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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1919)
COQUILLS TALLST SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OKSGON. FRIDAY. JULY 4, 191t. ADMINISTRATION S O U T ERN H E R PACIFIC l^ p T S liP RAILROAD, iERAL 0F RAILROADS LINES NORTH OF ASHLAND, (^REGON train changes M yrtle Point Round Up will bo held at Myrtle Sunday, July 6th S u I hu V. J?lyM«thli <iy W'U U heW ** MrrtW P-t,'t “ Ul i m *' M- Friday, July 4th j Saturday, July 5th Sunday, July 6th No. M2 f«* Powere will July 4th, 5th end 4th. held at Myrtle Poiat until 5:M P. M., Inquire nearest agent for particulars. JOHN M. 8CQTT, General Pa ■ger Agent. DISHES Another big shipment of received this vfeek. Five large casks—nearly two tons—were included in this order which includes the popular Pink Spray, - Gold Spray and Gold Band pattam s. These can either be secured by the single piece or in complete Sets, as follows: Gold Band a t..................... $12.50 Pink Spray at................... $12.50 Gold Spray at...................$10.50 Racket Store MRS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop. CITY BAKERY Under new management y, Fresh Bread, Cakes and Fancy Pastry 0 Laird Building $ .? 250 Coquille, Oregon . will buy the best residence lot in Coquille this week. Smooth and level. Just west of the City High School. This lot is worth $500; adjoining lots have sold for that price, and it will be good for that again before many years. Sewer taxes all paid and street improvement taxes to date This is the greatest bargain e v e r offered in Coquille city prop- ert^For further information call at SENTINEL OFFICE Thi, is the only time thie lot trill be offered at that price * FACE THREE MYRTLE POINT ITEMS. of MaraUMd, arrived _____ .. Myrtle Point Tuesday to visit re la Miss Katie Brawn returned Setor- tives here. Mr*. Lyons is Mrs. Leap’s day afternoon from Monmojith. Ore- sister. \ gon, w hen she has bean attending the Mrs. Littlefield and children, of Normal School the past year. She e x -, Band on, came to Myrtle Point Tues to spend the summer with her <1*7 to spend a few days. Clarence Melvin Barklow, son parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Barklow, was born in McKinley.. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mars tars and at Bear Creek, Oregon, August I t family left Thursday afternoon for a 1889, and died a t Dr. Clarke’s Sani Are you receiving the benefits you are entitled to? tour of the Willamette Valley and tarium in Myrtle Point, Oregon, June If not don’t let another day pass without investigat Eastern Oregon. They expect to bo j 26, 1919 at 10:S0 p. m. He w rj twen ty-nine years, ten months and elev gone for several weeks. ing. These stores are patronized almost wholly on en days old at the time of his death C. C. Carter loft Saturday with the outside. He lived a few years in Bandon in carload of stock for Portland. E. O. Carter arrived last Thursday early childhood, then moved to Nor way and spent the remainder of his from California whore ho for several months. Ho has purchased lifSi there. He was united in marri We quote a few special bargains for ranch in that state and returned r*ge Saturday with his daughter, Hattie. March 30, 1912. To this union w Mr. Carter has been a resident of Coos ■born three little boys. He worked for county for year— Prior to loavbig Mr. McCloskey in the Norway Cream' for California last winter he had live-J ery almost eleven years. He leaves to mourn his untimely death, his be on his ranch nesr Gravel Ford. Lon Brown was in this city on busi loved wife, three little sons, Melvin, Alden and Roderic, his father and ness Saturday. Mr. Schiller arrived last week from mother, three bothers, two sisters, an Portland and is conducting a big sale aged grandmother and several uncles of the general n^erchandiso stock of aunts and cousins. During the short A. Houge. The sale thus far has time he was sick he was always cheer proved a great success and has ful and nevar complained. He was brought many people to town from the true Christian and will be missed by all his relatives and a hoot of friends, outside communities. Plans are reaching a definite climax in preparation for the big Round-Up I Friday, Saturday and Suadny. Many Oran James Seeley, of Coquille of the record bronco-busters are here superintendent of construction when Drop in at the store, get our prices, and ,and everyone is expecting a big time. the railroad was built between Coos (Cowboy hats have naturally become Bay and Myrtle Point, and a veteran see what you can save on*'an order quite the style among the young fel logger of Coos county, diod shortly