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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1919)
THE COQUILLE TALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OKSGON. FRIDAY, JULY 4, MI*. O t W W IIM W M tl 30-POUND B U Y VACATION NEEDS NOW Wc h a re given careful th o u g h t to securing th e articles necessary fo r YOUR VACATION COMFORT C am eras, Film s, Toilet W ater, Cold Cream s, Talcum , Shaving Soaps, Shaving Lotions, D ental Cream s, Vacuum B ottles, E tc. 7JU. Atar coquiu - x T orboo » See our window display of Butcher Knives Kitchen Knives Paring Knives Skinning Knives Butcher Steels Coquille Hardware Co Nell* had bean weighing bfbles all the day. H er muscle« ached with lift ing the heavy tots and steadying the . fragile one«. H er voice was husky from overuse, cajoling, comforting, soothing. “The n ef! one shall be the last for today,” she stated Just as Billy toddled “Well, little man," Nella exclaimed, lifting him, "w hat Is your name?” “Ylyl turn dum," babbled Billy. "He can’t apeak yet. mam. Billy’s inly two,” explained the girl, watch ing Nella closely, as she sought an even balance. “How much doea he weigh, mam?" "Exactly th irty pounds to an ounce. We shall have to nickname him “T h ir ty-Pound Blliy," won’t we, air?” Billy displayed a row of pearly te e th ; his large blue eyes wrinkled with mer rim ent; he gave a Joyous squeal, and held out eager hands to Nella. "Oh, you darling,” she cried, clasp ing him tightly In her arms. “Is he your brother?" to the girt. "No, he don’t belong to us. His ma’s dead and his pa travels. H e Just boards with us.” Nella left Billy In the girl’s care and hastened back to her desk. For a long time she was busy with statistics, finding average weights, the greatest and the smallest. The sun was low when she bade her companions-ln-labor good night, and hastened down the street towards home. At the corner crossing she hesitated, the clamor of bells warning her that the lire engines were approaching. A second later she gaxed In horror a t a tiny, toddling figure th a t was wander ing aimlessly Into the middle of tha s tre e t Somehow, In spite of her half- view of the very dirty In fa n t she r e o i p M tha baby a t once. Tfflty," She screamed, waving to the child. “Oome here—come!” Billy grinned; It was the same beati fic, comradely smile—but he continued onward. Nella glanced wildly u p 'tb s s tre e t The heavy chemical was charg ing down upon the child. She hesitat ed no longer. D arting across the pave m e n t she pulled the Impish Billy out of danger. W hat had aeemed an eternity was reslly but. « second, Seated on the curbstone, her h eart besting loudly, her bands gripping Billy so th a t he whim pered with peln, auger surged forth In n tempest. And when the girl who should have been taking care of the tot returned for him, Nella poured a flood of accusations upon her. "It’s a shame. Ton are not fit to take cars of children. Where is his fa ther? W hat’s his address? He ought to know how Billy Is being neglected. Look a t his clothes. They are filthy. It’s a wonder his body la as clean as It Is." ’ She stopped afte r a while, out of breath. Stimulated by ths frightful experience she had passed through, aha determined to follow the m atter up. “When m i w ants to write to M r No ble aha uses Tlochester—General De livery* for an ad d ress; th a t’s all. Some times he’s there and sometimes ha ain’t," the girl admitted relnctantly. "Vary well. Taka Billy home now and do clean him up. Good-by, Thir ty-Pound Billy." N ells wrote to Billy’s father. "H all say It’s non« of my business,” she said to her mother, "but I’ve fallen In love with his aoo and can’t see him neg lect sd." A week passed, and when the girl had almost forgotten the Billy episode a bine-coated Individual left a telegram at the door. *Tm in for It now,” Nella groaned, reading the message. "Billy's father is calling to n ig h t He will prob ably pitch Into me with all kinds of maledictions. But I don’t care! H i YOU Covered Lunch Baskets - Open Market Baskets 20C, 25 - Lunch Sets, each box containing: Table Cloth, Napkins and Plates ■ X'> ‘ - . j "'.1' ' i' f • •' - “V.,- J ‘ ' y'_ ' Paper Napkins, sealed package 40 napkins Fancy Ripe Olives, bulk 2 5 c pint Ripe Olives, picnic cans 2 for 25c Stuffed Olives > 25c bottles Green Olives 25c bottles Peanut Butter, extra quality, \ lb. cans 25c Saratoga Chips 10c Grandma's Cookies Deviled Ham Lunch Tongue Veal Loaf Vienna Sausage Van Camps Pork & Beans Heinz Baked Beans Sardines Kippered Herring: Booth Sardines Sliced Dried B eef Elkhorn Limberger Cheese Pimento Club Cheese, ftfc The Busy Comer 2 Phones—6STL United States Pood Administration—License No. G 46545 9 Playing to H ard Luck Dean, Brown A Hague, contractors paving the Coquille-Marshfied road, seem to be hoodooed. Sunday night one of the barges w ith 120 tons of rock from the quarry sank this side of the Coos City bridge. It is expected • th e dredge which is now up th e inlet Lame Sheolder ■will remove th e rock cargo widen is This ailm ent is usually caused by under w ater.—Coos Bay Times. rheum atism of th e muscles. All that is needed is absolute re s t r.nd a few applications of C ham berlain’s Lini Remember tn a t In- subecrlblng for ment. the Sentinel fo r f 1.60 a year you can g et the Oregon F arm er in addition by Butter Wrappers and Trespass paying only 16 cents more. Signs at tha 8entiael office. ------- " W —L.-11..W M1 1 1 sm o ke A. B. CAM PBELL, Special A xent S tandard Oil, Coquille, Oregon I will pay the highest m arket price—in cash— for your hides. I can handle any quantity and will pay for them on delivery. ping young man, full of life and good cheer, his large bine eyes twinkling Just as Thirty-Pound Billy’« did, yet with a wistfulness In them th at wrung Nella’» h e a rt "I wish you’d help me,” he came to the point a t once. “Tin frantic abont the boy. My parents are lead and the wife’s—she died a t hla birth—are across the continent There’s no one to leave Billy with. O. T. NELSON Phone 731 Coquille, Oregon S H E L L E Y & SON Building Contractors Plans and Specifications on Application Estim ates Furnished on All Kinds of Buildings Phone 1051 Coquille, Ore. Does Your Subscription Date Need Cl T he doctor had weighed the baby. He placed it In big Tom’s arms, who laid It tenderly beside the waiting Nella. “The little lady weighs eight pounds, sw eetheart” he Whispered, kissing the white lips lovingly. “My. but she’s got to gain soma be- fora she can catch np with our Thlrty- Pound Billy I” “T hirty pounds! Nearly sixty —the buster." "I like to think of him as the little two-year-old baby. I owe so much to Mu," Nella mused. “So do L" Tom gripped Nells tig h t “AU I have th a t makes life worth 11 v- la f I won through b la ta d hla thirty D L A Y the smolggame w ith • Jimmy * Pipe if you’re hankering for a hand- .... ,oo t for w,* t MM your amokeappetitel ’ you've got u new listen on the pipe question too«« from old stung tongue end dry throat w orries I Prince Albert is ecotfree 0 abOUt ^ ***** ** °* "Odkofaa scheduled ^ in your 7 0 direction! t f c .p ip p in o f a pipe-pal; rolled ^ h * ? P * * *tap»y everything eny l?d for in tobeccol Yon never wfll be willing to you ve slipped-on once you get that Prince I J Z "TV * « U t a t a lm„ w ev#ry tim e you get on the Bring line!