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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1919)
THE COQUILLB VALLET SENTINBL. COQUILLE, OREGON. Tlie purpose o f organisation, as atat-1 school year 1 , 000.00 - 1 To encourage and secure by all prop Total estimated receipts, er means the improvement o f that por not including the money to tion of the Coo* Bay Wagon Road lying be received from the tax in l oo* county, and in general by the which it U» proposed t!ty improvement of transportation facilities . vote . . . . T . . . . . . . . . ....... *\7,818.26 to develop and enhance the value of Recapitulation all lands lying adja -ent to said road; al Total estimated expeneaa ( so to assise by co-operation and other for the year ................. .»21,984.68 wise the citizens o f Douglas county in Total estimated receipts not securing the improvement o f that por including the tax to be tion o f said road lying in D .uglas coup- voted ........... 7,818.25 ty. The immediate object shall be to secure for the Coos Bay Wagon Road . ' . . 7 •». fair share o f the Southern Oregon B“.UnCe’ »mount to be raised by district t a x .................*14,116.33 tax money to be paid the county and to Dated this 26th day o f May, 1919. insure the nffiney so secured shall be F. C. True, wisely expended.” W. L. Kistner, The road districts anticipate no troub H. O. Anderson, le in securing the special tax levies which will be paid in the ¡Southern Ore Board o f Directors School District No. 8. gon tax money. These special taxes FOR MOUTH OF RIVER ed in the by-laws, is; Tha people o f this city and aH the vallay below here who will have to help foot the billa will all be intereated in the following article, from the Bandon World, showing what is to done for the mouth Of tha Coquille, in tha next three years, to enable bigger ships to enter the rivdt: The greater part o f three years is to be consumed in tha new Port of Bandon project that it to begin next month, cording to the scheme of execution out lined by the government engineer», copy o f which has just been received by Assistant Secretary C. M. The cost of the entire project; one half o f which is to be paid by tha Port andone-balf by the Federal government, is estimated in the preparatory plans at total about «60,(XX). Tne organisation »127,000. Redemption Notice The program o f the work as outlined will attempt to secure a part o f the general road taxes also. A ll Coos County Warrants drawn is as follows. These however, are only the immedi on the General Road Fund, and in- To make boring survey and explo- ____________________ | ____ J will be prior to Feb. 1st, 1919, ration with a diver, using Government ate objects o f the association which, dorsed diving apparatus, to more accurately will draw up a road improvement pro- pnid on presentation at my office M determine the contours of the bed rock gram providing development to make Coquille, Ore. No interest will be bottom In the entrance channel. Tne the Coos Bay Wagon Road through the allowed on any o f these warrants af- survey to be made in June, 1919, at an Paclflc highway one o f the best o f the ter the 6th day o f June, 1919. trunk line* of the big highway. Dated this 6th day o f June, 1919. estimated coat o f about »2,600.00. A t present the resources of the coun T. M. Dimmick, I f the bed rock in the entrance chan try and a general road improvement County Treasurer. nel west o f the Lighthouse ia sufficient are being listed for the action planned ly exposed, it ia proposed to carry on by the association. surfacs blasting thereon at points above IN T H E C O U N TY COURT OF TH E It is expected that 500 members will the project depth o f 13 feet during the S T A T E OF OREGON. COUN be signed up. Douglas county people on <, month* o f July, A uguat and September T Y OF COOS the road will form a similar organiza For this work it ia proposed to use tin tion it is hoped. Notice to Creditors Government bucket dredge No. 1 to re The Sumner transportation company move broken rock, and the Government In Re the Estate o f Herman Maaky, claims to have doub'ed the business diving apparatus; and to hire a suit Deceased. brought in from the Brewster valley able tow boat, acow, small boats, and Notice ia hereby given that the un country in the past month and holds the such other plant as may be necessary possibilities are even greater. A trucK dersigned has been appointed admin To operate the plant with a force con line and an auto stage line to Roseburg istrator o f the estate o f Herman Mas- sisting o f one surveyor, blasting fore would be put on as soon the road could ky, deceased. . A ll persons owing man, diver, powder man and a crew of debts to the said estate will kindly be developed, it is stated. about 6 or 8 hands as may be necessary pay the same to the administrator, It ia estimated that for labor, purchase Send the Sentinel to eastern friends. and all persons having clnims against of explosive* and supplies, and hire of the said estate are hereby notified