The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, July 18, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    ad family
r> K h hi.
ïm m i;
U.-«,- -', '-*-' - *
. A* *
o F s S à '-
Powder Puffi
M other K roh's M edicinal Preparations
reliable (or the refief a t simple lib v
Just received a new consignm ent o f
3 '
They w ill la st indefinitely and are the >>661 to be
had for th e m oney. A lso see us for
Wash Tubs
Clothes Baskets
Wrjngere . - Wash Boards
Gas'Engines | |
t ’ s
Several sixes in the lot ju st received.
1 will pay th e highest marfeet price—in cash—
for your hides.
I can handle a n y quantity and
w ill pay for them on delivery.
0 . T. N E L SO N
Coquille, O regon
BnlkUnr Contractors
rL ,
Plans and Specifications on A pplication
E stim ates Furnished on A ll K inds o f B uildings
___ _
... _
Phone 1051
K, J
C oquille, Ore.
b’r X
I ' , '4 ■ *
' . .
•‘i / i ■
Mr. and Mr». Jefcn Warner
sad J. & Camp,
to Rooobu rg Sunday,
be geas asvsral days,
J L -M. Anderson and son, La*».
W. motorod to Eugene Tuesday.
Johnnie Roberta loft Monday n>r a
n in th ’s vacation.
During hie ab-
seneo Mr. and M n. Henry Miller will
hays charge of Ms stars.
Last Saturday Bob Hall accompan­
ied by Mr. sad M n. Wiley Blancett
and/sm all daughter, and Lloyd and
Harry Wise, started in the car for
Roooburg. They wore a little
beyond Bridge on a very narrow
whan they mat another car.
Hall turned to the edge, thinking the
’.rth was .olid but the car went over
the grade. The bank wna vary steep
and had it not boon for a «mall tree,
which caught the car the party wou^
all probably have been killed. Mn.
Blancett and Lloyd Wise went to the
foot of thq hill. Bob Hall and Harry
Wise were pinned In the car and Mr.
Blancett and hia little girl
thrown a short distance away. The
little girl was kept from rolling on
down the hill by a small tree. Mn.
Blancett had her collar bone broken
and was badly bruised in different
placer. Harry Wise had hie leg brek
en and he was also bruised. The rest
tof the party escaped being injured
except for bruises. They were b- ought
to the Guerin Hotel and there attend­
ed to. Bob Hall had bueinesc in th«
Vr.lley and so left Tuesday.
Blancett will stay in town until his
twit« recovers.
Mrs. W. H. Fearnley and
daughter, of North Bond, were hers
this weak attending Chautauqua
M. B. Parounagwn, an Armenian,
will speak a t the Methodict church
both morning and evening next Sun
ftiyi All are invited to hear him.
Mrs. Fred G arrett and daughters,
Alice and Veva, and son, Donald, left
ta t Coos River Thursday for- a visit
with Mrs. G arrett’s brother.
Mrs. Prey expects to leave Satur
day for a visit with her son on'Coos
Covered L und: B ask ets
Open M arket B ask ets
i •
i r a ! $V- '
50c, 65c
20c, 25c, 35c
Lunch S ets, each box co n tain in g
T able C loth, N apkins and P lates
Paper N ap liin s, sealed package 40 napkins
W. r*W-
Fancy R ipe .Olives, bulk 2 5 c pint
Ripe O lives, picnic cans 2" for 25c
Stuffed O livei ■;
2£c bottles
G teen O lives
2 5 c bottles
Peanut Butter, extra
quality, 1 lb. cans
D eviled Bam
Lunch T ongue
V eal L oaf
V ienna S au sage
Van Camps Pork f t B ekns
H einz Baked B ean s
Kippered H erring
7 _
. . .
Booth Sardines
Sliced Dried B eef
E lkhom U m berger C heese
M frtle Point's toggest event of the
.year has come—rad gone.
| White Chautauqua this year proved to
¡fee all th at was expected an.I mor«.
too. With the arrival at the superir
tendent, Mrs. Paget, last week, en
thusiasm was imbibed in the citizer:
of Myrtle Poipt and from then on
successful Chautauqua was assured.
The first program by the Interna­ txuqua « U brought up, iweniy mem-
tional Trio started the Chautauqua m o immediately rlgnsd th . contract.
•spirit and JuHUa Caesar Nayphe in The number of signers has now been
Ma lecture-pageant at the Grecian increased to J1Ç Myrtle Point wfll
customs, revealed to the'diroctors that lave a Chautauqua again next year.
Grandma Anaen died a t her home
seating rapacity waa far too small to
Hail’« Creek Thursday morning.
seat Myrtle Point
Sophia Barkdoll was horn a t Peoria,
‘«Victory Day.”
