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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1919)
i . *— -• $ CJ TOI*. X IV . * Coquille Valley Sentinel and the coquille herald Telephone Agreem ent Of $1.50 T H E Y E A R . COQUILLE, COOS C O U N TY, OREGON. F R ID A Y , J U L Y 4, I t i » . NO. H SWAT THE TOLL The . A Company’s Scrap Paper The periodical application of the local telephone company to be allowed to charge a toll between Coquille and M yrtle Point and fo r an increase o f the tariff on certain o f the farmers’ ‘ lines in this vicinity, is set fo r hearing at, MarshAeld on naxt Tueaday at two crown up durine our yours o f froo telephone service would bo almost in tolerable. The upper Coquille Valley is just like one b if fam ily end unre stricted communication am one Hs •people is demanded by existing con ditions. W hy this demand fo r the privilege o f charging tolls here should keep coming up after the Commission has decided all the questions at issue we cannot understand. We are entitled ito free service between the two towns | and with the surrounding country on the basis o f the agreement under which our two companies Wolidated and w e ought to stand Ann- ly fo r our rights. o’clock P. Me The common councils o f Coquille and Myrtle Point have each Alad an F o u r Valley Canneries Combine swers and objections to the applies • A . Rupert A Co. Csnidiig company, tion; City Attorney Stanley w ill re which is Aguring on erecting can present Coquille and Claud H. Giles, ning plants both hare and nt Marsh- City AttorneJMor M yrtle Point, will Aeld if a sufficient acreage o f berries represent hldAown nt the hearing. can be secured, has just increased its It is plumed to have a goodly dal- cspiU l stock from $25,000 U $1,000,- egation o f representative business 000. This will pavs tha way men from both towns to attend the fo r tha consolidation o f .tha fol- hearing; the telephone company has ltw in g four plants: the Lebanon Can mads several applications fo r like in ning company o f Lebanon; the Falls creases and the Public Service Com City Canning company at Falls City mission has denisd their applications and tha Rupert plant at Gresham. The in such instance, and it is to be hoped four plants have a capacity o f about the present hearing w ill result in a 10,000 casts o f fruits, vegetables and repetition o f the form er Andinge. preserves, and do a business in excess Prior to 1908 there was but on# o f $2,000,000 annually. Ulephone plant in this valley as, at tbs present time; n toll rate was ex acted between Coquille and M yrtle Point, the farmers ware charged what they believed to be an axhorbitant rata and many o f them could not ob- isin service et any price. In Febru Another June weJdirg occurred ary o f that year the fanners’ line was here last Monday whan Miss Kathleen organised to obviate these vices; the MulTihill, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. new company was composed o f farm John Mulvihill, became the brid« o f ers and business man o f Coquille and Lon E. Denio. The cerqmony was vicinity, a central office was estab performed by Rev. W. E. Cpuper at lished in Coquille end one a t M yrtle his residence at 2:80 p. m. The wit- * Point and patrons were given free •ee war* Miss Georgia Mulvihill, toll between the two towns and all sr o f tha bride, and W alter F. local Unas o f this company connected Oerding. The happy couple are now with either town. O f course the old at the Brewster House but expect to line company had to mast this com leave Sunday fo r Gold Beach, where petition in service and prices. This Lon has a home already prepared for was a great Improvement over the occupensg. former eystsm, hut the tncoavmlsnss Three young people are well and o f having two telephones in each bus (favorably known in Coos county, both iness house and in many residences having bean employees o f the Coos A censed more or lees confusion and was Curry Telephone Co., Miss Mulvihill sn additional expense, besides reduc as chief open .tor at the local central, ing the net returns o f both companies. and Mr. Danio bain? in charge o f the A t the urgent request o f the Public company’s lines between Port Orford Service Commission that the two sys and Crescent City. Lon Mime to this tems be merged, the stockholders of coast Ava years ago fr ig » Helena, the farmers’ line sold their stock to New York, and has spent a considera the other company, and the present ble portion o f that Ume in nnd around company now holds this stock. This Coquille. transfer was made with the distinct They are receiving the congratu understanding that all tha patrons lations and best wishes pf a host of should be given the same service at friends, with whom the Sentinel joins, the same