The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, February 20, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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    E. C. R ebuts, of Myrtle Point, w u
* Sentinel caller this morning.
Hemstitching done at Mayhollo
Ford’s Millinery.
Judge Coke cam« over here today to
taka up the pending naturalization
n o rm
u is v r ic i 0 1
..u u u v j
Look over the list of
for the line of automobiles handled by
Quick advertises. Very likely he h u £ ; p .»1------
something you wjsnt.
_ .
E. 0 . Clinton has‘resigned his po-
Earl Cochran, of Parkersburg, w u
^ Farmers Union stors here
doing business in Coquille yesterday ^ ^
. logging w
and made the Sentinel a co .
wage# are higher. Mr. Chase has en-
Assessor J. P. Beyers went home gaged the service* of Frank Schram,
sick with the grip a couple of days ago- an experienced clerk from the Bay, to
and is now confined to his bed.
take his place.
I We know “The Beach Models” will
The Coquille Lumber Mlils (former-
/captivate you when they appear in |y the Sitka) waa shutdow n Wednes-
zperson a t the Liberty Theatre, Feb. day owing to so many of the workmen
being sick and so many others having
Planting garden tern been the rule severe c u m of sickness ¡n thir fami-
here in CoquUle thU week. The ap,
J«*«*»* «1» ba* »hut down
peal of such weather couldn’t be re-
the same reason,
Chas. ‘Strang and family started
Wednesday*noon the Marshfield
schools were dismissed until next Mon- Shasta Valley, Callfornte,-where he
of sickness among both
bought i ranch and will engage
City Council A dvertises Bonds
"The Beach Models” appear first on
the screen in their latest comedy, “Dog
Days,” and then appear in person In vited were prevented by sickness from
being present.
a miniature song and dance revue.
While the Liberty Theater is shut
down now along with so many other
plates, and is being thoroughly clean­
ed and fumigated on account *f the
prevailing epidemic, Manager Gage
doesn’t consider it closed on account of
any official order, and is preparing to
open again next week.
D. C. Krantz h at added to hit
place a couple of blocks west of the
Sentinel office by buying an acre of
land from off the west end of the
Stanley place just south of his. He
has also.added to his milk supply Ijy
buying one of Mr.
They say in China, the chinks pay
fifty cents to see the bathing girl
According to th at “The
Beach Models In Person" would play
a t $2.00 per s e a t
Mrs. Owen Knowltor. war called on
yesterday afternoon to assist a t the
county clerk’s office, both Mr. Oddy
and Mias Bunch having b u n taken
with th e grip during the day.
While the schools, the churches, tho
theater, the pool hall* and the lumber
mills are all closed and there are prac­
tically no social functions this week,
the newspapers go on fust the same.
, Before the shut down a t the Co­
quille Lumber Mills, a beginning was
made in lath manufacture, 7,000 being
produced in half a day by green men.
The capacity of the plant is about 20,-
000 a day/-
átate Senator W alter B. Jones, of
Eugene, and W. T. Alpine, of Wiscon­
sin, were in Coquille recently on their
way to Riverton* where they are In­
terested in the John-Jones Coq) com­
pany mines.
Dr. J. L. Masson, the Myrtla Point
veterinarian, 'gas a caller Tuesday.
As will be seen from a notice pub­
lished elsewhere in this issue he has
taken on the u l e of Atterbury trucks
as a side line.
C. D. Jarm an and J. T. Jenkins,
dairymen of the lower valley, were
callera last Friday. They were much
interested in the organisation of the
Jersey Breeder*’ association else­
where reportad.
The veneer plant a t th* Coquille
Lumber Mills under the management
of Mr. Deylen, has begun to turn out
some very fine specimens—smooth as
glass on one side and rough aa sand­
paper on the. other.
H. C. Gets, bookkeeper a t the Co­
quille Lumber Mills, has purchased
the house where L. L. Bunch h u b u n
living—one of the Folsom bunch of
houses on E ast F irst street next to
the Beech street bridge.
There will be two entire show* at
the Liberty theatre Thursday, Febru­
ary 26th, to accommodate the crowd»
who ar* eager to see “The Beach Mod­
al«“ appearing In p a m a .
