... i — FR ID AY Corn OLE HOT this A s v I n B lo u t l lM A lw kept Attempt to Him Into the Penitentiary Fails 12— in the The High the up at to at- to 12 . Oddy feverishly at Coolidge In not be C. in S272; Joseph Hotchkiss, The Cox 2291 half of Hayter Robert A. W at, be This the Corn Colvin Electors, Prohi- »4 Maty H. E. 93 B. Lee 8» Cyrus and Electors, Some N ig h t’s Will ble to 479; W all S. 480 that h f n u * from U m fl second ai Carl- Felix John Olson, of CoQuill# 56 ; the BACK W AS BABY CLINIC ON MONDAY Fred E. tl.e of to Of the bo to the the trial on the lnsanity charge re- ittlted in i nonjuit. There still ramataed the charge dnrwjng s eheek en a baak ta which ha had as fonds. It wma mode appar­ ent to the jury that he did thia en the s pur ad the moment when told to by the baaker who cashed the check, and had design ed to do nothtag o f the Howard tie the baD almost U the Bne at the last and Almond Martin kicked the goal within e saeat astate at celled. The game, though so tested, was e clean eae It leaves the henees with fa r this season, though our hoys did not start practice until «v e week# a f­ ter Marshfield end Nerth Band. The Ooqaille line-up here vase as follow s: Lloyd Haynes, r. guard. Irving Willard, r. tackle. Odls Beckham, r. end. Loren WiBard, L guard, t Chute Miller, 1. tackle. Wilbur Howe, L end. A lmond Marita, quartertmak» v* Paul Johnson, fa ll heck. Audrey Fraedrick, le ft h alf beck. Den Donaldson, right h alf back. Very • Wednesday eren- erteining, Mrs. Me- lar making a splen- nd she had to re- tte e to hearty an- «ase singings and a moat sswhanUng touted her audisare. r o f this course w ill Although it « u pretty quiet on the «treats yesterday morning, when the Bre alarm sounded Taylor streets ro ­ sembled Broadway when a circus pe­ r u d e U passing. The Are was in su n igar A Son’s tailor shop where a gasoline burner had been too well primed and the flame shot up to the ceiling, bat K had been extinguished before the alarm sounded. The story he told us about the a f­ fair last August was verified in court to the H detail. HU attorneys were C. M. Kess ger, o f Eugene, end Mr. Pulford of this city. W# would hardly have believed K possible that a man, who had done only what Mr. Dole did, could have been kept in ja fl an hour; but he was cam palled to lie there three months before he was pat at liberty. Ha had a « » to Mr. Keeper a hoa sad relinquishment in Lane county by e man named Bastiam fo r $300. Of Is amount $200 had been paid a i check which Dole drew at Kna­ r’s request, ead inadvertently si| , wee fo r the rest o f the meaey. Coquille people, who mtend; 1 the CoquiUe-MyrUe Point l e t a l i gamo at Myrtle Point yesterday afternon, say that Aadray Fraedrick was the star player on the Coquille team. Tw o Deputies M yrtle Point’s The M yrtle Point School Clerk Claud H. Giles earn ed the taking o f the census for SU1I1ÂRY OF ASSESSMENT trict 41 last week, the results ahon __ Of Ceas Ctmtjr, Stati of Oregon, for tko year 1920, aa finally 177 boys o f school age in t ie district, and 186 girU, a total o f 868 by tho County Board of Equalization school age. This is e gala a f eight children over the census o f last Talus year. $12,430,880 Acres o f a ll Unde ............ 606434.10 Acres o f tillable lande .................... 24,941.19 $,069,806 This shows the M yrtle Point dis­ Acme a f timber lands .................... 6,588,290 trict has 61 per cent o f Acres o f nan-tillable lands ............... 2,768,286 tioa o f the Coquille district, we hav­ proven ents on deeded or patented li 1,224,520 ing 691 to their 868. Town and city lota ................... . 4442,467 Improvements on town end eity lota 1,980,700 Dokkiea To Hare 25,696 The D. O. K. K . dub o f thU city wUl 176490 give their annual ball fo r thU district Sou Ids’ Hall on New Tear’s eve. 930,416 1JM7440 ThU U expected te be the flnest < * 52,075 o f tho season as the Dokkios never do 110416 things by halvas. A ll the < 271,180 K. K. dubs o f thU district w fll ’ rate to this dance, which w ill he aa 181 ual event heps, although it w ill be 167406 614,446 3$|gg0 year to year. 81470 7480 Bride William Smith, Finland. A lfred Johnson, Sweden. Solomon Kulju, England. Karl Andere Rafael W êfe, Fiai George Depps, Austria Flank August To