V|nKgUWIID or«? tasi w r it# » on c iv il govern* I h ñ í l authorities wlio 1 fallen down w e could pre­ into possi- subject property in a faw I ought to know ás rumsing wonder ho to hard up— the hardest-up man in tko hard-up and near-broke •heap industry, fo r the reaaon that a* to the b iggest operator, but when i D to said and done, he w ill be found to have traded fcim self into a net es­ tate o f substantial size. He to rid o f the cam paign, and w ill have little to do fo r eix month* or possibly a year I ( i f -no special session to called a fter March 4> except trade. And he m w s how to trade. SE E PR1CE8 TU M B LE N ew Y ork , N ov., 8— Am erican and Algonquin percale prices have been cut from last season’s f O cento a yard to a 13%-cent basis by M. C. D. Bor­ den 4 Sons and the Algonquin P rin t­ in g company, it was announced here the 5th National H otel Man’s Exposi­ tion in N ew Y ork View to an extensive exhibit o f the attractions o f the P aci­ fic Northw est which to In charge o f Herbert Cuthbert, secretary o f the Pacific N orthw est Tou rist Associa­ Standard prints wars priced fo r the tion. T h i* consists o f reproduction* new season mt 12% cents n yard, a o f scenic spots in the part o f the drop from 23 cento.- H ereafter the United States and Canada known as goods .are to bo sold w ithout protec­ tion or price guarantee. Low er prices w ere named on over­ all denims today by the represent» .ives o f the largest producers located at Greensboro, N . C. ng has given the three »team ers finished there the highest in th eir class, a m atter of real rcia l significance. Senator Louis Laehmund, o f Salem, hop broket-, recently gave C. A. Mc- LaUghlin, o f In d ep en d ice, a check said to be the la rgest ever paid in M arion county fo r n farm crop He received 3183,728.60 fo r hop» bought fo r E nglish dealers. They were grow n on a 275 acre tract. , to soeout this story publish serially, but to do so. The next ■ think of to to ra- means any M ontreal, N ov. 8— D rivas by shorts xgaiast A tlan tic sugar begun when the Dominion governm ent rescinded an order o f the board o f commerce Axing the price o f sugar a t 21 cento :oday, caused a decline o f 13 points from the closing Saturday. The stock, which sold a fe w months ago on the -Montreal and Toronto exchangee as •igh m 164, touched 45 today and cloM d a t 46. V O T IN G N O W A S C A TC H IN G A peculiar nhase o f the election [w as that w hile the M yrtle Point aa wall as the Gatching creek precinct* went against the m arket commission bill, and the tw o M yrtle Poin t pre­ cincts wjmt against the oleom argar­ ine b ill, both measures carried in M arshfield, says the M y rtle Point Am erican. These measures were supposed to be in the interest o f the farm ers, and M yrtle Poin t being the center o f a farm in g community the result to hard to understand. The report * f the tenant o f agrieuh to re fu r Douglas county to ju st at hand frsm the cenaos hurtan. The number e f farm * has increased from 2,124 to 2,276 in ton years and the number o f im proved aeree has in­ creased frem 117,115 to 1*6,668 in the earn* tim e. A s Douglas com ity contains 8,156,000-acre* o f land, it The probable reason why the vote ,n the measures a ll over the state seems so erratic to thht there was very little acid anywhere in fa vo r o f aay o f the measures. W ith every one who spoke or w rote on them knock­ in g on moot o f them, it to no wonder they w ere all defeated, except the amendment lengthening the term o f constitutional officers against which very few had anything to aay. W o remember how the bills increasing -taxes a ll went through slick ns grease last M ay. A ll the talk then was fo r and nothing^was ¿sard in opposition. To Dig Up Eolici H o. A le * r w i M rs. A gath a Low ell A llen , the Freudian philosopher,- said in a~l#e- ture in Chieagoj " I know n young m other who once decided to im part something o f tike m ystery o f birth to her little 3-year- old daughter. - , “ So she took the child aside and explained to her in hushed, reveren- tia l tones that the stark lmd nothing to do with the com ing o f little strang­ er», that the little stranger to aerer found under a cabbage in the garden and that the doctor never brings ktas in his bag. “ The little g irl was very much im ­ pressed. A t the end o f the discourse she put her arm around bar young mother’s nock and whispered: y o u r haine f o r You'll And Electric baseboard outlets a wonderful help la enabling you to place Electric Lambs where they’ll do the most good to booutifying your homo. o f Electric Fans, Grilla, Toasters, Cleaners, Machines, Sewing Machinen, etc., Ü greatly Mountain States Power Co C o q « » !« that the Oregon fr u it! a n now so w ell established on the fo reign m arkets that leadership in these lines to prac­ tically conceded. duetion. A Holstein cow “ Carnation Fegis Prospect,” belonging to E . A . Stew art o f that city, has produced 33,48» pounds o f m ilk in 818 days. This it w ill ha noted M ew er 100 pounds a day. ' The highest record ever before made by a H olstein cow was 83,425 pounds in 888 (lays, which H igh school student* in Oregon w ill And it necessary to turn out with notebook aad pad, and d ig up stories o f Indian apd pioneer Oregon, i f they wish th eir school to win thp J. C. A l- ntack cup this year, according to the report o f Mrs. M argaret Goodall, o f the U n iversity o f Oregon. The sub­ ject as it has been announced to, “ Know Oregon F irs t," and w ill per­ By-products o f the sawm ills o f the tain m ostly to stories o f the early S ilver F ells Tim ber com pany near history o f Oregon. Silvertoa a n to ha ground up h a Salem high school, the winner o f plup m ill to be erected there and o p last year, to out again to defend its honors. A n y high school in the state is eligib le to coin pete. The prise es- * * y w ill be announced -next A p ril. • - - Oregon