For the past two months Dr. Ed­
wards, the health officer over a t the
Bay, says there have b u n the fol­
lowing number of c u e s quarantined:
by Dr. Houseworth 2, by Dr. H onfall
4, by Dr. Keizer 1$, by Dr. Edwards
4. In Empire 4.
In oil, 27 cases
This, observes the
Harbor, is a wide variation from the
report sent to the Oregonian from
Marshfield which stated we had from
200 to 800 cases h e re .‘
“The Beach Models” who appear in
(person a t the Liberty theatre, Thurs­
day, February 2«, come direct from a
two day engagement a t the Noble
Theatre, Marshfield.
debate with Bandon here l u t week,
Marshfield la said to have carried off
the honor* in the county. .
“The Beach Models” carry their own
scenic end electrical, effects.
will appear a t the Liberty th u tre ,
Thursday, February 26th.
It you want a Portland daily in con­
nection with your Sentinel subscrip­
tion you will find th at we make an
at tract! ve# combination price.
R. A. Wernich, of the Coquille Lum­
ber Milla, informa us that he h u in
contemplation the establishment of a
' sash and door factory hare some time
in th* future.
¡ .
Spectacles and Eye glass#* repair­
ed while )roa wait.
Broken lenses
duplicated. Satisfaction guaranteed,
by V. R. Wilson, the Optometrist, Co-
quin«, Oregon,
A T. Morrison has gone out to Eu­
gene to spend s couple of weeks in the
Willamette valley, working in the in­
terest of the Bankers U fe Insurance
Him he:'* Uanielroo, who w *) for
jo lone on« oi the moat popular cl« Its
at the ceurl house, was • caller thii
euorning. She and her mother, b ln.
Elizabeth Danielson, have been »perill­
ing the pest lour months visiting her
sitter, Mrs. T B. Davidson a t Belling,
ham, Wash.
Of Mies Rena
found work .In. an office there during
the time, u she is constitutionally
averse to id I J l ess.
Jack J ur », of Gold Beach, who was
for so many y e a n connected with the
Sentinel office, is quite ill agate—so
bod th at be w u unable to come to the
phone one day this week to talk about
an important business m atter. It will
bo remembered th at he was ill for
n.any weeks a year ago following the
flu and that grave f u r s began to be
felt as to the outcome, hit heart being
very seriously affected.
A short session of the city council
was bald l u t evening to authorize the
u le of improvement bonde, amounting
to $1862.08, tor the Hall and Front
street bridge. This being the only
m atter mentioned in the call for the
meeting , no other business waa trans­
acted, although Mrs. H attie Bledsoe
appeared before the body to u k that
Third street be graded from Taylor to
Moulton street, in order th at access
might be had to the houses on the
mp-th side of Third.
She waa told
fM t if two-thirds of th« property own
era would petition for it the improve­
ment could be made; «otherwise the
m atter would have .to follow the pre­
scribed* routine, be advertised, and the
s t r u t cut ta the established grad*.
She also u k e d th* council to do
something toward removing the old
half-burned structure across the s t r u t
east from the Bledsoe House.
in f, care o f atock-«-g®ttinf w ady *or •
•a* * T
These item s are of genuine value In the aprinf w orn
Tree Spray« and Insecticides
Dry Lime sad Sulphur
dist church.
Fob. 17—Reuben Griffith and Ida
Cochran, both of Bandon.
Fob. 17—Archie A. Slocum, of
Marshfield, and Clara B. W right, of
Feb. 17—Emmett Hammack, of Co-
quille, and Peraa Barklow, of Myrtle
Feb. IS—Eugene H. Imler and Flor­
ence Flanagan, both of Marshfield.
^ “The Beach Modela in Person” ap­
peared a t the Symphony theatre, Los
Angeles, for two solid weeks.
B-K Solution
Now a n ecessity for the dairy.
Powerful and non-poisonoua.
Quarts, Râlions and five gallons.
Krcao Dips
Both useful in general cleaning as w ell as
in the care o f stock.
