’ . 1 » •¿<***? hj J e r Mr. Kirkpatrick, the travelling an for Ballon and Wylght, was in Is place on business Tuesday and Wednesday. I Umbe, tho peck mao of Portland, wns hers an business Tuesday If. I I on hand Four Flavors: Oliver Corbin, of tf-Je place, pur- a Chevrolet touring car from 0. Jennings Saturday, Mrs. Annp Bulling, of Norway, ■v|jo lived on the Martin Smith place, died ct typhoid fever at the Pem her­ on hospital. She had boon ill thare for seme time but was getting along fine and was almost ready to go homo t' x when she was taken suddenly ill and died Sunday morning. Mrs. Stelling was one of a family of twelve child­ ren, eight sisters and four brother*. Her father and mother reside in Ger­ many. She waa twenty-six years old tnd leaves to mourn their lose, a hua- hami and one child. Funeral services Were held at the chapel Tuesday at 2:0b o’clock and she was buried at Norway. The Coos county teachers’ institute will bo held in Myrtle Point Oct. 20- 21-22. Rooms have been obUined to liti ; eccdmodaU ell the people coming, 4 k Ernest Clausen, of Humboldt coun­ ty, California, has bought tfce Carrie Livingston place at Broadbent and will move there on or about the twen­ tieth. * The Commercial Club ' of Myrtle Point will have a special meeting next Tuesday with the Women’s club which waa just organised recently. Lloyd Hale, the music man of Marshfield, Waa in town on business ^ fr i— lay v m Ernest ? Wilkins, of this city, spent the week on his ranch at Hall’s creek. J. H. Shields uid W. E. Smith, both ->f R-seburg, were In this city Tuee. fay on business. "* Miss Florence Anderson end Mice Flossie Land spent the week end in Mnrhfleld. £ ’.\ , Mrs. Ruby Baker and Mrs. E. A. '''d g s, of this city, wore In CoquiH* Monday afternoon on buainaas. . f ■■ Congressman Hawley was In S fc m j j «fenft. te*» ’ he Theatre at seven talked on polHieel problems. Vallsy. , Grover Bowers, the barber of this rity, is ill at Ms homo this week. About twenty-five of thirty ladies on Friday's mail stags. responded to tho announcement that Mrs. Blair fall.Friday forenoon and i woman’s dub would 'ho organised dial mated hot arm at tho dbow. She Tuesday, October fifth, at the Modern was taken to Dr. Richmond at Co- Woodman hall. Everyone came full quills, who fixed up the arm and dm f enthusiasm and a very enjoyable la getting along nicely at p m eat and profitable mooting was had. Mrs fL A. Annin called the meeting to writing. 'Her and introduced Mr. W J three months’ vacation. Mr. Bennett ham, superintendent of our schools is the now superintendent, Mrs. Han­ here, who gave a splendid talk on son organist. M ». Arthur Brown, Joesible noods of the community, and chorister. Mm Lyman King ia what eoold be accomplished through secretary and treasurer and Margaret the organisation of Is dab. Mrs. An Wilcox librarian. A nin was otsetod chairman of tho moot - Milford and Roy Mast had business big and introduced Mlsk Minnie Kal Sue and she talked on mqny interest tng topics' in Mr pleasing way. The following officials were then elected Mrs. W. C. Fender; fim Mrs. R. A. Annin; sec ond vies president, Mrs. Ralph Kring third vice president, Mrs. Murphy, of ^ Bridge; recording secretary, for a . 