il.e .to OM. T h»l th* n I nrnw r « é t e t e d »=W . he was « up . m v v n j to « n i a plage *fa* It a community center. • "i I H a th e referred to th e convert ion nf OM a t Salem in tkia state into a loganberry Juice factory. Mr. Bryan raid th a t America is going to convert . ( ho world to tem perance, because tt had a duel'Tsm edy—to tal abstinence and prohibition. The speaker said th at although he is 8* years of ago, he expects to Mrs to see tb s tim e th a t Chart wiR not be an open saloon un­ der any flag of a civilised nation. » ! Among the atony problems referred to If th e speaker was th a t of good roads, and along th a t Hno he showed w hat m ight be done by using the m san t th is country used to spend fa r drink on this highways. O ur drink III! was $2,800,000,000. Taking the length o f‘this country east and west as 8,000 miles in ronad numbers and its w idth asMA arid south a t 1000, a - flttl» com putation showed th a t allow­ ing th# very liberal flgure of » 26,000 as the east of paring one mile of iroad, in three years th a t drink bin (would bo anrnirh to ohm ns paved : roads every tw enty miles both north » and south and east and want. This \ sidmed so oxtrovagant a claim th at — Jpm W«rs from Missouri, and had to he ?hawn. but it took very few .flgurm to ■ how th a t tt workad out exactly that I way. \ Speaking of the problem of finding * __ _ _ n _ • ___ t . . «4 -- work fo r the returned so'dW s Mr Bryan paid a g reat trlbuto to tlw American so'dier in th e world w ar He said th a t the very fact th a t ou- soldi«#»* W d keen preiectod against we want to the leader, B ro ta r Dallas, in esttsr to á s as C hrist vmald have as do, and do the Endeavor work a s i t should jba done, we m ust ha more Christ-like in our living and h are more of his love in our hearts. The masked social last week Wed­ nesday -night, was a decided suecoei Everyone reported a A m tim e end all are anxiously aw aiting the n e st which will ha in the near future. ' Anyone wishing an an tiq to costume Will kindly call on Mrs. Charlie Wil­ son or Mrs. Lana |loyrie. f o r further inform ation call on F ather Time, Mr. N. C. Kelley has his num i*r. Come to our Thursday night prayer meeting , if you come once you will rgmann Shoe For AH Workers , NOTICE OF ESTABLISHMENT OF j GRADE OF TAYLOR STREET I Notice is hereby given th a t the com­ mon council ef the City of Coquills, Coes County, Oregon, did by raaolu- Ition duly adopted a t a masting e f the leammon council held on the 17th day it used to b i. Ho said the returned soldiers should bo given a chance to go back to tkeb form er positions, th a t public work should bo provided far them , end those not able to . work because of wounds should be given proper vocations training, th a t they m ight take their placps in the world as uesful ei-.ser. not dependent upon charity for a liv­ ing. “O ur country m ust do thr brave boys Jostles,“ he paid. a dellabfM r e a lity hr m in beam not favor the governm ent ownership of telephone lines, except as relates to long distance lines, saytng th a t be fnvors the local exchanges being own­ ed by the cities, aa conditions cover ing thorn are purely local. Aa to the railroads he favored a dual plan, his democratic state rights theories evidently m aking him shy i t any neediest increase of the powers of the national government th a t coulj be avoided. He would have the main With America. He fu rth e r said th a t he w u ag ain st it because he i t *s- poaed to th is nation being yelm i to an inferior nation, because America la a disinterested nation and is only fighting and standing fo r th e world’s safety. for shipment to the Portland m arket Will pay the highest market price for good staff bat don’t want the other kind At any price. H. W. MILLER CoquOle - Oregon i America occupied e position different from th a t of any other nation, espec­ ially in th a t it gave to the world th e idee of the League a t N ations, and m oat sten4 on th e side to give rig h t