T H « C O Q U IL L B T A L L E T M N T 1 N E L , C O Q U ILLE . ORBGON. P A G « E IG H T Teiling About Poop!« and Attorney Charles I. Reigard, of Marsh held, is going to open an office in Portland shortly, though he will not abandon his practice in Coos coun ty, where he will be associated with George Watkins. M U D A T , J U N « t t , M M . New Public Health Nurse School Marching Song The new public health nurse recently appointed to take the place o f Mias Amy B. Cardiff, W h a ^ ^ m e d to go east, is Miss Cecil S eh ray^ ^ tem De troit, Michigan. She haa had several y ea n experience in public Jieal Ji nurs ing in Ohio. She returned borne from overaees duty teat February, wher ashe had been doing public health work in France. Miss Sehmyer comes very highly recommended sad Coos county is fortunate in obtaining her services. Miss Jane Allen, state organiser of public health nuning, who initiated and earned on the work in this county last summer and fall will come to Coos coun ty with Miss Schreyer this week, in or der to thoroughly acquaint her with the work. The state association finds it very difficult to obtain experienced pub- lie health nurses for fltie work in tha various counties. This work is growing by leaps and bounds all over the United States and Coot county is fortunate in securing a nurse o f so much experience as Miss Sefareyer. luquille'a school house lies a molding In the sun V White we go marching on. (h o m e : School bouse, w e want a school house, A school house fo r CoquiUe. With A ll Her Strength A dele Forc ed The Man Back Inch by Inch Until she managed to fling him across the— Twenty years ago we built our old See this powerful moment in “ A dels" school house J. D. Ben ham waa in from Fairview with K itty Gordon, Liberty Theatre, But still w e’re marching on. Tuesday. Thursday, June 19th. Myrtle Point, Powers, Bandon, Marsh- J. M. Caughell was over at the Bay A t his office here Wednecday a fte r Qsld and North Bend Wednesday. noon our m arrying justice, J. J. Stan Eaeh.have a new school house. E. W. Graham was over at the Bay ley, performed the ceremony uniting — ur—i i*.. " o Harry Aber, of- this city, and Lottie on Wednesday. Now don’t you think we’re just as good as all the rest, I. M. Weekly was in from Gravel SeH, o f Riverton, ns husband and wife. They will make their homo here. As we go marching on. Ford yesterday. Chas. I. Reigard spent a few hours ''"T tw - d e v e r and Captivating Ann Fine Films thè Rule Now Murdock in “ My W ife ” at the Liberty in town Tuesday. The Liberty Theatre management is Theetre Saturday, June 14th. R. S. Knowlton had business a t the uringing a better class o f shows to There is no need to advise the vot Bay on Wednesday. CoquiUe than has ever before been ex ers to come out to the annual school hibited here and their patronage, es Rax Dallas is now settled here as meeting at the High School next pecially on the evenings when special the pastor o f the Christian Church. Monday evening.* The indications are features are shown, is evidenced that He comes from the Bible School at that they w ill be there in force. W e thair productions are appreciated. Eugene. have never seen any meeting better Speaking o f “ Trained Nurses and Re Such attractions as “ Joan the W o A divorce was granted in the caae advertised. construction,’ ’ in its current issue the man,” Martin Johnson's “ South Sea of Manly T. Bartholomew va. Anna Mrs. H. A. Young left last Saturday Outlook says: Cannibals,” the Dustin Farnum, Mae B. Bartholomew. Public health nursing, which promises Marah and Smiling BUI Parsons pic morning fo r Woodburn and the first A t your service. Phone 1198 and o f the week went to Portland to attend to become one o f the great social forces tures, as well as aU the other stars have your cleaning and pressing call the grand chapter o f the Eastei n Star. o f reconstruction in the future, was o f the movie world, have become so She expecta to stop in Woodburn on first organised in the large citiee, not much a matter o f course that the pa ed for and delivered. her way home and spend a week vis ably New York, Chicago, Providence, tron is never disappointed no matter When a Man’s married he wants a and Boston, perhaps forty years ago. what evening he attends. iting friends. W ife. See “ M y W ife ’’ Liberty Thea o x u a 'i e r i towns, u w iib , m u c especially B p e u a iij r rpral jir a i Smaller, and John L. Gary left Sunday morning tre, Saturday, June 14. communities, however, have not shared Opening Dance at the Maehon for Salem to join his fam ily who had in this development, and the Red Cross Due to the tax on gasoline jo y rid been visiting relatives and friends Department o f Nursing is now particu C. A . Maehon is advertising the ing costs a cent a gallon more, the there. They will go to West Lynn, larly desirous o f placing public health opening dance for his Machon’s Hotel price now being 26 cents. 'near Portland, to establish their home, nurses in these loeslitiea.. Hall in the basement o f his new build "M y W ife,” a play that points the Mr. Gary having accepted a position The public health nurse, with her ing Saturday evening, June 14. The perils o f Propinquity at the Liberty as principal o f the new high school general and post-graduate training, is room has been nicely arranged and Theatre, Saturday, June 14th. at that place.