.« ■ ( I i ' ör # $ p i E C> fA > ■ ‘ ». - H p Ç y q fe . *.S¿ ■ UT, ? tí !& * «-<*■ .» 1 £árWttL^Í ¿ffr i % ^ "£1 I • ■ IP ¡ ■ tin i sa fa $1.5« TUB YEA*. = ) I'IIS..,. A L i n d r e t h <701118: to S u th e r lin }*| Novia Landreth returned to d a y 1 , 31 business trip to Rosoburg and | | i discloses th a t tv » Sutherlin. A t the latter place on j •* h»*« been issued A - Monday he took a three-year lease on L for the same bride, t to Run County a brick building and as soon as be L. A. Myers Held For Invohm- Woman’s Clob Discusses Mat- H. g i No Contract for Prot there * u i F a r m — Dr, G. E. L ost - can get moved over there will jqit in to n of Interest to the tary Manslaughter Last a grocery stock. Educational facili­ H cq ltlt w & * - ‘ Peonie of Coquille - Monday M at ties for the Children was the motive notwithstanding his name, was not te, • Jgv * ^ j4n his decision to leave this section, M *¿K * ’ fleet enough of foot to cinch thp-CM,- in sesakm U ^ Adventista having recently pur- Among the tobjects discussed was . The County ■ Court - was The examination pf L. A, Myers, of _ i, tra c t St the hynMMri v r ita r before to be allowed to charge he m torestalled. John Wesley the success of “Clean-up week.” The bere Wwlnesday and Thursday thta chMed the |75 000 hote, buil/ t^ n Arago, charged with involuntary man­ 'during the boom times and convened slaughter on ftocouat of the death of ' Downs also ran and in the along of toe front and baric yards of most of the week, adjourning yesterday. Dr* °v £ ° w ,WM appointed Vjt into an advnnce ^.h l or oolle£ . . Mis. Sophia Bnikdoil, as the result of uniform day beat him to it. I t was evidently homo» have been greatly improved bat Mf. and Mrs arethekind the qVerturning of the auto Mr. Myers thp farmer»* another case bf “the eternal triangle,” not n il. of thorn. Low over-hanging1 county health officer for the com m , . ^ v m g .b e e n . v . - of> ;opIc we are gorry t0 hav. lcava wes driving on the Fourth o f' July, have received and if the w hole s to r y sh o u lJ l>« branches and -tangled vines running in th at position for the p ^ x | Coquille, and the best wishes 1 letter from Mr. Charlea written it would probably make quite teak place before Justiqe Stanley at c“^ _ k- the president of the company: m romance, even I t not a* three-volume The greatest criticism made was can- ffl*« - jj res# in their new enterprise is the thp City Hall here on Monday. As n m s Holverstott was appointed e8p,.eased desjre o7 everyone, T h e i^ e out«1»®* he was hound over to the - . ... a re no­ th e re comee to my n o tk é the newa v . Hol- W « d jury which will convene. Oct. ticeably untidy. Those residing in .- iperintendent of the county farm in coUnty court ha, appointed i& C 0 ef 01 N n ,n o T o rid ria tn u who r1 » n i is e f to n *,i k: _______________ ____________ L u n J i i t »___ ___ Novia Landrieth, story in your issue of July 4th. Since the city owning vacant lo^fr are asked p place verstott to Succeed Mr. Landreth a t 13, bis bail being fixed at $600. Paid to cat down the risers and improve go in$o business i t Sutherlin, Doug­ I T**- ' th e write* conducted all th e negotia­ There* is no gpecifc law in regard superintendent of the county farm ^ tions incident to the consolidati«« ef the appearance of the lots. Those las county. and he will take charge the first of to* the responsibility of automobile - L. A. Liljeqvist was paid $1200_of August. the Coquille Valley properties, the sion ia favor of Coos county in the In charge also ef vacant lots am ask­ drivers for accidents resultir _______ his fee jn the Kinney tax cafe and tion 'you have reflecta Case brouM l to invalidate a special ed to attend 4g> them. - careless driving, but the “statute de­ — The integrity and thus I take the rend tan in District No. ,10. The progress of the “New School will go on with the case until it la fines' involunthry manslaughter as the { Almost a Quarter Million amount involved was $6,000 and it House” was eagerly inquired about by f -lished. ' ' -'.7 -5 I of offering doing of an unlawful act which results The County Clerk's July statement was claimed th a t «he district had no those who have been out of town. ty Treasurer Dimmick was di­ than in death, without intending th at re- jpl the condition of the various funds was ever entered in- (right to levy such a tan and that the to remove his office to the Considerable amount of-tim e was fa ft«H, of the doing of a lawful act so shows an overdraft of *Ui5,«87.08 in sere futile because the room of the first floor in ta with respect to free servies devoted to the discussion of the Liber­ southwest negligently or carelessly as to cause . i| p l — aimouneements were for Nov. Z, ty Temple, aad a rest room. Mrs. building, which has -hereto- the general fund and an overdraft of death. .. '£?.