to additional plant, about »7,000 per month The Doctor Away From Ifchne When present the same, duly authenticated can be profitably expended for 3 months according to law, to the administrator Most N e e d * . in 1919, »21,000.00. at 1102 Spalding Building, Portland People are often very much disap To transfer the Government pipe line pointed to And that their fam ily phy Oregon, or at the office o f J. J. Stan dredge, “ Oregon” and equipment from sician is away from home when they ley at Coquille, Oregon, within six Coos Bay to the mouth o f the Coquille moet need hie services. Diseases like months of the date of the first publi River about July 1, 1920, at an estimat pain in the stomach and bowels, colic cation o f this notice, to-wit, from and diarrhoea require prompt treat ed coat of about »3,000. ment, and have in many instances May 80, 1919. To operate the dredge “ Oregon" by proved fatal before medicine could be George Arotjen, hired tabor for about 3 months, double procured or a physician summoned. , Administsatos The right way is to keep at hand s shift, in removing 200,000 cubic yards J. J. Stanley, Attorney for Adminis of sand between the jetties at an esli bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Di trator, Coquille, Ore. arrhoea Remedy. No physician can mated coat o f »7,000 per month, »21,000. prescribe a better medicine for these To continue surface blasting and sub diseases. By having it in the house NO TIC E OF V A C A T IO N S OF PO R aqueous rock removal in the entrance you escape much pain r.nd suffering TIO N S OF H E N R Y S TR E E T channel west of the Lighthouse, where and all risk. Buy it now; it may save life. Notice is hereby given that at i practicable, wilb the same plant and regular meeting o f the common coun crew-ai used in 1919, during the month Redemption Notice cil of the City o f Coquilio, of June, July, August and September, municipal corporation o f Coos AI1 Coos County Warrants drawn 4 months at »7,000 per month for labor to be held purchase o f eXplosivek and other sup on the general Road fund and in. County, Oregon, the council chambers o f the plies, and for the rent of plant, »28,000. dorsed prior to Nov. 1st, 1918, will bo at To carry on the work of subaqueous paid on presentation at my office ni G|ty Hall in said City on Monday, rock removal in the entrance channel to Coquille, Ore., no interest will be al the 7th day o f July, 1919, at the hour lowed on any o f these warrants a f o f eigh) o’clock P. M. o f said day, a the east o f the Lighthouse, using petition will be presented to said com plant the Government bucket dredge ter the 23rd of May, 1919. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1919. mon council praying fo r the vacation No. 1, fitted with Government »team o f all those portions of Henry Street drill. Government diving apparatus, and T. M. Dimkk, ‘ -•■v" - County Treasurer. in Elliott;’* addition to Coquille City, hired tow boat, scows, and small boats, Coos County, Oregon, as shoXrn on the as may be necessary. Tha plant to be plat o f said addition on file in the of- operated by hired labor during the four SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET. Ace of the County Clerk o f said Coo* months o f June, July, August and Sep- ember, at an estimated coat for labor To the Clerk of School District No. 8, County, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner explosives, and supplies, and rent of Coos County, Oregon: of said addition and running thence additional plant, of *7,260 per month. Following is a statement o f the es To carry bn surface blasting o f bed timated amount of money needed by west 19 feet; thence south 300 feet; rock at such places in the entrance th* district during the fiscal year be thence east 19 feet along the north channel as may be advantageous as in ginning on June 16th, 1919, and end side o f First street in said addition former yeara, lor about two month*, at ing on June 30th, 1920. This bud and to the southwest corner o f said an estimated coat o f *5,OOO per month get is made in compliance with Sec block 33; thence north along the west line o f said block 33 to the place of « 10 , 000 . 00 . tion 217 of the School Laws o f 1917, In additional to the foregoing the es and includes the estimated amounts to beginning; also beginning at the timate contain* an aggregate of »22,- be received from the county school northeast corner o f block 30 o f said 600 for contingencies, overhead etc. fund, spec ini district tax and all other addition and running thence south along the east side o f said block 30, Thi* ia 20 per cent o f the whole amount. moneys of the district: 300 feet; thence east 19 feet along the The project will be done upder the «U D G E T north side o f First street; thence jurisdiction of the government engi Estimated Expenditures north 300 feet; thence west 19 feet neers, Portland office. » Teachers' salaries . . . m , .»12,986.00 to the place of beginning; also be .................... 