rn — < **■< - . - •• - ■ . ■ . ■ • FRIDAY, N O V k t t t e ï . U lt . ' » . SON ■’ i have i two blocks north of the City Hall and will run it as a Feed and Sale Bam * — —^ < S RED moss OW ES full M m e WVCcncll Tib ft« KIRNS contributed by PalHic Were ' Usa i F N RUM * ^ ». . 8 .. Attractions for the week of Sat, Nov. 8th to F it, Nov. 14th BIG TASK IS DESCRIBED 8th PouHe and Single Rigs for Hire wiH be held there every Saturday at 1 : 30 p.m.,beginning: Saturday, November 15 Everyone Raving stock o f a n y kind, wagons, harness, etc., are requested to b r in g tsem in and they w ill be disposed o f fo r a reasonable fee > o " MILLER & SON *. CO Q U1L L E , O R E! W hite Deer Killed ia Douglas in Twenty Menthe *154,000,000 wee Spent Overeeae and *11»,000,000 ia the United Staten. Washington. (S p ecial.)— Through a complete report at the work o f the Am erican Red Cross la the w ar by I'lialrinan Henry P. Davison, on bo- h alf V>f the w ar council, the organisa­ tion on the eve o f Its annual enroll­ ment o f member* during the Third Red Croas RA1 Cell, N ovem ber i to 11, has rendered an accounting o f the many million* given It by the Am eri­ can people to help oar fighting men and onr a llie s T h e statement la, In part, as fo llo w s : “T h e war council o f the American Red Cross Is now prepared to make a complete accounting to the Am erican people o f money contributed and ex­ pended, as w ell sa tbs work don* by the Am erican Red Croas during the period In which the w ar council was in control at Its affairs. T h e w ar council was appointed M ay 19, 1919, and went oat o f existence February t * 1919. “ I t was the practice ot the w ar council to g ive complete publicity to Its policies end finances, bat It Is only now that • picture ot the w ar period as n whole can be presented. I t la the feelin g o f tho w ar council that a report In this summarised form should be made directly to the public which provided the money end gave the e f ­ fo rt which made the Am erican Red Cross success. “ A statement ot th e Am ericas R ed Croas effort end finances since the w ar council relinquished Its control w ill be m ad* to the public through the executive committee, and It Is lm- .portent, therefor*, that the fact that this report covers the period only until March * should be carefully noted." F ollow ing n r* certain round figure» covering Am erican Red Croas partlci potkm In the war, ns revealed by the w ar council's rep o rt: ~ •i vnJ will have mounted with the Ko-Keel Silo Is Favorite • Htitiful white head anff* antler«, Com County has over 400 sil< K rally admirediiere and ia held This is more than in any other county ' Dent price by Mr. Powell. Thia ia in the state. r.? drat deer of the kind killed in the 75% of the Aloe ia Coos are of the ’«•.» in about 2fry*an, and ia indeed Ko-Keel type. ^■'rxri animaL” When you are at the Cera Show, on Front street, Coquille, Step in next ' Ver-thing F W door to the oSics of the K. E. Johnson that’a alwaye the elogan at our Mill and got coot of material and Corn Showa. The entertainment and plana for building n Ko-Keel silo, a porta committeee are arranging to which is a savings bank for your corn pull off aome good atuff thia year and crop. everybody ia getting excited already, for the Whole «how thia time ia going ^ 'N o B o o m Booth to bo a regular item winder. One footure of tho show this year There will be something doing ev­ wi)l be the-booths, which tho various ery minute and the end of a perfect business Arms intend to put in the day will be pictured at the old-faah- exhibit building. They are more en­ thusiastic than ever about H and are arranging to make some high class •o m * Outstanding Figures. displays. Tho only thing represent­ Contributions received ■erne section while ha was hunting ing home industry which will be „ (m aterial end m o n e y ). *400,00*000 Red Croas members: last Sunday. The skin, which ha aav- barred is the bootlegging business. H unter« will be intereeted in the follo w in g fro m the Roeebrry Review; “A w h ite dear, the eepecially fav­ ored o f the species and a prise which every hunter deeiree once in