' I . T ■ —* y /■:, 'V - . «t -v w * ' - * ; r & 'y : mm mm t ^ ■ V r S ’ U ' $ ‘ T- * * : " • / *■ A N D THE OOQUILIsE H E R A LD V O L. X V L NO . C O Q U ILLE . 0 0 0 8 C O U N T T , OREGON. F R ID A Y , A U G U 8 T 13. IM S . TEAR. I C LE W Hoorn Damaged by F in About thro* o’clock W ednesday a f­ ternoon the fire boil called out the de- J. C. ROSS PASSES i _________ The Dairies ef This County to [ the^th^of* s^pte'L^T*^” [State Will Help Gravel Myrtle Praaks It Played at Heary M h f Be Braced U p ia the Next hooves our citizens to boffin to can­ vass the Uat o f available m ayoralty T w o Weeks. A Good Max Gone—Remains Taken to Portland for BnrinL 'ors Last Sunday C orn in g w e had an tiee electric storm lastin g from 3:S0 un­ ite- til 6 o’clock in which the salvos o f fo r | heaven’s a rtillery w ere louder and work or- longer and nearer than are often derad by the court on Tuesday that heard. The reverberatin g thunder all patrolm en, road forem en atad the relied and echoed over us in a w ay to county roadm aster desist from issu­ indicate that the path o f the storm ing orders fo r paym ent fo r work done was d irectly overhead, and this eon- on the highways except in case o f the discharge o f a workm an; and that i came that a bolt had «tru ck a detach- only one order should be issued to any f sd building on H enry E llis’ place on one person on any one p ayroll. the rid ge between the M arshfield and A license was issued to R. C. En- F zirview roads a block or tw o south- dicott to conduct a dance hall at west o f the Academy. Bridge. . ( The building struck was ton or A proposal waa received from the > tw elve fe e t from M r. E llis’ house and State H ighw ay Commiaaion to go 60- waa perhaps 16x80 fa st in size, 60 w ith the county on gra vellin g work used as a laundry and carpenter shop. on the C oquille-M yrtle Poin t rood It contained a stove w ith pipe pro­ which waa accepted by the count jectin g d irectly through the rob f mid court. The estim ated coat o f the work this was the ta rget Which the lig h t­ in this lin o needed to keep this road ning aimed at. Some ahinglea w ere in passable condition during the win­ torn from the ro o f and a hole waa ter is $6,000. The m ost o f the gravdl made in the pipe above the ro e f where ia to be placed on the first fou r' m ile* th e bolt entered. Tw o or three fe e t out from Coquille. Further arfangm above the stove was another hole in the stovepipe where it made its exit to dash all about the room, playing Jantes C. Reas died at his boms in this city W ednesday noon a fte r an iti­ neas o f five months resulting from kidney trouble. H is remains were taken to Portland, whare he form erly resided, yesterday m orning, accom­ panied by his widow and h it son John E- Ross, and Mrs. E. G. Opperman. Mr. Roas cams to CoquiUa last De­ cember and in February bought H hems, but hi March was taken IB, sa that our people had but a short tim a to g e t acquainted w ith him , or to learn hew estim able a citizen ha W as. [and couneilmanic tim ber. M ayor E. E. Johnson says he w ill not accept an County A gen t C. C. F a rr, Cheese election to that office again and it is Inspector H. W . Thomas, L. B. M oore, up to the c ity to find some one who o f the Oregon Dairym en’s League, w ill accept. One man w e have heard and H. R. Lochrey, o f O. A . C., w i l l ___ ______ ____ ___ take part in a bettor m ilk and cleaner j Norton who> ^ ~ dairy cam paign in this county dur- fi„ ^ offlce adm irably. iD ir to g the neat tw o weeks. The follow -1 ^ . tteD tiv> * w hatever obligation g are t e places and dates o f the he accepts, snd w ith varied property m eetings and the subjects to bo dis-1 ¡Rtere8t8 in Coquille, we do not be- CT„ lieve the city Could find a man hotter Monday, August 16th~^Arago— fltu d t„ ^ p o tio n . W hether M r. Clesn up day. Picnic dinner. Norton would accept we cannot say, Evening— N orw ay. Lectures and lbut w e do not believe he would refuse