100.00 Furniture ............................. ginning at the northeast corner of W a n t Funds fo r Old Road. Apparatus and supplies, block 31 of said addition SJid running such as waps, chalk, eras- A gmid m any readers i»f Uu: .'c .tir thence south 300 feet to the south y)00.00 ers,stoves, curtains, etc.. will be interested in the following re east corner o f said block; thence east 60.00 port o f the formation o f sn association Lib ra ry books ...................... 19 feet; thence north 300 foet; thence of schoolhouses, by the people living along the line of R epairs west to the place o f the beginning; 600.00 outbuildings or fe n c e s ... the old Coos Bay wagon road, to secure also beginning at the northwest cor 260.00 some county funds, in addition to the Playground equipment . . . . ner o f block 32 of said addition and ............. 1,200.00 district road funds, amounting to V A - Janitor’s, wages running thence west 19 feet; thence 300.00 nflO, coming to them, for the improve Janitor’s supplies .............. south 800 feet; thence east 19 feet 600.00 ment o f that wagon road. We dip it Fuel 12.00 to the southwest corner o f said block from the Coos Bey Time#: Light 32; thence north 300 feet to the Clerk’s salary .................... 120.00 place of beginning. 76.00 Organization of the Coo* Bay Wagon Postage and stationery . . . . 19t5 Arthur Ellingson. Road Association which will work for Rent o f Academy ............... 800.00 Installment and interest on the improvement o f theCooe*B«y on road and will seek present to re street assessment ..........* 360.00 IN TH E C IR C U IT COURT O F TH E S T A T E O F OREGON. IN A N D cure a share o f the Southern Oregon For outstanding warrants FOR TH E C O U N TY OF COOS tax money which is t^ b e paid on the and in te re s t.................... 4,092.68 Coos Bay Wagon Grant lands, took Helen C. Sperry, Plaintiff, place Saturday night at Sumner at a Total estimated amount of vs. meeting a tte n d * by .bout 50 persons, money to be expended for Title Guarantee à Abstract Co., a many o f whom cam* from Marshfield. all purposes during the *21.934.68 corporation o f Oregon; the surviving Officers elected w ere: y e a r ......................... wife o f W. J. Cunningham; the un Estimated Receipts President, James Laird. known heirs o f Evan Cunningham; Seeretary-treisurer. Fred SeUnde,\ From county school fund the unknown heirs o f J. M. Siglin; the Jim StocK and Geo. Schumacher were during the coining school nominated .Ire for these post* reapec- year ............................... * 2,437.10 following heirs o f Elmer Brizzee,— George Brizze, and Mary J Brizzee tively and the vote was close. From state school fund dur The two officers chosen sre two of his wife. Horace Brizzee and Smantha ing the coming school 876.00 Brizzee, his w ife; Malvina Edwards t he efeeu tlv* committee o f the °rg * y e a r ................................. and Milo C. Edwards, her husband; r a at on, and three others will *ct. Cash now in the hands of of these were nsmed: Geo. Schumacher Charles H. 'Brizzee and Mary Brizzee, 6.16 the district clerk ........... and Clarence Sudden A third *11 be Balance on taxes to be col his w ife; Rhode Bassett and George H. Bassett, her husband; Mary A. named, probably from f • lected, last half of 1918, J. D. pre.ldsd u n t il^ Stedman and C. W. Stedman, her estimated, belonging to husband; Anna Taylor and William 3,600.00 election o f • president- J • the district ..................... prerented the by-law. which had been Estimated amount to be re Taylor, her husband; Grace Brizzee and Herbert Brizzee, children o f Alon drawn up and told the P « ^ ° " ceived from »U other association. C. F. McKmght and W. A. so Brisa**, a deceased brother of El- sources during th# coming ac a Spencer. L j Cllnkinbe.rd Reid alas »poke. PAG E n V B ater Briaare; the other unknown heirs of Elmer Brisaee; all the unknown heirs o f any o f the persons above named herein, and all cthar parsons having or claiming an interest In tne real property hereinafter described. Defendants. Suit in Equity to Quiet Title. 6060. Told by the Bank Book uiitm innnm THREE Y E A R PROGRAM FRIDAY, JUNB IS, 1*1». No. Sammons I T is with that purpose in view that To the surviving w ife o f W . J. Cun we invite you to open an account ningham; the unknown heirs o f Evan here at the First National Bank. Be Cunningham; the unloiovm heirs of sides affording you complete facilities J. M. Siglin; the following heirs of for handling your banking— we are al Elmer Brizzee,— George Brizzee and w ays glad to serve you in an advisory M rry J. Brizzee, hia w ife; Horace Brizzee and Samantha Brizzee, his way as well. wife; Malvina Edwards and Milo C. Accounts o f aU sizes invited by Edwards, her husband; Charles H. Brizzee and Mary Brizzee, his w ife; patrons o f all ages. Rhode Bassett and George H. Bassett, her husband; Mary A. Stedman and A. J. Sherwood - President C. W. Stedman, her husband; Anna R. C. Dement Vice-Pres, Taylor and William Taylor, her hus L. H. Hazard - Cashier band; Grace Brizzee and Herbert J Brixzee, children of Alonxo Brixxee, 0. C. Sanford - Asst.