many y e a n reported to be eeerr, hut whose charmed life teems always to spare it harm — ha» been killed in Douglas county, and the hid* of such a rare animal waa seen by handled» in thia city fo r the lin t time yesterday af­ ternoon. The «near white deer, be­ lieved to be the only one in the (tote, a line four-pointer buck, waa killed by H. S. Powell, of Tyro, and brought to this c ity by the latter in hic^ auto late yesterday. The animal, according to Mr. Powell, waa reported seen a number o f times near Yellow Creek in western Douglas county and waa killed b y Urn on W olf Crook of the Adults, 20,000,000; g ^ rv ^ T £ o t> u ,< > 0 0 . . . Red Cross w o r k e r s . . . . R e lie f articles produced by volunteer w o rk e rs .. Fam ilies o f soldiers aided by Hom e Service in U.8. Refreshm ents served by canteen w orker* In U.S. Nurses enrolled fo r serv- vsa 871*77,000 00*000 “BOOTS” DOROTHY “P E P " GISH Sgp nla “R IP A STITC H , T A IL O R S ” PATH S NEW S Sunday, November 9th ; ‘T H E R O A D C A L L E D S T R A IG H T ’ Featuring TOM BEN NISON S reels m “T H E C H A U F F E U R ” Featuring HILLY WEST Comedy 8 reek Monday, Novem ber 18th ; -D E S T IN Y ” Featuring DOROTHY PHIIJJP8 The wonderful star o t “Heart of Humanity” $ rents -S T A T E ROOM SE C R ET S” “P A ID IN F U L L ” Featuring P A U U N B FRED BEI CM Thursday, Novem ber 13th » I “ A R IZ O N A ” Featuring DÒUGLAH FAIRBANKS “S W A T T H E CROOK” Featuring HA BOLD LLOTD Comedy 1 real 4 *0 0 * 0 0 » B R A Y PHOTOGRAPH * -■ . K ind* o f com fort aitl'clos distributed to soldiers and sailors In 0 . 8 . .. . K nitted articles given te soldiers and sailors In V. 8. ............................ Tons o f re lie f supplies shipped overseas ......... Foreign countries In ~ which Red Cross oper­ ated ..................... . . . . Patient days In Red Cross hospital In F r a n c * ..,.. W ench hospitals given material aid ................ Splints supplied fo r Am er­ ican eoidiera ............. . Gallons o f nitrons oxide and oxygen furnished ton ■In your home ~ for convenience , comfort and economy We recommend Perfection Oil Heaters OU C a , Coquille, Educational 1 rttl *70 0 1*900,000 10*000 Friday, Novem ber 14th . Thursday's program will be repented. V 1,155,000 *7 8 0 - W e invite you to spond an evening with uo and enjoy the muaic along with this pic­ tures. The show starts at 7 :00 P. M. sharp. 25 ) 4,000 4,840,000 M e ^ m r S e d W i d Cross canteens In F ran ce___ 15*7*000 R efugees sided In France *7 8 *0 0 0 American convalescent soldiers attending Red _ Crose movies In France * 11*000 Soldier* carried by Red Cross ambulances In Ite ly 14*000 Children cared fo r by Red Croas In I t a ly ........ 10*000 O f the $40*00*000 In supplies, contributed to the American Red Cross during the tw enty month* the war council, was la existence $2681)0*000 sms «Doted to national headquarters, while $187,000.000 went to the chapters to finance their ac­ tivities. Expenditures In the twenty months -totalled $87*00*000. divided as fo llo w »: By national headquarters In France, $87.000,000; * l sew hers o v e r seaa, $04,000,000; In the United States. $4*000,000; by chapter* In the United States, $4*000,000; ooet ot ch ap ter produced article* distributed In W ane*, $25,000,000, elsewhere sees, $ *0 0 *0 0 0 ; In the United $ 2 *0 0 *0 0 * making total In France, $ 8 *0 0 *0 0 * elsewhere o v e r seas $72,000,000; In the United Staten, «119,000,000. BANKING BY M AIL ia done with oatiafactioa by aw ay o f onr Out-of-Town Customers Tfce season ia here when our roads are get­ ting bad and the weather unfavorable fo r driving, ao why not lot the m ail» do more fo r us7 It is considered negligent to hold a check more than three days before banking it, therefore we suggest, to those who are at aome distance out, to mail us their cheeks fo r credit— we w ill mail you a receipt ft»- same which can later be put^on your bank book. T ry this with your next check« fo r you w ill like this method. The Bank of Myrtle Point M Y R T L E P O IN T . O R E G O N “THEBANKOFCOMMUNTTYSERVICE” join The Am erican Red Cross J i All you need is * m Jiuà ...