The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, July 18, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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j , s'V'ft.
, and
sy Dr. G.
E. H.
movcd t<|
visiting Mrs. T. B. Curile.
Mrs. J. L. Thompson caste m
Portland’ Wsdneedey aftemoon.
Andy P..Davis « f thè lumber inspec-
tion bureau carpe over bere Tueedey.
Mie. H. W. Young end Miss Marina
Young went'over io tee Bey Satur-
s day>
M r. and M rs. J- E. Psulson were
Msrahfield visiterà thè first o f thè
Mrs. M ay W alker was over at the
Bay Tuesday, shopping end attending
the Chautauqua.
'M r s . Fred Von P egert returned Sat­
urday from a , six weeks’ v is it to
N ape, C alifornia.
Mrs. Joseph Pope has
Reedsport, to spend some
Aasen’a camp there.
gone to
tin t« a t
Logan K iy , who has recently sold
bis vulcanising plant St Bandon, was
in town Wednesday. V
C. T- Skeels le ft Sunday morning
fo r Portland on business and returned
yesterday afternoon.
A t your service. Phone U M end
have your cleaning and pressing call­
ed fo r sad delivered.
It has been fine weather fo r haying
this week; and th i crop in ’this valley
is one o f the best ever.
Ches. Webb returned W ednesday a f­
ternoon from a two week’s trip out
to St. M artin’s Springs.
Miss A gatha Pederson, stenograph­
er at the Sitka m ill visited her parents
^ t Em pire last Sunday.
Miss Jean Fisher, o f Eugene, wnet
home Monday a fter e week’s v is it wRh
M ias H enrietta McLeod.
U re. L . C. Noah come over from
Marshfield Tuesday to v ttit her hus­
band who is w orking here.
J. F. Plank, o f Wood burn, spent
iast weak visitin g hie daughter, Mrs.
Rpth U tter, who la teaching the Boy
school this summer. M rs. U tter was
Ruth Plank before her saarringe, and
taught several years in the Norway
o f an eighth grade teacher to take and CequiUe schools. M r. Plank took
his little grandson, Ivan Ska U tter,
M iss Treadgeld’s place.
home w ith him fo r , a two-months’
Seventy-one people a t N orth Bend
M rs. R. H . Sw eet entertained the
' - '- i - •.
signed tbe guarantee that secures the visit.
younger “ BOO” club in e moot deligh t­
Ellisom W hiter Chautauqua fo r n ext ' Mrs. Ben P . Lawrence arrived m fu l manner last Thursday afternoon.
year. About the same number signed Coquille Saturday afternoon from In­ Follow ing cards she serevd a delicious
the M arshs eld con tract
diana polik, In d „ to visit her parents, luncheon to her gueets, who num­
R. A . W ersieh went over to Reoa- M r. and Mrs. P . E. Draoe, and other bered tw elve.
M rs. Drane, Mrs. E. E.
burg in hie ear y «e ta *U y .
D. D.
Johnson and the letter's daughter,
Vielt to the Phillip« Ranch
P ierce eeeoespe nled him en d w ill make
M ary E sther, m et her a t Marshfleld.
e business trip o f fou r or five days
• L ast Sunday the Sentinel editor and
Mr. Lawrence expects to owns, next
through the Umpqua valley.
his better h a lf enjoyed a delightful
month fo r a short v is it a t his old
day at the ranch home o f M r. and Mrs.
w ee riding home.
Davis, the junk
F. B. Ph illips down a t B eaver Slough.
around yesterday inspecting the trash
Paul Lam son, who enlisted in the M r. Phillipe was to begin cutting the
that the clean-ups have been putting
•Navy fo r fou r y e a n ,'g o t brick to Mare next day the finest crop o f oats aad
out on the parking to see i f he could
Island June 28 from fiv e , months in vetch we have yet
It stood in
find anything w orth w hile to i t
Panama where the hot w eather mace some pieces away over our heads— in
C , R. Barrow received a letter frapa aim long fo r old Cooo. H e wi|l shortly fa ct m ors than six fe e t in height—
hie son, W ill, yesterday inform ing go to the P ryb ylo ff Islands up in A las­ and was so dense thdt in alm ost aay
him th at ha had been discharged from ka on the U. S. Steam er Manehu which other region than western Oregon
the arm y end a fte r visitin g in Ohio w ill take e loca o f salt end flu medi­ it would have fa llen flat. One couldn't
and Colorado, would be hom^ about cine up tifare fo r the natives— and see throe fe e t into it. M r. Phillips is
It he first o f August.
rebuilding and rem odeling Me resi­
dence, which at one tim e waa a popu­
M rs. V iola M cAdam s and little
lar hotel a t the mouth o f ' the
daughter have gone to Coqullls, whine
■ v i e lea n s««, his m other inform s
slough. It stands on high ground in
they w ill visit with relatives o f M rs.
us, is now clerking in 'P ow ers A Estes’
a beautiful location w ith a wide view
McAdams fo r several days.
