The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, January 02, 1920, Image 2

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in s
; VOL. U T . Ma IL
Peeple Take lit t le Interest
G iv o
Ferry to A . 8. Boi
O ther Awordo
A t tito m eeting o f the county
court on Tuooday the budget
wag revised as to the follow ing
item s:
The allowance fo r bailiffs', ju ­
rors' foes, witness fees, etc., in
the circuit court was increased
from $6,000 to $6,500. The third
Howell murder tria l w ill very
lik ely cause these «
run over the revised
The state tax
from $74,898.48 to $98,096.20.
but the county levy fo r market
roads was diminished by a cor­
responding am ount A s it stands
now there win be a state tax
o f one mUl, amounting to $23,-
646.24 fo r m arket roads and a
county tax o f exactly the same
wfe, ■
The item o f district toed
maintenance was cranged by
dudng the amount which l^ust
be levied under the 80-70 ui vi­
sion from a ten-mill to a c
•mill tax.
This w ill result in
there being $28,646J0 to divide
The follow ing from the Coos
in these proportions instead o f
ten tim es that much; but the Bay H arbor voices a complaint
total fo r the districts now stands o f the treatm ent given H arok
here by the sheriff’ s of-
at $140,118.06, only about $16,- f Howell
i />/> / i i i m n o W t a a a m n d
n * apfln BcCOUU vi l n l 1 i . •
000 o f which wltt * 6
pleaded fo r hu-
by the districts.
r the
The $12,000 allowed fo r
nding money borrowed from , but w ithout a va tt The boy was
the state highway commission not allowed outside o f the fou r
fo r use on the Coquille-Marsh- walls o f the ja il from the I5th
field road was reduced to $10, o f December until Christmas
000.« The total amount in the day, when the tria l ended. His
budget remains about the same only exercise was that gained
as before, but the court w ill net when he was conducted under
be hampered as it was feared in guard from the ja il to the court
the distribution o f the road room, entering the room from
the ja il using the inner door. So
The bids fo r the operation o f virtu ally he was never out in the
the Coquitte fe rry monthly fo r open air daring that tim e.
“Mr. g<mri*n
the com ing year w ere as follow s ,
fo r labor en ly:
Joe. P eart
------- $275
E. C. Conger...............260
F $
Apparently the public did not
take very much interest in the
county budget as not more than
fou r or five people, were present
a t the hearing the county court
gave on the case Tuesday morn
W. C. Bradley appeared in the
interest o f the boys end girls
dub work and fold how greatly
some states had beneAtted from
sim ilar work and urging the re­
tention o f Mr. K. R. Peterson,
the club leader who had done so
much among the boys and girls
o f the county A u t year an<
aroused an in te r® ! in pigs and
poultry and other lines o f work
among the young folks o f the
The same reasons that led to
the discontinuance o f the home
demontration work applied here
also— the idea that frills weren’t
going to help m the ranch and
that it was only those having
ample means who could afford to
put th an —also settled it that
Mr. Peterson should not be I
H. W . M iU e r____________ 260
C. P. K id d ----------- . . . . 240
A . 8. Bean . . . . __________288
V . G. P e tte n g ill_________ 280
The contract was awarded to
A . 8. Bean at his bid o f $280.
F or the Eastside fe rry at the
Bay there w ere tw o bids fo r la­
bor on ly:
A lex H a ll----- $860 per month
F. E. Peterson 866 per month
Being practically the same
Commissioner Kern was direct­
ed to investigate the m atter, and
the award w ill not behnade until
next week.
There was only one bid fo r the
operation o f the Richmond fe r­
ry, that o f Mr. H ayter at $60
per month. He was awarded the
Dr. James Richmond offered
to furnish medical attendance at
the county farm and ja il at $3.50
a visit to the form er and $1.60 a
I v isit to the latter.
Dr. G. E. Low e offered to do
the work at $6 a visit to the
poor farm — m aking one regular
v isit each week and as many
more as were called fo r— and
$8.60 a visit at the jail.
The contract was awarded to
Dr. Richmond.
The contract fo r groceries fo r
the county farm was awarded to
the Cash 4 Carry store at its
bid which was a rather compli­
cated one.
The Busy Corner bid $12.26 a
barrel fo r flour in January: $12.-
76 fo r February and M arch; su­
gar at 60 cents a hundred above
Portland wholesale prices and
six per cent retail prices fo r
other groceries.
The printing o f the official no­
tices fo r the county was award-
ed to the Coos Bay Tim es at its
bid— legal rates. The Tim es and
tha flS tin e l w ere awarded the
publishing o f the court proceed­
ings fo r the coming year.
thout avail.
'T h e ju ry and other court offi­
cials were allowed freedom o f
the grounds, and the defense
took the position that the same
treatm ent should have been a f­
forded the boy.”