— Bandon World. now recognized as the most efficient in well fitted up fo r public dances, and Geo. Larson, of the Marshall-Wells strument for promoting a high order of ike floor is good. The CoquiUe Or- Hardware Co., at Portland, was call community health. Her duties are of ing on the trade here yesterday. the most direct and practical form of aocial service. Striking at the root of J. A . Hntcher, o f Fairview. who epidemics by teaching prevention o f the grows vegetables fo r the CoquiUe The W ife ly Woes o f Beatrice Ham spread o f contagion, she organizes clas- market, has purchased a new Ford the first prin- mond. S ee “ M y W ifa ” Liberty The ciples o f household sanitation home atre Saturday, June 14th. The members o f the Farmers Union, nursing, and home dietetics. tho Grange and the Dairymen’s or The Red Cross hopes to offer instruc Reduces Tax Rolj $1,435,000 ganisation in this valley-ar* going to tion in home hygiene and care o f the Assessor Beyers says that the pur have a basket picnic at the Norway lick to every woman and girl in the grove tomorrow (Saturday.) The peo United States. In urban communities. chase o f the Southern Oregon tends “ My W ife,” featuring Ann Mur ple of CoquiUe are cordially invited to Red Cross Teaching Centers have al cy the federal government takes $1,- dock, a complicated comedy o f love .-ome out and enjoy the day in the ready been establish« d, where the 435,000 in real estate values off of and kisses Liberty Theatre Saturday, grewe. course is offered to factory, operatives, -he assessment rolls o f Coos county. June 14th. girl scouts, nursemaids, “ little moth Still that $600,000 bird in the hand, Miss Clara Nslson, Miss Gertrude beats* lota o f taxes to be levied in the District Attorney Hall, k . S. Ham Chambers and Misa Carolyn Woods, ers,” and other specialized groups as future, and due to Governor W est’s mond, and Bennett Swanton were well as to women who wish certificates who are teaching at Marshfield, were efforts the current taxes for 1918 are over from the Bay Wednesday on le the guests o f Misa May Lund for last for completion o f the standardized to be paid out o f the U. S. treasury. gal business. —— week end. A fte r a most happy and course. In working out this programme, per O. C. Sanford le ft Tuea«lay morn pleasant year in our county they are Crossed identities and the tell-tale ing for Portland to attend th* grand 'caving next week fo r their home in haps the greatest obstscle which can fronts the Red Cross is the lack o f avail voice of conscience. See Pauline Fred lodge o f tha A. F. A A . M. fo r the Portland. able public health nursing personnel. erick in “ The Woman On The Index,” state o f Oregon. The merchants over at the Bay At the beginning o f x the war there Liberty Theatre Sunday, June 15th. V. R. Wilson, “ Optometrist,” Co must be dead easy. V irgil Robison, a were approximately six thousand public quill*, Oregon. Eyes Tested, glasses fifteen year old son o f J. Robicon, of health nurses in the United States. They All Want a Slice fitted. Optical repairs o f all kinds. Marshfield, caught them last week :or Some o f these, however, have since en Broken lenses duplicated. $100 by the bogus check method and tered military service. The Red Cross For the $29.20 insurance premium Mr. and Mrs. O. A . Webster are re then went out by rail to epend It. Any has therefore appropriated one hundred on the Hall o f Records, applications joicing over the arrival o f a bouncing old thing in the shape o f a check thousand dollars in Public Health Scho have come’ in, to County Clerk Oddy larship Funds, with an additional five Jrom Bandon agents, from North pound girl, born Wednesday morn looks good to them. thousand dollars Loan Fund, to prepare Bend agents and from Marshfield ing at the Richmond Hospital. Mrs. J. S. Barton and children le ft nurses for public health work, and hopes agents. Everybody who favored the Mrs. E. L. Tozier le ft last Saturday Monday morning fo r a two months’ to interest many o f the twenty thou recall appears to expect something morning for Junction City, where she visit at Woodburn and Pendleton with ■and nurse* now being released in large from the new county court. will visit her daughter. She expects relative*. She had intended to re numbers from th e 'A rm y and N avy main in Woodburn but a day going, to be gone fo r about three months. Nurse Corps to take post-graduate Hunted by Men, Haur.tod by Wo and to be in Portland for the Rose training for public health nursing. A s men— she played the game and won. “ I warned her the Hun was coming, Feetival, but Clarence broke out with *- ii.itisl effort to Isunch thiseducstion but she stayed behind, and now” — the chicken pox Monday evening and si programme, the Department o f Nurs See Pauline Frederick in “ The W o See this dramatic scene between an their stay in Woodburn has been pro ing is assigning Red Cross nurses on man On The Index,” Liberty Theatre injured husband and outraged w ife in Sunday, June 16th. longed. the various Chautauqua Circuits cover, "Adele.” The Women’s Club is so much in ing the length and breadth o f the coun Farmers Notice Mrs. Eva Currie left yesterday try during the summer of 1919— veter morning for Corvallis as a representa terested that they did not adjourn Ship your hens and spring chickens ans o f the great base hospitals behind tive