The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, January 16, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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_ this
the flontiwa
W ith
” J&Sir'S ISffto'bunSS
their subscribers on such an oc­
casion. We have actually seen
more than ones a
fifty-tw o issues for
weeks in the year.
And now the next thing the
reader will do is to turn to the
flint page o f this issue and as­
sure him self that this Is aetually
Number 68 o f this volasse o f the
We have been toe long at the
«Mtortol desk to make any prom-
In addition to Ha War Savings
fo r which he was elect*
1920, the Govern-
j l f p o u ib k .. jt is stressing the advantag­
IJISH nt ^IinAy
may be es o f investing in Liberty Bonds
at their presort prices and ad­
vising persons, especially small
* U > r thaP«opU . But i f it ta investors who have some ready
Attorney General Brown ear« it money, to shap up the bonds
wiH not go into effect until Olcott which are selling at various fig
ends ths four-year term for urea somewhat below per, not
which Withyeombe was elected. because they are worth less
Qfeott to the luckiest politician than their face value plus ac­
crued interest, but because tern
Oregon bee ever produced.
To us CMcott’s re-election in porarily there happens to be
1928, after he has served abnogt many o f them thrown on the
a fan four-year term, seems market by speculators who are
m ors probable. A man, who was forced to liquidate assets.
defeated at the primaries in nancial experts are agreed that
within a short time every issue
1918 and is stin serving for
o f Liberty Bonds will not only
oA ce to which he then
is in such political luck that we reach par but no doubt bring
would rather predict his election premium.
in 1928 and even again in 1927
The Oregonian says:
than to believe he can be tripped
“ I f every county could put up
by would-be governors in this
a specialty as does Tillamook,
year o f grace 1980.
what a grand old Oregon we
would be ”
Well, C o m and Curry put up
We are asked by a good many
days: “ W ill the not only “ a specialty as Tilla­
mook does,” but exactly the
S S f j L come iq. 1920?”
We don't know. But we have same specialty that Tillamook
does; but they take it to .the
read during the peat few .daya a
State fair and exhibit it along
number o f analyses o f busii
the Tillamook produc;
conditions, and a few forecasts
by men who are supposed to be and win the blue ribbon every
time. But then Tillamook is for­
tunate in having a name to con­
jure with.____________
and, perhaps, very prosperous.
Charles C. Selden, editor o f
one o f the most important finan­
cial magazines in the country
has had his ear to the ground
fo r a month, listening to busi­
ness. He says—
That exports will continue to
be heavy although America wil
not expect cash for all its
wifi give long* credits to the
raahlees countries o f Europe.
That eight great, private,
to make the SentiheP*
panar ja the future than it has
That with e
bean in the p a st I f we are able, heavy, all that America can pro-
as we hope to be, to continue to
tee in 1920 will be sold.
That the coal strike having
checked steel and iron nroduc-
come better acquainted with
the winter, the demand
Cooe county and ita people In
se metals during 1920
that time end we want to learn win be heavy.
The saying
whan the iron, and steel business
is prosperous so is the country.
lice the aeeret o f keening
hi sp irit as ths njH ng years
■all, there wti) b a a labor short-
and that
as to the>.,c
ore labor wiU have all
alike to aD.
the work it cares to do in 1920
Aato our
a paper that interests our read-
will continue high
era/th e only barometer we have
says Selden, all
to determine th a t is our »ub-
(Hcations seem to point to no
I lis t . So long as n « r
nic st least until 1926.
and ha'
I f you want to "know w hethef
you are going to be a success or
a failure in life you can easily
find out. The test is simple am
infallible. Are you able to save
m oney? If not, drop out. You
will fail as sure as you live. You
may not thinks so, but you will
The seed o f success is not in
Doesn’t Want Office
That it is -better to be at the
head o f a successful newspaper
in an Oregon county seat than to
be Secretary o f State at Salem
with the possibility o f inherit­
ing a governorship, is the conclu­
sion to which our friend, E. EL
Brodie, o f the Oregon City En
terprise, has come. Thirty news-
» » in tHe stats had pledged
, their support for the
publican nomination, which is,
o f course, equivalent to an elec­
tion. While such support wak
especially gratifying to Mr.
Brodie in announcing that he
could not consent to become
candidate, he s a y s :'
“ A fter long reflection, I can»
not separate m yself from a pro­
fession with which I have been
connected since boyhood.
publishing o f a newspaper, in
my opinion, is o f greater dignity
and service than holding a pub­
lic office.
