Cy*v* f à *5f*/ Wfi/CA y //** ^ \ J U l4 t / / à £ M .A ± & 3 A * /- \A /****y C/»C £MK*y. V o l . ZZT in o Coquille ïitmlh Filtered ns second-class m atter July 8, 11HI4, at the postottice at C oqu ille, Ore­ gon. under act of C ollare»« o f M arch 3, ; Circuit Court Proceedings April 1905 Term. for (Continued from last week) W alter Culin. M. D. I'll Y 8 ICIAN AND SUKGEON C oquille C it y , O kk . j 1 N K ext ronenberg B ldg. Door to l*. O, T e ie p i ,o „ e 3. 1 r Stanley & Burns, Attorueys-Rt- Law, Real Entate, Collections. Hpociaitie«—Criminal and U. 8. Land Caaes. Notaries Publio. C oq UILLB, - O b EOON. Geo. Russell, M. D., P h y s ic ia n a n d S o b o k o n , Office in RUSSELL PHARMACY. Calls promptly answered day or night. Phono, main 136. Oregon. I C oqu ille, A. J. Sherwood, A ttobnky - at - L a w , N otary P u b lic , C oqu ille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A Tri>as*i-AT-L»w , N otabt P u b l ic , C oquille, : : Oregon. T /. Hacher, AH8TRACTRR OF TITLES. C oquille C it y , O rk $1.50 P eu Y i K COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1905. . s ; i 2100. Mary Flanagan vs Mary Florence Mullen et al, suit in equity. A J Sherwood, atty for pltf. J \V Bennett and J S Coke attys for defts. Decree pursuant to stipulation. 2168. Prosper Mill Co vs J D Stewart, action at law. A J Sherwood, atty for pltf. J M Up­ ton, atty for deft. In hands of referee. Showing for continua­ tion. 2183. E B Fish vs C B Hines, suit to foreclose mechanic’s lien. F M Rurumell, atly ft ■ pltf. J H Geary, atty for deft. Continued. 2190. John A Reese vs Riverton Lumber Co, action at law. A J Sherwood, atty for pltf. Hal) A Hall for deft. Settled. 2203. S H Brown, as exet, etc, vs A H Mulkey, action at law. J C Fullerton, atty for pltf. C A Sehlbrede, atty for deft. De­ murrer to complaint filed. Con­ tinued for term by consent of parties. 2205. Isaiah Hacker vs Asa M Simpson, action at law. E B Watson and A M Crawford, attys for pltf. W U Douglas, atty for deft. Demurrer to complaint filed. Demurrer withdrawn. Defend­ ant given until Friday to file an­ swer, and pltf given GO days thereafter to reply or move against answer. 2207. F M Friedherg vs North Bend Woolen Mills Co, action at law. Hall A Hall, attys for pltf. Default. Judgment for $424. Order for sale of attached prop­ erty subject to any subsequent or­ der made by this court. the clerk. Congressman Killed in Riot. 2225. James H Guerry vs S E Hempstead, Tex., April 24.— Rep- Hines, action at law. Guerry & j resentative in Congress John M. Hollister attys for pltf. Judg­ ment by confession before the ; Pickney and two other men wore killed atainassmeetinghere tonight, clerh. called for the purpose of petition- 222G. Hellen Suedden vs Altic A ! ing the Governor to send rangers Gardner, suit for injunction. J here to enforce the local option law. M Upton and H M Brownell attys J. N. Brown, a loading lawyer and for pltf. Motion to disolve in­ , a leading began junction. Motion for leave to the shooting, which became geueral file amended complaint. j in au instant. 2227, Ramos Holandson vs Sarah The dead are, J. N. Brown, Rep­ A Tenbrook and A R Tenbrook, resentative John M. Pinckney, Tom suit in equity. J \\ Bennett and Pinckuey, brother of the Congress­ Bennett Swanton attys for pltf. man, John E. Mills, a leading pro­ Default. Decree of foreclosure. hibitionist. Judgment for $500 with interest "D oc” Tompkins, private secre­ at 10 per cent from March 17, tary to Representative Pinckney, 1903, and $17.90 paid for taxes aud Roliii Brown, son of J. N. and interest at 6 per cent from Brown, are badly wounded, hut Jan 25, 1905, $50 attorney fee and how seriously cannot be learned. costs and disbursements. There are many armed men on 2228. W H Smith vs E I Braddock, the streets touight, but it is not be­ action at law. Sperry & Chase j lieved there will be any more trou­ attys for pltf. W Sinclair atty ble. The Governor has been notified for deft. Demurer to complaint. and will send Rangers here. Demurrer sustained. Pltf given Mills was a farmer, who had long leave to file amended complaint been prominent in the affairs of the by Monday at 1 p. ui. Agreed county. that