i* c — ; aS-JJyfy yatiStfSSíit. ___ " r W i f K Our l¿CiouS Choose the Brunswick r choose the Brunswick Phonograph to piay fo for it plays all iccods a t their best. I 1 • ' rp r I . 1 1 v 5 - ö ; • - I p I T he Brunswick Method of Reproduction makes this possible. It consist# of two outstanding, exclusive features— the Bruns­ wick Ukoiia and the Brunswick Tone Amplifier. Three heavy meals la one day are too much. The stom­ ach, to enjoy a good square meal, needs a rest sometimes. Have a full supply of PREPARED breakfast foods on hand, so that if you áre up late the night before you can SLEEP LATE and stUl get breakfast on time. Resides, having PREPARED breakfast foods on h*ad means the saving of lots of WORRY as well as time. “-WJl - * 1 ■ :J Try OUR G ro e e rifS ^ _ |Í^ ||¿ -' - | t i é- Farmers' . Justyou hear the Brunswick-come in today for free demonstration Full Stock on Hand No to Terms Within Reason , e «s. • : v -• *%- '*% r*‘> N ew stock of Columbia and Bruns­ wick Records tWtee * month m, I v' u * T TJ;' V YOU NEED a TONIC- hi Choe Garniy—1 m Dlcgw g qairrel P m C pful ai « good tedie. NÜVÖSEN (RawMgh’s) It’s dollars to doughnuts-— Id S m T ook «ad Ahermtfve. kr tra rn e fkromt» ina. If wfll W faaad kdpful no m an tv e r smoicea t m u w cigarette at any price! A M E L S quality, and th eir expert blend o f choice T urkish and choice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette th a t w ill sat­ isfy every sm oke desire you ever expressed. You w ill prefer th is C am el blend to either kind sm oked stra ig h t I L* '" $■' a r r * s' - .^-iv. . • C am els m ellow -m fldness w ill certain ly appeal to you. T he “body” is all there, and th a t sm oothneaal I t’s a delight I C S b H l O DOMEST IC] end , Go the lim it w ith Cam e 1st T hey w ill not tire your taste. And, they leave no nnpliiea a n t cigaretty aftertaste n o r unpleasant ciga- re tty odorl Ju a t co m p a rt C am els w ith a n y ciga­ r e tte in th e w orld a t a n y p rio el i H e r e is a ^ W o n d e r fu l M agazine Offer H M M | Coquille Valley Sentinel Regular Price - - $2 « Year ■'V'-• •'..** I \ , , ; - ''» Y I■*>