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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1919)
c STÎît CP. ! ; ip AND TJ VOL. XIV. ¡1 »1 M T H E Y E A R . COQUILLE, COOS C O U N TY, OREGON. F R ID A Y . JU N E >0. 1*1«. N O »? » - 1 ' J - f c - IDE BERRY DRIVE People Don’t Understand What W e Must Do to Se- - cure Factory Im p o r ta a t M e e tin g T o n ig h t A t the Court House to-night the Commercial Club hàa arranged fo r a meeting to be addressed by Mr. Bar rows, who is sent down here by the O. A. C. people to explain the voca tional schools which the federal gov ernment in conjunction with the state ie now establishing under the pro visions o f the Smith-Hughes set. One o f these schools is to be estab lished in Coos county, which will most probably be devoted to agriculture, if some locality will furnish the eqiup- ment. The Federal government pro vides for and pays the teachers. Ban- den and M yrtle Point as well as North Bend and Coquille are candi dates fo r the honor; but at the county seat and in the center of the princi pal agricultural section o f the county x ould seem to be the most suitable location. Our people can no doubt secure this vocational school if they go after it in dead earnest. ,Th* Commercial Club is fully aihre the poesiblHty o f the berry indus- 1 in this valley and it is the subject which they fa v e the most consider ation Wednesday evening. One thing they did was to endorse the efforts bd- iqg made by W . Or'Bradley to secure tip requisite contracts for 260 acres o f berries, st least half o f which must b4' red raspberries. Mr. Bradley re- that he had signed up about aqres during the prst week, but there aro any number o f men who hdve not signed who signify their in tuition to set out up to 15 or 20 acres if; the ,plant is located here and they afa assured a market fo r their pro Simpson and Hall To Capital duct. While this Intention listens L J. Simpson and Charles Hall will (bps it does not help in the pr esent iped, fo r without contratte for 260 soon be in Washington showing the down in black and white, Mr. members o f tl)e House and Senate Iley will not be in a positicn to why Uncle Sam should go 60-60 with effectively'to the manufacturers. Oregon in building the Roosevelt Here’s hoping they will Evidence o f this is shown at Marsh- highway. where the Phes company eras to win again, as Mr. Simpaon did at Sa re had a representative last Mon lem when the state appropriation emed like a forlorn hope. <Uy, but he did not show up because' they were shy on acreage. .The Phes people want to come in here but it would b « a losing game to béUd a plant before they had sufficient p eduction guaranteed, and the era te n which Mr. Bradley is working is The Women’s Clpb wishes to thank tl I only one by which this maustry vf th such wepiderfttl opportunities all those who participated in Saturday night’s School parade including the cfn be developed. There are thous- members o f the Coquille Band, the M da o f aeree in the Coqpillo district teachers and their helpers, the High wUch are not utilised for dairying or School siuigrade students, not forget anything else, and which, with the ting the little ones with their orettit« proper preparation, would turn out a trimmexLperambulstorp, and for those regular gold mine, taking rank ahead loaning cars and the "driver* who as oj dairying or lumber; sisted. There is only a limited section .o f They also wish to thank all the ipiak tl Is country where the loganberry era who took part in the program, Mr d a be successfully eultivetod— the Leslie for the leading o f the singing, Pacific northwest—and the Coquille and Mr. Baxter for the use of the piar o valley is one o f the most favored for and the porch. thht jMtfpoep. . , , I V say who made voters reeks' we In order that thè ranchers and must have a good school house at once, farm ers may secure first hand infor we extend our most hearty thanks. mation as to cost o f planting, produc- Do you*think the Woman's Club has ti«A, etc., a*- raspberries and logan- finished its work in C o-u ilk? It beriies the c'.qb has jqvitod Senator does not. Over thirty were at the A l ^ 'L a f d i l e t t e , o f Marion county, meeting Tueaday evening nnd as keen who has had 21 years' experience in in tercet was shown as was ever shown berry culture, to address the people of before the school meeting. Among this section a t a big smoker to be things discussed was the sort of held in Lamb’s Grove next Wednesday buildings the school needed and num evening i t • o’clock. Everyone who ber o f buildings, what should be done is interested, or anyone who can set with the old building, etc., and the out one Ar more peres of .berries, is es pros and cons of the unit system. . pecially invited to attend this meeting. The sentiment o f the meeting seam The smokes will be provided by the ed to be that the city must build for club.. the