• ■-'tH tween Coquille and Myrtle Point, j? used as an abstracters’ J108.8iMl.l8 in the general road fund. W»e there any agreement reaper , _ 1818 instead of Nov. 8, 1918. . The Brans U tter described briefly the The principal reason for Mr. Myora’ T his makes a total of $244,5?7.2è. ni naia. U f e at«temcGt» wilt, be çosôbo- judge held th at a mere clerical error beautiful civic center and rest room rosecution on this chargo ia because __ Agginst this the county is to receive was immaterial Rnd th at aa the dis­ with the $6000 H u t a t Powers. Would­ The office i t the bounty superinten- ratad by thoae with whom the f t is alegod that he was under the trict could b u if 'and maintain roads n 't it he flao If CoquiUe «euld work snt wifl be brought down stairs an* el«tht feet high. One girl who was at by aa.am ount fully pa Idkge. The willingly and gladly co-operate. and Barn Burned [charm which had tied up a t Cedar k h e dance at Myrtle Ppint th a t day first mad to be improved with this The Women's Club meets the sec­ testified th at Myerc asked her to The house and .one barn on the old i Po|Bt 1or * mcment *nts r> Mk pant w e s t H was so cold ' had ita origin - „ V „ gftO' day StaTw e were sore th at frian th at source,' bo th at it is con- who could deliver such a tem perature ironing th a t merfBky and had a hot over $100,000 can be used past of the Cascades might realize a fire. Help arrived in time to remove ' '-dred feet before some one is | . i . was ¡to make this line s market road. It fortune out of the scheme. But jhe the household goods. On ef tty* -state’s witnesses W$s The Strong ’ ' discovered . him and ... Is thought the amount in hand will spa shone brightly then, and most of north wind prevniling caused one barn 'pullBd P MB iO conridwable roll- Thomas White, a f Dan-Ion, who suf­ then be sufficient to" macadamize this the week since has given us overcast a hundred fered very seriously in the accident. ice l i t t b# __ away to trice fire. The ,1n* B*t °Ut, °L to the beat e f e a r ability. Very f e ^ r lino for Hs entire length. is ca>»kmted a t $1600. Three make sure he had survived the or- Bis left arm tfas broken in four places skies threatening the rain th at has (loss /’ O 1 W|i, , an....... . a deal. His father, Hark Dunham, says, aad his right shoulder was dislocated. yours, Chaa. Hall, President. not come. There was heavy thunder days before,^IkyWas well covered.by Recruiting 'Here Next Week and some lightning Tuesday ev- policiee of llflflfi'on the house and "You c a n t drown a Dunham;” but Among the witnesses for the state Mayor Johnson has roc rived notice ing, though the storm passed t6 the two barns. T. A- Walker, in one of Milo had a close calk Although an were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Elds, son-in- meeápt a* ... expert sWimmer’ he had ho choaeS to law and daughter of Mrs. Barkdoll have talked with Mr. J . W. M ist, Mr! from.,Captain C. M. Huntington, who east of us. As usual, though, it /whose companies the pòlky was writ- heRi himself with IR b feet bound to­ hjid* Mies Sophie Barkdoll, another writes from Salem, that a recruiting “cooled the air” and on Wednesday ten, went away up the south fork ten J . E. Norton, Mr. W. C. p a rty will arrive here Wednesday of those of us, who hadn’t kindled fires, miles beyond Myrtle P^int on Satyr gether and the steady pull of the boat daughter. Six witnesses appeared Mr. Geo. 8. Davie about this for Die state and three for the -de­ h a s t week, July SO, to make a vigorous shivered through the entire morning. day to secure a renewal of the insur­ to keep him straightened out. and they are all agreed th a t the fense^ for recruits far the new Those who are looking forward to ance, but Mr. Dement thought era understood th a t there should ha Jack Jusa Goes to Portland i. arm y. Those who enlist camping out next month will certain­ would let it ¿0 for awhile. We have no increase ia the their pheua_ieaiaU Ten Months at the Front aae their own option as,to which ly be anxious for warmer weather. known m an y a man to drop bis insur- * and no toll, chargee betw eeirhere and Because he suffering very badly Myrtle Point a fte r the consolidation branch of the service they prefer, and Frosta have occurred here everyjsnee a day or two too soon in just this with heart trouble, as • result of an Dr. «nd Mrs. G. Earl Low apd of the two Uaee affected about two there are a baker's dozen of «hem, in­ month this