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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1919)
A T YOUR SERVICE in want the Best in Clothes? Then buy your next suit from Attractions for the week of • i • * June 14th to June 20th inclusive 8ATUM UY, JUNE 14 y i.-»- . S t o r i n g winsome A n Murdock in this captivating Charles Froham stage sue ***: Twin ®«4s traded for a Four-Poatar. A Bachelor brought U \ *** b^ritehiug Ingenue. A Wife da Convenience won after the Wed W u ,i ^ “ Wh° where te reset. A haautiful Bride and a Buriml 10 b# H ,pPy Tkou«* Married for Convenianea. How they make love U « » e r men a wives. Comedy, Love and Kisses.—6 reels. Strand Comedy, “Far Love ar Maria?." A suitable and timely mate fa r the feature. SUNDAY; JUNE 15 1*4**.” fauturiug Pauline Fr ederick, ipeomparabl* screen art iste T t * Wlth “ fitant when you have seen the play. The Tell-tale Index! “ J hL ,tonr H “nf0l,UT Why did men shut up this beeettful woman T Who is She T «t Uid She Do? Why Was She Trailed 1 Some Bolshevik stuff end Secret Service v v 5 “® • • • *or irsoli. Thit pUy ran four months a t the 48th Street Theatre, ** “ was tha ana big hit of Breedway. The newspaper critics acclaimed ft the moat thrilling drama ever produced. . BiU. P*r*°*'* « “ « f r “Up a Tree." BUI is so bashfid that he lata his sister ds ' 8,1 *4sas about whara marriages should take place. In this Comedy BUI is married to his Swsothaart, Priscilla, up in a giaat Elm tree, MONDAY, JUNE 1« d t o * a a n d comedy with plenty of laughs. ,2 rosta. Mmfi strong and fsarlssa husky, WiUinm Duncan, •off drop on the top of a flying Box Car. A fast me given you thriBa and sensations in the past Mas yet to come. 2 reels. Wa believe this is sue our best programs and in lets little story within itself. 1 real. "Adela,** featuring Kitty G a t a » famous Stage and Screen Beauty. Resplendent and fem eus for the wealth of fo rn iate adornment with which she invasta herself on tb s stage. The p uatetion is tamely sa d apparite- Remarkable realistic effects abound in this saperfaa- tura. The aaaue dagtottng tha ta u rio r of the French chateau is a triumph of artistic de tail. The chateau itself cost am enormous sum to build for this production. The photo play is baaatffully perfect Utosurihnut. It is a munificent pictu risa Usa of Adela Blenena’s thrilling novel, “T^s Nurse’s Sleep,“ dedicated to the Red Croes Nurses of tbs World.. K is tbs wonderful .story of a Louisiams Miri in France,' and the Great Teat she amt in bar choice between Love and Duty. Appealing, tense sad interesting. Every Red Cross N un« ami Worker should see "Aitalo," the romance a t aa American Nurse in Franco. Which must a Woman choose: a Living Love or Fateful Duty? Ars yaa a Rad Croas Worker? You’ll waat to sao "Adels," tbs Story of a Girl Who Went. Magnificent and fascinating. L Ke Comedy entitled. T ito lese Le or painful? Or doss ft giva yes s FRIDAY. JUNE 20 Little Fairy Snow Flak OW Neptune's Lad and Highland Fling Cmaeamtaa Veil Dane Spirit of Spring Dumo of tbs Moonligl k n o AUTOWOOMAW To progression. Our retardation V 1« a repudiation Of our reputatioff. Our position For standardisation Is in jeopardisation, Says the Superintendent of Public Instruction. It's our conviction That our salvation For promotion Basts within your jurisdiction. The erection Of a new foundation For our education Is the requisition Of this communication. Thorough investigation, And paraful consideration Should give determination To Coquille’s population For reconcilation. The promulgation, Of a dedication For our illumination Should be yohr disposition. —C. H. S. BEST TAILORING BEST WOOLENS BEST SERVICE Tailoring, Cleaning & Pressing ■ Your Cleaning and Pressing called for and delivered R. H. SWEET Successor to Fred Slagle Front St., opposite Fanners & Merchants Bank Phone 1193 Coquille, Ore. I am in the market for for shipment to the Portland m ark et Will pay the highest m arket price for good stuff but don’t want the other kind a t any price. H. W . MILLER Coquille - Oregon From France and Siberia. Bg Roy Stewaut. A Red headed story of Western Life it of (ton play, m beautiful friendship, daintiness of love »*«>«■ Tk i storyJ a on# of