It is not the custom o f the
erifTs office here to grant
those under arrest or on trial fo r
the crime o f murder the same
freedom that is allowed those
N either do the laws
discrim inate
those charged w ith murder in
the m atter o f bail contemplate
that one who is held fo r so atro­
cious a crime shall be given so
much freedom as those charged
w ith minor offenses.
But Mr.
Gage wonders how he is expect­
ed to treat one who is held fo r
the most fiendish crime ever
com mitted in Coos county.
The Howell boy has been per­
m itted to come down town with
Mr. Evland to have his hair cot
in a barber shop and has had
more liberties than Mr. Gage ev­
er before accorded to a p-isonor
ordered committed to the ja il
fo r the crim e o f murder.
There is no claim that the boy 4s
not well tratod in the ja il, only
that he is not treated as w ell as
the members o f the iury against
whom no charge whatever has
been mads.
O f course, what his attorneys
are saying along this line is a
hidden plea fo r sympathy, noth­
ing more. I f the boy is innocent,
o f course, he is deserving of
sym pathy; but how infinitely
less than the girl whom a cow­
ardly assassin shot in the back
because she refused to become s
o f hl8 hist. And until he
freed from the charge
nst him we taka no stock in
fo r givin g him more free-
and making a pet o f hi' i.
H e has so fa r failed to m anifest
CoL Wm. Grimes and Dorsey the slightest sign o f sympathy
came over from t h e ^ the parents o f them urdered
£ „ T f*
to attend fir t or o f horror fo r the crime,
the budget m eeting o f the coun-
T b « county or city health off!
ty c o u rta n d the Colonel talked
£ • P ™ *** P *1* * 8 t(*
g a r S U a S m * b. «"UlSd t e j j j or that hi. h«lth
before money was spent on tot- Pen llw l- _______________ -
erals th at wouldn’t connect w ith
______ ___
U ha-
JlfeY. JANUARY L 1010.
W ill D iffer— The W aite and H is Attorney S till at
Their Old Tricks, Playing
F or
Tim e
W ill Pay Far Lobbying
The county courts o f Clatsop
Tillam ook and Benton counties
agreed to funriah $600 each to
pay the expenses o f some road
boosters to go to Washington,
D. C., and work fo r a govern
ment appropriation fo r the
Roosevelt highway i f Coos coun­
ty would do the same. The coun­
ty court here thought this un­
wise and the district attorney
advised that there was no w ar­
rant o f law fo r such an appropri­
ation, so it was recommended
that this m atter be referred to
the commercial bodies o f the
The result is that the Marsh­
field Chamber o f Commerce
agreed to donate $160 o f th e
$400 asked from this county,
Coquille had agreed to give $75
and N orth Bend, Bandon, M yrtle
Point and Pow ers are expected
to come across w ith enough to
make up Coos county's quota.
It Begins Today— li s t o f
•ratora— President’s
When the county court came
The sale o f over 2,000 d iffer­
The work o f taking the four­
to revise the budget Tuesday, it ent descriptions o f land in the
teenth census o f the United
appeared that there was a t least Kinney tract at N orth Bend by
States begins today and the fo l­
$1,000 to turn back into the gen­ the Sheriff's office began here
lowing are the questions each
eral flrnd o f the county, which last Friday morning, according
householder is by law required
the court could dispose o f as it to notice, and continued day by
to answer:
day until Wednesday afternoon,
1. On what street, road or
Judge W ade favored givin g
avenue do you live?
this amount to the home demon­
Practically all the tracts were
2. W hat is the number o f
stration work which Miss Min­ bid in by the county. A company
your house?
nie Kalbus has been conducting composed o f F. B. W aite, o f
3. W hat is the fu ll nkme o f
fo r the past year.
Sutherlin, who is the largest
each person whose place o f
Commissioner Yoakam oppos­
itor o f this-estate, and per-
abode on January 1,1920, was in
ed this very positively, as he did
other creditors, called the
this fam ily?
not believe in the desirability o f
is company, bid on t
5. Is this home owned or
work o f that sort.
tracts the amount o f the judg­
That le ft the m atter up to ment fo r the 1907 and 1908 tax­
6. I f owned, is it free or
Commissioner Kern to decide is and demanded a deed, without
m ortgaged?
and he preferred the money paying in addition all subse-
7. W hat is the sex o f each
Fast and furious. The w ife is
should be used fo r advertising quent taxes, penalties, interea
fast and the husband furious. person?
Coos county in a state publica­
publics- [and costs as the law requires.