demonstrations. I to serve the city as m ayor i f the peo- Tueeday, August 1 7 tb -G ra vsl Ford L , . req1MU%td it. E ven in g-B road b en t. T r ^ ^ d e , our friend j . g . U w . Wednesday August 1 8th -Lu n dy. re|lce im p ro vS m J t L Evening— Coquille. w ill be a candidate fo r re-election. Thursday, August 19th Coaledo. | p or councilman, we have heard E vening— Riverton. [ three names mentioned so fa r— Dr. C. Friday, August 20th— Parkersburg. W. Endicott, Archie O. W alker and (C lean up snd fix up fa cto ry .) Chas. H arlocl er. A ll are good men, E vening— Dew V alley. and there w ill probably be others sug­ Saturday, August 21st— Langlois. gested as the date o f the caucus (C lean up and fix up fa cto ry .) draws nearer. E vening— Denmark. Monday, Auguat 23d— E lk R iver, P o rt O rford. Evening— Sixes R iver. Tuesday, August 24th— Sumner. E vening—Catching Inlet. W ednesday. Auguat 26th— AUega- Mrs. 8. A . M alehom is lyin g in M ercy H ospital at N orth Bend suffer- E vening— Coos R iver. Thursday, August 26th— Haynes in g w ith a Broken shoulder, tw o brok­ en ribs and a badly gashed cheek as a In let. result o f the car in which she was rid­ E vening— Hauser. in g goin g over the grade on Sumner F rid a y, Auguat 27th— Cooston. mountain last F riday afternoon. Mr. E vening— Ken tuck In let. Saturday, August 28th— Tem pleton. Mhlehorn, accompanied by his w ife, and Hugh H arloeker w ere tak in g twa E vening— N orth Lake. L. B. M oore, deputy state food in- cars over to M arshfield fo r J. J. Bate- FALLS 50 FEET IN A N AUTO specter, win d is e u ^ S itu a tio n -M ilk , Im* " flndin* th» * Hu* h’» "•» flgvors and causes; Factory, eanita-1*to,0Bt out o f gas. It was being towed tion, cans, equipm ent; M ilk ho*«“ ■behind M alehom s car. When building cam paign; gat m ilk out _ dost and out o f barn; plans proposed I Mnlohorn unintentionally killed hie as to b ein ' scare cards, uae o n ___ u engine and g o t oat to crank M. fan u - explain score card and how h e th e * «& • ■ hold and the oar w ill ’ grade. D -a o n .tr .to im , down h ill H u r t £ strainers, stools, Clothes. I“ ** * * * * * * m w f 't « m n m I ------ H. R. Lochry, o f O. A . C., wUl talk h ® 4 momw,tum o f the auto in sbbut Bad flavors and th eir origin ; P ront «" d when Dr. Golden, who had Sanitation, practical m ethod* o f ob- P » P P « « d to eoaso ap, yeUed fo r him tablin g this; m eat to. how trolled, how wlmt dam ove Bacteria, cheese detri- J propagated, how con-|w w lt ® w . F or some th ey are encouraged Malohorn coaid not got do therv do Relation » " d »he went down the J. L. Sm ith and fa m ily returned |reached’ b* ta,r ,n PortU nd from their northern trip Inst Satur­ day, but he w ill go up to the Puget Sound country again next Monday, W alter Sinclair, o f Coquille, was In having been commi—ioned by the Hoi-1 the city a few days ago on business stein Breeders Association o f this Mr. Sinclair is probably the old—t county, to buy a bunch o f 26 or 30 practising attorney in the county, i f Holsteins which are fo r sale at Chi- not in this part o f the state, having meacum, over near F ort Townsend. I j urt recently passed his 80th birth- H s also expects to find so—e pure bred d>y, Ha is feelin g fine, looks w ell Jerseys fo r the Jersey Breeders A s- and stops along as a man o f 40 years, sociation w hile aw ay. IH is many friends over here are glad --------- ------ to see him come snd here is hoping A . W aite. Kentuek In let rancher, that he m ay continue to enjoy good has this season marketed $1260 w orth [health.