" • > valut Hi •», * COQUILLE OKBOOM. FRIDAY, JANUARY «. IMA «SUBTLE PO IN T ITEM S. Santa Claua has ceroe and Needs a V BN. All sizes in stòck as well as refill Batteries îi*'3ÊrfÊ& tmLuStmìflÉd JHntV'AN«, PHARMA FUHRMAN 5 PHARMACY OREGON COUP'LL fc * Exceptional Values in Graniteware -la Gray aafi BI m * WUU , ' Teakettles ..................... .......... $1.80 to $2.00 • Doable B oilers__________ ______ $1.25 to $2.25 Coffee P o ta ---------------------------------- $5« & 90« P a i l s ______ _____________ - ___________ $1.25 ,, Fry P a s s ____ ___ SOe lip Sauce P a n s _____________ - — 36c to $1.75 Preserving K ettles------------ --------- 26c to $1.75 D ish p aa_______________________________ 70« Washbowls ft P itchers__________________$2.00 Slop Jars ________________________ $2.75 D ip p e rs _______ 35« Piglet A_________ __ ^ ____ _______• 25c Wash Pans . . _7_ . . 05« to $1.00 ' Atty. A. G. Thompson is soon to move into the offices over the Myrtle Point Bank, formerly oc­ cupied by Claude H. Giles. Laura Schroeder is just covering from a siege of chick­ en 1 POX. G. G. Nelson hnd B Bertha Rid- er were united in in marriage Christmas eve at Myrtle Point. Some people in Myrtle Point evidently don't know the differ­ ence between small pox and chicken pox. Elder S. P. Sanger, who has been holding meetings at the Brethren church the past week, expects to continue them until this week is out and then return to his home in California. Walter BiUings, of Myrtle Point and Helen Murphy, of Bridge, were married at the res­ idence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller at high noon Sunday. They are now on their honey­ moon in California. Mrs. P. W. Laird and Miss Fairy Davis made a business trip to Coquille Monday. New Year’s I To buy your Groceries, Feed and Flour at the BUSY CORNER w ill save you Money, Time and Trouble Som e B argains—W e H ave O thers Silver Leaf Brand Pure Lard, 5-lb pail 1.90,10-lb pail $3.75 Speckled Bayo Beans, per lb. Mexican Red Beans, per lb. - * • \ ’ *®® Flour—Cupid Brand—Flour Best Patent Dr. L. G. Johnson was called from Marshfield Tuesday to con­ sult with Dr. O. H. Clarke re- ing the condition of J. L. . . 'v ewellen, who is seriously ill his home on North 4th street 3 Crown L oose M uscat R aisin s, per lb. * 17 1 At this writing Mr. Lewellen Fancy Thom pson Seed less, per lb. ,20c shows slight improvement in his condition. Fancy Seeded, 15-ox. package - - - 23c • Effie Weekly, the sixth grade teacher in the Myrtle Point C urrants, 16-os-p ack age - - - 35c schools, is sick with the chicken pox and Fairy Davis is substi­ Fancy D ried P eaches, th e W ellm an kind, per lb. 25c tuting for her. T. G. Summerlin, of Grave Ford, was a Myrtle Point visitor Wednesday. Margaret Corbin, of this city, went to Powers Thursday to spend a few days with her sis­ ter, Mrs. F. D. Medlock. Misses Mabel and Audrey WE OFFER YOU MAXIMUM SERVICE Lundy, of this place, went to Powers Thursday to spend a few PRICES A S LOW AS THE LOWEST days with their' friend, Mrs. Kate Brady, who resides there. Clarence Moon And Esther Barklow were married at her home last Sunday afternoon, Rev. Thos. Barklow performing the ceremony Miss Dora Willard, of North 2 Phones—691 Bend, was a visitor at the C. C. Carter home ffom Friday to Tuesday. ‘ ... C. C. Carter, of Myrtle Point, made a business trip to Marsh­ had procured a few grape*, enough ao that each man had a field Thursday. • . Ellis Shull, Crawford Annin, small bunch; they were sitting Elton Schroeder and Clarence along the roadside eating then^ Carter were