M ake it à f P Musical Christmas Es 9 fr o m . M d th,t witabU «nd «»fa i lift« « ■ »• % b. for .11 T o u rW «d ..»d - ü i i ‘ --*«s. Below ww otter a few hdpfal sufswtioat $108.50 N o. 10 Brunsw ick w ith ten 85c R ecord s $143.50 No. 15 B runsw ick w ith ten 85c R ecord s $158.50 Ne. 17 B runsw ick w ith ten 85c R ecords $233.50 N o. 20 B runsw ick w ith ten 85c R ecord s $268.50 Type B Colombia Grafanola with ten 85c Records $40*00 Type D2 Columbia Grafanola with ten 85c Records $68*50 Type E2 Columbia Grafanola with ten 85cRecords$ Í 08*50 Type G2 Columbia Grafanola with ten 85c Records $123*50 N o. 7 B runsw ick w ith ten 85c R ecord s 1 Beautiful Silk Hosiery N eddies Undersilks Fancy Shirts '¿S&k WaistiMS -I Silk Dresses »M s Kimonas Bath R obes IHÉbrellas H andkerchiefs Swt Lathes' Coats S E I S o r ts ■ - £ T: Handbags y ' . f ■ >• V Je • - *■' y ‘V NeW stock o f Colum bia & Pathe Records December 20th and January 1st Records an sale now W8 & M. Suits M’u r s e s ^ ^ a H ^ H IH m Coquille Furniture Company i STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL ‘CHRISTMAS fMunaing Underwear Cloves Table Linen Bedspreads H E p r iii HENRY LORENZ TOTAL MILLIONS COQUILLE» OREGON 55 The number o f applications tor state aid to r ex-service men sent to Salem fo r approval is SOS. T h e fed ­ eral board fo r vocational education has sent 122 rehabilitation men to 0 . A . C. which is reported to be the largest number assigned to any In­ stitution w est o f the Rocky moun­ tains. A number o f ox-service men beta have received scholarships from churches or other organisations um oag which ass three whose ex­ penses are being provided by the su­ preme council o f the K n igh t* o f Coi- induce the peefils to hup W ar Savings BUrape and T r »usury StTlagi 0*rttfi< «•toe tor Chiiet w e present* thin jreer. It I* the hop* ot the Governor that the people of the Tw elfth M etric*, to- ■teed of spending their m eeer tor lux- urlee to he aeed ea Christmas preeente, will help -the Government finance ns war date of twenty-six billion» ot dol­ lar» by sen din* W ar Sarin*» Stamps end Treasury Sarin*» Certificate» aa g ift» to their friends and loved ones. Demand tor W ar Savings Stomps and Treasury Savings Certificates, the latter to denomination* of fMO and *}<>«*, set la last month. The Federal Baser»« Bank shipped »«0,100 worth of Treasury Savinas Certificates to eighteen banks on November *0, this being the largest day's shipment since the dose of the war. The Government anticipates to the light of the demand |f thee* eighteen banks tor these se­ curities to meet the holiday trade, that That the college has a reputation over the country fo r efficiency is indi­ cated by the fa c t that l f f i students now in attendance w ere transferred from 21 state« and territories. The U n iversity o f Oregon loads the list o f transfers w ith 28. B u te univer­ sities a ll the w ay from the A tlan tic even Th rift Stomps h to the Pacific arc represented. all postoSless to th< that postulasteis ma, ■Efficient supplies to demand. A Portland, la tter given aa the fo l­ The Government*« low ing inform ation as to the financial “Give s War Savin cam paign now being waged by the Treasury Savin** Cart The Episcopal Church Drive Discing is rapidly and economically done with the new M oline-U niversal Tractor, M odel D, one man with an •-fo o t tandem disc harrow covering *7 acres fn ten h ou rs W ith a 10 -fo o t disc harrow he covers *8 acres, and w ith a CO-foot peg-tooth harrow 76 mCThe light weight o f the Moline- UniversaT Tractor, 8,880 pounds, it especially adapted fo r disc­ in g and similar work, a* k does not pack the soil and uses bot little ftsd, running on less than half throttle most o f the time. It is light, but m ors then enough pow er to P*H tw o 14-inch plows st htgh speed, all its weight being traction weight. The Moline-Universal Tractor at­ taches directly to the issplcineat had forms a single, compact unit with it that is controlled by the operator from the teat o f the imptomrnt, where he must sit to do good . w ork. On* man with the Moline-Universal does aa good work as two men with the average tractor. / The Moline-Universal is adanted f o r a ll classes o f farm work. Its nigh clearance, tt'/i inches, makes h ideal f o r cultivating, and it is equally w ell fitted f o r planting and harvesting. I a addition, it has ample power fo r belt work, pulling a 84-inch grain sepqra to r o r lfi-inch ensilage cutter w ith ease. T h e re is w ork on the farm every day in the year fo r the M oline-U ni­ versal Tractor. It w ill do every field operation that can be done with horses and do k better, faster, and cheaper. Th is is why the M oline- U n iversal really replaces horses, and, a t the same time, by enabling one man t o d o much m ore w ork than e v e r before possibly solvea toe fa rm ^ f; si? • T h e detailed construction o f the CM? M oline-Universal, M odel D. ia the best k is possible to manufacture. J’ Trfccted 4 cylinder ovsrhoed-vsW * engine, electric starting and lighting System, complete enclosure o f all w orking parts, and fifteen Hyatt roll­ e r bearings, are u fe w o f to * mens features. ^ H’i invito you to txamimf this ms* chini st your tarKut opportunity. Episcopal church to Corn and Curry counties under the leadership o f Judge John S. Coke: Reports from Bandon Coquilln, E m pire C ity, Gardiner and M arshfield, show total su tferip tion o f »3,484, or approxiasately 2 « per cent o f the total fo r the tw o countie.. -- R eport» have hem made from a ll o JrftaT other olw’ih 8 tJi^!L< ?n eh’ uardtnr, churches reportin g r be­ in g St. John's Church, Bandon, $806- C W k* « M l; S t Ls»ko*a Church, Em pire C ity $2$0; Emanual Church. M arshfield, $1614. & 4 V - - L. - . Mmr r Machine demonstrated at any time on the H anly ranch at Lampa. ¡¡¡1 9 ^ 1r ;v