he have till April 29. When the trouble began, Tomp­ 2230. A H Snyder vs E A Snyder, kins was making a speech to a mo­ suit in equity. Sperry A Chase, tion. Brown had the floor. He atty for pltf. Default entered by used language which was objected clerk. Decree pursuant to com­ to, and at the same time grasped plaint and judgment for costs and : Tompkins by the coat. Represent­ disbursements. ative Pinckney sprang forward aud 2234. John Marsh vs Bandon Oil the shooting began, no one appear- Co, a corporation, action at law. to know who fired the first shot, Sperry A Chase attys for pltf. though it is said that a k in sm a n of Demurrer to complaint,j Demur­ Brown fired and that Representative rer overruled. Permitted to file Pinckney was the first to fall. A number of men appeared to be en­ amended complaint. 2238, George D Mandigo vs E A gaged in the shooting and some­ Beckett action at law, appeal thing like 100 shots were Sired. from Recorder’s Court, J M Blake atty for plft. Appeal dismissed. That the future of the Republic Hall & Hall, depends on the intelligent voter is A ttobskïs - at -L aw , 2210. Nina L Hughes vs H VV 2239, W F Waite vs Mary E Waite a proposition which no intelligent Suit for Divorce, Stanley A Burns Dealei in R eal E stati ! o f all kinds. Dunham, action at law. Guerry man will deny. Are you an intelli­ attys for plft. Default. M arshfield, Oregon. A Hollister, attys for pltf. A J gent voter? The intelligent voter, Sherwood atty for deft. Motion 2240, Thos Wilson vs Angus Mc­ for instance, knows how his mem­ Donald et al suit in equity, Sper­ ber of Congress votes on the im- to strike out part of complaint. ry A Chase attys for plft. De­ nortnnt questions which affect the Ellsworth R Hall. Motion g-nnted. Amended com­ fault as to each defendant. Foie welfare of the people plaint filed. Demurrer to amend­ How did A tto rn e y -a t-L a w , closure of mortgage. Judgment | your •ongressman vote last session? ed complaint filed. Demurrer to Ooquii.i.a, : : : O regon . for $914.25 and attorney fee of How many times was he absent amened complaint sustained. Set­ $91. C ollection s and In surance. tled and dismissed. when an important roll call oc­ 2213. King Keystone Oil Co vs 2243. John Hnrtley vs H L Under­ curred? Did he vote for the mile­ wood & J E Underwood, action at age steal? Did he support the North Bend Woolen Mills Co, ac­ law Sperry A Chase, attys for plft President on those points in the tion at law. Dinkenspiel and Hall E. I). Sperry. W . C . Chase. Stanley & Burns attys for Defts. j President’s message where the A Hall attys for pltf. Default. Demurrer to complaint. Demur-! President, in your estimation de­ J udgment for $384.30, costs and SPERRY & CHASE, rer withdrawn and permission served support? The unintelligent, disbursements, and order of sale Attorneys-at-La w. given to file answer by Monday j voter never knows how his Congress­ of attached property subject to 9 am . Auswer filed. Demurrer man votes, except on the proposi­ Office in Robinson Rnilding, subsequent order of this court. to auswer sustained. Amended tion to build a new postoffice or 2214. Robert Marsden vs County C oqu ille, - - - Oregon. answer to be filed by Tuesday at ' establish a new rural free delivery Commissioners et al, suit for in­ 3 o’clock. route in his district. The unintelli­ junction. Coke & Seabrook and 2244 John Marsh vs Wm H But-1 gent voter is—almost obsequiously J M Upton attys for pltfs. Geo E. G. D. Holden, ton action at law Sperry A Chase — grateful when his member of Con­ M Brown for defts. Demurer L awyer , W Sinclair attys for plft. Geo. P gress sends him a few worthless sustained. Oity lteoorder, U. 8. Commissioner, Gen Topping for deft. Time for serv -1 garden seed« which tlie member of 2216. J H Guerry vs E A^Beckett, oral Insaranoe Agent, and Notary ices expires Saturday. Special j Congress pays for with tho unintel­ action at law. Guerry & Hollis­ Publio. Otfioe in Kobin- appearance filed. Motion to ligent voter’s money. The uninteli- ter attys for pltf. Confession of son Building. quash summons allowed. ligent voter thinks that this shows judgment before clerk. C oqu ille, Oregon. 2245.