by aa audience largely of women been the other night after a debate <>n whether huabanda should be required to pay aoch wages, aays the Philadel­ phia Evening Bulletin. One speaker drew a dismal picture of the future of romance with wives working tor wages. “Imagine a scent Ilka this,“ he laid: “Honey, do you love m a r “Of course I lore you.“ “Then will you marry met” “Well, maybe. How much do you payt" , * - “Suppose the wives were to Join the eovtet of walters-up and charge triple wagea for watting up nights for husbands." be said. — “Imagine a wife going Into society and being labeled a $U-a-week wife. A woman can take a last-year hat and make It look Ilka new. But when she signed a .contract for f 18 a week there would be no hid kg U from the neigh- warmth P e tri O il gives real comfort with­ out dust and dirt. Steady, corti- fortable heat for many hours on one filling w ith Pearl O il, the ever- obtainable fuel. O il consumed only when heat is required— no waste. Portable. Econom ical Pearl OU is refined and re-re­ fined by our special process which makes it clean burning. F o r tale in bu lk b y dealers everyw h ere,— the sam e h igh - quality kerosenejps the P earl O il ■old in fiva-gaQon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. O rder by name— Pearl Oil. Ws recommend Perfection Ofl Hsatots STANDARD O IL COMPANY (Califorais) . PEARL OIL «KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT A. a CAMPBELL» Spuds! A*c*L Stsadsrd OU Ce, Coquille, Oregea. S E N T IN E L TO YOUR FRIENDS IN THE EAST' tonsillotomy. While • In one at the hospital* overnight Jemc* conld not sleep because he missed his nteeplng porch, sn he called the nurse and pleaded Ms rase (for air). The weather was sero end the nurse explained as much to Jamas and thinking *h« fcad satisfied bis mind she left him, but no sooner had she gone than James became restless for Ms old haunts and'eaSad her. Again she refused to open the window and Jaihea, who to a “star care taker.“ proved hie mettle; be threw hli shoe through the window pane.— Indiana p- IT S W E E K L Y V IS IT S ARE B O U N D T O IN T E R E S T T H E M IN T H IS C O U N T R Y SHOW THE PAPER TO YOUR FRIENDS WHO ARE NOT TAKING IT. THEY WILL BECOME. , INTERESTED IN IT TOO. THE PAPER THAT IS IT IS DIFFERENT. invigorated my system, and that time I can eat and sleep in fort. 1 am today entirely well. ADDRESS T H E S E N T IN E L , C O Q U IL L E , O R E w h in At: rains is mads surs ^ Electrical Undertakings In Japan. There ere 715 electrical undertak­ Chlnatown Hldes Jee*. ings In Jnpan. Including 025 power The franatoteli ng of Chinato** rhgt plants, 42 electric railways, and 48 ha* been In p rogne aa for a decade haa companies operating both power plants fina II j thruat Ita Americanlslng Indo and tramways Thls’ls an Increase of enee* Into tbe Chtnese tempie In Mutt <0 companies over last year. The to­ Street wlth tbe resnlt tbat thè iosa tal amount of Invested capital In these and tesser Idols ha ve been relegatsd anterprtaea Is about 8888.0U0.000, In­ to a Spflty closet. ffitr years thè Joss cluding 8103,000,000 for power plant*. was ose of thè attractions of Chlm- 182.000.000 for railways, and *173.000,- i town and every well conducted party 000 for those rendarlug combined n » led before thè Idol tbat occupi ed service sn Increase of about 88,00(V- a promlnent posltlon In ths councll hall af tha tempi#.—New York Times Another speaker pleaded that “wom­ an shall not be brought down from her pedestal as a queen and made a mere employee of man.” In depicting the future of romance under the wage sys­ tem be mid the marriage ceremony would have to be revised to reed: “With this ring I hire thee, and will pay thee 815 a week by the aid of the world, the (Ieoh and the devil.” Notices like the following he pre­ dicted would be published: “Harried— John Brown and Hary Smith, by Rev. Russell H. ConwelL They will live In Logan and the wife’s wages will be 815 a week." Scenes like the following In court were forecast: “Judge, he hired me for 820 a week and he Is now two weeks overdue In my pay. I’m going to get a new boss.