The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, June 20, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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FRIDAY, JUNE N . I l l »
The Roeeborg Review states concern­
ing the Myrtle Point- Roeeburg road:
A surveying crew in 'charge o f Assis­
tant State highway Engineer» Ragan
and Belknap left this city Wednerdsy
morning to set up s camp at the foot
o f Camas mountain. The work o f mak­
ing the survey of the Myrtle Point-
Roseburg highway is being carried on
by three crews to hasten its completion.
According to Mr. Belknap, the »urvey
will be finished in about two month»,
but as to just when actual construction
will begin on tbe highway, he' is unable ____ ____ ____ _____ ^ ______________
**»* the rancher» and Com­
mercial Club# of Coo. county are
planning on going into the cultuse of
loganberries, raspberries and other
borrioo on an extensive scale, the fol­
lowing article, dipped from the Or*,
gon Journal, telling o f whet has been
done along that line at Puyallup
Washington, where a co-operative a*!
te ste te .
Thu. »trip , approxim ately « '
o f tW
**U U *Z (
lle rm a n M aa
miles in length, will eventually be pav-
W. A . Paulhamus was one of the
members. As the whole Northwest
knows, ha became presiding genius of
the organisation, and in conjunction
with the board of directors composed
of berry growers, is its directing head.
The system at Puyallup was re­
cently explained to the writor by Mr.
Paulhamus. Information about it Is
value to those who hope for more sci­
entific marketing.
The association has already sold
$388,000 o f canned berries for delivery
out o f the 1919 crop. Besides the
berries drown st Puyallup, strawber­
ries, raspberries end loganberries are
heavily drawn from Oregon.
carloads o f strawberries were import­
ed this season from Sacramento, Cal­
Thera waa never such a demand as
n o w ., Everybody has been expecting
prices to decline and the pantries and
All persons owing
i debts to the said estate will kindly
The Roeeburg Newe adds: County pay the same to the administrator,
Judge R. W. Marsters has returned and all persons having claims against
from Portland, where he attended a the said estata ara hereby notified to
meeting of the state highway board. I
present the same, d d y authenticated
Judge Marsters saya that the road situ­ according to law, to the administrator
ation throughout the state looks very
at 1102 Spalding Building, Portland,
good, with a great deal of work being
Oregon, or at the office of J. J . Stan­
ley at Coquille, Oregon, within six
In regard to the Myrtle Point road
months of the date o f the first publi­
he matter haa been referred to the
cation of this notice, to-wit, from
government in an effort to secure post
May JO, 1919.
road funds, and it'is probable that the
Qporge Amtjen,
work o f improving this important high­
way will be begun within a abort time. i
Tbe highway Commission heartily en­ J. J. Stanley, Attorney for Adminis­
trator, Coquille, Ore.
dorses the road to Coos Bay by way of
, Sh# Waa J ms Crazed.
Freca a Portland dfopetek datad Wsd-
nesday wa lesrn that hi ths answer of
Groter Wilaen, fum ar ewifiwtiuner of
Hyrtie Point, to the diverte nrit e f
Lati Grate Wilson, juat «led, he de­
ci* ree that hia wife bacarne iafataated
with dancing abete a yenr and a bali
■ iter th s* «narriate, thl» jaaa »teda«ss
csusfcig ber te attend every dance held
in or ■ round Myrtle Point, wher* they
were living, includi«« 10 mite trip* to
M.rsMekL firna wtWh «ha weoM aet
return unti! dayHght. Uteanwhile leas­
ing tbeir baby et hohi# with hha.
Service of Satisfaction
OU will find that one o f the out­
standing features o f a connection
with the First National Bank.
It is
our aim to help, please and satisfy our
depositors and patrons as completely as
possible. And we believe-if you ask a
cu sto m e r —that—he—will—endorse this
A reasonable amount opens a Checking
W hy not have one and be
• R.
