The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, December 17, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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    L •
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9 1 1 !
1021 .
A l J os* oiF sm tsr* A lt the«j
As Electric Washer to »ave wsaf on ksodde* asd
Steel Ranges; OH Ruges and Hesters. f$g
■i :'hz
work at G n k w ’s Qni|%
: ■). ;
L. A. Dstwilsr w a s «war t n a tb
t for * few day*. |
a specialty a*
Satisfaction gut
. All kinds of Dishes, Glassware and Fancy
I ham’s Garay«.
i t he Man's 01 m Club af tka U.uf O. I
at the Liberty Theatre Monday, Dae. I
-Pyrei and Fly Bakina Glass
Enoiytktof yea want in Aluminum
f .v-U ' 1
r. '
Plan and Fancy Crockery, t a l pots and
Coleman Gas Lamps, Electric Library Lamps in aasorted
sizes and colors.
I holder’s tar UM cento <
J. B. W itoo» cam . to
I last a u k to visit bis daughter, Mrs. |
I Edward Lorens.
Fancy Japanese Baskets and Hand-painted O iin a.^ ^ ;;;^ ^
Fine assortment of Reed Sewing Baskets and Fern Window Trays
Boy Scout Camp Kit, Tool Chests, Telephone Sets, Jackknives
for men, boys and 'Vv*
gills .,
' '■* r p. ¿L..T- 1 . f.-. **■.■ * Mk¡*
IgíV.’ •
I '. t
§ 4# /
*«• •* r
( •
t -| ,l
And other things too numerous to mention.
- -■ rt ■ ' • \)T
Com e in and see
. ■ * • ■
us and
Broke Hto Hand
Quito a little «reit am «nt was oc­
casioned last Sunday aftoreeoa about
tbns o’clock whoa J, L Holyeroos
and Cannel Sanders enyagod to a
battlo of Sato. Holycross accused
Sanders of breaking Up the stool in
his pool raps tollst and whan San­
ders denied it they mixed. Tba lat­
ter received a blow on the cheek that
mode it look like a toy baloon while
Holy had bit band broken to tba
inks’ visit to Oakland, Calif onto.
Highest cash market price for cream.
Songs, sldto and atonto by the Oto- 1
weights and tests.
I varsity of Oregon I^ F s Glee Club at]
I the Liberty Theatre
Camels leave no unpleasant ciga-
retty aftertaste nor unpleasant
cigaretty odor I
You’ll prefer Camels blend to either
’kind of tobacco smoked straight!
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
i K C
|S! - ■ . ‘ 1
I W elcom ed b y
nd skillfully ropairad. Brotaa toaoaoi ;
duplicated. Optical repairs of all I
kinds done while you emit. Gtaews|
I fitted. By V. a Wilson,
I riot” Coquilto, Oregon.
Ed«o Ridge, near Powers, to m
] be covered with snow and it has
in plain sight bars on the Curry
ty hills on clear days tWs wad:
Camp Six tbo snow is said to bo
I one and a half to two fas* deep.
versity d Oregon Man’s Glee Club stl
' (
the W hole F a m ily
dubbins offer will prove
i IMPS highly
hiffhlv pop­
W s feel sure that this dubbing
ular with every one o f our readers who is interested iu the
tanning and fruit growing sotM tiss o f his-or her state.
The Orogon Farmer is not s paper e f other times or elitneo.
It w devoted to the commonwealth where you are making a
living, not of some distant region, where everything from wed
to markets is different
* m»m seett
In addition to eovsring every angle of
agriculture in our
■*•** * 5* ? * * * *
Sire$ • wealth o f rw ding
for the family circle. Every iesne is rounded out with enter-
taining stories, feature articles, household helpe and hints, and
S corner filled with good things for the children,
The welfare o f each and every one i f us is closely linked
witi^the prosperity of the farms and ranches roundabout, so
interested inr the work which The Oregon Farmer
is persistently pushing forward for better roeds/better fans
ta in nlwwer ihsif-rins^ hnpfoved conditions all around for
ip reading m alt»'. • '
• « « *oJ «•< this bi* , . l „ .
th. Liborty Tbmtro, Monday. Dm. |C oqttU b V u lle j S o it ilie l
I 20th.
Th. Smith-Powers
| town win shot dow
the Christmas holidays and remain
| dosed until Monday, Jan. 2. They
HaeJte Torrara far Him.
down the -Arst Af this
ti, O.—Bernard Psrroch
««at sf the
I th. spur ef up Cunningham sasg aa-j „
dor water,
too V * « to bis art. ter hoto bad i
_ I good tone ter a year. Beto moat $24,
1 — of th. $28.000 he Inlmritod. and b.
t w ha will hal
“ ** O®
Bnr0*>«- PBrradml
that ha wui he I
to worry about too ta
every Wedneoday, Lockhart building; whoa ho
| and Myrtlo Point every Friday.