of the local Honor Guard to the Tuesday evening until after 11 o’clock. to Palace Market, Marshfield, paying the lines o f Chateau Thierry and the state meeting which will plan this A committee was appointed to inter 30 and 35c respectively, f. o. b. Marsh view the candidates fo r school direc A rgonne, who shall become “ wander- year’s work. field. n troubadours of health. ” tors and see how they stood on the N. D. Oswald. Strawberries o f the finest sort are various phases o f the school question, Who Is She I What Did She Do? coming in rfow in larger quantities, and the matter o f the way in which the cool weather with occasional show the school meeting was called was also Why Was She Trailed? See Pauline Frederick in “ The Woman On The In ers resulting in a much better crop investigated. dex,” Liberty Theatre Sunday, June • than for several years past. P U B L IC STE N O G R A PH E R • Events in the City and County. Miss Lillie Miller, instructor in the history department o f the Marshfield High School, spent last week end vis iting her college friends, Mrs. Ralph Clinkenbeard and Miss May Lund. The Circuit Court convened Mon day, but no cases being ready for triad the jury was excused until Tuesday. There was nothing doing then and the jury was excused until Monday, June What’s the use of waiting when you’re W ed? See Ann Murdock in “ My W ife” Liberty Theatre Saturday, June 14th. « / It ’s a question whether there is going to be room enough st the High School assembly room fo r the crowd that is expected to attend the annual school district meeting Monday even ing. A. J. Mayse, o f Dora, was in Thurs day - and talked very interestingly about the Southern Oregon lands and the way the timber on them has been appropriated to the extent of many thousands o f dollars in violation of Judge Wolverton's injunction. He came to attend a case in court in re- lotion to l some o f those lands bu^ found the court adjourned. j ‘ C. A. Schroeder and familyV acom- panied by grandfather, F. A . Schroed er, started early Monday morning for an auto trip to Portland, whore they will enjoy the Rose festival this week. They will then take a trip up into Washington, except that Miss Marion will return to resume her duties as typist in the Roadmaster’s office. Her place is being filled during her ab sence by Mist Naomi Knowlton. A. M. Woodford, better known as “ Dad” was bidding his old friends goodbye Sunday morning, prepara tory to his departure fo r his old home at Medford by Monday’s Roseburg stage. He says he prefers Coquills as a place of residence, but having a fine home at Medford, which he has not A t year service. W e call fo r and beef) able to rent since he has lived deliver your cleaning and pressing. here, he has concluded to stop paying Phon* 1193. R. H. Sweet. rent. His daughter, Mrs. Jennie W il A Thrilling Drama o f the Woman liams preceded him several week ago. Who Trapped th* Trappers, Pauline Frederick in "Th e Woman On The Index,” Liberty Theatre Sunday, Juan 15th. . He threw the key out the window. “ Now I ’ve got you both.” he mocked. See how an American Girl met this thrilling situation. K itty Gordon in “ Adele," Liberty Theatre, Thursday, # W. R. C. Returns Thanks therkind that make every w om an - good looking j STYLES NEW COLORS NEW 1.50 P R IC E S $ Liberty Theatre FR ID AY J U N E 2 0 TH Office at Ladies Bazaar_____ # Opposite Post Office Phone No. 494 The W. R. C. requests us to extend their cordial thanks to all who took part in the Decoration Day parade and in decking the graves o f the old soldiers o f the Civil W ar with flowara. They especially wish to remember Neu C. Kelley for his untiring efforts By special arrangement we can • in securing autos; the CoquiUe Band, • now offer you a # the young veterans o f the World W ar, A One Year 8obsription | the children who participated and the • CoquiUe VaUey Sentinel • teachers, who drilled them. A CoquiUe, Oregon • • and a • Card e f Thanks A One Year Subscription f A For the assistance rendered and the sympathy shown during the illness A T H E OREGON F A R M E R A and after the death o f our w ife and A fo r only A daughter, as well as fo r the beautiful A $1.65 A floral gifts we tender our heartfelt A This Special Price for both pa- A thanks to our neighbors and friends. A per* is good only fo r a short A Bankers Life Company pays Uve to die. A time ~ r 't F. E. Endicott, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Laird USE T H IS ORDER B L A N K A A Bossy Tenderfoot gets in bad CoquiUe Valley Sentinel A when he tries to run the ranch along CoquiUe, Oregon A E astern «flkuujev Itne« ------Baclueud find $1.65 fo r------A ------ -- - « « V Stewart In “ The Red- Haired Cupid" which send me A District Agent for B A N K E R S L IF E C O M P A N Y next Monday and Tuesday nights, A CoquiUe VaUey Sentinel A Coquille Oregon Liberty Theatre. A and A A T H E OREGON F A R M E R A fo r One Year each. A How would you feel i f another man A came along and offored to take your job at lower wages? See how the Cow-punchers and Roy Stewart took •eat^of pain thoroughly at each sppli For a lame back apply Chamber it in “ The Red-Haired Cupid” Liberty lain's linim ent twice a day and mas- Theatre next Monday and Tuesday. ta g * tha muscles e f th* back over the a tragedy of worries for the family with L IFE out is Father or funds. A. T. MORRISON