Coquille visitors Some wounded doughboys frefin last Sunday. the front came along, not A re You In O b It? Mrs. M. W. Ray, of Marsh wounded ao much but that they field, is spending a few days vis­ could walk, who gave longing iting here in Myrtle Point with glances at those grapes, they got For the year nineteen a id ineteen we have Mrs. Lee'Ray. the grapes." And the boys of paid $3,200.00 interest on time deposits, a good deal Rev. F. L. •Flenner, pastor of the medical detachment -have of this j* interest on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. the Methodist church of this the recollection how good the place, who has been spending few grapes they had eaten tast­ Systematic saving is about the only way M m his vacation visiting relatives ed. This is one instance of thou­ average person gets ahead. in the east, writes that* he wil sands and thousands of similar arrive home Die last of this incidents. And they ovefshad- Why not open a savings aodount with us ami week and will fill the pulpit next ow the meaner things of which let us pay you interest. Sunday, January 4. we may have heard so much and Miss Clara Phelps, who has which Are more readily told. I * interest on savings deposits and 4% on been on the sick list, is back in But to me on this Christmas Time Certificates of Deposit school again this week. time the joybells of earth and School reopened Monday for heaven ring with a sweeter, ‘T H E BA NK OF COMMUNITY SER V IC E” three days’ work this week but, clearer, more jubilant note than owing to so much sickness, the ever before. For as a friend attendance is small. wrote me of his work in Brook­ R. A. Annin, of the Myrtle lyn, New York, “It is good to be Point bank, made a business trip lifting on the load for we work to Marshfield Wednesday. ■ with an undiscouraged Christ.” MYRTLE POINT, OREGON That is the power plant of the life and song of earth, an “undia- R. A. Annin, East Fork Notes A J. , Vieni couraged couragad Christ. Christ." The joybells Jsfca Tryos. < P. W. UM, A letter of Nov. 9 from J. E. still ring, “Glory to God in the Wilson, father of the little boy Highest and on earth peace, who was at Mountain Glade a rood will to men," and the beat year ago for a short time, says a always yet to be. of the crops in Oklahoma, “Fruit R. A. Easton. is scarce, feed ia plenty; crops are good, the best in years and Mr. and M r s . P n c e Items From Arago. iÛMee Kate and Connie Will­ PRwnts people are doing well. Cotton is Robison in preparing tor a trip the highest ever known, $42.58 Although a heavy rain pre­ oughby are a t home on Hall’s to Shasta for three or four creek for Christinas vacation. ■o $44- a 500 bale, which brings vailed all day the Arago hall was months. ^ * P * rted 4anu- $200. The seed is worth $60 a filled with people Christmas eve, „ E. E. Hampton returned from ™ ni h\ Portland Friday w^ere he had nd Robison ton. There are ten hundred who enjoyed another of MI sb JP*00* in pounds of seed in a bale. It Radabaugh’s splendid entertain­ taken a load of hogaM r. Hamp- Hamp- tkV .ilpJ. i V « In Shas- Sw » full brad î t V^7ey .* ,h o rt tim* Ugo And takes 1600 pounds of cotton to ments given by the school. Even ton brought make a 500 pound bale of lint, old Santa was there With his lit­ calf, the price being $300 --p-— so much th a t Mr. and M r a W RRobison .. 1-3 lint, 2-3 seed. Potatoes, tle son to help with the presents they are now returning for th a t sweet, $2.00, Irish potatoes $2.