rates they had been paying, for a long and happy U fa with promised betterment o f the ser vice. Pessibly the company now (Skull Crushed by Falling Tree seeking to make the change in the A sad accident happened at Crane’s rates has forgotten this promise. I f the application is granted, it would Camp Saturday, June 28, when Her not be strange i f another local Una man Be rien, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berien, o f Ceres, California, was ‘were again established. A t a hearing fo r a similar advance caught by a falling tree at nine o’clock in rates held at Coquilla in September, and died at four. He came to Co 1917, the petition was denied and the quille two weeks ago from his home company promised to make certain at Ceres to spend the summer with bis improvements in ito service, by order sunt, Mrs. L. Crandall. He was only of the Commission, one o f which wda twenty years old and leaves a mother, to correct the defects in the lines father, two sisters and three brothers running out to the County Farm and to mourn his loss. Fairview; but today the asms defects His remains were shipped to Mo exist. Poasibly the company now desto, California, Sunday morning, seeking to make the change in the Mrs. L. Crandall accompanying them. rates has forgotten this order. Young Berien, whose skull was A fte r the Are here on St. Patrick’s ctushed, was taksn to the Bsndon hos day, 1918, the Telephone company in pital after the accident but died be stalled s dinkey little old switchboard fore reaching there. t someone told us it was one which had been discarded from the M yrtle $100,000 • Month fo r ChecM Point exchange many years ago as Fred True, who is sales agent for inadequate and out o f date, but we cannot vouch for the truth o f this,) the Cooe-Curry Cheese association, with the promise that a new and up- says he sold a carload of cheese to San to-date board would be placed just Francisco jobbers last week for S ltt as soon as it could be obtained from cents a pound, and received one cheese The the factory. However, we are still check amounting to $29,000. enduring the Inconvenience of the an monthly sale* are averaging $100,000 tiquated device miscalled a switch and his sales payments Saturday board with no prospect o f anything amounted to $$6,000. Production has f better. And yet the company desires been decreased a little owing to the an increese in rates fo r such service. burning of the Coca Bay Creamery Perhaps the company now seeking to and the Coquille Valley is now getting make the change in rataa has forgot nearly all of that $100,000. Cheesy brings a steady income here and bslps ten those A ns promisee. We are wondering huw much furth wonderfully in stabilising Ananeial er s long suffering public will permit conditions. themselves to be thus victimised. I f a vigorous protest will get reeulta, • Lots More to H ear From Coquille citisena and farmers should Only 40 of the 89 district clerks turn out an masse at tha hearing at MarahAeld naxt Tueaday and make a hi ve yet made the required returns showing that could overlooked o f warrants outstanding, cash on by the Commission nor by tha tele hand, ate., on turning over the paying part o f their dut;ee to the county phone company. The business interests o f Coquills treasurer. and M yrtle Point are so closely inter- ' woven that the freeeet possible com- Tuesday California voted seven to musics tion is required between tkeee one for a $40,000,000 roed bond issue, towns. A toll rate hers after th e,T h e more good roods they get down amt of «ra te rshtlraahtp that km them, the mem tiny muffi. DENIO WEDS HELLO CHIEF ENFORCETHE LAW FOR A REST ROOM W« 'a C lab Says No Mora The-Com m ercial Club la Favor O f M akiag One at The Cigarettes Should Be Sold To Liberty Temple M ia o » J W ork Begins on Cunningham Moon A 'C o . last week began cut ting down the hill on the MarshAeld road in front o f Burns’ ranch and ¡basking the All across the Cunning ham bottoms. The cut in front of the house on Mr. Bums’ ranch is 9 feet. A wooden bridge will be the crossing o f the Cunningham and where the turn was* form erly a hair pin curve across that creek the new road will make a right angled turn. The grading by the'county ^iU ex tend the Burkholder place place at at this end, and from there into town the city expects to have the All and cut ting through of the hogback com- pl*ted th is"fall" A alimly attended session o f the r The Woman’s Club met in regular session -at the eity hall Tuesday even- Commercial Club wa i held Wedrujs- ing with a fair attendance. Several'day evening. A committee from the m atura o f public welfare were up tor | Woman's Club, consisting o f Mrs. C. discussion, among which was the W. Endicott, Mrs. J. A . Lamb and much needed “ d e a n Up day" fo r Co Miss Minnie Kalbus, presented a re quille. We all realise the necessity quest from that body that the Com o f this campaign and in tbs very near mercial Club rescind their action o f future the ladies hope to begin active two weeks ago, in which they recom w arfare on the many unsightly spots mended the sale and removal o f the He Saw the Last o f the W a r in our beautiful little city; and in this Liberty Temple. The ladies desire to Lester O. Norton, a son o f William (complete the building and At it up for no small undertaking they earnestly solcit the help, suggestions and en a rest room, and as th e1 Honor Guard .Norton, o f Sumner, who enlisted here girls made that request in donating April 26th o f last year, has just re- |CO" m* * ment1 ° * The question o f cigarette smoking their funds to the Woman’s Club, it * ur" ed home having been demobilized by minors wss discussed at torn# •is probable that with some help from !'at CamP L®wia on Monday. He was length, the opinion generally exprees- Coquille citizens, the old debt again st1' " Company L, 321st Infantry and ed being that our officials were gross the temple can be paid and that i t , saw 8®rvic® at the fron‘ in France He went ly ignoring the law on the subject end w ill be Atted up for the purpose men- j ^or three months last year. The Commercial Club took 'A ist to the St. Die sector and on Nov. that it waa time some action was tioned. taken in the matter. This resulted in •action as requested snd approved the 9 was sent to the Meuse-Argonne front but had been there only two idea o f turning it into a rest room. a motion as follows: days when the end came. Although Bills totalling $24.92 fo r the berry “ Moved that the Woman’s Club o f Coquille place on record their earnest desire that-'the law prohibiting the g ift or sale o f cigarettes to minors (under 21 years) or the smoking o f cigarettes by minors be snofreed.” In order that ws may ell know whereof we speak we herewith pub lish s pert o f the law: “ It shall be unlawful for any cor poration or person, by himself or as clerk, servant, employee or agent, jor as the servant, or agent o f any other person? directly or indirectly, or by isny pretense or by any device, to sell, offer fo r sale or ksep for sale, ex change, barter, dispose of, or k l»« away to any minor any cigarette or cigarettes in the State o f Oregon. Having cigarettes in a place o f busi ness where minors may take them or fielp themselves, shall be held to be prime facie evidence o f an intent to aell to minora. A n y one violating Any o f the provisions o f this section shall be guilty o f a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun ished in the manner hereinafter pro vided. (Sec, I, Chapter 244, Laws o f Oregon, 1917.) "Section 4, o f the same act pre scribes s penalty o f a Ane o f not more than $100.00 for the first offense; not more than $600.00 nor less than $25.- 00 fo r second offense, or by imprison ment in the county jail not exceeding thirty days.^or both puch Ane and im prisonment x For the third or any subsequent offense, a jail sentence o f ¡not to exceed thirty days must be tm- pposed in addition to any Ane.” Other subjects o f interest were dis cussed which are not yet ready for publication. ' We are pleased to announce that our roll of membership is increasing, but we want it to continue to increase until every woman In Coquille, who has the improvement o f our commun ity at heart, it enrolled on our list. Surely we all want to help in making our own home town better and more beautiful.— Com. kmoker o f a week ago were allowed ' h® saw f “ llln* «round him and ordered paid. , during those fateful days he cune L. H. Hazard, S. M. Nosier and C. through without a scratch. W. Endicott were named as a com mittee to appear before the council •to ask that the city general fund pay •the $100 levied on Coquille as her 'share o f the expense o f the delega tion sent to Washington in the inter est o f the Roosevelt Highway. A. T. Hulburd, o f Castle Rock, was J. J. Stanley, who will represent here Monday as the repreeentative o f the city o f Coquille at the Public S e r-1 the Ellison-White Lyceum course and vice Commission in MarshAeld next met our Commercial Club committee, Tueaday when the telephone company consisting o f J. J. Stanley, Raymond (will endeavor to show cause why they E. Baker and C. W. Endicott, who should be permitted to charge toll | signed up with him fo r another year between Coquille and M yrtle Point, ' for a course o f Ave entertainments wss also appointed to represent th e , for the season o f 1919-20 'Commercial Club at that hearing. Mrs. W. C. Chase circulated the The absolutely unsatisfactory ser guarantee pledge and secured 25 vice o f the Western