mmm Told by the bankbook Your Interests Are Ours will.have of block S8 o f said sddHloa and run­ ning Chanco went 19 foot; thmco south «00 foot; thence ooot 19 foot along the north «Mo of l i n t otroot ta said addition and to the southwest corner or taid block I t; theoee north along the west lino of Mid block 88 to tho place o f beginning; alM hsgiunteg at the northeast comer of block « I of. Mid ang raaaiag ttimn south along tho east si^r o f said block 80, 800 foot; thoaco hast 1» foot along tho aorth- side o f first street; thanes north «00 foot; thence west I t foot to tho piaeo «¿beginning; Of COQUILLE EXPERTS AGREE —that Zerolcne hold* A T ^ Q U I C K ’S ¿The * Housefurnisher One Hundred Dozen Fruit Jars Signed at his odies la fir s t National Bonk building, CoquiOs, C om County, Oregon, within six months from tbs data o f »*»*« notice. Dated and first published this «7th day of Juna, 1*1«. J. J. Stanley, Professional Cards Economy Quarts Economy ft Gallons Kerr Wide Mouth Quarts Kerr Wide Month Vi Gallons Old Mason Quarts Old Mason Vi Gallons - v Jar Capa and Rubbers, a variety of hinds. Market Baskets, l i ceaU | Baby B u n k s for Sale Baby Buggies to Rent by Da; A Variety of Sewing Maehhii I f .00 to $3.00 per Month J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and 8UKGBON. The June, 1919, Directory W . C. CHASE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW HAS BEEN DISTRIBUTED If you have not received a copy notify our Chief Operator Always refer to your Directory! DR. C. W ENWCOTT J .J . STANLEY LAWYRR THE ONE IN D U STR Y IN COQUILLE Office in P in t Notional 1 A. J. SHERWOOD ATTORNSY AT LAW - COQUILL8 SU N D R Y COMPANY