The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, December 24, 1920, Image 20

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. &e if tb* old M M d l oh > be t o t a l
to Judge A o I t t m , th a T a e t t h i t
Jth m h«s been • m y t a r r y rata
alaee Bag*. } 4ota M t - t a t a t o th a t
¿ 5 * y
M H ta P I M M lW
iw i
iltkrjfc* t a t ta ta 'A | w ndnths i t a
ta the m
t a IN S m u M taw ta by
tarar* draaaed in oriental 00 »
tatted tb* prioctjjal Buropaar
piaylng agalnat the lending
apart* la «acta juta generally
g thqm. It ttaKtata vi * o m
> e*«ws»v<i» ** fHMBBMi
ta t ap ta ta * stylo at an ap-to-date
papar, ta il I t «P loeal event* in a
olivar aaaaaar. Ita adttor ta Jack
W. & Voaa, M. D„ specialising oa
s f , aar, aoaa and throat mad fitting
A now device for handling mol tan
if glasses, a n a a t a a th at he will be Iran In a gray Iran foundry ha* baan
a Bandea ovary Monday; MarohflaW invented by a C lm iand faundrymua.
r « r y Wednesday, Lockhart building; R Is la as* 1» hie o m faaadry and la
md Mpxtla Point w a y Friday. Home a lahor-aavlng machine ta well a* a
Collier Apart manta. Coquin*, very efficient one. The device conaiat*
VfcgB B. WUeeu, O. D ,
Maenttally of a • cylindrical ladle
tr ie t" Glaseas fitted without the aaa
______ on trunnion* In auch ■ way
of drupa. I aara you from M to M l
Joba H. Shields, of Bancroft, Mika I that the Iron may he .Uncharged
par can t
CoquflU, Oregon.
I Sumerlin,' T. M. Stovar and Boy F. I through nosate* which become eub-
Th* Ugh i-1—r ’ haa beam i n ----- ■— I Garrett, of Myrtle Point, were down I merged when the ladle la rotated. The
how thta week and next Mondar the 1 ^, r ® Tuoadny to aee what the county J metal flow* from the nozzle* Into two
—in „
n —i*,. I court was going to do about the coy-1 *eml circular guide trough* which coa-
S T J £ £ S L S S Z ú » waw U to bounty. Sum.rlin is mid to b a r .
« £ tk t " " » « ■ '
* the
high achool btaiding.
C. A. Howard, bow aupertntondant
Bov. L. B. Neal for tho
of the Marahflold schools, boa boon
honored by a election aa rio t preaidant I *“ ” ,*****!; f*
Chureh of CW I
Cheese Occupation Carefully;
Of the S tate Teacher*’ Aoaoctattaa In I h*re
Wednesday for Portland, I When you have found your place,
— H rr a t Peattaad this week.
vher* *»• wiU
w* <» the future, me- yon will know It, and everybody, aiaa
, _
companiod by U s fatally, including will know I t Ttiepe will he no doubt
L M. Assess, of*Arago, called Tuaa-1 j f , , (|w l aad her m other, U a young I about I t lir you are where you belong,
day to enroll aa a Santinal subaertbar. ,on ^
Haa«l McCtae, who I r n will be strong, reeoon-eful. origi.
He brought with him an egg th a t ] ^ been ana of th e Sentinel force tor I “** ’ you *IH be contented and tn m r,
measured eight inches hi its longest I tWD m ^
f a t n ^ irkeeB ^ .k .n I
»* >*■"» comparatively successful,
diam eter and «M ta Ha sh o rtest
— ■—
***** occupation which will call
.___ „____________. * ” " " 7
aut the man hi you, th at which win de-
tf you want a to rn or city propert y I LOST Abou t 10 ta g s ago, a
oatop your rreateat strength and iya>
aa* a a I have torn* eery desirable | collie, • asoaths old. F in d «
■ t a 'df nianhood. personal nobility.
farm aad city yi eparty for sale.
Manhood la greater than wealth had
notify W n.
•kaadar than fame. Peraonal nohiltty
T. A. Walker, F u m a ra A Mar
la greater than ahy calling or any am
chanta Bank Bldg., (taquilla, Ora.
ward that It can bring —Ortaoa tarot*
The Coos aad Carry
Mardaa In Chicago New*.
company’s aaw building ia the bl
east a t tb* Seatflnta *•** ta
fa* progress in liirU g tha i
lately, the
Bracelet W atches
B cptini «Utftdljr aad qokUj
L' *J#-v
u n u c r
U D Q dan
■ • • .»•
¡fu ¿ íh pí *«%. ¿ i -tor r
i n
"V *’■ :LÁ ■ U-,. .
t ■ ., >
a sg a m
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m m