95 per cent Fuel “Makes Better Fires Just a Word BEAVER H ILL COAL is the only coal mined in .the state of Oregon that is thoroughly washed before leaving the mine< ■ v COQUILLE BEAVER HILL “OREGON’S OW N COAL” Beaver H ill Lump $10.00 p er ton Beaver H ill N ut $ 9.00 per ton C O Q U ILLE , OREGON Professioni Card Re-Boring Cylinders leak and make your cylinder» as good as new -better, in tact, on account of the increased Gardner’s Garag deceased, has Sled in the County Court of the Stato of Oregon foe Cooo County, hi* final account aa such un> ocutor, and tin said Court has ap­ pointed Monday, tko ttth day of Oc­ tober, 1020, aa tbe time far hearing objections to the Said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated this Mth day of September, IM S .’ ' John W. MiUcr, Executor o f the Last W ill and Testament of Stewart J. Miller, de- First Street, Coquille, Oregon Pretf October 20th DR. C. W . ENDICOTT NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENT Notice is hereby given that by vir­ tue of a warrant duly issued by the City Recorder, of the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, a munkipal corporation, and dated the Mth oay J. J.«STANLEY A. J. SHERWOOD ATTORNEY AT U W