— North Bend Harbor, o f loganberries o ff an acre and a h a lf o f h ill land and probably holds the re­ cord fo r bench land production. He shipped them to the M yrtle Point can­ nery. - It is expected that the grading o f L t , Coos rounty-Roee- have happened than that in spite o f Rem ote and Cam- L * cold „h o ld e r given him by the ready fo r travel-1 national administration he should He September. * „ U c t . d in this staunch re­ C allin g Cards, 100 fo r $1*8 City Needs Fire Track In view o f the seed which so often arise* fo r quick action in case o f fire, f t w eald seem t h a t " « * city ( * * ffl afford not to spend the $1800 or $2000 or rtore which would provide Coquille « * “ hi» “ r reason Mrs. out in tim e 60-foot drop o f clean m ilk to good cheese. the m« n re^ h#d H . W. Thomas, cheese inspector— Iher Giey thought »he was dead. H er W hat m arket wants in cheese; S itae- «beak had been laid open to the bone tion in county, goo* and poor cboooe. » " d »he was badly cut-and bruised all Dem onstration w ith actual samples. *> ••««• the broken b o n -. Dr. ’ C. C. F a rr, county agent, w ill have Golden took her in his oar to the hos- charge o f the m eetings and introduce I P‘ tal where she is s lo w ly . recovering the men who are to speak. H is sub- * " > « tha effects o f her terrib le fa ll, jecta w ill be Co-operation o f I The ea r. wore a badly jumbled Ruby McDonald Dead dairym en in the organisation I mM» « and it is doubtful i f Mr. w ith cheese m akers; Feeding Bateman w ill m ake any effort to get Mrs. Ralph N osier received word and influence— before and a fte r feed - 1 them out. yesterday o f the death o f Miss Ruby McDonald, daughter o f M r. and Mrs. in g; Bam m ethods; Silage— hay feed- , .. A a .. M. McDonald, who rem oved from here in g; Health o f cattle, T . B., co n ta f- 1 R u as L a n d s N o t S old to Portland three years ago, which ions, etc. | M anager H arveil, o f the Russ occurred W ednesday evening. H er ^ , “ T „ , , vestm ent Co. nt Eureka, C alig., death waa due to tuberculosis follow -' SpciAl Tax Voted 21 to 3 w ritten L. P. Branstetter that in g a severs attack o f the flu last A t the school m eeting Monday the company has given the state o f Ore- winter. The funeral is to be held st proposition to levy a special tax fo rtg o n no option w hatever on the Russ tw o o’clock this afternoon. $8,600 to com plete the new high (lan d » and had not entertained any Mrs. J. T . N osier went up to P o rt­ school building and install a heating I proposition fo r the sale o f those lands land last Sunday to attend the m ar­ system there was approved by a vote here to the state land board although riage o f Miss C harlotte McDonald on o f 21 to 8. It took loos than h a lf an there had been some communication Tuesday, Miss Ruby at that tim e ap­ hour to attend to the business, with I between them concerning the lands, pearing to be in better health than Ed. Ellingson, the senior member o f This m orning the Sentinel telephoned fo r some months, and it was from her the school board, presiding. A . N . Chari— H all, o f the board, to learn that Mrs. Ralph N osier received the Gould and L . H. Hazard acted as toll- whore the m istake had been made in telegram . era. ] the published statem ents to the s f feet that the state had purchased Did the Bay No Good Goes North Again for Cattle I these lands, but Mr. H all could not be the section o f the burg road betwoen a i w ill be finished to g by the first o f cutting a ll aorta o f pranks. W hile it waa scin tillatin g about the room , the ligh t waa so b rillian t that Mr. B llia thought the building was on fire and started to gst his hose p layin g on it. The glass cork o f a bottle on the bench was Thrown to the floor and broken, and tw o m etal spokes cat clean oat o f the rear wheels o f a boy's express cart there, and numer­ ous evidences o f the w ay things w ere stirred ap there could be seen a fte r the aanrent »truck the w ater pipe and follow ed it to earth. publican state. H e is a past m aster in ths a it t t veto la M a g - M ajor Kinney’s biography is that o f a typical prom oter who was a l­ ways short o f funds to realize his day dreams, and who was attem pting to provide transportation fa cilities a generation or tw o before they w ere needed. M arshfield and North Bend Hiking Club at Hamer • The H iking club