Better Fires A. J. Sherwood L. H. Hazard - \ O. C. Sanford QUALITY COUNTS ' Beaver Hill is a coal of such Quality and Prepara­ tion as to be a credit to the state of Oregon. The Beaver Hill mine is the ONLY COAL MINE IN THE STATE OF OREGON, producing a high grade coal fo r commercial shipment. COQUILLE Benjamin T. Neomith, Defendant. To Benjamin T. Neamith, defendant above named: la th e Name a t the State a t Oracea. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint th at baa been filed against yon in the above entitled IBEAVER HILL “ OREGON’S OWN COAL” Beaver Hill Lump - - $10.00 per ton Beaver Hill Nut - - * $ 9.00 per ton D*U»e«d at the above price, io to . fete where it can be ehoreled from » n o n COQUILLE, OREGON Profession ! Carls n H» W J” “ t publication „ ^ a d tf 1#A CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOR THE COUNTY OF coos Re-Boring Cylinders UBor* Tiahbaueh, Plaintiff, your car by reboring it with the new regrinding machine we have just installed and putting in larger piston rings. Another result will he the increased power from the larger cylinder. Thirsty souls in the vicinity of Riv- erhead, L. L, ara a sana ging their grief with lemon oxtracts containing from SO to 80 por coot alcohol Such is tbs gf ths pciics in** vw tigating the (loath of Mrs. Joseph Stone, 87, in the Southampton hasp! With this machine the re-boring is reduced to an exactness that wffl completely stop the leak and make your cylinders as good as new —better, in feet, on account of the increased power. to the Court e r complaint, Bring your auto to u sa n d w e w fflp u titin first class condition. h A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN n ai SURO BO* Gardner’s Garage First Street, Coquille, Oregon Hoa. Jo ta S. Coke, Judge of the Cir­ cuit Court of the State of Oregon, in County of Coos, on the NOTICE OF CITY CAUCUS Vallejr Sentinel, a weekly Minted and published ii Notice le hereby given th at a meet­ Corn County, Oregon, for ing or caucus will he held at the Council Chambers o f the City Hall in the City of O quills, Ceos County, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 81st day of September, 1880, a t the hour of 7:80 o'clock P. M. of sold day, for the pur poee of nominating candidat« for the various city offices to bo fillod a t the next regular slectioo of said City, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH* STATE OF OREGON FOE To Be In Two Places At Once DR. C. W . ENDICOTT J. J . STANLEY uwrm THE COUNTY OF OOO0 Elva E. Rodrigues, Plaintiff, m Ernest O. Rodrigues, Defendant. Sait hi Equity far Diveree. To Ernest O. Rodrigues, th s above A. J . SHERW OOD