J. Sherwood - President
C. Dement
H. Hazard
C. Sanford - Asst.-Cashier
Myrtle Point and has already been to
considerable expense in obtaining de­ NOTICE OF VACATIONS Off POR­
Our L ast M exican W a r Veteran. tails of construction.
The last Mexican war veteran living
Notice is hereby given that at s
Tire Real Teat o f Gasoline.
in Cooa county, and perhaps the last
regular meeting of the common coun­
one in Oregon, passed to tbe Great Be-
Contrary to the opinion held by a cil
of the
City _of_ Coquilic,
yorafSetqrday, June 7tb, in Bandon, on groat many people, tbe real value of a
corporation of Cooa
lfifi Mexican war veterans left in the
United States, five o f whom Nved in
Oregon. Three o f these lived in Cooa
eomty and all o f them have died during
the year. One o f the other two In the
state is knoera to have died recently.
The other oM gentlemen resided ia
Portland when Inst beard of. These
facts were obtained from the pension
bureau by C. B. Zeek.
Marshall Steel wee hern in Franklin
eeuuty. Mo., Deeember 24, 1828. He
enlisted in tbe Mexican war, joining
tbe Missouri Mounted Volunteer» in 18-
46 and marched with General Scott to
the City e f Mexico. He moved to Cali­
fornia in 1167. From there be came to
Cooa'county where be resided until his
dentil. HgftaH been a member.of tbe
Prohibition ia a further earns o f
Berry juices are required
for soft drinks. Every first class ho­
tel, in Mr. Paulhamus’ view, will soon
hrve a soft drink bar in Ha lobby.
There are 1800 berry grower» ta
the Puyallup association. The berry
farms range in sis# from one fourth
o f an acre to 17 acres. Most o f the
growers have cows and poultry. Tbe
chickens run in the berry tracts, eon-
sumo posts sad fertilize the soil.
The territory covered by the grow­
ers is seven miles long and two wide,
and is the most densely populated area
o f its kind in the United States.
There la a coauniaaary department
which furnishes aappUaa, bought in
huge quantities at low coot, to the
member growers.
The distribution is through two co­
operative stores, and the manner la
which those »tores are flnaaned ia un­
Thus, if -a member grower
has $60 or $100 or $600 for which ho
has no immediate requirement, the
association uaoa it at his pleasure and
pays him eight per cent interest. Ho ■mall stream emptying Into tl.e Rogue
can draw all or part of it at any time. river Juot below Illahe and opposite
The association thus becomes his his ranch, and according to the owner,
will yield about $40,000. Course gold
previously bean panned in Footer
Until Inst year, the association op­
creek, although no one had been suc­
erated without revolving fund or capi­
tal o f any kind other than their berry cessful in finding the source from
which it came until Collins, alter
plants and canning plants. Then, for
a proposed extension o f operations, years o f painstaking search, announc­
ed his labors were finally rewarded.
a fund of $2700 was created.
The canning plant at Sumner has s
W aterspout at Port O rford.
rapacity o f 26 tons of rod raspberries
M. Most, the Bandon diver, came
per day. The association ships 100
to 160 carloads o f fresh berries each down to Port Orford Saturday and the
year. Tbe value o f berries so shipped following day he blew a submerged
rock out of the bay that has been en­
last year waa $698,000,
One Oregon canning sotabliahment dangering the Pyfe Wilson company’s
paid an excess profits tax last year vessels when trading at the wire cablfi*
of $88,000.