-Cashier n deceased brother of Elmer Brizzee; the other unknown heirs o f E l mer . Brizzee; all the unknown licirs of any o f the persons above named herein, and all other persons having or claiming an inter- OF COQUILLE est% in the real property herein des cribed, defendants. In the Name o f the State o f Oregon You are hereby notified that you are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the ubove entitled court and cause in which Helen C. Sperry is plaintiff and Title Guarantee and Abstract Com pony, a corporation o f Oregon, and yourselves, are defendants, on or be fore the 20th day o f June, 1919, the same being the last day for answering prescribed in th* order o f publication, and if you fail so to appear or answer on or before said date, th* plain tiff will apply to the Court fox Zerolene ia correctly the relief demanded in her complaint, refined fro m se le c te d a succinct statement o f which is as California crude oil. I t follows, to-wit: meets with scientific ac That all defendants in this suit be curacy the lubrication ordered to produce all claims which needs of all types o f’a u they have upon the whole or any part tomobile engines. Get a o f Lota Nine (9 ) and Ten (10) of C o r r e c t L u b r ic a t i o n Block Fifteen (15) o f Elliott’s Addi Chart for your car. tion to Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon; that said claims be declared STANDARD O IL invalid and quieted; that said defend COMPANY (CalllaraU) ants be enjoined from thereafter mak ing any claim to said property; that plaintiff Helen C. Sperry be adjudged the owner in fee, and rightfully m possession o f said premises;— for her costa and disbursements in this suit, — for such other relief aa the Court shall deem equitable. A . B. C A M P B E L L , Spécial A gen t Standard OU, Coquille, Oregon Service o f this summons is made by - — J."—J-IL . i lg_____JL'. ... publication pursuant to an order made ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ — S T 1 III I « H l f II II by -the Honorable James Watson, Ciunty Judge of the County o f Cooe, State of Oregon, the county where this suit is pending in the Circuit Court therefor; dated the 1st day of 1 400-lbs. capacity Cream Separator .................. ......... *20.00 May, 1919, directing, the publication I 100-lb Steel A avil ................................................. ....»1 5 .0 0 thereof in the Coquille Valley Sen 1 Portable Forge ............. a ................................. .. *10.00 tinel, a newspaper published at Co Steel Bed Springs and Bedsteads quille, Coos' County, Oregon, once a Chiffoneer* and Dressers sad Tables week for six consecutive weeks, com Brooms. Brushes, Clothes Baskets mencing with the first publication A z, Hammer, Pick and Mattock Handles thereof on the 2nd day of May 1919. Feltex Floor Covering, per square yard...................................96c S. D. Pulford, Copper Wash Boilers, each............... .....................................*7.00 16t7 Attorney fo r Plaintiff. Tia, Copper bottom. Wash B oilers... * ............. .......»4.00 to »6.00 FROM CALIFORNIA CRUDE At QUICK’S, The Housefurnisher Professional Card$. C. R. B A R R O W Attorney and Counselor at Law Practice in State and Federal Courts. Have moved my office to old City Hall near Busy Cornar and City Wharf. Office hours 8 to 12 A . M. and 1 to 6 P. M. Large Variety of Granite Enamel Ware Cook Stove, from ................................................... »5.00 to >25.00 “ “ “ .................................................................... »65.00 to *70.00 Coal Heaters, each................................. »4.00 to *25.00 ................................... *1.50 to *2.60 Perfection Oil Heaters and Cooking Stori J. A. RICHMOND P H Y S IC IA N aad SURGEON. Richmond-Barter Bunding. Coquille, Or*. Phones, Office 626, Baa. 314. SERVICE W . C. CHASE tTTOBNEV-AT-LAW Richmond-Barker Coquill# DR. Q. W . LE S LIE O s te o p a th ic P h y s ic ia n -Graduate o f the American School o f Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo. Office in Eldorado Block. Marshfield Oregon • 'I ' Servies Pint. Long Distance Telegraph Coos & Curry .. Telephone Company DR. C. W . E N D IC O TT DENTIST First R’t ’ l Bank B’ld’g J. J. S TA N L E Y LAWYBt - Office in First National Bank Building, Coquille, Oregon. A. J. S H E R W O O D ATTORNEY AT u * First National Bank Building Coquille - . 1 Phone -Main 11. Coquille, Oregon. Oregon THE ON$ INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE that has operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen year# Ago has been your Laundry. \ Rain or shin^ good times and bad, it U S Been on the job. We have a number o f customers that h art patronized it continually from the beginning. W * are grataful fo r this appreciation o f our •orviea. Our aim is to improve the service in every way possible. W e wash ever y th tag washable. COQUILLE LAUNDRY COMPANY