needs o f the pupils and must raise Another thing don# by the club was the amount in bonds that will give the aeeeaaaicndatiou that after a rea results in efficiency nqd health. sonable time tits Liberty Temple be .E very mother o f Coquille and virin- sold to the beat advantage and remov ity is asked to attend these meetings ed from Ha present location. and be free to express her opinions. C. W. Endieott was named to suc — Com. ceed H. 0. Anderson on the Lyceur.ii committee with J. J. Stanley and R. Dr. Wilhite Goes to Kansas City E. Baker. A fter a few month’s practice in The club extended a vote o t thanks and appreciation to J. E. Norton for Coquille, Dr. G. O. Wilhite, accompan his efficient and faithful service as ied by his w ife and her mother, Mrs. pre ¡dent o f the Commercial Club and Pie res, left this morning for Kansas fo r his many and Varied public activ City, Mo., where he lias just been ities during the period of. the war. named as patholcgict and. arxia- It was a tardy recognition o f Mr. tant to the Surgeon at the Swedish Norton’s invaluable assistance, '**- Kotpitxl. The positicn pays $4,.> 3 a ■ pecially during the war when he serv- year besides s good practice, and the on the executive committee o f every doctor feels It lj. an opportunity he cannot afford to paaa up. Ho re; rots drixe and campaign in this lotion. The.'com m ittee appointed to ar leaving Coquills, but says that . ith range fo r next Wednesday evening’s Dr. G. E. Low returning here next big meeting was J. A. Lamb, Frank month the field is not large enough to Burkholder, W. C. Chase, L W. Oddy support four doctors, and that he feels the people o f thin section owe and Ed Ellingsen. considerable to Dr. Low for the sacri fice he made when he entered the Turnbull Goes to Tillamook L W. Turnbull, former high school ccrvico twenty month, ago^ Coquille X. THE WOMAN’S CLUB MEETS principe) in our city schools and for the last four years superintendent of the Band on schools, has accepted an appointment as superintendent o f the Tillamook schools, st s salary o f $2,- 200 a year. In the high school there ten teachers are employed. Including special instructors in domestic sci ence. manual training and music, so that the change ie a decided promo tion for Prof. Turnbull. Teachers* Examination No*ire is hereby Riven that the County Superintendent o f Coos Coun ty, Oregon will hold the regular ex amination o f applicants for State Certificates at the High School build ing in Coquille commencing Wednes day, June 26. 1*19. * t 9:00 o’clock A. M\. and continuing until Saturday, June 28, 1919. a* 4 o'clock P. M. & %IU. C. E- Mulkey, . ” County Superintendent « MEET OUT Over 400 Voters Attend School Meeting and It MAIN the C ifc Will Provide For Future • By Laying a Big One on First Street Overflows •J “ *"*"*'■ '*■*" A special meeting o f the city coun Due to the activity o f the Women’s Club, the change in the law allowing cil was held Tuesday evening at which all citizens over 21 years of age to all members except Councilman Skeels vote and the general feeling that bet were present. One of the reasons for calling the ter school accommodations for our children are imperatively demanded meeting was the necessity for a here in Coquille, there were 430 votee prompt decision-«» to the water pipe cast at the annual school meeting to be laid on Hall and' First streets here in Coquille Monday evening, iiw before the paving is put down. Mr. Moon will be ready soon tt> begin work stead o f o n ly 46 as a year ago. on his sewer and paving contracts, People began coming almost hour before the time set for the meet and Mr. Lamb, chairman of the water ing and by the time Chairman Truk committee, had received word from all made the call to order almoet every the large dealers in pipe that there single seat in the High School rudl- was no 6-inch pipe on the coast ex toriiftn was carrying double and all cept galvanized, and the price on that standing room was occupied while the is 170 a hundred higher than is the big hall was also crowded. ‘ Th.ugh price o f Matthewson, which the city the failure to make a call for the had intended to use, 991.20 being the meeting in the Sentinel as required by quotation on the latter and $162 on law rendered it unadvisable te at the galvanized. There wta^pm e talk tempt any other business except the o f putting in a 4-inch pipe from the election o f the directors and clerk, hospital corner to the theatre but in which the law explicitly specifies shall asmuch aa the city is building for the be done at the annual meeting on the future as well aa for its present needs third Monday in June, that furnish it was decided to instruct the water ed interest enough for a whole even committee to get the six-inch pipe, even if it did cost more, and make s ing's entertainment. Indeed, after tellers had been ap- [permanent job o f it. That a four-inch -pointed