The true newspaper
man may be tempted by visions
o f easier tasks and shorter
hours, but if he is true to the
calling o f his own choosing, he
will stick and resist the tempta­
tion to forsake a legitimate buai-
ness wherein he should be
leader in influencing public opin­
ion within the radius o f his
newspaper’s circulation.
“The Enterprise was estab­
lished 64 years ago, and has
been published continuously in
Oregon City since 1866.
two newspapers in Oregon are
older. My connection with The
Enterprise covers 15 years, the
last 12 years as publisher. We
have just purchased and remod
eled a building and have the fin­
est newspaper home in the state
outside o f Portland.”
New Jersey has time am
again manifested very erratic
fo r an American com­
w e want to repeat
monwealth, but its last exploit
largely depends
Ml _ a governor pledged to
tfepfteivea what kind,oi,a.n«ws- da all he could to prevent the en­
forcem ent o f constitutional pro-
renden voinnteU yr fu rb ish .p a
nuts hei in the class
aim o f course, the m ost satisfac­ South Carolina occupied as
tory ones they And in thepaper. nullification state. Thus encour­
aged the liquor dealers associa­
tion o f the state asked the
Wa haul a call the other day prome court o f the nation to al­
from a man who occupies
low them to bring a suit to annul
prominent position in this coun­ the eighteenth amendment to
ty. Ha had given another news- the constitution.
papecsom e items that would be
All they got was a slap in the
o f interest to its readers and face. The court paid no atten­
Wbich he on his own account tion to the paints they raised but
wanted to see published, and o f­ simply told them it had no juris­
fered to Pay fo r their insertion. diction. It is the part o f the peo­
The editor declined to acoept any ple and the states to adopt
ition for them and
amendments; -th e court some-
publish them as news,
nes sets aside the laws con-
our official friend
tross enacts as unconstitutional,
to be red headed about >ut when it comes to the consti­
Favor Open Shop
it, because they did not appear tution itself it simply takes what
in the paper, or-at any rate he t finds as the supreme law. New
The 4-L organization has time
did not find them. Lying on
Jersey and her governor end
desk, clipped for republication in booze peddlers will have to sub- and again given proof o f its loy­
alty to American institutions,
the Sentinel at that very mo­ aide.
and has strenuously fought the
ment was one o f those items,
W. W. and alien and seditious
and we. showed it to him. He
trouble makers. It has earned
was a little surprised and his at­
Thera is just one I way and further commendation by the
titude toward the other newspa­ only one in which
the United passage o f the following resolu­
per visibly thawed.
States can get rid o f national tion adopted at a redent meeting
We have often had the same prohibition and that is for Con- o f its board o f directors:
to recommend a new
amendment repealing the prohi-
Whereas, The attention o f the
reader waa searching fo r ii
bition amendment and then tot public to the matter o f open shop
Editors are human and often three-fourths o f the states to and the 8 hour day has been
make mistakes, but they never adopt it. Even for the legisla- called, in an emphatic manner,
intentionally sidetrack, an int*r-
o f a portion o f the states and.
etting nswa Item.
that have adopted the prohibi-
Whereas, The L. L. L. L. has
, _ _
tion amendment to vote to with- enunciated from its inception
draw that ratification would the principle o f the open shop
Tha-atate Supreme court has have no effect, no m atter how and the 8 hour day, and.
decided JM.we expected it would, many legislatures should do so.
Whereas, H ie closed shop has
that Governor Olcott win serve That w%s decided after the Civil
oved o f no benefit to the
.for the fa ll term fo r war when the legislatures o f American public, but a definite
Withyeombe Ohio and New Jersey voted to oss to those communities which
But this dees not repeal, rescind or withdraw have adopted it, therefore,
set the politicians at rest. The their ratification o f the amend-
Be It Iteeohred, That we. The
is in special session ment conferring the suffrage on loard o f Directors o f the L. L.
wul probably be negroes. Congress refused to ' j . L., in session in the city o f
made to got n constitutional pay nay attention to their ac- Portland, Nov. 21st, 1919, reaf­
auMNkdnaat before the voters at tion, although without their firm our original purposes and
the l i l y primaries which wfll votes the amendment would ideals as enunciated in our Con-
skm. There is one
Sir Harry Lauder was
Scotch coal miner early in life,
but for the past twsnte-five
years has been behind thei foot­
lights as a Scotch
Fred Lockley interviewed him
lately for the Oregon Journal in
the dressing room o f a L m An­
geles theatre, where he was put­
ting grease paint on his face be-"
fore doing his stunts before the
curtain. He didn’t say ju st what
you might expect, u you may
judge from reading the follow­
ing extracts form the interview
as quoted in the Literary Di­
“ We are told to love each
other. How can you love your
fellow man if yon don’t know
him ?