'M rs!
drug store in the Oregonian building
dp and down the liv e r , and back o f it
M cAdam em ployed a t the laundry
a t P o rtla n d ,. and attending night
is a c liff on which w e found fuchsia« ■
school a t the Y . M. C. A . He is en­
jo yin g U s w ork aad expects to make
in g wild. H is garden on the sandy
up a ll his U gh school credits this
river bank waa ene o f the finest we
summer and be repdy to enter college
have seen this year,' and its products
this fa ll. H e stay decide to take a
proved as appetising as they looked.
course hi pharmacy before preparing
him self to become a doctor.
Rev. W . B. Smith, o f L a Grande,
has baen here the pest week visitin g
his daughter, Mrs. L W . Oddy.
Miss Edna Jamieson, o f Riverton,
who is a nu«rs in n hospital a t £
was visitin g here last Saturday.
Miss Gladys Treedgold, who taught
in our city schools the last tw o years
has acceptad a position in Idaho, at
a considerable advance in salary.
i "
The cherries and blackberries and
locanberriss are now taking the place
o f the straw lerriee, and the crape,
cherries especially, are abundant.
. Hark Dunham has taken Rule
I Paul W ilson to Portland to l a taken
cars d f a t the St. M ary’s home fo r
Caquille V alley Sestine!
Coquille, Oregon
. Bob M iller, who w ee fined |10 In the
Recorder’s court here last Thursday
fo r figh tin g w ith G eorge f . Mc­
Adams, the form er husband o f his sie-
fter, was taken before Justice Joehnk
at M arshfleld Saturday on a state
ch arge fo r the. Sanaa offense and fined
attain— | i and coota, e total o f $16.
J. A . Jackson, who has served as
night officer Ih this city fo r the past
three’ years and a half, is now night
watchman at the E . E. Johnson m fll.
* '
Mrs. C. J. Fuhrman aruf Mrs. Emma
Lyons returned last Saturday noon
The teaau fo r the rem oval o f tin
from San Franpisco where they^had
boon visitin g Mrs. Fred Kronenburg. cane and rebbmsh o/' a ll kinds that
the people o f CoquilM have gathered
The returned soldiers aro keing up during clean-up break w ill start
warned not to wear th eir uniform s but Saturday m orning, M r. Mansell
more than three months a fte r the infortoa us. I f there ie more thaiy
date o f their discharge fr im the serv- ran be handled In one day the. rest
w ill be rem oved the first o f next week.
’ ■:
. •*• ;
See program fo r Lil
See program . f o r JJberty Theatre
and advertisem ent o f *
and advertisem ent o f "T h e H eart o f
Hum anity” on eeventh
A few appft
fly spray will give
One S horsepower upright steam
engine and boiler, only used one
month. Good aa new, in p erfect or­
der. Ready to run. W ill sell a t greet
bargain. See or w rite
T . A . W nlker, Coquille.
W e have the best brands
f ■ .,1 ,V - . ..-1 \
^— •--#~V----■
■ : * __ . y
Knowlton’s Drag Store
have in some more
Don't forget to buy befort it is too late.
wholesale houses have only a limited supply and
we will likely not be Able to get more when these
^ are gone.
S .y - v
»•' .
A new line o f
í£ T .
Come and look at them and learn
7 T W O R D to the W I S Ê
W h e n y o u n e e d neat, n e w a n d
L e tte rh e a d s ,
C ir c u la r s
E n v.eo p es,
o r other ad vertisiA g
m atter, The Coquille Valley Seitiael is
r e a d y to fill the bill.
W e also
have a large stock of Business Cards, Fine Pa*
pers and Envelopes, plain or Unen finish, and aa
give yon something neat ¿or your office stationery
IFE is a tragedy of wòrriue for the family with­
out Father or fundi.
m m
Chamberlain's Tablets
T ip
Dr. Eatea o f Salem , Oregon
District Agent for B A N K E R S U F E
Scientific? O ptom etrist
has located in CoqulIM, Oregon. Op­
tical Parlor over the Sentinel office.
W ith 20 years' experience as an eye­
sig h t specialist w e guarantee our work
first class. Glaeeta re*ahred.f Lenses
duplicated. Charges reasonable.
. l. >
Atjre.-- m A* )nr
A T T E N T IO N !
Coquille V a lley Sentinel
Coquille, Oregon
Enclosed find ($1.«B fo r
which send me
C eqaffle V alley Sentinel
These tablets are intended esp ecia l
)y fo r stomach troubles, biliousness
ai.d constipation.