Henry Wallace Phillip's fam- llvsly Western picture with plenty of thrills end Gun-flght- »• Tan c a n t help bat enjoy ft. 6 reals. Polka L’Esprit Francis Fair Flowers of Andalusia Mignonette - - * Parisian Pnrtol Dance Butterfly de Pub# Eccentric Dane# - • Wall make recreation Our occupation To our destruction And your humiliation. Your continuation Of this* provocation In our estimation Mrs. Sam Clinton, of Parkersburg, heads ua s couple of letters, one from her brother, Oris L. Randlemsn, who is with the A. E. I \ in s medical de tachment a t Beaume, France, end the other from Wayne N. Epperson, who is with our troops nt Shkotavo, Si beria. Mr. Randlemsn is expected home in a few weeks. He says: I haven't any idea when I will start for the States. If peace is signed May 2nd, I figure on baing beck in three months. Now that the war is over and we all feel that we have doné our bit, we want to go back. About a month before we left Camp Hospital No. 7 we started to drilling. They said they were getting ua ready for that last parade, which would be in our homo town. Instead of sanding us to a port of embarkation, they scat tered us ell over Francs and Germany. Tall Daisy 1 will send her a hand kerchief after pay day. Thera are so many things I would liks to get and send home but can't. The French caarge the Yanks 40 prices for every thing. I don’t believe they knew what money was before the Ameri- I sent mother a lot of flower seeds, I hope she gets them. I am going to send a lot more before long. I guess there will be plenty left for you, as I know you will want seme for your new home. Brilevs me, that's what I am going jo work for when I get back—e home I can call mine, if it is only on# acre oa top of tha highest mountain. I sent Sam a Boeha helmet, did be get ft? IPs the real stuff toe. General Pershing and Srecstary of War Baker wars here yesterday n- specting the University. Will send some pictures later. Bergmann Shoe Highest Quality Shoes For AH Workers Honest Made Union Made Standard of Quality on the Pacific Coast Use BERGMANN WATER-PROOF SHOE OIL VULCANIZING Send your Tubes and Tires to us for repairs; #* Work done prom ptly; prices reasonable. guaranteed. All work A stitch in tim e saves nine—Keep those small holes repaired and thus avoid blowouts. Bandon Vulcanizing Works LOGAN KAY, Mgr. WALTER CROOK, BANDON, OREGON. Agent at Coquille • Mr. Epperson says: Hava Sam tall you tha name of this For reliable Abstráete of Title and information place. It is spelt, Shkotave. I am about Coos County Real Estate see _____ about thirty miles from Vladivostok. TITLE QUARANTEE * ABSTRACT COMPANY Tier« are four hundred people here in Special attention paid to looking after assessments and payment thit town. Thera is n depot, end few Phone Marshfield Office Phone Coqi stores and a post t a n , I have been 14 J HENRY SENGSTACKEN. Manager hers a week aad a half. The company makes aa rjl day hike, aad today was one at those days. Ws left a t 7:80 - - Leone Barry s ’clock this morning and marched till don’t know when I will get back, but • - Anona Hildebrandt ten and ft commenced raining pitch hope to some time this summer. Ena McKeown forks, and what a drowned rat I was - Claudine Kaukman when 1 came bask. If they would let Louise Thomas, Leone Barry ms de th at every day, ft would suit Isnor Sc brooder, Leslie Hillen ms fins. Yas, I would be very glad to Anona HMenbrandt got back to old rainy Ceos. I think Lesas Barry | that the man that wrote "Home Sweet Ina McKeown, Lsafte Holen, this old Siberian I Home' I country, for if so be wouldn’t have I v mitten it. I Tall Sam that 1 am glad to saa him t e t e U P got Mart's place and I wish him good hack with it for I want a good job when I get baek. And I don’t waat LEASE- (him to ruin that small house that )N I Mart first had, far I want to live hi it. Sbathsrn Oregon Leaseholders, to bo bold at the Court House in Coquille oa Wednesday, June 19th, for the purpose of considering the advisa bility of i ptaying aa attorney to represent our interests with tbs Gov- _ Well here is hoping to get h-ek In —Coos Bay Harbor. time to sat those strawberries off of I ------------ those four rows that you planted. I j Calling Carda, 101