I f we only knew each
other we would understand each
other better, and then* we would
love each other better. Listen.
Lteten. Men can no longer say
that the birth, the life, th s cru­
cifixion, and the death on the
cross o f the Son o f Man don’t
concern them. He made the su­
preme sacrifice, that m#n might
have life. Possibly I couldn’t un-
derstand its full
few years a go; but I do now. My
own laddie, my own bairn, laid
down his life for his fellows. He
made the supreme sacrifice.
Thousands o f other parents, like
Annie and m yself, have had
their Gethsemane.
My boy,
John, lies on the hillside beyond
Hamel, in Picardy, where he felL
I have stood by his grave. He
was our all.
Am I a Scotch Presbyterian?
Yes, but at the front, in France,
got a new vision o f life and
what it means. It m aan/serviee
service for others. I am fo r the
simple religion o f Jesus Christ
I want no man nor creed to come
between me and my God. We
have too many creeds. W e pay
so much heed to our doctrines
and creeds that sometimes
think we forget God. We are all
under the same Groat
ipander, and all inarching
' and upward toward the
same destination. Let’s get over
t hi nki ng that our particular be­
lief is the only religion that has
God’s approval.
The day has
come for the wiping out o f reli
gious intolerance and annimoei
1920 M O D E L S
. Haynes
Autom obiles
_________ _
1918 Dodge Touring
1920 Ford Touring New $590.00
1§J9 Dodge Roadster iff; $1000.00
Graham's Garage
Coqdille, Oregon
¡T O
Dairymen Import Guernseys
“ Plans have been perfected by
the Oregon State Guernsey
club,” says Chester C. Farr,
county agent, “ to import several
carloads o f registered Guernseys
direct from the island o f Guern­
sey. Due to the direct methods
o f purchase they will be able to
deliver the same quality o f an
animal at from $100 to $ 1 6 0 ___
than what they can be at pres­
ent be secured fo r in the East.
“ Any dairymen, who are in­
terested in the purchase o f one
or more animals should at once
get in touch with the County
Agent and arrange details o f an
order. Since the meeting last
week there have been a g
many orders placed and the
rotary, has ordered applications
to dose on Saturday, January
tion for W.
for their own health
far their own appearance
for a seat, tidy
for thorough
for saving their
—an Electric Claaam
T* "
* »«W rn , labor-saving Electric Cleaner.
EMaphoae 71 for details of tho dealers’ special offer
Signa at tho
Tho Statement o f Thu Medford
dent Will Interest Oar ~
Our neighboring town, Medford,
Joint* the way in the word* of one of
t* moot rmjpected resident*:
M. S. Biden, shoe repairer, SI
Central Aye.. Medford. Ore., any«:
suffared from what the doctor *
w h rheumatic trouble caused by an
excess of uric acid in my blood. It
showed itself by eerore pains, es­
pecially in my back. My kidneys ware
out o f order, too, and those troubles
caused me to
down in health.
couldn’t stoop without
tout getting
Doan’s Kidney Pille
lie did just
Just what
they were repn
ted to do aa
the pain began to leave
ava mo and my
kidneys acted more regularly.
the time I had flnisk id tbree boxos, I
wa* without any of the
the signe o f the
Mr. Biden said: “ It *— *
so any oc
take Doan’s Kidney Pills, but
ion of them hasn’t changed " in
t aay
way since I first endorsed than. To-
V I am enjoying first-clam health.”
«Oc, at all dealer*. FosUr-Milbum
Co., Mfra. Buffala, N. Y.
“Now Is theTimeto Daft”
says the Good Judge
Go Is . real tobacco—
the ssm U chew witfcf
the rich tahacoD taste
^ long tino
ou less
chaw) than ordinary
tobacco. Any man
who nsos the Real
Tobacco Chew will
teU you that
* * Up in Two Sfytm
RIGHT CUT fc a short-cut
W-B CUT ia a