That sum went to the Two blastp were set off, one in per-
government, and o f course represent­ ticular of which was a beautiful sight
ed part o f the sum between what this as spray was blown fully 300 feet into
privately operated concern paid grow­ the air, and seemed to hang there a
ers and what it got as profit from the while before settling brek to ti>e wa­
canned product. In the Puyallup co­ ter again. The sea gulls seemed to
operative system, there is no such know that the blasting might provide
n.argin— the grower* get all the pro­ food for them, as the first shot was
no sooner fired than they commenced
The association, through its man­ to come in from the sea and soon
agement, sells tbs output throughout they were there by hundreds to feed
the East on established brand» at the on the fish that, were killed.— Port Or­
beet prices, and the individual grow­ ford Tribune.
ers have prorated to them thd amounts
to which they are entitled. There is
no profi(.for anybody but Ihtem lvss,
no excess profits to a private indi­
vidual, no excess profits to be paid the
The association has been in exis­
tence 17 years. Aside fr o * * ttr*
Scandinavians, and fewer Italians, all
the growers in the association are na­
tive Americans.
Ibid by the bank book
Constable Goodman today closed F.
Cameron’s print shop which was later
in charge o f Chief of Police
Henderson pending a settlement. The
p u b « McFall paper company o f Port­
land attached the place for a debt and
several others ars said to have filed
efoirns.—Coos Bay Harbor.
gasoline is not shown by tbe old-fash­
ioned gravity tost. This test tells noth­
ing about the vaporizing and combus­
tion qualities o f the fuel, as has been
pointed out by the National Bureau of
Standards at Washington. 0(ily the
boiling point tost is really efficient.
Bolling points, o f course, mean exact­
ly what the words say. That ie they
are points on the. thermometer at which
a liquid will begin to boiL* For a cold
engine to start quickly tbe gasoline
must vaporise at a low temperature.
To get quick and smooth acceleration
somewhat higher boiling points are
necessary and for full power and long
mileage tbe fuel must have still higher
boiling points.
High quality gasoline must have a
complete and continuous chain of boil­
ing pointe, ranging from the low to the
high. Combustion starts with tbe low­
est and flashes on through the uniform
chain from low to high with the result
that there la full-bowered, instantane­
ous combustion. Elimiate one link and
tbe full power chain is broken. Tbe fa­
mous Red Crown gasoline baa tbe com­
plete power chain.
Twe Farms far Rent
Fat Elk Creek dairy farms, 4%
miles southwest of Coquille, are
among tho bast in the valley. Can be
had this fall on long lease to tbe
right parties. Write C. A. Pendleton,
Escondido, Calif.
The Doctor Away From
Meat Needed
People are often very much disap­
pointed to find that their family phy­
sician is away from home when they
moi t need hie aarvicas. Disease» like
ipain in the stomach and bowels, colic
ahd diarrhoea require prompt traat-
ment, and have in many instances
proves fatal before medicine could be
procured or 'a physician summoned.
rhe right way is to keep at hand a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Di­
arrhoea Remedy.
No phycician can
prescribe a better medicine for these
diseases. By having it in 'tb s house
you escape much pain :.nd suffering
and all risk. Buy it now; it may save
a life.
Notice ia hereby give* that Alex
Austin, Contractor, has completed his
contracts for the construction o f the
Twe Mile Bridge and Fill Approaches
to the Tiro Mile Bridge on tho Cooa
Bay Wagon Road, in compliance with
tbe contract, plans and specifications
and the Roadmaster haa filed hia cer­
tificate of the completion o f said
contracts, and any person, firm ur
corporation having objections to fila
to the acceptance of said contracts
mr.y file tbe same in the office of the
County Clerk o f Coos County, with­
in two weeks from the first publica­
tion of this notice; to-wit; from tbe
20th day of June A. D., 1919.
L. W. Oddy,
County Clerk.
By A. B. Collier,
Redemption Notice
All Coos County Warrant* drawn
on ths general fand and indorsed prior
to Jan. Ist, 1918, will be paid on Prä­
sentation at my office in Coquille,
at the council chambers o f the
City Hall in said City on Monday,
the 7th day of July, 1919, at the hour
of eight o’clock P. M. o f said day, a
petition will be presented to said com­
mon council prayina^or the vacation
Zerolene is made in various consistencies
o f all those portions o f Henry Street
to meet with scientific accuracy the lubri-
in Elliott’s addition to Coquille City,
catfen needs o f each type o f automobile
Cooa County, Oregon, as shown on the
Have the benefit o f expert»’
advice when you consult our Correct Lu­
plat o f said addition on file in the o f­
brication Charts. Get a chart for your car.
