•y; ;< > f M ill % 'JStÊàsi. f> i ■ .< In a Class b Them selves Valley te a s e s whoss prep- besdsea on streams largo er J * , up and take notice: Application of the Oeon Bay Lag. •fa« company for n franckieo t e a the public service a n a m tete of O m rtac, eatchinp. h n ftia g , and ho B LAVAL MILKING MACHINES, Ik* Da U ra l Q t m n t m t i n i a t daas by llwmehree. These in n s h er» W w la m for sev e rsl y w n , b at « ij r ur w an they pieced « the aai)tiL TWy hay* iip a i— Min with them u til they have mm da a m The Help You W ant on Washday , ^ _ S ^ _ b0 We dry the clothes ever the sensbboard and no without wringing or flapping weekly troubles with clothes on the tine— a spin in our tines and soot NOSLER’S Cash & Carry Store . SAVE MONET BT PAYING CASH W ant A ds m O m Cant g , you more about this service. S T V " * “1 J 5 ? * * P*~es, Or better, leave us your ad- Mke the bed clothes and table dress and we wffl have our Such other pieces as driver call at once for your Çoquüle Laundry Company Send it 1920 MODELS Maxwell . Chalmers Velie Haynes Automobiles Maxwell and Federal Trucks U S E D C A R B A R G A IN S 1 9 1 8 M axwell Roadster, 3 Pass $ 6 7 5 In epiandid condition. Novor off pnvemoat 1 9 1 8 M axwell Touring C ar $650 Good ehape. Good rubber 1 9 1 7 Dodge Touring - $750 Good running order. 1 9 1 7 Oakland Six Now paint. $600 Good r u b b e r ___________________ __________ F. L. GREENOUGH Graham's Garage 4 L Etect at Fewer* Tha L ojal Legion of Loggnm and timilurmiTT a t Norway, bald their oomi-ynarly election Monday ovonln* April ttb . The following wwo eieetod: Yarn Hason. « • Coquille, Oregon What the Labd Date Maaaa Aa to dries on tho Sentinel label», the figures refer only to tho yaar and not to the day of the month. For in­ stance "April MT means April 1st, 11930. Naturally many people think ¡the “30” means the 20th of the month. We intend th a t ovary subscription shall expire oa tho first of the month so as to have only twelve aspiration dates in the year instead of M . We don’t want to short change anyone on the year’s papers and in handreds of instances have famished two, three « Mill Wood P . E. DRANE