Care of Stock
service at th a t time. Central rang
the street alarms—the little bells at
the city hall, F u h ru an ’s and the Busy
Corner—and notified Fire Chief Chase
of the location of the fire. Recorder
Lawrence tried repeatedly to get cen­
tral to find where the fire wan in or­
der to ring the flry bell in a way to in­
dicate where the fire waa. He was uU
terly unable to do so, the result being
that he was unable to learn the loca­
tion or ring the bell until the fire w u
out—in fact, did not ring it. This was
th< second time within a month th at
Central failed to function a t the time
of a fire and we can s<>e no re u o n why
the operator should have called the
editor down so hard. It might mean
thousand of dollars difference in a fire
loss tp neglect to give the information
Veterinary Vaseline and Sahrcs
N ecessary to overcome th e bed effects of
mud and weather.
Kow Kure
Stock Foods
Wfill put your stock in th e best possible
shape for the season.
A. complete stock of new garden seed both in balk and
small packages.
They Are Praying for Rain
The normal snowfall a t Tamarack
in the San Joaquin valley, California,
is something over 16 feet; and when
it dropped to two thia winter, the
church«* in th^ San Francisco bay
«action begin to pray for rain. The
fruit crop is practically the entire re­
source in the Santa Clara valley and
vithout rain this winter and the
ground as dry now as in A u gust/b*
chances of a crop look very dubious
just now.
Sunday School Convention.
Wm. Oddy reports the sale through
his agi ncy this week of tho Mrs. Do­
le ng property, consisting of a house
and two lota i ^ Noslev addition nor’ h
of tlie Academy, to 0 . K. Kakastruw.
I’h i consideration waa klobO.
The Sunday school convention a t the
Federated church was well attended
and the session« proved both interest­
ing and profitable to the teachers in
Mr. Humbert’s sermon
Sunday morning was listened to with
close attention by a crowded house,
Suffer in Bandon’* Stead
the worshippers a t the Christian
1 The basket ball game with Bandon church coming over in a body to a t­
here last Friday evening was called off tend the services.
by the visitors awing to the fact that
members of the team were in the de­
To Keep Boy* Out
bate th at same evening, but th at did
At the Bpy, Constable Goodman has
not prevent tLe locals from getting re ­ been busy looking after minors who
venge from some one for their two are frequenting pool halls. All pool
previous defeats, as they prevailed on hay proprietors have been notified to
the Myrtle Point high school team to enforce the law. Boys who put a slip
come down for a schedule game. The of paper marked 21 *n their shoes and
Pointers, who had to patch up their then lie about their age, or misrepre­
team in s flurry were pretty badly sent it in any other way, are subjust
smeared to the tune of 28 to 8, but to a fine of $10.
they would have had to have a dandy
five to have stopped the local bunch
Snow Thia Morning
that evening. Every one of the Co­
We haven’t had snow enough here
quille boys played a splendid game
th at evening and have evidently hit this winter to whiten the ground.The
their stride.
few scattering flakes th at were seen
thia morning are, however, a remind­
er that the stuff which has been piled
Milk on Coos River
up in the streets of New York, block­
Mm. Frank Rogers was here from ing traffic for a week or two early this
their Coos River ranch Saturday. She month, is not entirely foreign to this
states that the Rogers’ ranch is now
shipping more milk than all of the
rest of the South Coos River ranches.
New Cases in C ircoli Court
—Coos Bay Times.
Feb. 11—Sarah M. Van De Car va.
We should like to hear of a dairy Bennett Timothy Van De Car. Suit
ranch on any of the forks of the Co­ for divorce.
quille that is producing as much milk
Feb. 17-Ljohn K. Kollock vs. Coos
as any of the rest in its neck of the county, and the Sheriff, county judge
woods. But such a ranch doesn’t ex- and County Commissioners.
Feb. 18— L.,M. Travia vs. Henry W,
Wiebke a n d ----- Wiebkc, his wife.
“The Beach Models” will appear in
chic and daring bathing toggery at
Take a tip—be on hand early Thurs­
th* Liberty Theatre, Thursday, Feb. day ,Feb. 26th, a t the Liberty Thea­
26th. The show is clean and refined. tre, if you want to see “The Beech
Models Appearing in Person.” ,
A carload of the famous Atterbury
Trucks la now on display a t Myrtle
Point, which I will be glad to show to
those who contemplate buying.