year, and we are ready for iway. attack of influenza, which hq suffered daughter /«turned to Coquillo ladt years ago. Indeed, they go farther fantry, cavalry, ordnance, aviation, them to take a vacation now. last winter a t Gold Beech, "Jack” Saturday afternoon and are now lo- ri»yn th a t aiuf say the farm ers would tank corps, signal corps, coast artill­ Juaa, editor of the Gold Beach Re cated in the Collier Apartments. Boys Got the Boose aovar have sold their stock, and con- ery. field artillery, motor transport porter is leaving Gold Beach and may Fir« at Tar Heel Put Out Four boys have been' implicated The doctor had a very complete seated to the consolidation if they corps, engineers, quartermaster corps, the robbery of some demijohns of ,not 40 r*turn there again. The course in medicine and surgery in the A lira which caused much concern had not bhlieved the line between Co­ medical department and construction. booze th at Attorney John D. Goes, of condition of Mr. Jusa is so perioq. he United States, much of it in the-way quiUe and Myrtle P rin t would have Young men who'are fond‘of trhvsl and in the Tar Heel logging camp below Marshfield, hod stored in his cellar in ¡has been advised to cease all work and of lectures th at money could not nave a free line. Mr. Davie waa adventure will And this a great op­ Empire was extinguished Tuesday af­ anticipation of the long dry spell ’arrangements ore being made to take bought, but which Uncle Sam fu r­ of the Farmer«! Ceas» portunity and a t th.e tome time will ter the McDonald A Vaughn camp coming. They w ire Mark Goodman, him to Portland where he will under- nished te the medical men of the ser­ ’ a t th a t tima and Mr. Chase, the be able to obtain a post graduate keeping half its men fighting and pre­ soneof Constable Goodman, Aubrey * ° ™«M«*1 treatm ent for sime tim e .- vice. Dr- .Lpw, who now holdi a com- venting sporadic return of the flames sondneted th e negotia­ (¡ours# ia many studies. While ipfeet Reoord. ihission as major In the Medical Re- to r th a t compony th a t restttaa o f the boys who have teen service m for' several days. The fire started on Neisch, Lawrence Daniels and Geo. Corps, ‘ spent ten months In « 20-acre cut-over tract- and spread Van Loo. Goodman has been held to in the consolidation. But they are r i ­ Europe are fed up frith trench life and France, arriving at the front jq s |.a the junvenile court and Daniels bound Why Not TeU I t AH? so all agreed th at there was nothing all it implies, there is little probabil­ to green timber belonging to the y. They are ter the St. Mehlel offensive by the over to the grand jury, The Times says th at many Marsh­ in the contract by which the farm ers ity th at there will be any more war tn Southern Oregon company on the house. lU, S. troops'. His hospital unit was one* who entered the field and North Bend people are pre­ sold their stock ia their line to the our generation, and if the League of Coos Bay peninsula. g rushed oh special orders to be * being ru Another section a mile away, where paring to make their borate on tracts Coos aad Curry company in relation Nations ii adopted we certainly have r ~ T ”, p a hand for’th at campaign but sventa pa e Windshield Goes Through the good reason to hope that war will nev­ timber had been cut last spring, took to those m atters. located on the paved road „Q qU|okly and smoothly that firs, but the blaze did not spread. The On a fishing trip to Rock Creex xh*t doesn’t tell it all. We ha vet As yet conditions have, we under­ er again take place on this planet. . McDonald A Vaughn company saved Sunday ______ Myron Varney met a senou» heard people a t the Bay say that with the need was past before they arrived. stand, been exactly the saps« »* they all Its . equipment but the damage to accident. While riding lfi a car Uie ;tbe completion of thia road Coquillen He was present, however, a t the Ar- . . wore before the conaolidriion in re- To Keep the Crabs at Home gonne campaign, just back of the spoct to charges; Indeed tlm company, Judge Colts has decided that the fallen and standing timber- amounted front wheel struck a stump, but this climate will induce many of them to the horrors as a« come |n to about $2000. hardly retarded his progress a« n« coae | n the way and make there t flr°flt. ‘ne am . of coupes, could not m aks any change law prohibiting the shipment of crabs ------- ! — ------- -- went on through the' windshield, being homes in this city, where they will be [wh,ch acc B u te Public 8ervk* Commission. So whether provision making on excep­ | to direct the disposition of the caaual- tion of the Empire cannery ia or