fice o f the County Clerk o f said Coos
County, described as follows.:
Beginning at the northwest corner
of said addition and running thence
west 19 feet; thence south 300 feet;
thence east 19 feet along the north
side of F^rst street in said addition
and to the southwest corner o f said
block 33; thence north along the west
line o f said block 33 to the place o f
beginning; ^ also beginning at the
ir o f block 30 of said
addition and running thence south
along the east side o f said block 80,
300 fast; thence east 19 feet along the
north aide of First street; thence
A . B . C A M P B E L L , Special A g e n t Standard O il, Coquille, Oregon.
north 300 feet; thence west 19 feet
to the i-lace of beginning; also be­
ginning st the northeast corner o f
block 31 of said addition and running
thence south 300 feet to the south­
east corner o f said block; thence east
19 feet; thence north 300 foet; thence
1 409-Me. capacity Cream Separator ........................
west to the place of the beginhing;
1 199- lb Steel Anvil .......................... ......................
also beginning at the northwest cor­
1 Portable F a r g e ............ t.:................... ........................
ner o f block 32 of said addition and
running thence west 19 feet; thence
Steel Bed Springs sad Bedsteads
south S00*feet; thence east 19 feet
Chiffoneers aad Dressers and Tables
to the southwest corner of said block
Brooms, Brushes, Clothes Baskets
32; thence north 300 /set to the
Ax, Hammer, Pick aad Mattock Handles
rplace of beginning.
Faltex Floor Covering, per square yard.......................
Arthur Ellingson.
Copper Wash Boilers, each........ .....................................
Tin, Copper bottom. Wash Boilers.............................. $4
At QUICK’S, The Hoüsefurnisher
Professional Cards
C. R. B A R R O W
Attorney aad Counselor at Law
Practice in State and Federal
Courts. Have moved my office to
old City Hall near Busy Corner
and City Wharf. Office hours 8
to 12 A. M. and 1 to 6 P. M.
Richmond - Barkar Building.
Coquille, Ore.
Phones, Office 626, Bee. 214.
We Can Furnish
24-Hour Telegraph Service
Day or N igh t
Richmond- Barker Bldj
Sundays or Holidays
DR. Q. W. LESLIE ■ l ■ ■
O steop a th ic P h y sicia n
Graduate o f tbe American School
o f Osteopathy o f Kirksville, Mo.
Office in Eldorado Block.
Coos & Curry
Telephone Company
Firet N’t ’ l Bank B’ ld’ g
Main il . Coquille. Oregon.
No Interest will be allowed on any
of these Warrants sfter the 20th day
Parhape you have never thought 01 o f June, 1919.
It. bet this disorder is due to a leek of
Dated this 20th day of June, 1919.
moisture in the residuar matter of the
Ti M. Dimmick,
Eod. If you will drink an abnndwce
County Treasurer.
a t water, eat raw fruits and take tote
S L o o t exercise,
eventually to
Large Variety of Granite Enamel Ware
Cook Stoves from ........................................................$ 5.1
New Ranges........................................
$« 5 .«
Wood aad Coal Heaters, each.................................... $ 4.1
Chairs, aach....................................................................$ 1 .
Aladdin Chimney 49c. Mantles....................................
New Oil Lamps, from ...................................................... 1
Tube, from ..................................................................... $ 2 .
Wash Boards, f r o m .............................
Perfection Oil Heaters and Cooking Stove
Office in First National Bank
Building, Coquille, Oregon.
that bar operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen
year* age has been year Laundry.
Baia or stana, good times and bad, it has been on'tbe job.
We have a number o f customers that have patronised it continually
from the beginning. We are grateful for this appreciation o f oar
servies. Our »Rn is to improve the service in every way possible.
We wash ever y thing washable.