- as there were so many. The rain •nd family were Sumlay visitors purpoee. at Clyde Lillie’s home. 60; wheat $2.00; com $1.76. All ceased during the Gus-Schroeder took a carload Quite a number of Mrs. C E. that people have to buy is high, which made the traveling more of hogs to Portland Mom Schroeder’* friends-came In as eggs 60c, butter 50c.” The let­ pleasant, except for the mud. Shirley Hickham and ter was written from Cotton J. D. Carl and family spent “by w her her birthday liâ t Sunday evening. Fields, near Willard, Oklahoma. Christmas at A. H. Schroeder’«, Robison a n on the sick lis t 16». E. M. Beckham and Miss The price for picking cotton is lira. Carl and children remain­ Mr-| McDonald gave one Bessie Finley are both improv­ of his usual $2.60 to $8.00 a hundred po tnds. ing a few days longer. remarkable sermons James Benham and Walter Joe Lett and family were ing from their serious illness of last Sunday a t Arago. He Laird were hauling planks last guests a t the home of his broth­ lariLweek. - *n appointment for another .ser­ week to bridge some of the mud er, Will Lett, a t Bridge Christ­ The Arago bridge was com­ vice a t Arago Jan. 11,2:80 p. m. holes lengthways in the East mas and a few days afterwards. pleted for use s few days berore L. R. Woodward and family Fork road. Mrs. Emily Schroeder spent Christmas, Billy Field was the Arthur Hodge, of Fishtrap, the week end at the home of her contractor. time until their ranch is randy M r/ and Mrs. Caley Robison for was asked about some of the big son, Walter Schroeder. them to occupy. things he saw in France where Mrs. George Clinkenbeard’s were visitor a t the Price Robi­ ®*d»bnu«h ahd the men thought of others instead mother, Mrs. F. W. Stevens, and son home over Sunday. „ were home from of themselves. He said, “A med- son, Stanton, of North Bend, Mrs. C. E. Schroeder and children during the high school v.i- the week «mi Point ical detachment had been feed­ spent Christinas Christmas at Geo. CUnk- , children spent ___ ____________ » t k y - . n i M H m J j u S S ^ A ing on rations such as they could enbeard’s home at Arago, re- her parents a t Norway, spent New Year’s vacation with get, one day the mesa sargent turning home Monday. 1 Mrs. Clyde up|h and sir her mother a t Myrtle Feint. $3.10 per sack $12.25 p^r barrel For your Hot Cakes— Uncle John Syrup, gallons, $2.50 Racket Store MRS. B O N N IE W ALKER, Prop. ‘CUTTIN’ TH E MELON* ,;lt I/,.I, I,,--'¡' 1 'jt ¡f-jj a 1 J ii w m \ m welcome as the mominû toast - andasjriendty K good oil Ailed with Pearl Oil gives agreeable coi feet. At the tosen of a match there is friendly warmth. No — ehe, no odor, no dost, no dirt. I t is convenient easy to carry about, and economical — oil is only when heat is «its. P ieri Oil is refined and re­ refined by oar special process which makes it dean horning. P o r sale in hath by dealsra ev ery w h ere--th e same high- quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by baying in balk. Order by name — Pearl The Bank of Myrtle Point Oft W s recommend Perfection Oil Hesters. Sr. Ä j s r 1 - ta»» PEARL OIL HEAT AND LIGHT STANDARD OIL ..COMPANY A. B. CAMPBELL, Sped*] A geat • • • • ft ft • LYCURGUS LODGI Nei 71 • • KNICHTS o r PYTHIAS ft f t Usata Every M a y Evening ft ¿■M> P"* ■ Æ h~.- V ft h W. a W. HaO ft a t • e'etaek ft • • • • • • • • • • • • • li f t een « a n s I I OU, Coquille, Oregon. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f HOWARD X COUPER Formerly ot The Arrillaga Musical College, San Francisco t • • ft INSTRUCTION IN PIANO ft ft AND MUSICAL THBOBY ft ft P . O. Beat MS . Phene l t n ft • • # • • • • • * • • • • • • £ an JE M M ï uor 1 ,hort —V-