It*: Ufa ■ '•,> ■ V. 1 IlBÉnsk ’A ÉMRfadMHg* 'nWLRLi«;..wiy. -, HWGHnPvHMI ñ r v if? m la ■ •Production FEATURING «; aim PHILLIPS Dfacri tom i© sensational run in New York “7 he picture that will Uve forever \ Th e biggest production to date “O f th« n f a —New York World “la certain to touch th« heart of hnmanity.” —-New York Revie# “Panoramas on the s t n f . ____ —New York Evening Sun “Its Intense story vrfll hold yontotho mm L n to July 25th inclusive i win be ttaoed later. Lands found to have tern than 800r 800 f a « « f timbar t* ' th* 40 acr« «to rissai fled aa Agricultural. Whu opened to H lfry ttlMMfl g|. rjculturil tgn^fi uir)]i| ) bi th*' ganara! provisions at the homestead lawy, as modified by the special a « Revesting the lands, and in, addition entryman must pay at tha rat* o f $2.69 gar acra—<0 canto par her* at time of entry, and $2.00 per 'at time of proof. Landa which ara found to have 800,000 toot or > of timber to the 40 aeran ar* classified asdámbar fonds /will not be opened to entry until the timber thereon ha* been sold by the Government and removed by the pur­ chaser. Such lands will than be Opened to entry under the Homestead ¡laws. The Land oAc* has no map shtfwiag tha location at these lands by coun­ ties, hut cpn furnish township plats at th* rato of $1.00 per plat Such will shew the location of all leads In the township, as well aa aU lands subject to entry at the date at mailing, y Orders fur plats be accompanied by Postoflke »rder payable to R. R. Turner, ¡dearly state th* of the Township and SA T U R D A Y , J U L Y 1« “VIVA LA FIRANCE” Featuring Dorothy Dp Mow This radiant, smiling ¿hd talented Star is seen at her best in this picture. You irill see the horrorn at W ar fa» this picture in the most realistic scenes that thrill and exert unusual Heart appeal. How does a Hun treat a wdman? Particularly if she’s French! You think the newspapers have told yob. But have they? See Dorothy Dalton in “ Viva La France." She goes through something, but shs com « out right—luckier than many at that. Every 18 Into the midst of those stirring scenes of immeasurable por­ tent, there makes its way the gentle romance of Nanette, an American girl reared in the northwood of Canada, and of her Canadian lover, John Patricia. 'Joined aa the war is begun, as was progresses they are separated— to meet again where the giant guap thunder their challenge oq the fields at Franca. Thither John goes as an offiedr in the Royal Flying Cerpa aM there* Nanette, hearkening to the cries of the homeless and motherless chMdran, fellows in th* garb of the Rad Cross. Thera comas tka last great Hun attack—the last terrifying drrv* toward Paris—whan Chateau Thierry became another Verdun and th* might of America, thrown into the balance, stayed the enemy,* halted-him end finally drove him back, until his ri- traat became rout and ha cried aloud for peace. Graphically, all the hopes, the prayers, the fears, the faith that stirred the * heart of humanity In those days of vast import are reflected M the Allan Hohibar romance of the war. In the confusion and chaos of attack ahd counter-attack, J oru and Nannette, servants of th* great cause, drawn bydfielr rove, are one* more brought together and th* scenes shift from the fields of Flanders buck to tka Canadian lands of Aha whispering pines where the benediction of th* world peace finds them re­ united in their love. , The rale of Nanette is played by Dorothy Phillip*. William Stowell is seen as John Patricia and others in the large cast in­ clude such* well-known players as Walt Whitman, Robert An­ derson, Frank Braidwood, George Hack*thorn, little Gloria Joy, Margaret Mann and Lloyd Hughes. , To discriminating photoplay patrons. “Th# Heart at