The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, June 27, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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FRIDAY, JUNE 27, Itili
Drastic Prohibition Regulations
We are
a new
line of
that w ilf
__________ please
you. These suits sue
not cheap in , quality
but" are low in price.
»Huns'* silk
Shirts with soft cuffs,
also silk pajamas.
We invite you to this store
to do your 4th July shoping.
The Haberdashery
Another big shipment o f
received this week. Five large casks—nearly two
tons—were included in this order which includes
the popular Pink Spray, Gold Spray and Gold
Band patterns. These can either be secured by
the single piece or in complete sets, as follows:
Gold Band a t ...................... $12.50
Pink Spray a t ............... . . $12.50
Gold Spray a t ....................$10.50
Racket Store
direct from the factory.
W e have
all kinds of Bee Goods on hand -
* *
r Ceqnille,
^ a tiu
Factory opposite & P. Dopot
Under new managem ent
Fresh Bread, Cakes and Fancy Pastry
U W B .I W I « *
Coqoi"«. O reson
Hero aro aomo more of the provi-
lions of the federal prohibition law
which will probably to into effect
noxt Tuesday:
All liquor must bo clearly labeled
be mucb when sold for lofal purposes.
Ten days after passage of the act,
all liquor illegally hold must have
been disposed of or it shall be con­
sidered violation of the law. All li­
quor legally held must be, reported
to the prohibition commissioner.
Railroads and express companies
tore not permitted to deliver liquor
except on sworn affidavits and permit
that it is for legal purposes.
Advertisement of intoxicating li­
quor, by any method, or telling any
one where he can get a drink is pro­
hibited. Bill boards with liquor ads
must be removed, or enforcement of­
ficers have the power to paint them
over or remove them.
Any lucture of a brewery, distillery,
bottle, keg, barrel or box or other re­
ceptacle designed to serve as an ad­
vertisement thereof, is illegal.
Drinking of liquor in public or in
a railroad train, automobile, dining
car or. vestibule of a train is prohi­
bited and conductors are given the
power to rrresL
Any person injured by an intoxi­
cated person can bring suit for dam­
ages agninst the person who sold or
hssisted -in procuring the liquor for
the intoxicated person.
Bootleggers shall be fined not less
than $600, nor more than $1000 and
imprisoned for not less than one
month por more than a year.
Any violation of the act on leased
premises shall constitute a forfeiture
Pof the lease.
Liquor seised may be destroyed or
turned over to the government for
scientific or medicinal purposes, upon
conviction of the holder.
Probate Court Item s
J. J. Stanley was last Saturday ap-
pointed administrator of the estate
of John Moore. The estate consists
of $600 in personal property and the
appraisers are J. 8. Lawrence, Lee
Goodman and A. P. Miller. James T.
Mars, of Bandon, a stepson, is the
only heir.
J. J. Stanley was on Wednesday
appointed administrator of the es­
tate of Lillie Peart, consisting of $800
in real estate; the appraisers are the
same as in the last case end Arthur
Peart, her husband, is the only heir.
On Monday Fred Beiloni was ap­
pointed administrator of the estate
of Helen M. Nye, consisting of $760
of real property, the heirs being Jo­
seph Waldo Nye and Sarah Margaret
Nye, son and dau.yl.ter. The apprais­
ers are J. E. Paulson, D. D. Pierce and
J. S. Barton.
Monday also Z. T. Johnson was ap­
pointed executor of the estate of
Elizabeth From deceased. The pro-
■ perty consists of $100 in real estate
and the appraisers are E. Schneider,
E. A. Dodge and J. M. Arrington. The
heirs are Z. T. Johnson, a stranger,
'and Tamer Wells, daughter, and Jas.
Story, a son.
Marriage Licenses
June 21—Clarence Hatcher, of Mc­
Kinley, and Sylvia Neely, of Sumner.
They were married the same day at
tha home of the bride by Rev. Thomas
June 24—Frederick C. Rachcnberg-
er and Evalyn Mathison, both of
June 26.—H. L. Sumner and Nell G.
Nicholson, both of North Bend.
June 26—Arthur Daigle and Lillian
Thorwald, both of Marshfield. They
were married the same day by Jus­
tic e Stanley at his office.
June 26—Floyd A. Babb and Alice
Josephson, both of Marshfield.
June 26—Roecoe Johnson and Anna
Anderson, both of North Bend.
New Cases in Circuit Court
June 21—The Block Manufacturing
Co. vs. J. S. Sidwell.
June 21—Theodore O. Loveland and
James L. Records doing business as
the Benard Manufacturing Co. vs.
Guy Warner and J. E. Warner doing
business as the Warner Grocery Ce.
June 21—Ivery Rose Hale vs. Wil­
liam Hale and Hattie Hale.
June 23—Leona M. Clark vs. Wil­
liam B. Clarke. Suit for divorce. '
June 23—F. S. Harmon A Co. vs.