to collect and count the vote pipe would not satisfy the demand the suggestion was made that people when First street was built up solidly outside in the hallway could bear with such structures as the postoffice nothing of the proceedings and it was building, the Laird, the First National at once voted to adjourn to the yard Bank and the Machon buildings v w in front o f the building, there being evident and the council wisely decided ample sunlight there for the business that a larger expenditure now would in hand, and the rest o f the meeting anve considerable money for rebuild was conducted under the open sky as ing the water line in the future. The other important matter conoid- the day waned and twilight began to fall. In the afterglow with Venus ei ed was the Taylor street flit. A re beaming alone in the western sky the monstrance has been prepared to stop was an uniqus one, emphssing this important link in the Roosevelt as it did the need fo r a larger as high w ay because soma o f the proper sembly room for the district than the ty owners did not know what the improvement would cost them. This old building furnishes. When nominations for s director to fill will be worth many times to this fill the two year vacancy caused by city what it w ill cdht and any move towasd Lockin g the council's program H .O . Anderson’s removal . late who had not heard the reading o f the is to be regretted. The people living notification by County Superintendent on the Marshfield road will get s pav Mulksy that a vacancy existed which ed street id front of their places for small fraction o f what mo6t o f the the meeting was required to fill, se cured the re-reeding of the document. improved streets in town cost, and The suggestion that, owing to failure it does not require a very broad vision to publish the required notice, the to see what this road will moan to meeting should pas* up the election of Coquille. But the city administration has in directors until there was a legally called meeting, did not taka with the tended ail along to pay c. pert o f the voters present; City Superintendent cort of this improvement out o f the Baker calling attention to Judge general fund and so they voted Tues Ccke’s decision in the Eastside case, day evening that if the improvement in which it was plainly stated that the wr*.s made the city should bear a third election of directors should take place of the expense. It hinges to s certain on the date the statute sets for the extent, too, on the new county court’s annual meeting, notwithstanding any altitude toward building the bridge at Coquille next year, and the council informalities in the call. So the business went on, C. W. En- will endeavor to ascertain the court* dicott being placed in nomination by intention in this matter at their next M. O. Hawkins and A. T. Morrison by session, July 2. The city engineer was instructed to H. A . Young. Each nomination was prepare figures baaed on his estimât* greeted by hearty applause. Six tellers were appointed by the of the cost o f the fill, showing what chairman for this election. Mr. Sin the assessment 'per front foot of th* clair’s motion that both directors be improvement district would be. Also ehoeen on one ballot was withdrawn the time fo r filing a remonstrance when Mr. Sanford explained that such wns extended until next Monday in action must ^ cause confusion, and order that all the property owner. come up fo r consideration. ». Power Co. Must Have Sawdust « The Bay papers bring the news that the Mountain States Powers company is finding the operation' o f its plant with fuel oil so extremely expensivj that it will stake the C. A. Smith com pany for needed repairs sufficient to set at leaat one side o f their big mill in operation and secure sawdust fuel again. Eight new boilers will be re quired to do this at an expense of about $15,000. We have been in the habit of thinking of sawdust aa an al most useless by-product o f a lumber mill, to be got rid o f with as little ex pense as possible; and here we find one of the biggest mills in the world going into commission again solely on account o f the demand for sawdust. The mill, of course, is shut down on account o f litigation over the proper ty. and no one interested in that fs willing to put up the money to run while its status is unsettled. So the Byllesby corporation will stake it for a few thousands in order to get the cheap fuel and supply Its patrons with juice at a profit instead o f a loss. The residence of H. K. Fredenburg on Hall’s Creek was burned to the ground, with nearly all its contents on Sunday night, June 8. BERRIES FEED THE. BIRDS Our city is now suffering from the depredations o f a gang o f thieves, who are also carrying on their opera tions in the adjacent country. It has come to such a pass that the looters are being shot by the scores, notwith standing any laws that may exist for their