A T C H A J Sherwood atty for delta. fore any one could see what was go­ ports on all the mines, also from the ceeilure one is led to suspect tba Tom White, Master, The whole j timber belts and agricultural dis- they have all taken lessons in jiu Demurrer to answer. Motion to ing on in the bank. Leaves I Arrives Bandon....... 7 A-M. | Coqullle------ 10 A-M. dissolve preliminary injunction. town was speedily alarmed and gave : tricts of the region the line will itsu. Coqullle...... 1 P-M. | Bandon------ 4 p - m . Order of injunction modified and chase but the men were out of ! treverse, to gain an intelligent idea Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield and steamer E iho for Myrtle Point. sight. demurres to answer overruled. of the traffic the road might expect. Since some of the statesmen book­ The robbery was carefully The company has secured right of 2254. John Wall vs James H Wall, Str. F A V O R IT E ed for Secretary Taft’s junket have J. U. Moomftw. Master, way, grounds for sidings and sta­ heard they will be expected to pay suit in equity, J W Bennett strike out Clark souvenirs at Mrs. Nosler’s? David Pulton, o f this city, ia an expert ton, Texas writes, Jan. 31, 1902 envy to read of a chief execu- j Attention! Wool Growers— W. T. part of complaint. First ground d e a d e r and repairer, and anyone in overruled; second ground sus­ Kerr will make contracts and cash “ One bottle of Ballard's Horehound live who leave his Secretary ol State need o f his services will do well to call Syrup cured me of a very bad in charge and retire into the wilder­ tained; third ground overruled. advances for your wool. at his residence o r d ro p him a card. Demurrer to complaint De­ It is very pleasant to take ness for a genuine bear bunt. The 1 Pavid Fulton, of this c ity , will take cough. For Sale. murer overruled. Answer to be orders for head sion es, m onum ents and For sale by R. S. Rnowlton. Cznr knows now what a hear hunt Jury all kinds of cem etery work for the Oooe A Rood home hi tiii' eiiv, <»n| filed by Tuesday 9 a. m is, hut he does not know tho joys of taken Verdict fo" deft County M arble and G ranite W orks, of Mrs. Per- Fee (hose liaby bonnets at aiv t e r m s : beiug the huntsman. SS2SSS M arshfield. (Continued on secon I page; r.itt’s. Enquire at this office. PHYSICIAN ANT) SlISOBoN, Office in RUSSELL PHARMACY. F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K Blue Andalusian Hens, Prize Winners. Eggs per Setting, $2.50. W hite Faced Black Spanish J. A. \TVj*er, Coqtiillo, Oregon. ■ C o q u il l e Steam Laundry S. M. NOSLER, Best of Work COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO. The New Store, MUS. M. NOSLER, PROP Ladies Furnishing Goods, etc. S tr. W ELCO M E Novelties, Fancy Goods Notions, Nuts, Can­ dies and Tropi­ cal Fruits. Front Street, Goquille, Oregon,