went over to Haus­ er Saturday, returning Monday, as the guests o f E. R,, Charles and M ary Peterson a t tha Paterson cabin. They fished in Beale lake and hiked acroes the sand dunes to the ocean only about tw o m iles aw ay, but the heavy w alking made it seem as i f it waa fu lly five. There w ere nine in the party and they trolled in the lake and caught nine bass, not to mention th a little trout Miss W ittem an picked up in her hand, and was conscientious enough to throw back into the lake. The H iking club members who took pert in this outing w ere M rs. Bertha J. Smith, Misses Ada W ittem an, Ge­ neva Robison, Edna Asplund, Alpha Peterson and Naom i Knowlton. North precinct 466. The w riter, who located a t Indo- pendence, T in — , the MUM y t t r that M r. Roes did, and has known""him out the follow in g prelim inary figures fo r fo rty ysars, feels in his departure fo r th e.ru ral precincts o f the Coquille from this li f t a sense o f personal bn* va lley: reavem ent. H s was a man whom no Catching creek— tM . one knew bat to respect, a man whom Coaled o— 35. w e never heard utter a harsh c riti­ Cunningham— 220. cism o f any human bein g; a man Dora— 206. whose son says hs n evtr heard him Enchanted— 400. utter a profane or an obscene w ord; a F a t Elk— $00. man who lived up to the golden rule Lam ps— 66. and taught his children th at a good lation o f life stood fou r square, w ith ­ out fea r and w ithout reproach. He was s member o f Hope Lodge No. 166 A . F. A A . M-, a t Independence, K ant. Besides his fam ily here, tw o sisters o f his still survive s t the old home in Bose Ball—Armgo vs. Norway Scotland, and tw o nephews are sur­ It was a fine bass ball gam s played vivors o f the world w ar through at Armgo last Sunday between the which they fou ght unscathed, even, as only flva o f the ninety-five who fan n ers o f N orw ay and the fa rm o f Armgo. The score was 8 to 2 in went from th eir community did. N orw ay’s favor. They also outbat Meet Smith and Barrow ted th eir opponents, securing sevez hits to A ra go ’s five. Dick SumsrUn M r. mad M rs. J. 3. Stanley returned in the box fo r the winners w hile Saturday from th eir trip to W ash­ L. W oodward threw the pellet fo r ington. They remained only tw o days Armgo. A return gam e w ill bo play­ at St. M artin’s Springe, finding con­ ed at N orw ay next Sunday i f Armgo ditions so prim itive and aboriginal can only secure another catcher. Sev there that even that short a visit eras en o f the nine men on that team which m ors than a plenty. Th ey w ent on played last Sunday are old catchers to Pasco, visitin g th eir daughters, snd w ith the addition o f one or ft Ruth and A lta , there; and then came m ore receivers they figu re they w ill back over the Cascades stopping at be w ell enough fo rtified to defeat zttle, Tacom a and Contralto. In N orw ay in the return gams. tra vellin g they w ere accustomed, the Judge says, to note the resemblance o f people they m ot to some one they knew a t home, and on ths train near E llsnsbarg he ressarked, as ha saw a man com ing down the stole, “ there’s L . Sm ith,’' m eaning that H waa a a who looked lik e oar Bank a g ri­ culturist. Bat it proved to bo 3. L. Sm ith in his prop— person. A t P ort­ land they both r—nsrksd, “ th ere’s C. R. Barrow.” T h at tim e it proved to be Vtos President Marshal whose re- ablancs to oar townsman his pub­ lished pictures reveal. A I Baxter for Rocndts L 3. Jackson, from ths field a rtil- r at Camp G rant in Illin ois, Is H ere in C o m county the loganber­ pping a t the B axter fo r th ree or ry season lasts six weeks. So, wo r days w hore hs w ill bo glad to ns a t 10 find, doss ths raspberry ■ any young man interested to ths W eather the plants have a cool, vocational train in g offered as ap in ­ tegra l part o f arm y service. H e is also prepared to g iv e tofon aation eon- f, lathe, ete, just to­ tin g the V ictory m edals now ha* r t G arage. tooaad by th