protection, and there seems to be little doubt that the most drastic tasuro* will have to be taken for the extermination of the gang. The Sentinel has always stood for protecting our song birds, taking the stand that the vegetables nnd fruit they took were no- more than fair recompense for what they were doing ; in In destroying grubs and worms and other garden pasks. But H-a con dition rather than a theory which con fronts us now, and the marauding of the birds must be stopped i f wa are to havp any fruit left for ourselvos. Last year our nearest nsighbor, Dad Woodford, called our attention to a loaded cherry tree in his yard that had been stripped in a single day. No it was not pilfering boys, for the pits had been left by the feathered bipeds. This year the birds have taken more than throe quarters o f our currants and the reet had to be picked before they were ripe in drder to save that moiety. A heavily loaded bush not ten feet from our windows was strip ped bare, where a fence afforded a se cure perch for the little thieves. Strawberries, too, are the object of their raids, and it is getting evident that we must restrict the output of birds if we are to get any berries. We missed the splendid chorus that used to greet us at dawn in Kansas, when we came to Oregon, and even how the' warblers seem to be comparatively in conspicuous when it comes to singm*, ^ u they-e, „ . t Gov. West Offers to Settle His Claim Against Coos Coun ty in That Way Referring to the action taken last week by the new County Court in re lation to Governor West’s claim in tho matter of his services in promoting the payment of taxes on the former Southern Oregon company’s lands by the U. S. Government, under date o f June 16, Mr. West has sent the fol- lowng reply to the court without waiting to receive an official copy of the court’s resolution: To the Honorable County Court o f Coos County. Coquille, Oregon. Gentlemen: Being advised through the columns of the Coquille Valley Sentinel ss to the action recently tak en by your Honorable Court with re f erence to my fee for services render ed in connection with the claim of your County for taxes against the Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant and believing that it would be plainly to the interest o f all concerned to have this matter adjusted without litiga tion and its accompanying expense, I would respectfully suggest the fol- lowng method o f settlement: 1. Submit the m atter' to Judge Coke o f your County, or 2. Submit it to three citizens of the State, not more than one o f whom shall be a resident of Coos County, to be named by Judge Coke, or * 8. Submit it to three citzens o f the State— one tq. be named by your Honorable Court, one by the writer, and these two to select the third. Should either o f these propositions be adopted, I will accept as final any award made thereunder. It is to be distinctly understood, howevsr, that if neither o f these propositions b? adopted nothing in this letter is to ba construed aa a waiver o f any rights growing out o f any order of your t h * « f e } « d £ W .t- ___ ..... . _______ , ______ son, with reference to my employment and fee. Trusting that this suggestion- will meet with your approval, and that <1 will be advised at an eary date as to what action you have taken with re f erence thereto, I am respectfully ycurs, (Signed) Oswald West. Sweet Bros.’ Safe Blown Open The store of Sweet Bros., at Lang- lcis, was robbed by burglars last Tuesday night. The proprietors are W. J. and A. P. Sweet, sons o f J. B. Sweet, o f this city. They blew open the postoffice safe and got 8360 In cash and one $50 Liberty Bond. They also took $19.60 from the money drawer of the store but overlooked an envelope containing $260 in Liberty Bonds and another with $120 in cur rency. .Mr. D. P. Ply male, wbo lodg ed near the store, heard a car stop there lata at night, but that is the only clue to the robbers. Won’t Deliver Metwages W are feeling the effects o f the wire strike here when the telegraph doubt aa to its legality. . The tellers u * l ~ v . the berry patches and cherry ¡lree, long enoujfh to give u, . grand operator at the depot refuses to de named were: O. C. Sanford, J, E. Nor would be taxed against them. In order to settle dispute, ss to the chonjs ^ d brB#k liver commercial messages and peo ton, H. A. Young, W. C. Chase, A . B. These meen took their position on charges for water service the council1 Seriously we have come to cultivate ple who have sent messages asking the big doorstep in front o f the school adopted a resolution fixing ratea aa fruit mostly foe* the birds, if we don't their friends to meet them at the house and the voters were directed to follows: take some measures te curtail their train are found sRtlng on the porch The laundry and the ice plant are when their hosts return from a Sun pass between them ss they dropped ravages. day hike. To inconvenience the gen their ballots in the hsts. The pro to pay $16 each per month, or if they Their are some o f Plato’s “ feather bipcd, . . ^ wbo , r ( some- eral public seems to be the trump cession moved from left to right ss prefer they can have the water used . do the hands of a clock and with a putthrough a meter. 