—S D Magnos, vs J V , Pugh that his Congressman has not 2217. Stella Fox and Claud Fox, suit in equity. A .1 Sherwood atty | forgotten him. The unintelligent her husband, vs Julia Haves etal, T for plft. Default as to J V Pugh. voter does not know that the Con­ suit in equity. Stanley & Burns Decree of foreclosure. Judg­ gressman never even knew to A. F. Kirshman, attys for pltfs. Default, and ap­ ment for $2700, with interest at I whom the garden seeds go, be­ pointment of guardian ad litem. D entist . 6 per cent since July 21, 1903, j cause he employs a clerk at $25 a O C Sanfo'd appointed for Bird Office at R esidency one block oast of $31.33 on account of taxes paid week, paid with the voter’s money, Vo well, minor. to preserve lien, and attorny fees whose business it is to keep a list Tuttle Hotel. 2218. B Swanson vs North Bend of the voters in the Congressman’s of $280. C oqu ille . - . O regon. Woolen Mills Co, action at law 2247. Eugene O’Connell vs E O district aud send them garden seeds J W Bennett atty for pltf. De­ Hall A M E Hall, action at law. j aud Department of Agriculture murrer to complaint filed. De­ COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO. murrer overruled. Judgment for j .1 W Bennett atty for plft. Coke Year Books, all of which the Con­ A Seabrook attys for defts. Cross gressman pays for with the voter’s $650.70 and interest at 6 per cent Str. D IS P A T C H money. But then, as you are nn bill in equity filed. from March 7, 1904, aud on sec­ Torn White, Master, intelligent voter, you know all these Leave* I Arrives ond cause $471.30 and interest at I 2349• A-thnr II Noah vs Mamie things. Ban has .¡a '¿b vt roller chairs Shall not be more thin thirty-six inches wide and Secretary dislikes walking. The above n a m e d fo w ls a rc t h e , best la y e rs fa hnotun to the p o u ltry m a n ¡rad m y sto ch is v tfr fir ilfe ^ ^ j . Ä . W im e r, Coquille, Ore< "« H The .Supreme Court has declared that a State cannot place a limit on the number of hours which a man can work unlessit be in an unhenlth- ful occupation, and then only aa as a safeguard to the health of its citizens. i C o q u il le The fear that Postmaster Gener­ al Cortelyou has too little exper­ ience to bo Secretary ot tho Treas­ ury, seems to be unfounded. The man who can manage a national campaign and have a good sized surplus left is no financial tyro. Steam Laundry PHONE 116 S. M. NO SLER . Wimer Atkinson has put an end to his field of usefulness among tho ladias by declaring that women can dress on $G5 a year. Mr. Atkin­ son will probably blame tho printer, however, and says that he means $65 a week. RO P R IE T O R Experienced Help B est o f W o r k Reasonable Rates Special Kates to Fam ilie* anil Ilutéis I People who supposed that Sena­ our own soap ami know ingredients. No injurious chem icals used. tor Burton would resign from the W e make Our baskets w ill 11 ■ left at all the p rin cipal points on tile river. (iovris called fur and delivered iu O ouuille Oity. Senate after being re-indicted did not realize how convenient that $5,000 a year salary is when one has to pay the expenses of a protracted legal defense. ;V i K"I The New Store, Secretary Shaw has decided to ask the courts just what sort of a drink the favorite Japanese tipple, ‘sake im’ If the Secretary is not care­ ful his cariosity about tipples will create a misunderstanding among his prohibition friends in Iowa. Father Schell, who has boon try­ ing to start reforms on the Omaha and Winnebago reservations, was the victim of a murderous assault last Thursday at the hand* of Logan Lambert, a Homer tough. Tho priest’s eyes were blackened, his body cut and jaw broken in two pieces. He was taken to the St. Joseph's hospital iu Sioux City. Lambert formerly ran a saloon in Homer ami was tried and convict­ ed in the Federal court.—Tekanah Journal. While a billions attack is decid- (Jly unpleasant it is quickly over Chamberlain’« Stomach and Tablets are «red. For sale Knowlton. MRS. M NOSLER. PROP * C A R R IE S A F U L L LIN E OF Ladies Furnishing Goods, etc. Novelties, Fancy Goods Notions, Nuts, Can- , ‘ dies and Tropi­ cal Fruits, F ron t S tre e t, GoquiiJX- e~ r*. jjiw iii - - ” • 'fy