• -Mm. W. E. Oleghoi-n and sister,
btatad on 8unday with real enthusi­ IB.. March 10, 1866, and died a t Dr.
Mm. Tipton, came up from Coiengs,
asm by the
California, for n visit with ,’riends and
the lecturers
relatives. They were visiting a t Ben
Sergeant Arthur Gfcbons. Sergeant
Knife's last Wednesday, as were Mr.
Gibbons give one of the moot realistic
and Mrs. Lane, of Coquillt, and L. A.
of the war as it really was
th at Myrtle Point people have
privileged to hear. The music Of the
collecting hogs in his truck for the
'third day waa furnished by the Zedeler
shipment for Portland by Otis Schroo-
Symphonic Quintet, a company of rqal
artists giving classical music with the
[“class” minus the “k .” Judge Geo.
P . Alden, descendant a t Priscilla and
John Alden, lived up to Ma reputation
in his lecture on Monday night. Be
hit Maine, New Hampshire and Ver­
mont pretty hard—of course ha knew
Myrtle P oint
iy” wsa a big day. At noon the
(people of the town gathered in Dick­
son’s grove and joined in a big picnic
dinner wiffT Hon. WilBam Jennings
Bryan. The afternoon program wan rived in Myrtle Point Thursday after­
'held J n the grand stand a t the Pan- noon from Chelsea, Iowa. Vincent Ar­
Grounds so th at the large crowds rington and Miss Kiln Hamlin wore
wishing to hear Mr. Bryan might be married a t the home of Miss Hamlin’s
accomodated. Before being introduc­ sister June If , after Mr. A rrrngtonl
ed he was presented with a large box discharge fronl the Marines. On then-
of Myrtle Point cherries aod a myrtle way home they visited the Yeltew-
bowl! The program hi the evening rtone National Park and other points
> was a large attendance of rale-
waa given by Castellucci a concert of interest. 4lt is not yet known what
band and Bee* Gearhart Morrison. their future plans will bo b a t it is throe and friands prsasnl
Mra. A1 Hite and Mra. Harry Kribte
Words fail to describe the music fur­ expected th at they will make tbejr
Jffxt Monday n o n rin f for their home
nished by this great band and the home in Myrtle Point.
All ladies and girls interested in in CaKfonrfa, Mr. K ribb. having lo­
-womferful entertainment by Mrd!
Morrison. The Parnelia an Wednes­ sewing are requested to meet a t the cated thora.
Mrs. Perry Brener and littl
day afternoon and evening filled the Red Cross room Tuesday afternoon at
audience with laughter by their varied two o’clock. Misa Kalbus will be -in Woodrow, returned from a
> stay in Baudot» and Marshfield,
impersonation* and musk. The lec­ charge.
tures by Dr. Sutcliffe and J. C. Herbs- , J. C. Warner and fam ily returned
man were intareating ah well as In­ to their home near Gaylord station
' ,
structive. Herbsman told us how our Thursday.
town looked to outsiders and how we
Item Pram Araga.
tcould make it better. Let us get busy.
Then came the last big day. People
B u t Furti Itene.
Mise Minnie Kalbus held another
thought their minds were all made up meeting at Arago July 8 and Mr.'Pe-
as to who was bast and the like, but tersOn was present in interest of or-
the Earl Hippie Concert Company genising n canning club a t Arago.
made the decision more -complex. There were not many Indies a t the
Their program eras packed fu ll, of meeting, these being the m oft busy
musical “fire works” as v predicted.
times. . Miss Kalbus manufatured a
The Chautauqua this year settled very serviceable fire lees cooker for
■n»o Nortons and the Lsaliss folded
the question in the minds of our peo­ about 89 cents, which doeA the work
ple that Myrtle Point cannot get along of g far more expensive one.
Without it. Whan Mrs. Paget' enter-
There will be another meeting on
on " W tho Hasards and S h t T w o o d M ^
»o members of the committee Wednesday, July B , and if there are
at an ke cream social Monday night enough Interested hi the many »art­ rrw M ta and settled date* to **•
fish —-
apd the subject at am t year’. Chau- ful subjects *9 ho learned tU y
« « 4 Urns. Mr
Is it possible th at am- new County
l.A j c has already commenced to wade
in for more pay than the law allows?
What can you expect of men who
bathe in muddy waters and th rite on
German gas.
.* •
W K n (he County Court is assailed
by “delegates” from “road districts”
in the interests of th e dafaget, road
law and their own “road supervisors,”
they might get a little comfort if they
r:num bered the poem about som ,
'io& "cams down Uko the wolf on the
Mr. Rycraft and son, of Corvallis,
*>ok in the E ast Pork country one day
fc,A. Boston.'
A t your a
Wa « T fa r
deliver - your alerai
min# and
Phone l i f t R. « .S w e a ts
m m