lows. after midnight last Thursday morn Andreas Houge was born in Stav ing, June 26, at his home here, a t the anger, Norway, January 29, 1861, and age of 61 years and 6 months. Idled at his home in Myrtle Point, Ore One week before Mr. Seeley was gon, June 26, 1919, aged 58 years, token ill of pneumonia, and since then four months, 28 days. When h t was had been sinking almost constantly to about 19 years old he emigrated to the end. Tubercular pneumonia America, landing in the city of Chica It he cause of death. The exposure go, where he learned the mercantile which resulted in pneumonia is be Save Money by Paying Cash .business. Coming west lator to Cali lieved to have taken place when Kr. fornia he gave his time to that voca Seeley attended the outdoor school tion. When he was thirty* years of meeting here, after returning from a age he started in busirtess for him trip to Myrtle Point, on which he had come and see what happens.—Lida I. self in the city of Maribcca, Califor become overheated. For several days Ramsey, Church Correspondent. nia, and lator in Bay point in that his condition had been recognised as state. In 1911 he camW to Myrtle «TiticaJ. Wednesday night about 9 Point, where ho engaged in the mer ■o’clock ho hade one of his sons good One Cent a Word Each Insertion Sunday School meets at 9:45 a. m. cantile buslnoas. night and after that he did not speak. Preaching 11 n. m. On July 14, 1910, ho married Miss Mr. Seeley was born in Central COQUILLE LOTS TO BE SACRI Epworth League meets a t 7 p. m. Nellie Goodrich, of San Francisco. Blissville, Sunbury county, New FICED—As we have just had our Preaching 8 p. m. Seven years ago Mr. Houge was the Brunswick, December 9, 1857. In San house and barn on F at Elk burned Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. victim of his first paralytic stroke. 'Diego he was married March 6, 1886, down, we will consider sacrifice Public cordially invited to all these Sines that tims ho has received sev to Amelia Wise. In 1890 they came prices through the mail on any or eral strokes; two years ago he to Cooa county where Mr. Seeley took services. all lots by the old Academy, those James E. Conder, Pastor. compelled to remain at his horns, soon charge of the railroad construction by the Long Bridge and also our to take to his bad, from which ho never work for the Coo« Bay Roseburg A house and lots near Christian -rose. All though the years of his af Eastern Navigation Co., which put church. Terms, one-half down. C. fliction he was not known to complain, the line between the Bay and the Co A. Pendleton, Escondido, Calif. 26t2 Church School a t 10 a. m. but was ever kind and patient. Mr. quille, valley. After that Was com No other services. Houge was an earnest Christian and pleted Mr. Seeley was engaged in log J W. E. Couper, Vicar. • LOST—Brown beaver cloth cuff Mon ht the time of his daqth was a mem ging in the county and he had become day. Finder please leave at Liber ber of the Methodist Episcopal one of the best known residents of the ty Theatre. — - section. church. Church of Christ LOST—Auto License plate, No. Funeral services were held a t the In 1907 Mr. Seeley was married a (Disciples) 47630. Finder please return to Methodist Episcopal church in Myrtle second time, his first wife having Sunday Morning Services this office. Point on Friday afternoon, June 27, passed way. Florence Windle, of Bible School, 10 a. m. the presence of a large gathering England, became his bride on June Communion and sermon 11:00 a. m. FOR SALE or will trade for young of friends and acquaintances. The 3rd. To the second marriage were Evening Services stock—Good Saddle horse, 7 years services wore conducted by the pas born four sons, all of whom ir e liv Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m. old. E. H. Harnden, Coquille. 24t3 tor, Bov. F. G. Drake, who was as ing at home here. They are: John R., Preaching Service 8:00 p. m. sisted by Rev. L. M. Anderson, of the Everett James, Mark Wilson, and Wil SALE—Modern nine-ioo tn Prayer meeting Wednesday even b OK Presbyterian church. Interment took liam Linus. house with six lots; north ot.<l of ing at 8:00 o’clock. place in the Myrtle Point cemetery by Mr. Seeley was formerly a member town; good terms. Fred Nosier. Rax Dallas, Pastor. the side of Mr. Goodrich, father of the >of the Knights of Pythias and I. O. O. widow, who passed away two years F. lodges. t OR SALE—Team of Mulea, sound go. The departed loaves behind to Mrs. E. Mingus, of Marshfield, is a and tru«. Phone 488. L. T. Smith mourn their loss a widow, his aged step daughter of Mr. Selley. Services next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. 