Union was com- ((signatures. The talent costa $650 i f men ted on pretty strongly'by some of we have Ave entertainments or $450 the members and an attempt will be i f we have only four. made to secure better service when The following ore the numbers se- the present strike is over and pri- iected: vate ownership has had an opportun 1. “ Old Fashioned Girls,” a chorus ity to put the telegraph and telephone o f ladies, who appear in the balloon lines on an efficient basis again. skirts o f the Civil W ar days. The club it considering the matter 2. Thomas Skeyhill, a lecturer, of getting out a new edition o f pam who was in the British army at Galli phlets to advertise the Coquille val poli, and so severely wounded that ley and the matter will come up at all the English surgeons pronounced next week’s meeting. him hopelemly blind, and he began to travel aa “ the blind lecturer.” Com ing to America in three months his Gothro Loses that $5,000 That jury which sat up all night sight was restored at the GarAeld In ( over the Gothro suit against the stitute. 3. A Serbian Male Quartette. Southern Oregon fo r $5,000 commis 4. 'P ro f. Kessinger, a lecturer. sion on the sale o f $100,000 worth of 5. De M ille’s Male Quartette. timber to McDonald A Vaughn, Anally It, o f course, depends upon the re brought in a verdict for the defense. And aa a real estate man on tne jury ceipts whether we have the last num says that was ths only verdict poesi- ber. LYCEUM FOR NEXT YEAR ble, we only wonder why it took them so long to get together. Although Gothro had taken up the matter of the sale o f that timber with McDonald A Vaughn, he didn’t induce them to “ sign on the dotted line;” and more than that Manager Armstrong says he had no right to make the contract he did with Gothro. N o Action on Site Question Is Second Clam Ponto S ee Ths Board o f Education met Sat- Coquille has attained the rank o f ' urday night and gave further conoid- a second c la n postofllce, Pcstmaster «ration' to the school house site ques- Leneve receiving notice on Monday | tion but came to no conclusion. They tl*-t the ehinge would take effect the will meat agan this week or early next day. What would bo the in next to decide upon this matter. crease in his solar/ on that account C a D ra w te ri he w m not Informed. We Retain the Leader W h o H as Been W orking Here This Year? Whether Miss Minnie Kalbus shall remain in Coos county to continue the work of instruction in home economics in which she has been engaged for the past six months will soon be de cided by the O. A . C. authorities. Her work has been carried on thus fa r at Uncle Sam’s chargee but instead o f appropriating four and a half mil lions next year fo r the extension work o f the department o f agriculture Congress cut the Agure to a million and a half. So Oregon's share in that 'fund is only $90,000 and only those counties that will bear at last a part o f the expense of the home econom ics, as well as the county agent and industrial club work will be furnished with leaders from Corvallis. Mrs. McComb, who is at the head o f this part o f the College activities, says that there is a lack o f workers in this line and that there are three counties to which they would like to send Miss Kalbus, and that she would be withdrawn from the Aeld here at if they knew this county had no intention of providing for the pay ment o f a portion of the expense of the home economics work. A ll that they desire to know is that provision •will be mads foj^it in next year’s bud get. In that Case Miss Kalbus would Anish the present year here at the ex pense o f the state; otherwise, she will be sent to some other Aeld. The County Court, /ft course, wants to comply with ths wishes o f the peo ple in this respect, but they still re main to be heard from. There is no question about the need or the value o f the work Miss Kalbus has been doing in the towns and coun try districts as well. And if the wo men who know and appreciate what it being done will m ike their feelings in the matter manifest there Is no doubt about what the result would be. But if no steps o f this kind are taken and 'nothing done by the women inter ested, the court would very likely con clude thet there wes no such demend for instruction in home economics as would warrant them in making an ap propriation in the 1919 budget. Had the war continued the need for conservetion and efficiency in the home would have been so urgent that this instruction would probably have been continued at government ex pense. As it is, in view o f the vast expanse due to tha war and the heavy taxation involved, the lawmakers ap pear to he Inclined to retrench wher ever possible. T ax Roil Goes to Capital Very Prolific Currants Mrs. J. H. Aker brought in Wed nesday