O. C. Jensen.
(C o p y rig h t, 1*11, b y th e M cC lu re N e w s p a ­
p e r S y n d ic a te )
Fruit Canning
Season is here
Violet sat on the top rail of the
fence, smiling to herself. She was
thinking of the words she had hat’
with her mother a month before.
Violet’s health was not very good,
snd the doctor bad ordered her to the
country for the summer. She laughed
out loud as she thought of these
“Now, pint her, I won’t stay Ini the
lonely old country, and no one can
make me. either. You know Pm used
to a crowd, and dancing und every­
thing! Goodness, I’ll die there. I tell
you I won't go.”
But nevertheless, Violet went to her
Uncle Henry’8 farm, and now she
thought that nothing could Induce her
to go back to the dirty, close city.
She loved Uncle Henry’s country
ways, and no one could be any nicer
than dear Aunt Ellen.
“Come, Sport, old dog. Let’s take a
run,” said Violet, Jumping from the
fence and starting down the field with
Sport, a large collie dog, close at her
“Now, Sport, Pm going to roll down
* *
this hill, and don’t you laugh at me,
either," said Violet, giving his ear a
twitch. Bnt Sport enjoyed barking at
her as mnch as she enjoyed the rolling.
She reached the bottom of the hill,
sat up straight and found that her
only companion had deserted her.
She called his name and was an­
swered by a bark. \ The sound came
from the woods, so she scrambled to
her feet and ran In that direction.
When she came to the tall fir trees
Sport came running lout holding a
piece of paper In his mouth.
“What’s thtsf“ questioned Violet,
reading the note and looking sus­
piciously into the woods.
Save Money by Paying Cash
' The note ran: “It was great fun
watching you roll down that hill. I
would like to see you do It again to-
msrrow at the same time. , I’m going
Federated Church
to talk with you, too.”
' Violet skipped back to the house to
Sunday School meets at 9:46 a. m.
help Aunt Ellen prepere supper. She
Preaching 11 a. m.
was unusually silent, and was Inter­
Epworth League meets a t 7 p. m .' One Cent n Word Each Inaertiea
ested to hear Uncle Henry say:
Preaching 8 p. ni.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Ellen, that young Billy Morris came
home yesterday.”
Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. j FOR SALE oi* will trad* for young
“Is that so?” replied Aunt Ellen.
Public ctrdially invited to all these .tock—Good Saddle horse, 7 years
“I suppose the young girls will look services.
old. E. H. Hamden, Coquille. 24t3
their prettiest, but I bet VI will out­
James E. Condor, Pastor.
shine them all,“ said Uncle Henry mis­
chievously. “VI, that young fellow
St. James Episcopal Church.
house with six lots; north ei.d of
would make yon a good husband.”
town; good terms. Fred Nosier.
“Now, nnde, you’re Always telling
Church School a t 10 a. m.
me that someone would make me a
No other services.
good husband. How do you know Tm
FOUND—Green Crepe de Chine scarf
W. E. Couper, Vicar.
looking for a husband?" said Violet
BflwiP by calling at
bobbing her curls.
Coquille Laundry Co.
Christian Church
“Well, I never saw a girl of nine­
teen that wasn't looking for a husband,
LOST — Tuesday between
Church of Christ
til bet If you met him you would be
House a small red book entitled
engaged to him within a month.”
“Bab’ Ballads.” Finder please re­
Sunday Morning Services
“Now, Henry," protested his wife,
to Naomi Knowlton.
but Henry got up and kissed the rest
Communion and sermon 11:00 a. m
of the sentence away.
The next afternoon, a little before Subject, “Can God Speak to Man?”
at the Real Telephone exchange.
the appointed time Violet went to her
Evening Services
“thinking seat.”
Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m' WANTED—One Sumncl Upright
She had been seated there only a Subject, “What does Loyalty to
Shingle Machine
E. K. Wilier,
few mlnntes. when Sport came and Church and Country Call For?”
Reedsport, Ore.
stood before her with another note In
Preaching Service 8:00 p. m.
1 his mouth.
This yead: “Sport came too soon, Subject, “The Church That God and FOR SALE—Medium sized, nearly
This Generation Needs,”
but I am waiting."
new donkey, also steam traction en­
T il do It Jnst to see what happens,"
Prayer meeting Wednesday even­
gine; bargains.
H. M. Axtell,
and she ran to the top of the hill, lay ing at 8:00 o’clock.
Booth's Shingle Mill.
down, closed her eyes and let herself
Rex Dallas, Pastor.
$o full speed.
