-*• a. " • V * * , V-T v - U '.• •>' . • V r *• ' . • 1 * • • • . . •!. C V V I'M CAPITAL Mr •y ta te s t CONg. Lloyd Haynes, John Kudraa, tackle. Malda Lana tenchor at Primary No. A «bragged late her yriloi and want out, locking th* door of th* Purl Woodruff, end empty school house after her. She hud iiiw»w^ half Imtk. always teved yellow. It was. she s«l<1. i. K. Boo*, tiA *m ± . * *bo *- *• Audrey Fraadriek, half back. the color of spring suashln* and da (To- Booth Shingle Cfc. *t Ftshtrap, w m Geo. Martin, quarter. dflq. Unfortunately It wag also tbs col iJk town tk* first o f tho wisk. Ho Gordon Hnskin, full back. ar e f a slip of pangr that rustled hate­ coma in Saturday and that afUrnooil Erarstt fraadriek subotitutod for fully In th* sweater pocket as she tha' flratwOf the weak. . . *rf ». d ha and* Sap Wamich wont ov«r to tho Jmond Martin ia the second half walkad—a telegram from PhH Draw. Bay d«ek banting. "Du* in Now Tork Monday. 10 a. m. ‘ Herbert Arm stronjcam * over froaa E. Willard aubatitotad for Lloyd Bride with mu" It anaouaoed cheer­ the Bay Monday morning. ,f J. H. Moors, of Namaha county, Haynes in the 8rd quarter. Kansas, tamo in laat Sunday to naako The score stood 26 to 12 in favor fully. • For thre ttock inauranca, aaa, or Ua homo in Coquille. Ha ts*an undo “Bride with me" had resolved Itself o f Coqui write T: A. Walker, agent, CoquUlo. Into a maddening refrain. Everything Of C. M. Siglin, who haa boon hare for Audrey. Fraadriek scored tho first that ehe did kept time to tt Ora. . < timo. Mr. Siglin says hia par- touchdowns by a series of lino bucks Qarden C ourt T oilet W ater Th# rand from the echoolhouse to her f H. C. Gate left TuOaday morning for tho distance o f 90 yards. Tha home was an uafreqnented one. A CRAGRANT wkh