• Two trucks of thia make have been
in use there for a yer.r without
The only sure prevention against sm ut and
and rust on grain and potatoes.
See the Atterbury Tractor*
“Miss Pan,” who will appear in per­
son with “The Beach Model«,” a t the
Liberty Theater, Feb. 26, was a t one
time champion lady fancy diver of
In convenient sited packages.
A rsenate o f Lead
Tobacco Spray v
The concentrated Black L eaf 40
Russ Land* Offered for Sale.
The land* of the R um Im­
provement C o . have now all been
platted and are offered to the
public in tracts o f any size de­
. L. P. BranstetteY.
“The Beach Models” have the repu­
tation Of having some of the most ele­
gant wardrobe* on the road today.
(Prepared by the U nited State« D epart­
m ent of A griculture.)
Extensive experiment* conducted
at the government farm, BeitsvtUe,
Md., show that milk drawn Into a
sterile pall from dirty cows contained
an average of 32,877 bacteria per cubic
centimeter, while milk drawn from
clean cows whose udder* and taste
were washed immediately previous to
milking had a content of only 4,047
germ* p r cubic centimeter. These
tests were made Immediately after
milking. Naturally on standing the
milk with the r.rertcut number of bac­
teria trw M
*cr!ir-nto nnyt rry/dly
due te the multiplication of the germs.
’AMMdingly Its value as a human food
product would be greatly fednetd.
while Its introduction on the d tp. mar­
ket would be carefully scrutinized,
and In some case* punished by the
health authorities.
Pride should cause every dairyman
to maintain hi* cows in an attractive,
cleanly and sanitary condition every
lay In the year. In a way the appear­
ance of the cow Is an accurate meas-
ur* of the owner. In th* same degree
that neglected .fences, overrun fence
row*, tumbledown buildings and un­
housed machinery typify the shiftless,
ne’er-do-well farmer, dairy cows which
are dirty Indicate the milk fanner
who does n 't safeguard consumers
against contaminated milk.
sea why papa should toar to
commit a cat to your charge a
cat has nine live*.—Boston Eve­
ning Transcript.
Top and Bottom.
“I’m glad rm not a Hindu soldier,”
remarked the private who was always
Int* to formations.
“WhyT” asked the sergeant Who was
alw iys calling him down for that fail-
“It’s bad enough”, responded tbs
eUronicallv lardy one, “to get my legs
dressed hi time for reveille, let alono
wrapp1.^ an r ttr a spiral leggla’
arouaa my head.”
Helped Where Help Waa Needed.
“You told him to diet.” aaid Ote
young doctor’s wife.
“Yea, I told him to eat only the vary
plainest food and very little of th a t”
“Do you think that will help hUnT*
“It will help him pay my bUl>*>
Boston Transcript
Hard to Forgive.
/ . .
Miss Pansy Pyetln has worn a look
of superior gloom and refused to al­
low home te be happy for several
Her father lightly alluded te
Her cowboy hero’s “chape” ea his s*Se­
vier fu rs—Washington Star.
The original form of th* word “gen-
Exposure te Oeld Rain* le Often Mere Homan” was Oentlle-man—signifying a
eoovert to Christianity.
Injurious Than Colder Weather
of Winter.
In Nov'-mher Is often more Injurious
to the animal than th* colder but dry
weather later In th* winter.
The dairy c*w la not like the fat
steer, protected from cold by a layer
of fat. Aa a result bad weather
causes a big drop In milk production.
So long as the weather Is dry It I*
just aa well to leeve th* cow outride
nights, but every cold rain should find
her protected.
The main thing is to have tight
walls so there la no draft *r wind and
a good roof. Care should be taken In
is your best friend; treat it
right. Abuse it and it w illte r-
sake you and there is not yet
anything provided that will take
its place.
may need Glass aid; consult us.
You owe them th a t much. W*
will c h a rg / nothing for advice.
Y o u r Eye* W ill Be Safe
In O u r Care
Errors in Refraction cvraeted
without the use of drugs.
OptoM etrkt
Coquille, Oregon