- mar i j w —MMmcCMfl f 'i - . *- - - E . ]1. Clayton and m , Marion, of Gravel Ford, wem in town Tuesday. New THE JAPANESE SANDMAN (Richard A. W hiting) 1 0 2 0 7 Fox T rot H sn tp tt— lM ro On h srtrs DANCING BYES, Medley. In tro : Shafting Xiang* (Jay M onies) One Btop _ . OeeheMro New TELL ME LITTLE GYF8T, Medley. Intro: “Girls of My 1 0 2 4 6 D ra w s.” From “ZiegfeU Follies at 1MQ.f (Irving Bro- Hn) Fax T ret ' ; r • *.. Yemen W e 8DNNT TENNESSEE. (Ted Fiortto) W alts Bi i f n i ji F sMem 'D eace O rr t is trs No. C H IU BEAN. Bento-Memto Minle-Mow (A lbert Von 10261 T ilser) Fox T rot Joseph SamneW Meet* M asters WHEN TOU ARE MINE. (Ssm uel-B riant) One Step FUHRMAN’S We atUl have a large stock of gifts in all lines-* Toys, Dishes, Glassware, Silverware, Myrtlewood, Gift Cards, etc. . ^ The time ip getting sltart in which to do your Christmas buying and you will have a better selec­ tion to chooae from bow th a n yon wiH n e x t week. MRS. BONNIB WALKER, Prop. , Coquille Hardware Co. . tat m j ,r • V : S fJ j ^ ’ - - ' «•. ;,*We have tt." Ttfe Store E xtra Fancy Xmas Mixed Candy We ktTe cheaper grades but this is a wonder­ ful value—fit fora king'. Regular 50c grade. T i o S ® ? ate8| van*™' Third A -B essie Abell, Jwrsne Low, Edward Dew, B arbara Rich­ mond, NM McGUvery, Afina W iggins. Fourth Grade—Viola Pribble, Lur- line W ilkinson, K athryn Wftson, Stanley Vowel!, Gladys Jones, E lisa­ beth Lane, Minnie Tamson, Leah H uther. , , Jo /K n ig h t J r. had his tonsils and adenoids removed by Dr. Clarke Wed­ nesday. ^ • Dr. 8. A. Danford, new district su­ perintendent, made his first visit here Monday evening and held sendees In the M ethodist chureh m orning and evening. Jim m ie Rookard, of Bridge, who was operated on for ruptured appen­ dicitis a t D r. Clarke’s sanitarium some time ago had so f a r recovered as to be able to bo moved home Mon- Theron K eitner, who has been working at M arshfield fo r some tim e, was here W ednesday on a visit. The boys of the M yrtle Point high school si* practising vigorously for the first game of basket ball w ith Powura hade tonight. Please come and help them. -„Mrs. George H alter is having the flu or something like it. Rev. Mr. W iggles le ft Monday tar Corvallis to spend Christm as w ith his fam ily there. The w ater is up so high on the tow- lands th a t it is necessary and com­ mon to aas a skiff or launch fastened to the door of thé homos. Da vs 8malley, of H a l's Creek, who ^ P ack age - Busy Com er ager, Odia Beckham; Jokes, Laurence Moon; Freshm an Reporter, Irving W N C H tSU * z • SPEC IA L! S P « ? fiö U ' Í Fancy Sunkist Oranges, large, per dor. Fancy Sunkist Oranges, small, per dor. Salle C .*Ptrk, of Medford, Oregon, was hers visiting Tuesday end Wed nesday of th is weak. B. E. M errick, of Portland, w as a business visitor h ers Tuesday. John J. Batem an, garage m an of Coos Bay, w as in town looking after hie in terest here W ednesday. High School Notes C. E. Mason, of San Francisco, was The L aurel w ill be p u t out by th e here on business W ednesday. Mrs. A lfred Schroeder, of Coquille, Senior class. The .editorial sta g Is as E ditor in Chief, G ertrude was hi town W ednesday visiting her follows: perents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sturde- B utler; A ssistant E ditor, Helen Sher­ wood; Society, Alice B arker; L iter­ ary, A udrey 8 tan ig er; D ram atics, E r­ ma M oray; Music, M yrtle Newton; A thletics, W ayne W oodward; C alro- * Visit our store for Christinas Gifts for your family and friends. *> Mr. and Mr». deorge Rackleff, o r a k i n g Crook, were is town Tues- dsy »bopping. A w ry «Joyable evening was »pent by the Rpworth Lengnera of the M. B- Chureh Saturday e ra iin g a t tha home of Mr. and Mr*. C. O. Jennings., fl.a u « »rare played u ntil a lata hour whan a dainty lunch was served, a f­ te r which all returned to th eir home to dream of th e delightful evening they had had. Tfcoae present w ere: Percy K eitner, Claire Lehmotieki. Clarence C arter, Elton Corbin, Dallas Robins«™, Elm er G ant, W ayne Car­ ver, E ar. J . D. Woodfln, M argaret Kelty, Ith a Clinton, M yrtle Clayton, M argaret Corbin, Audrey W agner, O ra C arter and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Jennings and daughter, Dorothea. Dean Straub, of the U niversity ef Oregon, lectured s t theh M yrtle Point n