8. W hat is the color o f each
See “ A Temperamental W ife ” at
tion. Another commissioner had
A ctin ig
g on the
vne advice
aavice o i f w
r. the Lib erty Theatre Jan. 6 and 7 person?
previously said it would be bet­
ist, the special counsel o f
9. W hat is the age o f each ?
ter that book should .not be pub­
nty in this case, as well
10. A re you single, married,
lished at all than that it should
upon his own view o f the law,
widowed or divorced?
go out without any reference to
ty Sheriff Clyde Gage re-
11. W hat was the year o f
Coos county. r So Coos county
to make out deeds fo r
your im m igration to the United
w ill be represented in the Ore*
tracts on any such pay­
n Almanac this year but w ill m ent
12. A re you naturalised o r an
R eferrin g to the demand o f
ve no home demonstration * T h e provision o f the law on
alien? .
a gen t
which they relied in refusing to the State Teachers Association
18. I f naturalised in what
Miss Kalbus a few weeks
Issue deeds fo r a small fraction fo r a minimum salary o f $90
turned down a proposition to be­
the amount due the county on
14. H ave you attended school
come a member o f the facu lty o f
we tracts was the follow in g: $1080 a year fo r teachers, the since September 1, 1920?
Callage, the Iow a equiva-
15. A re you able to read?
fixing a minimum w age by law
lent t our O. A . C., ami has
“ A ll bidders except the coun
16. A re you able to w rite?
n, demand by other coun­
o f property fo r whi
17. W hat is the place o f your
ties in Oregon, so she is not the
o f delinquency are esse o f teachers, those who birth?
this decision o f the
by the eounty, shall pay the
18. W hat is your m other ton­
o f that price where the
court, except that like so many
amount o f all taxes, penal-
others, she had foud the clim ate
interest and costs, fo r
19. W here was your father
but there a n so many
o f Coos County very much to which Judgment is rendered, to­
her liking.
geth er with all taxes, interests
20. W hat was his m other ton­
and costs fo r all subsequent and so many more where in fer­ gue?
B ig Increase In Taxes
years due on said property at
21. W here was your m other
because there are not qualified born?
N ow that the budget item s the rate o f tale.”
onea to go around, that we ques­
22. W hat was her m other ton-
been fixed and it is too lata
tion ^the advisability at the de-
i would not appear to lea’
*v a -
rious cities o f Coos county:
Marshfield, total tax increased
from 39.6 mills to 60.5.
v N orth Bend Increased from
41.4 mills to 58.1.
Coquille increased from 42.3
mills to 52J1.
M yrtle Point increased from
42.6 m ills to 64.2.
Bandon increased from 47.9
to 67.9.
Em pire increased from 27.4
m ills to 65.8.
The building o f a new school
house at Em pire has more than
doubled the taxes there this year
H ere in Coquille, where in
nearly all cases our taxes were
lower in 1919 than in 1918, this
year we get ten m ills addition or
ju st a dollar more on $100 valu­
ation, or $10 on a thousand.
So where we paid $42.30 on a
thousand dollar valuation it w ill
be $62.30 this year. This w ill
mean that all taxes in this city
w ill be 23 Vt
Vk pel
per cent larger this
' c t that the
year than la s t The fact
increase in taxes is i i sway beyond
the sixteen percent lim itation is
principally due to the addition o f
the tw o m ill m arket road tax
this year which was voted by
the people and is independent o f
o f that lim itation.
This adds
more than $46.000 to Coos coun­
ty's taxes this year.
stand on in th eir
deeds on payment o f the taxes
and costs fo r 1907 and 1908
only, but A . 3. Hammond, th eir
attorney, says he w ill go into
court to try to compel the issu­
ance o f deeds fo r about one-sixth
the amount due on these proper­
ties. W hether he can get any­
where by such a move remains
to be seen. It may be th at the
object o f this contention is
to delay the closing o f this ma
tor and protract litigation.
Aa it stands the county is now
the owner o f these tracts and
can sell them fo r all they w ill
bring, but, o f course, it would be
impracticable to do this by or­
dinary real estate methods, and
an auction sale o f another char­
acter than the foreclosure sale
just held appears to be the al­
T ryin g to Baat the Com ity
W e do not im agine that the
attem pt o f F. B. W aite and
others interested in the Kinney
properties to get tax titles on
those properties by
them in fo r taxes fo r 1908 and
the years prior to that tim e w ill
succeed. It would be an anoma­
lous result fo r the county to
throw o ff ton y e a n ’taxes in or­
der to get pay fo r tw o or three
H owever it may be fo r others
County Court Takes a Stand a claim o f this sort is a good
thing fo r the lawyers, still fu r­
D istrict A ttorn ey J. F. Hall ther protracting the litigation in
asked the county court Tuesday
what they thought it best to do
about the Howell murder cs
W on't Favor Salary
which has been tw ice tried at
Mr. T h r ift who is soon to go
considerable expenae to the
county without result. Commis­ out to attend the special session
sion Kern suggested the idea o f o f the legislature asked an ex­
a change o f venue but it was un­ pression from the court in favor
derstood that the state could not o f a raise in salary fo r some o f
the county officers who are get­
ask fo r that.