“ want to E. E. JOHNSON CITY BAKERY Under new management Fresh Bread, Cakes and Fancy Pastry < • L a ird B u ild in g * CoquiUe, O regon LOOKING AHEAD A FEW YEARS Augustus Tolliver, the soap king, strods wruthfully out of his stmteroom aboard the blimp and seised the arm of tpe porter. " "Idiot I" 5» roared, “why didn’t you give me a call this morning? I told you I bad to be In London for a di­ rector*’ meeting at 8 a. m. sharp, and' now.London Is Lord knows'how many thousands of miles In our rear." “Ah pounded on yo’ door, boas, but yo* refuses to waken,” replied the porter. The soap king pulled out a watch. “Eleven-thirty,” he grunted dis­ gustedly. “Where are we now?" “Jest passed over S t Louis, boas; we’ll be back In N’Yawh at 1&0B." “Oh r r well.” said Tolliver. “I cam attend that 12:80 meeting of the soap powder people and catch the 1:80 blimp for London.” will buy the best residence lot in Coquille this week. Smooth and level. Just west of the City High School. * Rat Skin* far Leather. - The suggestion ha* been made that the Sit problem might be best solved hy making use of the skins of the rodents for the purpose of leather. Homebody with the gift of guessing computes that there are 10.000.000 la this country, and the damage they da would feed a good-slsed army.—It would take at least 5,000 skins a day to supply 'a email modern tanneryr? Nobody wants the rata, they belong to anybody that can catch them. That la the problem— to catch them, and then deliver the goods There to not enough lenther to go around. Fish akin* are susceptible of tan­ ning. and there are rat sklne which make good leather, large enough for many purposes. This lot is worth $500; adjoining lots have sold for that price, and it will be good for that again before many years. Sewer taxes all paid and street improvement taxes to date. This is the greatest bargain ever offered in Coquille city prop­ erty. For further information call at Cura for Poison Ivy. Mr*. Evelyn 8. Trynbath. wife of the Rev. Robert W. Trenbath. rector of Rt James’* Episcopal church of Montclair. N J., has conferred a boon on suffer­ ers from poison Ivy by announcing a remedy which those who bars triad It ■ay Is a most efficacious remedy. It Is simply the green leaves of common catnip nibbed on the affected parts un­ til the juice run*. This never falls, Mrs. Trenbath says, no mnffier how advanced the case may be. and Is simple te uae, especially In the rase of rhll«l/&». The plant growt usually In great abundance behind old haras, and la said to be so antagonis­ tic to tbs Ivy that If planted near It the Ivy disappears. T h is is the only tim e this lot w ill be offered at th at 'price Volcano That Smite Lava. * The following Is reported by an ob- server In Hawaii: ' Tremendous changes are In progrès* St Kllauea, and there Is no Indication vRIatsoevsr o ' any cessation of the monumental rising of the entire vast lava column. Over the southwest brink a wide Stream of glistening lava Is sluggishly flowing In the direction of tha Kalo desert, not with the spectacular cas­ cading torrents of the southeastern flows of last March, but with a steady, stealthy gliding, which gains ground slowly *1 Its base, bnt which pile* up Into tremendous masses from Its source forward. Dry Lead toe Batteries. A dry battery utilising red toad. Ito stfed of the usual manganese com­ pound. ha* been patented by H. OsanyL It Is clnlmcd thnt tha rod lead battery teats longer than the type now to vogue, may be kept Inactive for montha adthont any deterioration and may ba S E N TIN E L OFFICE dfcOUND THE WORLD W IT H HE AMERICAN RED CROSS.« Hom e Service. iSKWECHiVCan FORMAIIOH (Mt.SK 1 \t