40c Lemon 40c Vanilla Chocolate 45c Devil Food 45c ' : • v ' Emergencies A __ __ I Eak^.. I I wn m. a No trouble—Just sift the flour add water and bake. You’ll, be surprised at the result—A cake for less money - and less trouble. Fnhrman’ Housewife’s Friend. Oûr Best Bulk Coffee now 45c per Go lo pound. Ftwf Your Groceries Fruits a»d Vegetables C aab I oCCQ u r a n i __________ « Try Our ' * »v u m < Ê m * it wot pin*» ym Fraedrick’s Grocery y Beffi Laird Building Opponi** Pw ioi t» Phone 811 r Coquille Hardware Co. has on display an unusually large stock of i Wood Heaters Coal Heaters Combination Wood & Coal Heaters I f* - 'rew T W >?T . . ‘ Also Universal Ranges in Grey and White Enamel Mi Florence Wickless Od Ranges i W by gravity—No Smoke—No Soot a.deal for tho fie d by Wm. Carver In the part of town. A. W. Badi ha* sold his pbme I» Frank Jack- son, o t Bridget, aad I* T. Dense* fens bright Urn property ho la occupying aa a residu e ttm Urn, Joe tain t rin tary, Mrs. A. G. Thompson; Mrs. Henry Hern and by laws were mmsnded by Miss Kalbus and adopt ed by the dub. M the name of the club would bo the Woman’s Club of Myrtle Point. _Ttl was also decided that the meeting« would bo held on the first and third Wedneadayt of each After a lively discussion regarding the reception of the teachers who at tend the institute which will be held here Octdjer 20-21-21 of this month, the meeting adjourned to meet with the Commercial dub of Myrtle Point next Tuesday evening. Real V alue here. Time Denotiti The BANK.OF ____ _ M« Thrift and Savin«» and to aastet those who depend mare orla** upon the interest eirnua by tbnr accumu­ lated saving* as a means of their livelihood, and to co- rj4 * iths The Bank o f Myrtle Point over «00,000.00 ■'m V v MYRTLE POINT, OREGON W u The young people of thb place hay. basin going down to Coquillo to church in the evening and they a n aoch old timer, they sometimes g . >n a hay wagon, but Sunday evening they took advantage of tho railroad going down and hind a car to bring hem home. Mias Grace Hockema, o f Alsea, came in last Friday and visited friends hen till Sunday when aha went to McKinley whore ahe will teach school tho coming winter. Tho gooc people of McKinley an fortun­ ate in securing each a teacher as we I Juw thè best of ____ _ fa *J shop hnow Grace te be. Hsvo your car ropuin^by u K. B. Finley had twain Mg dab ... a t. McKinley Monday, Oct. 4, with Mias Grace come up on the Myrtle and Me poor I Hockema, of Alsea, Ore., aa teacher better two-thirds has to can thorn. Twenty-six pupils were enrolled. Frank Snow out endings Monday. her mother hat just moved tO Co- Grant Wilcox was a Coquille vid quiUe to enter school, was a visitor | tor Sunday. at R. B. Knife’s Saturday night and j ' .....'i—a_u- Mr. and Mrs. Loren Johnson, who Sunday. Rev. Mr. Garrett, the new preacher wonderfully goad have been visiting relatives afid Mr. Baker in Mias Bmata Finley has -■ ■ l . i , V * ro tL “ h^ 1 friends for tho past month, started at Pishtrap, has just arrived and will ** ' H’* fai the shop n ■' for their home at Grenada, Calif. preach hie first sermon next Sunday, ing bar brother. Hunk. fa. » k . *T r 0T«kfialsd. It Will go oil right Saturday. John Stone, who k u bam hariteg teat W te k «d u i . *** for E. M. Beckham on Halls crush, ia Ate»--' aU ” « f Vhs the " young paopte Brown, -WHO lived three year. wit’. „ time, is not down here digging Us spuds. and .sc of the old ones a » pten- P!ffectlygood hyobandt ' A m you’ll Mr. and Mrs. Newton and sons ning t as l ave returned from their pleasure ones t teppod out “L. Search Garthy's camp trip on which they wont up into ones t* M the Liberty Monday Washington. They said th«y had ■ aid Vi LONG'S Mach Acetylene Welding % Machine Work Brazing Phone 611 Battery Service Auto Repairing A t Graham’s Garage Oct nth and 12th. ¿ j* 7 " ’ " : I lif _ _ M