Bee, Collier Apartments, Co
bone 821.
Pa. — ■tottsfi1
A splendid, «ntortatoment by tto|
[’University of Orogon 1 si’s Otoe Chib I torkoy turnar I bocamo i
•t the Liborty Theatw Monday, Dae.| toa high toasten wires
I north of Tort. Witt Its
[ 20 th. Doato atom It
____I soon the bird termed a n
Order year Libby Coal
Both 1 full
An OW Tartto.
Philadelphia.—A lead turtle, knows
to exceed easily gft» years la m
lives on
farms Just
lust north
oh the
too Ritchie
of Hstboro, to the Old Tort Road
metloo. John tNteblo occupies a
torgo torn os the JaekmavOto rsad.
The other Say ho plckod a» too turtle
In hto gardens. Initialed on the shell
were these words. "Wyilsra Kline,
lS7tk” Inquiry developed that WII-
Itom Kline was a farmer near Jebo-
oonvllto Pa, In 1810, that h. found
tho turtle,
via, Initialed
initialed It and tolar
tato* to-
U la a place of woodlsod. an
Which to saw part of tho
Ullchle fs
It’s like picking up men
•Greet to gat too Orogon F
ary weak for a yuar at onh
'HOL Phene 1011 ,
KL . Tfwfixi
■* ‘A
B k jsa
- H. B. Warner, Agent B'-m
farm and dty
ty tar oslo.
T. A. Walkar, Farmers A Mr
chants Bank Bldg, Coquilto, Ora.
Harry B. Tosier returned last Fri- , j
day from a trip down
m into California.
H. bought a
wblls down tbero ;
y and «qwcto to|
to too Shasta vsltoy
go back down in March to aaako bis|
home there.
You’ll find Camel« unequalled by
any cigarette in the world at any
price because Cam els com bine
every feature ythat can make a
cigarette supreme/
l ;v- gf£ra
Mix. Chas. a
from Norway T
remaiMd ovor
far tba
I Farm Burma meatta
Dr. G. W. Leslie,
I sicton wiU bo st Coquilto
ty 1:20 to 4:00.1
No man ever smoked a
bettor cigarette than Camel!
Guarantee eor-
Swift and Co.
af Myrtle]
at tba Praahytaeto
day, Doe. 1», hath]
Let’s settle
' this right yow l
1 W m S í
Cash Cream Buying Station
^kas. H. MaasaU and family rw>
I turned last Saturday to n a few
Rev. L. M.
Point, will prw
m &
f • M
' A aplaudid sntertntouMut by tbs j
University of Orogon M«u’c Otoo Club
] af too Liborty Theatre, Monday, Doe. |
I 20th. Don’t mim H.
melee. Sanders had been drinking.
VirgU a WOaon, O. D„
] trist.” Gismos Sttod without too ms I
Do you want a Portland daily. If [of drugs. I osvo you from SS to 001
you subscribe for R to connection with ir cant. Coquilto, Oregon.
the Sentinel it will bo money in your
The todiee of the
church win hold an si
[also s cooked food oslo st Gonld AI
Gould’s otara st 10 o’clock a. m. Sat-1
I onlay, December 10.
] at tb. Liberty*
I ,
Dec. 20th.
Camels expert blend of choice
Turkish and ch o ice Dom estic
tobaccos puts Camels in a class by
them selves. Their sm oothness
will appeal to you, and permit
you to smoke liberally without tir­
ing your taste!
*8»? »»...I i 1
fry OUR
i ----------- . n - n a - . -------'■
F a r m e r s í U n io n S t o r e
N. A. Loueks want orar to the
enday and attended the Dairymen*!
lesguo mooting thsrs Mwulsy«
m ake yo u r selections ea rly
Stove Store'll1
Jas. T. Jenkins
kersbury Wadnesday to attend tba|
I Farm Burean meeting.
The Man’s Qlaa Club of the U. ef
I O. at the Liberty Theatre Mon
! Dee. 20th.
Community Plate Silverware, 50 year guarantee, in the
. AdamsKPrtridan and Sheraton patterns
Every woman who to a good whopper kuowa that
it to teuton my to boy only the BEST.
That to the principie apon which wo ran OUR
atora. Wo BUT only tho boot ia order that we may
SELL only the bast
Come la
Wo do oar hast to j
to thn