Judge Hall said that the ju ry tin g no more than they did five
thought he was gu ilty but some y e a n ago. He was turned down,
the idea being expressed that if
few had doubts.
Commissioner Yoakam voiced a man didn’t want an office at
the sentiment o f the court by the present salary he could easi­
ly keep out o f i t
telling the judge:
“ Do your b est; i f you can’t
Ma fo il
There’s a dash o f
convict, w hy you can’t ”
French sauce in this tale o f a
See “ A
E. W . G reet is putting up * man-hunting maid.
building on the rear end o f the Temperamental W ife ” at the
lot opposite the Nosier Grocery, L ib erty Theatre Jan. 6 and 7.
to be used fo r W illey 4 Son*»
Hw offer of fos
while the old
for <3.00 sta
erald office which they occuj / U m I both for am
is bring refloured and repaired.
world w er, has bean to go to ex-
ernes in demanding increased
pay fo r laborers in some lines.
W hile we have never heard o f a
maximum lim it talked o f fo r the
wages o f laborers in any line,
that would be ju st as reasonable
\ a minimum wage. And it
m ight w ell be argued that i f no
person, however incapacitated,
shall be allowed to labor fo r less
than a minimum wage so no one,
however gifted , shall receive
more than a certain maximum
wage. The subject is a b ig one
and we make these suggestions
to set people to thinking, realiz­
ing that there are tw o sidee to
every proposition involving rad­
ical changes.
Tw o Coquille Boys to B ig G aac
The b ig football game at Pas­
adena yesterday between the
U n iven ity o f Oregon eleven and
he big Harvard team, the lead­
ing eastern team this year,
aroused more interest on the Pa­
cific coast than any game ever
>layed before. In Coquille the
nterest was greatly augmented
>y the fact that the tw o Leslie
>oys, Earl and Keith, were playi­
ng tackle and center respective-
y fo r Oregon. The score waa 7
to 6 in the easterners’ fa vor but
there is very little glory in it fo r
thé crimson follow ers because
h ey expected th eir husky favor-
tes to eat up the ligh ter Oregon
earn and score more than one
An average o f 20
pounds ligh ter to the man was a
serious handicap fo r the lemon
and yellow but they overcame it
w ith speed. On the other hand
the difference in clim ate between
the Atlan tic and Pacific coasts
was a handicap to Harvaxd.
From the score we judge it was
a game which aroused the wild­
est enthusiasm.
G irls G ive Fine Show
The perform ance put on by
e B arry Studio o f Dancing o f
arshfleld Wednesday
at the Lib erty Theatre, drew a
fu ll house and was greatly en­
joyed. The little girls ranging
in age from five to fifteen years,
made a most creditable showing
and were warm ly applauded.
T h e' youngest perform er was
H arriet Neiman, daughter o f
Mr. and Mks. N . Neiman, form ­
erly at CoquUk.
24. W hat is your trade, pro­
fession or particular kind o f
26. In what industry, busi­
ness or establishment are you at
26. A re you employer, salary
o f wage worker, or are you
working on your own account ?
The follow ing are the enumer­
ators fo r the districts in the Co­
quille V alley:
Beaver H ill and Ooaledo— L.
L. Bunch.
I M yrtle Point and Sugar L oaf
— John H. Carver.
| Cunningham, Fat Elk and Lee
— Ned C. Kelley.
Dora and Missouri— Edwin H.
Enchanted and Rowland— Ed­
win F. Postal.
Lam ps and N orw ay— Harold
K. Hodge.
Bandon— Mrs. N ettie Adams.
Coquille— Emma M. Pierce.
Prospect and Riverton— Chas.
A. Schroeder.
Four Mile, Tw o M ile and P ar­
kersburg— A rthur K . Hodge.
President W ilson has issued a
proclamation in regard to the
census in which a fter calling at­
tention to the law enacted Mar.
3, 1919, under which the present
census is being taken, and to the
mportance to the interests o f
the people o f the county that
this should be a fu ll and accur­
ate report o f the population and
resources o f'th e nation he says:
“ Now , therefore, I, W oodrow
Wilson, President o f the United
States o f Am erica, do hereby de­
clare and make known that, un­
der the law aforesaid, it is the
duty o f every person to answer
aft- questions on the census
schedules applying to him and
the fam ily to which he belongs,
and to the farm occupied by him
or his fam ily, and that any per­
son refusing to do so is subject
to penalty.
"T h e sole purpose o f the Cen­
to to secure general stattoti-
inform ation regarding the
population and resources o f the
country and replies are required
:lro n individuals only to perm it
the compilation o f such general
N o person can be
tarmed in any way by furnish-
ing the inform ation required.
r r i
■W i