22t4. father, and a sister in Norway, be Mr. Seeley was a alnd, unselfish Wednesday evening meeting at 8 sides many relatives and friends in husband and a loving father, and his o’clock. WANTED—Soldier wishing to locate Norway, in California and in Myrtle death is a sad loss to his wife and lit Sunday school a t 9:80 a. m. •n western Oregon desires informa Point, where he was highly esteemed tle sons. The Reading Room will be open ev tion about farms and farming lands by all who know him. ery Tuesday and Saturday afternoon for sale. Send full description and William Northup returned home Card of Thanks from 2 o’clock until 4. lowest cash terms to W. E. Flynn, Sr turds y from Seattle whore ho has For assistance rendered and the A. P. 0. 729, A. E. F., France. boon working the past few months. sympathy shown during the illness Flenge A. Perkins returned home and after the death of our husband Services a t Church of God chapel FOR SALE OR TRADE—Light row Monday from San Francisco whore he and father as well as for the beauti every Sunday. boat, oars and locks; Remington been attending the Berkeley ful floral offerings, we tender our Sunday School at 10 a. m. pump gun; small duck boat. School of Pharamcy. Flenge gradu sincere thanks to our neighbors and Preaching a t 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Leneve, Coquille, Oregon. ated in Pharamcy and will now be fi lends. Prayer meeting Thursday evening i rolling pills in Prekina’ Drug Mrs. 0. J. Seeley and children. at 8 p. m. WANTED SHEEP—Good ewee, state store. A cordial welcome is extended to all. age, breed, price wanted, with wool Lloyd Schull returned home from L. E. Neal, Pastor. on and after shearing. M. M. Bull, Camp Lewis Monday. Monroe, Ore. — Mr. and Mrs. Clare Dement from The Sabbath School on last Lord's At your service. We cal', for and noar Eckley are spending this week Day was well attended and the short deliver your cleaning and preasing. WANTED—Wool and Mohair, Hides, in town. missionary talks by Mrs. Dallas are Phone 1193. R. H. Sweet. Belts and Chittim Bark. Higheffi Will Lundy and daughters, Mabel interesting to both old and young. Pries paid. Geo. T. Moulton. 16tf and Audrey, returned home Saturday The Endeavjr meeting led by Miss from a trip in California. They vis Vera Kelley was a fine meeting. Loy ited relatives in Cottage Grove, Ore- alty to the church was the topic and goh, before returning home. every one present took active part and Dr. Gilee and family left Wednes made the meeting snappy and inter . day afternoon in their car for Port esting. land. They expect to spend the The business meeting of the En Fourth there and return Monday. deavor was held Monday evening at Ray Wyland returned home from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas. Af Camp Lewis Wednesday. He had ter business was attended to, a social been in Fi4nce some' time but re time with refreshments followed. A Moat cases ef headache are due te turned to the United States several good time was enjoyed by all. Watch the items for the masked social one defective vision, which produces eye- months ago. *, strain. The small child of Mr. and Mrs. W. week from Wednesday evening in the basement of the church. A good time B. Kirkruff diod Wednesday morning. Let me scientically examine your The body was buried a t Norway is ascured for all who will aatend. *V*». *«4 the defect, and overcome it Young and old are welcome, t Thursday, Rev. Thos. Barklow offleiat- with a pair ef my Perfect Fitting The morning services were not so Ing. Glaaaaa, and ia consequence make yon well attended, but the sermoti on Mrs. Ed Rackleff, of Florence, Ore., “Can God Speak to Man,” was well is here visiting relatives. delivered and convincing. The even Mrs. W. R. F. Brown and two ing services were attended by a large Office Phone 489. daughters, who have been Visiting Mr. crowd who listened- to "What kind 449R. and Mrs. L. J. Roberts the past week, of a church the world needs today.” left Monday for California, Subject for next Sunday mornnig they expoet to make their is “How God Speaks to Man.” In the Eye Specialist svaniag H is, "When the Devil Cornea Corner Front sod Commercili Mrs. J. S. Lyons and daughter, to Church.” Everyone is invited to MARSHFIELD, OREGON CASH & CARRY SfORE H ave you tried the Obituary Saturday, July 5th Kellog’s Toasted Coro Flaker 2 pkgs for 25c Macaroni, Noodles and Speghati 3 pkgs for 25c Lenox Soap, per bar * 5c California. Rice, per lb. lie Smfcll White Beans 8c NOSLER’S Cash & Carry Store J Federated Church Want Ads St. Janes Episcopal Church. Christian Church Christian Science Society. Church of God. ChristiAn Church Notes W H Y SUFFER From Headache? DR. F. W . CLARK