The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, July 18, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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    WILL help build • wall between you and
WiLL "»«v* you think mom of yourael
Come aid ask ns WHY and
jecutive powers. This would not in­
terfere with « strong military ant
age, which points to the possibility of economic program end the added cent
of such a bureau would be aegligihle.”
Svsn greater wanders:
Ex-President Walter F. Daly, of the
The engine room is hot end stuffy; C. D. A P. R. P ./sald: «What is need­
the clerks in the coach ere asleep, and ed for reconstruction, to restore the
the S late of the Ray ia ready to follow country to a found business beats Is
them. Tim slidaa open the after-col­ the return ef the railroads to their
loid end reveals the curve ef hhe world former owners with e minimum pro­
- t h e ocer.n’s deep«* purple-edged fit secured by the Got eminent to the
Though the cost at
with fuming and tntolexable gold. stockholders.
Then the sun rises and through the first Sight might teem cnnsidnrehle
there is no other just way out of this
er, put up their prise to aprohibitive
figure and the scheme was abandoned
by the company which aarvaa the up­
per valley end would have served the
ipeople along the river from Coquille
taade. Since than, for o at rene on or
other the Bendo« company has failed
to pay m pewoei and last year it ran
$4,000 ia tha hole. By discontinuing
day service the deficit might perhaps
tie overcome, but the people there arc
unwilling t a d# without powr a t £h*
tim e they need it meet. 8b the state
/public service commission has been
asked to provide a way of relief by
permitting inereaeod chargee or dim­
inished service. A fter e hearing there
lest week, the commission reserved
any decision until the Community Chib
¡there should take up the m atter and
arrive a t some solution.
Of course, e company th at serves
five or six towns sad tha intermediate
country ought to be able to give chsap-
• At one of our grocery stores one
day this week we noticed a big lot
of peas and onions end beets from
Barnholzer’s garden, «ease head J u t-
tuce from Col vine’ on Rink croqk and
a bunch of eeirots from Hooton's.
They were ell excellent of their kind
end in every way far superior to the
vegetables shipped in from California.
If some one would put the necessary
fu n d s into a green house in this neigh­
borhood we could get' e greet many
fresh vegetables during the winter
where we have been putting up with
ntale ones from California th at wither
about a week between the market end
the table. Why the Coquina valley
with its rich soil and splendid climate
should aver have come to depend eo
largely on garden stuff th at has to be
Shipped nearly 600 miles by sqe is
Something we have never been able to
¡understand. Of course, some things
corns a little earlier th at way but
fresh home grown truck ia so much
Ing for.
man,i v s t was .dr
P oint Mr. Batata
and tusked these *
»«»titiil attention.
The correct oil for Dodge Cars
Tubes Vulcanized and
while you wait '
* '.a .
d P r
~ * ' v
Te la v e Cyra in Feeding Poultry
Where poultryaten purchase cracked
e o n , feeding this grain in the litter,
there, is always a loss of about Sft per
••nt of the finest grain, which ia w ast­
ed add thrown out with the
’Uhited States department of agricul­
ture specialists advise poultrymen to
sift ell cracked corn they purchase or
prepare at home in order to remove
the finest ground material, which they
Can mix with, pinhead outs and crack­
e r wheat In order to make an ideal
feed for young chickens or use in the
mash for laying hens. Where crack­
ed corn costs about IS e beg, e lose
of about 60 cents’ worth of the very
•nest grain occurs. Practice of the
• —without th« necessity o la single trip
to the1 kitchen range—served piping hot
and savory right at the table. Could
anything be better? Use an
Electric Percolator
t .
■* , £ -
2 v
e . 0
• I
Tea would bo surprised to find how
many people have got the idee that all
the eeaatsy needs to insure its safety
aad prosperity is to spend vast amounts
of mooey in e way that will benefit
them. After all the bUMons of debt we
piled ap during the war, there le no
thought of beginning to pay it aff,~
simpty of adding more billiona. In a
of Prlcelses Velas to
recent article ia the Saturday Evening Infarstation
Every CSquMe Cltisen
Poet, Booth Tarkingtoo cor
How to act in an emergency is
of these opinion as follows:
knowledge of inestimable worth, end
this is particularly true of tee dis­
eases and ills of the human body. If
you suffer with kidney backache, urin­
ary disorders, or any form of kidney
trouble, the adviee contained in the
following statement should add a
valuable asset to your store of know­
ledge. Whst could be more convinc­
ing proof of the efiidency o i Doan’s
Kidney Pills than the statement of a
nearby rueident who has need them
and publicly tells bf the benefit de­
Mrs. W. R. Sharpe, IMP Chestnut
St.. Cottage Grove, Ore*, says; “I
can recommend Dooa’o Kidn
very highly for I have rest
this medicine ea several a
when my back has felt weak i
end my kidneys haven’t acted
should 1 have always receivi
end lasting results."
he expended—qued-
aik for a kidn.
Kklnev Pills—
licit have universel military traiate! ander
for idirocüen of the Regular Am y. The
. . I t . 'i i g W
Try This Caffes Substitute
Melville Pendleton gives e Portland
paper the following recipe far e cof­
fee substitute. Try it sad let us hear
Row you like it. It sure won’t giro
you a headache to quit R:
> Take rice end perch it nicely brown,
grind it, and boil it wall. A lump of
ted to be always the
Now we have ne <
a chid in thteaam. .
one of th a ridine: in I
suffered - 1— ihr- r-
and Wise were the
hurt.i one w
tie short of inervólas
Mountain States Pow er Co
pad of blotting
Do you want the Best in d o
Then buy your next suit from
Tailoring, Cleaning & Pr
■.} .
Your Cleaning and Pnssiijg
called for and delivered
soft pisco of flannel dippod I
form or bensol, both of w
paint solvents. As the point
H naturally paasee into the
sorbent material ni contact
which ia the blotting paper-
the adjacent doth. Deep stali