Humanity,” will rank as the third at U triumvirate of great pictures pro­ duced since the inception at th* film industry. The first to«» are “The Birth of a Nation,” and “ Intolerance.” Although in a measure a w *f picture, it is a rank injustice to stigmatise it by that torn, sine* it has come to moan th* ^rutalitiea, horrible atiocW« * and « —tier tricks to which the average film «rector resorts w)»*n producing a motion picture in which the Hun 't a r e s . * Love farm« the central them* o f “ The Heart e f Humanity.” and aa th* title implies, it is th* story of th* lov« that lives in « mother's heart; of th* lov* that du*Mi h> the hearts o f all sweethearts; of the lov* that exists in the hearts at all hun- benda and wivaa. It 1* th* story of the grand passion which humanity to do and dare for what is good and right, •van to the extent at sacrificing life itoolf. We h e * net dwelt upon the .pectnantar engU of the film be- IX 7* marvelous as la th* letter with He tanka, airplane*, Asms’ throwers, Hs amaxingly realistic battle., tha lova story overshadows it to a© greet an «te n t aa to m*ks th* war « * - mmt a merw background. By all means sea “ Th* Heart at Hu­ - r jt Featuring Aa Sadie from Ireland. She Hits the High Spots pn the Great White Way! . Tea, Bo, there’s high stepping and low bowing ht “ Spotlight Sadie.” A story of the Chorus and Men with Money. She becomes a Chorus Girt to win the man she loves. There's a viilian in the play; a sly old fox who thinks Chorus Girls are toys for men. The whole world is the stage and she is the Star. Chorus Girls, Powder and Paint, Silk Stockings and Lace. See Mae Marsh as the saintly show girl and leearn the truth. 5 reels. “A M ASTER OF MUSIC” * * • Featuring Sm ilin g BUI Parsons ■ ' See the neighbors shower him with pots and pans for his over-jealous practicing on his eor- net. 8eq a woman whale the stuffin’ out of her husband for violating the 9 o’clock cur­ few law. 2 reels. \ ; . ’ ' ' - F ord Educational— 1 reel Tba appnoximgto number of acres of Raed Grant landa in the for 'JOOU county are fottewa: Range 12 “CU T IT OUT” M O N P A Y , J lIL Y A l “TH E H EAR T OF H U M A N IT Y ” •- “Conceived with a skill and intelligence that lift it high above its contemporaries.” ' i 1 ...... “ s l e u Y h s ” A Mack W i t t Comedy— 2 reels. ' “CUR R ENT E VE N TS” 1 reel j “SPOTLIGH T SA D IE ” Met a War picture, but one lit which Love is the central figure. The greatest and meet stupendous production ever screened up to the preeynt time. There are war scene#, but only to add Intensity. This play was not completed until last February. Some of the most remarkable “dose-ops” of trench fighting ever recorded by a motion picture earners. The depiction o f«th i wonderful work of a group of the Bed Croes in “ rebuilding” the brains and bedim e f the war orphans. The remarkaSTe work of a group of child actors sod actresses 1 b appealing scenes rife with humor aa well as pathos. 'A thrilling story of a girl who heard the call of thouhand« of children and followed her husband to war. The story of a mother who glorified in the sacrifice of four pf bar sens to the cause of human tty—taken from an actual circumstance. Trench comedy that relieves the “ thtBls” of hand-to-hand conflicts In No Man’s Lafid. The fact that it is not a war picture but rather a gripping story of mother love, with the art as a background. LOVE ip “ Th* Heart o f Humanity” la the one indomitable something that makes civilisation and » that" that“ is good, keynot« is lo l o i» * overcpmiug overcoming everything, everything, love tri­ ‘ ' governments and * all good. » e keynote love militant, love maternC maternal, ^ lev* fraternak sweetheart love, husband and wife V umphant, leva ' ~ ■ f a this show the greatest motion pic- love, parental love. A ll of thia and ’ ture even produced. The liberty Theatre guarantees thia show to ba just what th* title say«, “ The Heart of Humanity” and anyone seeing it and is net satisfied era requested to report to the box offiee and their money will ba cheerfully refunded. fi raeU. Thia show will a t 8:00 P. M. with a concert by the Liberty Orchestra which will ajso accompany the film. , '. », ' — New York Evening Telagram " "" eeK oi m i. B E j, *1,88* acres; Bangs 10 weet, 11,440 I acres; Bangs 11 weet, 10,600 acres; 'Range 12 west, 7,200 acM * V'> Township 20 South. Kangs 9 weet, 1980 seres; Range 10 west, 8860 acres; Range 11 west, 1910 acres. The approximate total of the Wa­ gon Bead Grant lanes in Coes county *are stated as 74,1» acres; in Douglas county as 18,210 acres. ~ . By E. R. Peterson A girls’ canning team under the leadership o f Miss Balboa began work pin Coquille Thursday by canning ear^ rets and eharriaa. They worked ¿iv th* Iriteheu of the M. E. ©lurch South. The object of thia work is to In­ struct the girls in the principles of home canning, to train them for effi­ ciency, to instill a feeling of Toy and pride end satisfaction in the work, and to encourage the canning or more products—fruits, vegetables, meats; 'fish, gam«, etc., so that th* home lar- tier may ba batter supplied throughout the year. Th* team that was organ, ized in North Band thia wash began I by canning clams. The local girl* w ill meal probably once a week ts | work as a team and in the meantime each will continue her work by help, iing mother with the home canning. Kathleen Terris, Lucila Hoover an I f.Mamie McGuffln era the girls conv- ! posing the team. Three more girlji T U E S D A Y , JU L Y 22 pf* I Monday’s program will be repeated. ^ T W E D N E SD A Y , JU LY 23 k >> • - - • 3 ^ * “COME ON IN ” ^ Featuring S h irley M u r a * Dainty Paramount SUr pos sessing beauty and talent - ; 1 ( ' Erneat Tru ex Th# famous Comedian I In this play Mias Mam« has two suitors and she lots on she win marry the on* who does something really Great for hla country- They both get into the army and the toll fallow is a private under the little fellow who is a. sergeant. They love each other like stray Bun Dog. over fresh liver—but say. you should see what happen, when th* sergeant finds that the privato is a German Spy—Some Duat! ! ! ! 6 real# v. Eervyone who hai dona canning knows that there is some dangar sf spoilage. Following ara some of thè causa*, as pointed out by Miss K al bus in her preliminary instructiona to « I » girla: 1. Stala produeta—only frasi, 'sound and alesa produeta should be * • “M A N OF M IGHT” Episode No. 14, “The Living Catapult” This is next to th* la « episode of this serial. 2 reels. ^ TH UR SD AY, JU LY 24 , \ “SELFISH Y A T E S” Featuring Big Hearted BUI Hart The ‘'Man Who is Taking Buffalo Bill’s Place." This is another of those brilliant storiaa'tof the First Frontier that have made him th* idol- of a ll Americans. Everybody that en­ joyed a Buffalo Blfi Show will like "Selfish Yates.” Bill «a r t, whole-souled and generous, will show you the folly df selfishness in this picture. See how the shaft of love pierced th* heart of H aft and redeemed him in “ Selfiah Y a to e V »“ was th# m o « selfish man in “BUR TO N HOLM ES TRAVELO GUE^ Educational and moot interesting. 1 reel*" “B R A Y PICTOGRAPH ' - v . V FR ID A Y , JU L Y 25 Thursday's program will be repeated. Played It Low Dow* James T. Guerin want to Portland Irecently to attend the Boos Cernirei, Ibot shortly after hla arrival was spot ted by that practical Joking brother- in-law a i hit. Dhputy Marshal T W «- manity.” - r * m i * ' 1 ’■.Jhr’ ' .V L i.i m L __ . • •_