I f you have any
another's control. H is hearing before
the juvenile court took piece Monday.
¿ ÍJ tím
prices, whether you are ready to boy or p o t
just arrived.
Mias A ds W ittem ah, o f the Sh
Basaar a couple o f days age. It be­
Senator Chamberlain and President
forth, returned lest Friday from a va­ longed to R o d n v P h illip *; end it is
See program fo r Lib erty Theatre
cation v is it to her home a t
hoped the borrower w ill reborn it st aad advertisem ent o f "T b s H eart of W ilson appear to be on speaking
terms again.
A t any rate the Sena­
Hum anity” on seventh page.
See T . A . W alker end insur« your once and save any fu rth er trouble.
to r has invited the President to speak
auto against fire, also dam age by col­
The Sentinel la indebted to R. H.
Jack Jam Seriously III & a t Portland when he makes his west-
lision and otherwise.
M eat fo r « generous sam ple o f his
R oyal Anne cherries and e tw ig show­
, Miss Ruth Stanley came
People recently from C hrry county
Albany last week to remain, having ing how thick they grow . Thie vari­ bring the news that John A . Juse,
See program fo r Lib erty Theatre
accepted a position in the local tele­ e ty is at its best this year,¿h ere hav- publisher o f th e Gold Beech Reporter and advertisem ent o f "T h e H eart o f
in gf been no reins to crack the frb it. end form erly a high ly esteemed meffit-
phone office.
Humanity” on seventh page.
Sheriff Tolman received word 'th is ber o f the Sentinel force here, was
Dr. C. W . Endicott and fam ily and
confined to his heme by illness fo l­
T. J. W alker and son le ft Wednesday morning that bis father, Ambrose P.
Tolman, one o f the pioneera o f southern low ing a severe attock o f the grip . W e
fo r a vacation trip into the h ills up
Gurry, pssssd sw ay a t the home o f his have since seen it stated that his con­
above Powers.
daughter, Mrs. Asa Lane, at Brook­ dition had become so alarm ing that
See program fo r Lib erty Theatre ings, a t eigh t o ’clock.—Gold Beech R e.
m other, who lives in or near Port-
and advertisem ent o f “ The H eart o f porter.
I had been summoned to his bed-
Humanity” on seventh
Arthur ElUngsen and fa m ily le ft
Thoee first end
iast Sunday fo r a month’s auto trip.
in F irst street have been filled this Jiw t w here he was goin g he didn’t 1 Appearance of River Front
week and the city is agaifi assuming know but a card w ritten a t Ashland
The appearance o f the riv e r fron t
e peaceful aspect.
says that w ith 100 degree tem perature e t Coquille has beau vastly improved
V. R. W ilson; “ Optom etrist,” Co­ ineither the fa m ily nor the auto were during the past year by the rebuilding
'saoying the weather.
quille, Oregon. E yes Tested, gh
o f the Johnson m ill. Another thing
Optical repairs o f &Q kinds.
• t o urogram fo r "L ib erty Theatre that would help it alm ost ea much
Broken lenses duplicated.
aad advertisem ent o f “ The H eart o f m ore would be the rem oval o f the
wrecks o f the “ F a v o rite " and the
Fred Anderson got such u ja g on Humanity” on seventh page.
“ R yllef.” .•
with lemon extract, l»o t w ater and su­
Rev. James B. Condor returned
gar at Marshfield Tuesday that he from his vocation trip yesterday. He
was srreeted end ftned^fflO.
had been in C alifornia aad while there
Rev. W. E. Cooper, o f this city, entered in to “ the holy bonds o f ma­
assisted Bishop Sumner in confirm ing trim ony,” so that as Mr. Fenton said,
a class o f six s i Marshfield end a class his flock now have not only a shep­
herd but s shepherdess.
o f two at Em pire lust Sunday. |
W . H. W eeks, o f Antioch, C alifor­
nia, who used to live here 27 years
ago but bed not soon Coquille in the
meantime, came in Saturday 7J« his
car and went on out to Brew ster va l­
ley. He earn« bp w ay o f Roeeburg
and-ways the road, through the Rock
creek canyon was the worst he found
anywhere on the way.
He found
nothing bore looking fa m ilia r except
the C ollier apartm ent houee on Front
street- ‘
See program fo r L ib erty Theatre
and advertisem ent o f “ The H eart Hotf
Hum anity’' on eeventh p
Don't let
and aH tha work, devohrtng upon him.
H e it actin g as tha tru st*« o f his
brother’s properties.
Fred I sense« o f town guests.
was the r u m s f M r. I i w m i I| broth­
er. H e had a confectionary in P ort­
land where be had lived fo r 20 years.
M rs, N . N . Neinton, o f
? • Kj
For me year In advance $1.65