FOR SALE—Team of Mules, sound
When almost to the bottom she
and true. Phone 483. L. T. Smith.
stopped with a Jerk. She had bumped
into something, and whatever It was
Services next Sunday a t 11:00 a. m.
had fallen with a thnd. •
Wednesday evening meeting a t 8 WANTED—Soldier wishing to locate*
She sat up and opened her big blue o’clock.
in western Oregon desires informa­
eyes to look Into the face of a young
Sunday school at 9:80 a. m.
tion about farms and farming lands
man, sitting on the grass In front of
The Reading Room will be open ev­
for sale. Send full description and
her, smiling and showing two rows of
perfect white teeth. She put her hnnd ery Tuesday and Saturday afternoon
lowest cash terms to W. E. Flynn,
over her mouth to keep from scream­ from 2 o’clock until A
A. P. O. 729, A. E. F„ France.
“Now don’t run off, young lady," he
Church o f God.
FOR SALE OR TRifi DE—Light row
said. "I tried to stop you essy, but
..boat, oars and locks; Remington
you came so swift you knocked me
pump guh; small duck boat. Lana
every Sunday.
Leneve, Coquille, Oregon.
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
“Are you the —F* she asked, but got
no farther, for he said:
Preaching a t 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
“Yes, I’m the mysterious writer of
Prayer meeting Thursday evening WANTED SHEEP—Good ewes, state
age, breed, price wanted, with wool
the note. My name Is Billy Morris at 8 p. m.
on and after shearing. M. M. Bull,
What's yours?"
A cordial welcome is extended to all.
“Mine’s Violet Snow.”
Monroe, Ore.
After talking some time, Violet rose
to go.
WANTED—Wool and Mohair, Hides,
Wants $5,000 Commission
'Don’t forget tomorrow at the same
Pelts and Chiftim Brrk. * Highest
time," said Billy, as he watched her
George Gothio has a claim against
Price paid. Geo. T. Moulton. 15tf
lithe body run up the hllL
the Southern Oregon company for $6.-
For a month they met every day. but
no on# knew It besides Sport snd 000 which he is suelng to recover in
the Circuit Court here today. It was
Daisy. At last Uncle Henry said:
“It’s a funny thing I can't get hold this way. He and a partner had a
of that young Morris to come here. If conti act with the company under
I told him there was a pretty girl here whic!i they were to receive 5 per cent
I bet he would come. ........................
In double-quick jon tll g*),, they made for it. Mc-
time, too!
Dom.1.1 A Vaughn bcught timber of the
Now, uncle, cautioned Violet ehak- „ ,
. .
Ing her curls.
,S- °- company’s to the amount of
“Well, m keep my word; I bet If *100CC0- Got’j io cl,ira* Ul* Eale WM
yon met him you would be engnged mad - under that contract. His part-
of headache are due to
wlthln a month.”
ner has assigned his interest in the
“I bet I would, too," eang Violet as clain to Gothio. The company claims defective vision, which produces eye-
*he skipped out of the house, and Un- ¡t owes nothing. • Now it is up to the ,train
ln WOIK,erTn“nt •* cour. tc any whether Gothio affected
Let me scienticslly examine your
. . . -
_ that sale. Reminds ones somewhat oi eyes, find the defect, and overcome it
That night, before dark, Violet very _
, ,
. „
slyly kept peeking out of the window. Govcrnor We#t “ cU,m
th* ha,f with n pair of my Perfect Fitting
and at last her heart seemed to beat »111100 the government has agreed to Glasses, and in consequence make yon
harder than ever before, when ahe pny Cooe county for tehee.
headache) ess.
« * hhn coming.
. ------ - . ,, .
“Well," said Uncle Henry, “here
T# Prevent Belching,
Office Phone 430. Residence Phone
_ that
,__• Billy Morris ,__ now."
■ but
- — - he M>k(
stax< % « re(fulnr
regular habH
habit of
of «aUng
W e have in stock all kinds and
sizes of Fruit Jars, Rubbers a n d ,
Jar Lids—also Jelly Glasses.
Secure your supply early as jars
will be in big demand. All kinds
of canned fruit will be at prohib­
itive prices this year, so be sure
and do your own canning and
plenty of it.
Call at our store and get acquaint­
ed. W e can save youmioney. :
Cash & Carry Store
Want Ads
F rom Headache?
The big Smith Mill is to be operated
again just as soon as a sufficient force
1 of men can be secured to run the mills
and the camps which supply them
with lumber. A. H. Powers Wednes­
day requested the U. S. Employment
office at Marshfield to furnish 300 men
'fo r the company’s camps.
' this it will take over 300 men to run
the big mill and 80 more for two
'shifts at Eastside. Non-employment
food * % !"
'doesn't loom in the near future in s ^ r ^ r v i o T e ,
Wh£ T V 1"*
yi°fV u 0y.houw! teke o r ^ o f
Cooe county.
tn again she said. “Uncle Henry, c h ^ .x w ln ln ’s Tablets immediately
yon re won your bet. I met Billy Just aftsr supter.
“ month ago today," and she held up '
------------------- -
Butter # Wrappers
r hand for Inspection of a lovely Ut- ;
t0 ,
Signs «t the S tin s i
i »oiruirs on hsr fourth ftopr.
Eye Specialist
Corner Front snd Commercial