(MM ! j V X S i ’ll' & for month W tb* *ay and d fte Jw . and her | had often employ- 126 the current l i l i cast, W for" and 71 against the • father fo r various I Cha*. H. Britton i . down and In that way Mrs. special levy, defeating the pro­ Bridge Tuesday. posal o f the teachers fo r increas­ ____________ and her ami had ___ Maytoll* Hemstitching dom i Christmas i ed salaries by 16 votes. vi,. . tf Ford's Millinery. The refusal o f the taxpayers ulne English plum pudding ¡£ X h u 3. b°y ,i° " h* at Bristol in that country “ A t the beginning o f the I Mrs. C. « . Muphy » by Mr, ’ Jennings’ m other and trouble Mrs. Kraoenburg said Miss Helen, were down frees 1 sent to him. that M m knew Harold so well . Met Saturday. fflm rwBhd ! irmly convinced o f his and algo ta thank you Room with Are to rent. Bath ed, in a number o f the teachers M. W. A- Clasi giving up their positions there and that she would do Ä ' room in connection. Apply to and seeking positions in Wash for your co-oporotion The Modern Woodmen o f everything in her power to help the SealineL ington or California, where Am erica held a long aession last prove his innocence to the world and patronato lor tho P. J. Michels left Tuesday many openings are available at when fourteen and give the boy the freedom morning fo r his old home at higher - salaries than are paid at 1 ' /Jm . were initiated into she believed he deserved. Mrs. Oregon City to spend Christmas N orth Bend. the m ysteries o f W oodcraft Kronenburg has both the inclin­ You art invited to speed these lon| State Deputy A . P. Martin was ation and financial means to help Delegates to Portland rainy evenings nt the Club BUlnrd down from Portland with a spec­ and this is not the first time she n .n clean, warm, comfortable. Fol­ The annual meeting o f the ial outfit o f paraphenalia to put has been quietly active in char­ c low the crowd. ** State Teachers' Association wfll tiie work mi right and the boys ities and in helping the causes! ahe believed to be rig h t” In another column County be held at Portland next Mon­ were given a rousing recaption. Treasurer Dimmick Issues a day. The follow ing are the dsie- It is expected to have a similar Umost Another Wreck call for all road fund warrants gatee who will represent Coos sized class ready fo r initiation next month. A fine lunch was county at that m eeting: Marshfield press dispatch | issued prior to July 1, 1919. G. E. Mulkey, county superin- served about m idnight and ev­ dated Wednesday says: There is lots o f water in the tendent, ix-omcio. City ty Super- eryone enjoyed the occasion. A “ It was learned today that the valley here now. The k ident Raymond E. Baker, o f __ ‘ I ff o f Woodmen from Myr­ «team schooner Johanna Smith I intendent wharf o f at the landing was this city, and Annie J. Young, o f tle Point wens in attendance. on her trip here from San Fran­ "=*»= overflowed yesterday morning. Cooston, iton, will represent the Coos cisco last Thursday, the day the unty teachers’ association. r. E. McKenna came couni less Coquille A fter 28 Y ea n Chanslor was wrecked, came I Mrs. F. >m Corvallis last Son- Edith M. Stalley and Harold home from .... B. J. Owen, o f the Walla Wal­ very near being swept on •end the holidays. Mr. 8. Tuttle, o f our city schools, la neighborhood in W ashington, the rocks at • Port Orford day to spend the treacherous incur­ McKenfts came in Wednesday w ill represent the Coos County was s breezy visitor Wednesday Teachers’ Institute. . rent. Reckonings were tak­ evening. morning. He came in with A . J. The teachers who were going Dr. G. W. Lee He, Oetoopathle Phy Radabaugh, o f Norway, with en, and it was found the ves­ to Portland w ill start tom orrow sic inn of Marshfield, wili he whom he is visiting. He arriv- sel was five miles nearer shore morning. Hotel, Coqnille, Tuesdays, last Friday and expects to step than it was supposed and the big and Saturday, such weak, *:00 p. here a month. He used to live lumber schooner headed out to Four Sisters Visit Her to 4 p. as. t* In this valley but has not re- sea ju st in time to escape being | Mrs. E. E. Fraadrick i j enjoy­ id it in the nineteen years stranded on th e rocks.” Men are finding our selections o f worsens so i Uncleaned Beans, ju st as they Better give that cape a little | ing a visit from four o f her sta­ that have elapsed since he le ft come from the threshing ma­ tory and extensive that they are not only ordering clothes wider berth than try to save a| chine, for sale at $6.00 per hun­ ters over the holidays. They In fact, he says it is 28 or 24 few minutes by crowding i t now for present needs but also are anticipating th eir tailor­ Sarah Imhoff and Miss- y m since be had been in Co- dred. -B . Folsom at Lorens’ ing needs for the eom ing season. The values certainly war­ and Ids Habeger, o f a quilk and he finds little here apartments. New Year's Greeting Iowa, and Mrs. D. now to remind him o f the town rant it. 7 -;.