'thing in th . thieving line. Not long card on the part o f the strikers, The resident* using city water out- a|fo ^ Burkholdcr home on T > r o r though it causes the innocent to suffer double file, the scrape o f paper which “ fulfill the freemaa’s will as lightning sul* the corporate limits are to pay • Ktr#et WM entered and Gripped ot for the guilty. does the will o f God,” were dropping minimum o f $1.60 per month for do all its eatables, and two of Mr. Sher- purposes with the regular rate at the rate o f seventy-five a minute; mestic Fountain Built For All Time .... . . . .. . . iwood’s three mole traps have disap- CoquiIle h u for tbe up there is no m .dd'tion for bath, toilet and other J. D. Grnham yesterday completed o— * fln* Phyi,Ci* n Wh* n Dr‘ " * ' W U doubt there were a hundred vote. . extras. leaves, but everyone congratulateff m:nnU M Where two families conduct sep most part free from the depredations the concrete drinking fountain and o f sneak thieves, since we have known water trough which the Commercial him on hi. increased opportunities to ™ " * arate establishments under one roof , „ . , it, but there are some prowlers, who Club ordered installed at the south rue iB hU Pr° f * Mion When all had voted the teller, went they shall each pay the regular rate need * ^ p e p p e d with buckshot or end of the parking in Willard street. U a n . now. bock to count, which required several for domestic purposes It is made o f reinforced concrete and Public Health Nurse Meeting rimes as long as to cast the ballots, On water motors, between May 1 j _______________ will last for generations. It is at . Y M r 1 n P u r i« Mias Jane Allen, the first Public and nominations for director for the snd December 1 of tach yesr the r .te ; tractive in appearance and fills a long | A fter . y^ r>i in Fr#nce Health Nurse in Coos county, was a full term to succeed F. C. True were will be $8 per month. felt want in Coquille. The middle J. E. Norton prosented caller this morning accompanied hy called for. W. C. Chase was appointed and Ho(th Harlocker arrived in Coquille section U covered and locked to pre the name o f Edwin Ellingsen, whose Mise Helen Cantine, o f Portland and confirmed a. fire chief to succeed H. lM t Sunday .ftem oon Much of the vent molestation by mischievous boys Mr*. R. H. Corey, e f Marshfield, and services ss contractor and builder O. Anderson. / , ;mc ^ was on duty in Paris and of the sutomstic float and valves. daughter. They had come over by , w®vld prove so timely fo r the district Mayor Jomson reported that Wa- practically all hi« tim e since the sign thin— morning's tram to — attend a " 8W school houses were Ui be bUPl, ter Superintendent Goodman had ten- jng of the armistice was spent there, Old Pavement Torn Up meeting of the Public Health commit- ,n<1 E - H. Kern named F. C. True to dered his resignation verbally to take He was there when President Wilson tee at the eity hall at one o’clock this *** Kia own successor, effect July 1, and announced that 8. first arrived in France and witnessed The work of tearing up the old aftemcon. Miss Cedi Schreyer, the The tellers this tune were Ralph V. Epperson would be Mr. Goodman’s th* huge demonstration in his honor, planking on First street from the new county nurse, Mrs. F. G. Drake, Noeler, W alter Oerding, Clarence Tut- ruccessor. subject to the eouneil’s Hs was discharged very quickly after Mnchon Theatre to Hamilton’s Hospi of Myrtle Point, end Miss F. Ami lie ll* *nd Ray Jeub, and the voter« confirmation. There was no objee- arriving in the United States, rendi tal, which has so long been a nuisance Henry, o f Bnndon, will also be here *K*>n Died across the doorstep with as tion and Mr> Epperson has signified i n f Camp Lewis five days after land- and an eyesore, wns begun last Sat to attend the meeting. Coquille is much alacrity as before, his intention to accept the appoint- jng at New York. Hugh is looking urday and most o f it has already been represented by Mrs. Virginia Iam b, Nominations for school clerk were ment. fin* and says Coquille looks good to purified by fire. A fte r the laying of the vice president; while Mr*. W. C. next m' order and Mrs. D. D. Pierce the new water main and sewer Adjournment was taken until t bins. Chase w ill act for Mrs. C. J. F u h r-----------------------------------------------------.’ o’clock next Monday evening when J through that street, the contractors. ------- - ia fat the M at (Continued on third peg«.) the Taylor street matter w ill again CaUing C a r * , 100 t e fL M . Moon A Co^ w ill proceed to pavo H.