soma samples o f the white currents on her place. We never saw or even imagined anything as densely covered m .h fruit— and this too even after the birds had taken a toll. The climate hore seems to be absolutely ideal for both currants and gooseber Funeral o f O. J. Seeley ries and there is no reason why they The funeral o f the late O. J. Seeley should not be g r o w » here by the There W a s N o Remonstrance took place at the Undertaking Par hundreds o f tons. W e are glad to learn that remon lors here at 2 o’clock last Friday af strance against the grading of the All ternoon and was conducted by Rev. The River Bridge Here from the Bledso house north didn’t W. E. Cooper. There was a large Wednesday a delegation o f Coquille materialize; and that at the meeting attendance and the stores were closed business men called on the County next Monday night the city council during the services. There were will be ready to advertise for bids many beautiful Aoral offerings in Court in interest o f the river bridge for that $6,000 job. W e expect to tribute to the memory o f the de here and the court instructed Road- i d irt flying there this summer. ceased. The interment was in the master Sawyer to make a preliminary The other missing link in the county1 Masonic cemetery and the services report on the proposed bridge site. highway at the Tuttle House corner, there were in charge o f the local lodge A t one o’clock Thursday afternoon the court also went down with the is being prepared fo r the improve of the Knights o f Pythias. members of the City Council to see ment, the old bridge having been torn how the land lay, where it is proposed out to make way fo r a new one. Can’t Exchange Stamps to build the bridge. Postmaster Leneve informs us that Jcnba B ay Land Confectionery the statement that three cent stamps Not AD Gone Yet? Last Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. can be exchanged fo r twos is incor iPhe estate o f the late Joseph W. Ray Jeub made a deal with P. O. Lund rect. Stamped envelopes, however, by which they become the proprietors with three steampe, will be redeemed Coach is supposed to be good picking A t any rate Joan Herron has o f Lund’s Confectionery which now this month at the invoice price and yet. becomes Jeub’a Confectionery. For three-fourtha o f their coat will be presented a claim against it in the the present Mrs. Jeub will conduct paid for the old two-cent postal cards. Probate Court to the amount o f $4,- •the business with Rey assisting ev- Postmasters are not allowed to ex 800 for two years' service at $200 per eninga and Sundays, and he will re change stamps of any kind, probably month at the time Detective Mitchell tain his position in the county clerk’s because o f the great confusion and was on the case and the Aght with the Ice. Mr. Lund has made no an liability to mistakes that would oc late G. T, Treadfold was at its height. nouncement o f his plans for the fu cur. ture. Shall The Southern Oregon tax roll goes forward from Portland this week to the General Land office at Washing ton. A fte r it has been checked1 up there a warrant will be issued to Coos county to pay that half million o f taxes, penalties and interest It is expected it will ba a matter o f two or three months before the returns are received here as they take their time about such things at the national capital. Red Cross Takes Vacation The very lost shipment o f garments from our local Red Croes was sent out last week, which included 304 gar ments made in the work room here and 53 garments from the McKinley auxiliary. There were all clothes for children. The chairman, Mrs. V ir ginia Lamb, has been notiAed hat wa will be expected to begin sewing again In the fall— for somebody, somewhere. Like First Line Trenches The torn up condition o f First Ind Hall street renders travel impossible there now and Gardner’s garage is only accessible by a detour of sev eral blocks. The excavation for a sewer nine feet deep along the middle o f First street requires a small army of men and to the boys who were sol diers in France it must give that lo cality the aspect o f a Arst line trench, H o n e Talent For Road W ork A delegation from Bridge was down here Wednesday to interview the _ county court about the special tax money in their road district. They , wnhl to have it expended under the ‘ ¿fraction o f their owrW people with I Dwight Culver aa supervisor in the ¡B ig Creek work and E. E. Weekly on the Myrtle Point-Rock Creek road. Mills Close Until Monday Ths mills hers will both close for the Fourth— in fact the Sitka shot down on Wednesday—and will remain erased until Monday. Coquille is going to be a very quiet town fo r the week end and lote o f our people will .go to Myrtle Point and Ito celebrata. f