-', > - 'y ; . • Spectacles and Bye fMaaae repair­ Bridge. Mias Ida is e f a quarter o f a century ago. A s the year 1919 draws to a I It la a characteristic of ' ed while yen wait. Broken leosee ju st back from two years’ ser­ close the Mountain States Power • < - duplicated. Satisfaction guarantied« vice as a trained nurse in Co. wishes to extend to all its - by V. K. Wilson, the Optometrist, Co- She brought along a patrons and friends the compli­ M e . and Mrs. A . A . Selsnder quille, Oregon. wonderful collection o f 800 pi ments o f the season and bestl took over there. J. and Assessor Beyers and two wishes for a very Happy New I Ellis S. Dsmsnt, of Myrtle Point, is to “ prove up” even better than expected by those o f exact­ children were arrivals from Co­ to be found around the Imperial Simpson, o f Chicago, also spent Year. May you enjoy a full ing taste. Your satisfaction guaranteed no m atter what quille Wednesday m orning and lobby. Ho hae just brought In ear. Christmas with tS* Fraedrkks o f nrosperity the com-1 priced suit or overcoat you may sdlect but left this morning for Seat­ visited a t the home o f Mr. and oral carloads of cattle and is Mrs. F. W. Black until Thursday realized. and all your hopes be tle. L e also spent over two yea: fine form for Christasas when they all went to Sumner | Mountain States Power Co. I Dr. Chas. F. Poison i for Christmas at the hom e o f ■ounce to his frisnds la Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Beyers. Mrs. I also carry a line o f Man’s furnishings— Hate k . Studio o f Monday and Tuesday o f this Clara Beyers and tw o hoys Jar­ The Vallsy that hs Caps, Underwear, Hose, Suspenders, Shirts k Collars, new isk the Sentinel man spent in dental office in roam 1S81 Si* Presents red on the afternoon train up-to-date line o f neckwear. Building, Portland, Oregon. 4SU the court room, thinking that from Riddle and w e n also mem- _ A H Dancing f l f f l Program at the! after hearing arguments in the bers o f the fam ily gathering at Liberty Theatre, e, Coquille, Ore-| D. D. Pierce is h on e from Harold murder trial he could December 31st, 1919. This I the Beyers horns on that day.— ■ Michigan, where he hae spent give u comprehensive sui is one o f new dances the past three months. His trip o f the case but he found that Record. Whenever you are in the market fo r woOfen and beautiful costumes, and of-1 was made both fo r business and . A ll he has been able by the yard call and I will be glad to ahow you fers Holiday Novelties. Photos Hs Has Abnonaal Nerve to visit relative« at his old home. to do has'been to sketch some one o f the largest woolen houses in Am erica. W ill bs glad o f the Dancers on exhibition a tj All who saw the young de­ Monday o f last week ML T. inddents and refer to some o f to order fo r you at any tim e. ^ Door o f Theatre Sunday. the säuern salient leatures features o f the tes- fendant, Harold Howell, on the Clinton moved form his place ait mm I ttfcihk stand or at other times during Norway to the Chas. Stnuag timony. Nor in a Harold Howell’s attorney sere the murder trial, will no the deft place half a mile down the river the attorneys fo r 1 said to be anxious to-h ave his unmistakably to agree that he m anifested near the wye, which he recently were trying so unm third trial begin as early as pos­ the jury and distort the mal nerve. Mr. Sh purchased. sible in February. The Febru­ can we claim to have he did not believe there was a ary term o f the Circuit Court One o f the most attractive equally impartial in te- man on the ju ry on in the court will begin on the fourth Monday windows in town was that o f the porting*fact^ and^d-ion* mom who would compare with in February. Mountain States Power Co., him in that respect where s decorated tree was Sheriff Gag* Loses His Hat lighted with s lot o f colored elec­ y Sentinel W ants Printer Sheriff Gage came down tric lights. It was very pretty. The Sentinel needs another the Sentinel office Monday Mrs. Ruth Utter and son, Ivan find his hat which had m ysteri­ printer. Any man who wants a Rea, left. Tuesday fo r a two ously disappeared during the position and can make good as months’ vacation at Wood burn, court aession that afternoon. all-around printer, under Salem, and Corvallis. In March The editor o f the Sentinel wa whose eyes this notice may fall Mrs. Uttar will return to teach caught with the goods, but ex­ is invited to w rite and tell w h a; Dec. 19— Guy