not. Club Wednesday evening it waa de- it require* nine stitches td get bte , f ram the Bay. * it has M e n 'a ease M "status quo.” cided to suapeod meetings for tbe face in shape. That his ey« was not ---- - ------ - , Ities coming bock from the , battle , . line . There may not have been such a He says th at the right of the public next month, until the vacation season badly hurt was very fortunate. T a k e C a n a ry G n u s E v e rv T im e 1400*01861. Eighteen-hour days Ta}tt Canary Gnu» Every Time ^ meeting of miada of the stockholders to* game and fish is not inherent but is over. The next meeting will be of the pM Farm ers company aad Mr. is a privilege bestowed by the state, It is believed there are 80,000 autos An old fa'rmer, who recently ha J were common occurrences With the Aug. 20. The only business transact Haft representing the Cooe sad Curry subject to whatever limitations it sees in Oregon now. which comae vlry near several days’ opportunity te see hew««rmy surgeons and on occasions they ed was the allowing of bills amount­ company as «ould make the “status fit. The limitation in this* instance he ing to $80.75 for the construction 01 being one for every ten people. At a herd of cattle would carry on when worked constantly for twenty-four quo” binding on both parties. Indeed, deemed proper end lawful. It was the drinking fountain and water that \a te every other family in the clover and Canary grass were both hours or more, passing from «me op- the Supreme Court of th e state has not a restriction on any class of citF before them in the same pasture and ' ™tlng case to another aa though trough in Willard street. ^ state has a car. decided in the Portland S treet Rail­ sens or any part or section. A fins 1 - i* ' j — it was up to them to choose which (they were minor mckneecs. way case th a t th e cendHions of a fran­ of $25 was imposed on Norman Sav­ they would take, says th at during t h e I t was an experience which could COUNTY CLERK’S FINANCIAL REPORT chise aro not-binding and may bo age for shipping oub crabs. " • ’whole time they staid by thp Canary (not but develop all .there waa ft) a Jane 30th 181$. . Attorney Liljeqvist says he will ap­ - changed by th e Public Service Com­ Treasurer's grass. It is also said th a t/is bdkween |m an and Coquille is fortunate in hav- Outstanding ' ' V - • Clerk'S mission. Really H is th e, Supreme; peal the case to the state Supreme Balance ’ rye grass hay and Canary grass hay 1 tng Dr. Low decide to return here to Warrants > * f - ( Balance Court th a t has mad# such agM em m u Court. $ 61 921 90 they always take thq lhtter. Iresume the praettee interrupted near- $187,568.98 General Fund O v e rd ra ft....................$185.687.08 “scraps of paper,” although the U 7L 86 !. — — ---------- *,y two yttTS **° 200.00 who conducted the « e WU1 Go On With Tax Cases Indigent Soldier F u a d ......................... 9?L50 1,634.97 )* On account of the illneM of C ity, f : 1-1,-1 ' ' ' 6.63 Marshfield hearing waa nominated on At its session this waek the Coun- Revolving Fund ...................................— 1^34.97 ¡Engineer Gould the first of the week j The annual basket picnic of the . 91.17 War Emergency Fund ......................... 1,448.80 his slogan th a t six cents should not __. ___ ty Court paid L. A. Liljeqvist's bill 11,63788 j and his consequent inability to pre- Grange and Farmers Union will be 120,528.06 be charged for a Ava cent fera, and j M epacial counsel for Cees bounty n General -Road Fund Overdraft ...........108.890.18 187.97 ¿pare the plans and specifications for held *t Norway Grove on Thursday, 184.B8 to eonsid- • y ,, ^ eaMa fia has had In hand ever District Ordor F u n d ............................. may therefore be 47,985.97 ithe improvement of M ril'and»Third Aug. 14. Among the speakers ex- 22.87 $7,963.10 th at shffiild not be linc« he ceased to be district attorney, Bond Fund ........................ / $1,768.92 streets, the counril had nothing te do parted on th at occasion ora C. E. lA S i^ l New Special Road F u n d ..................... 80,287.41 roken. and directed him te go on with those 12,845.78 a t their regular meet!«* last Monday, Spencer, master of the state Orange, 2,415.57 Old 8 pedal Road Fund ....................... 9,980.21 Another m atter which would seem coses until, they wore concluded. ^ - -tfca and J. D. Btewn, ----- u — ‘ ----- l — —- 1 -—---------- :— I This doesn't look much like compra- Farm ers Union. (O eatM ed m tw * i poffo.) mtotog the Kinney tax ■«r. : í? Wt Undre7h ■ .. a* f li €1 ' ' r W * ' MUCH MONEY FOR THE ROAD ' i f * WM$ f > 1 C ’s p; ¡ fw '1 i! m WAS ALMOST /