C. Torrey, o f the Pall game this the Roy school another summer. plained that he didn’t put his experience he has had, what M*r*hn»M, and an Ml W M. Ma- afternoon. I'm an­ form er em ployer« he can refer xious te roe our gee, o f Lakeside. Among others who report foot in it by lifting that h a t It to and what wages he expects ■Mr «UH player. would, indeed, be a bold man Dee. 19— A . J. Bundy and having seen that flaming ineteor MV d e a r . It who would try to rob a sheriff o f lone M. Starr, both o f Powers. o f which we wrote last week w est do yea a tot For We »’s Building D ec 22—Jesse Long and Lil­ of peed te go. I were Mrs. W. W. Rhule, living eighteen years’ experience o f lian W hittall, both o f Marsh saw by the paper near Johnsons Mill, Ross El- ways that are dark and tri Vs The U. o f f O. boys are giving a O f course, we Jazz dance in Machon’s Hall this field. wood, Pauline Lorenz and Law­ that are vain. rested on the old adage that "a evening for the benefit o f the Dec. 22— Jay C. Doyle and rence Moon. fa ir exchange is no robbery.” Jennie M. Hall, both o f Marsh Women’s Building which it is Among the U. o f O. students field. - . -, *• ** ->• expected to build in connection coming home fo r the holidays The Story Was Unfounded It la ofton urged that giamml Dec. 22— Jack Collier and with the university at Eugene last Friday and Saturday w will make the wearer look old, Doris Post, both o f Marshfield Superintendent Baker says in the near future. Good music Misses Marvel Skeels, Genevieve but, M a matter of fact, wear- Dec. 28— Jens Nelson, o f Myr- and a good tim e will be the out­ that the statement we published Chase, Gladys Nosier and Aus­ ing glasses is on# of tho boat! tie Point, end Bertha Riley, o f standing features. last week, copied from the Coos tin Hazard, Herbert Lukens, Ju­ pr—srrsrs of a youthful ap- iBandqp. Bay Harbor, which credited tne lian Leslie and Ray Bum s. D ec 22— Howard S. Smith, o f W eather Now teachers, o f the county with an Thk la because prolonged | Riverton, and Dollie Robbina, o f Two former Coquille ladies, Mr*. J. intention to fight the road bond The ’he past two days have given •ywtrain causes wrinkles and I Broadbent. 8. Lyon* arn^Mrs. C. McC. Johnson issue is entirely without founda­ us such ideal weather here in “crow'sfeet” to appear prema- Dec. 24— William H. Long and were in an auto wreck at Marshfield tion. Absolutely no move o f this valley that we wish our turoly and gives tho counted- Marie Jokinen, both o f last Saturday when the ear the to that-, nature has ever been pro­ rn friends who are now anee a strained, tired, drawn, fold. They were m arried the er was driving turned over. The top posed or mentioned in the meet­ croes look which 1* far more to » m e day by Justice Stanley at held the body of the car off from them ing o f the county Teachers’ As­ surrounded with ice and snow this be avoided from a point of view bis office here, so that they ware not injured aside sociation, he says. con- ef appearance, than from any Dec. 24— Luther Mounts, o f from a few bruise*. on real er fancied disfigurement I EufWB«. end Helena M. E. earth. When the Howell ju ry was caused by glasses. ar, o f this county. discharged by the court yester­ The Logan Cafe, which opened to We use particular care in fiv D ec 24 — Andrew Mcl day morning two o f its members the public last Saturday evening, en­ ting gleasee and in tbe «election and Lilly^Elliott, both Probate Court item s were quite ill, C. O. King, o f Mc­ joy«] a good patronage which kept Charles W alter was last Mon­ Kinley, and Marshall H. Nay, o f the foree bu*y until 2:S0 that night each perron', individual style of sam eday Dy Justice Stanley at Marshfield. Mr. King was suf­ Indeed, Mr. Logan say* that by the day appointed adm inistrator o f fering from s severe cold on his time they got thing* cleaned up for ihe estate o f in this county o f D efects o f vision cor­ lungs and could hardly speak. Sunday the early morning duck hunt­ <3ari G. Thompson, a resident o f rected without the use o f er* were beginning to come in for Missouri, who died Mr. 8. S. Bead, ef Myrtle Point, Drugs. His real estate*^oire2ii is breakfast. *y* he cannot m in the Farmer*1 valued st 81600 and the sonrsis- nek at CorvalUa, commencing Dec. eda are J. E. C ooley,: NickSham- The offer of the Sunaat and the 8 « bone and G. A. Bon ebrake. His tinel both for one yenr far fS.00 still heirs are his widow _ daughter living la Misouri. ES ■ ■Scw- Knowlton’s Drug Store I Your Taikring Needs for tbe Presali and Coming Stasis E. V. PRICE & CO. Gentlemen Ladies you all a Merry Guutmai Lund’s Toggery flow filasses Preserve One’s Youthful Appearance j V. R. WILSON m P i m I HP g: