’-------- ■V------- . - - - J . ' " PAGE VOUE THE COQUILLE VALLET BEKPRfBL, COQUILLE, p b U m t . ju m e il m » . tional bene dry amendment going into the audience became angry and ansa; d lute tics and carrying aa they da the ’For Heaven’s sake, get out o f my chief fat-foluble vitamins, are what effect next January.______ sight. Wherever "t go you people are .he physician too often neglect«. On Etesii Aa4 U m TWO VIEWS OF OUR RECALL asking me for money. I don’t want te what scientific grounds can a physi aooo tu IN A a o o o to w cian recommend the a o s t refined see another one o f you.’ From Oregon Joureel. BT H. W , YOUNG. “ Past this woman shuffled a soldier foods, those o f least nutritive valuer Civic honesty is as important as in dividual honesty. In some ways it is wearing two overceas chevrons and By reason o f a-fear of irritating the Estas. Bromato-prophylaxis and He was totally stomach. more so, because a dishonest govern two wound stripe*. I l AO Ont Yi .76 ment is all too liable to become a public blind and was being guided by one o f broma to-therapy are two themes in Six M onths,. Three M onths.. . . . ___ J... 1 . . .40 pattern for the unite o f that govern his comrades. He heard the remark our medical education that con no No subscription tsksn untass paid and, stopping, said: ‘ Madam, I only longer be neglected.” for in sdvsncs. This nils is impsPs- ment. In Coos county a fraud was perpstrat wish that I could see one more Salve tivs. ed upon the county government in 191$. tion Army girL’ - So it seems that man does not live Adverttaiag Estes. By reason o f it and the conspiracy of “ The woman reached into her hand by bread alone, even oh the earthy which it was bom the county treasury hag and drew out a dollar bill, which plane. Display, 15 cents pur inch, There is something even in ing notices, 5 cents per line eseh in was mulcted to the extent o f some $10, she offered to the worker. Putting our foods hard to define. These sertion. Went ads, 1 cent per word; 000. The loss would have been greater her hand over the collsction-box, the latest discoveries in food necessities no sd less then 15 cents. No position had not James WAson, the county judge girl said: ‘No, thank you, madam. You and food values are like the discovery given. , elected after the conspiracy bad par had your opportunity to do a good of the X-ray, the Roentgen ray, the bo me its fruit refused to pay the deed a minute ago and you rejected wireless telegraph and the powers »PnCE, W B i EKI « » SHEET tially balance of $1500 claimed by the conspi It.’ " of radium. Light is not the simple thing it seems as a prism Entered st the Coquille Postofflce ss rators, O’Brien, Maloney, Cates st a!, There is w doubt about ths conspi Second C lassM sil Matter. The writer of theie line- used to plainly shows when it separates a ray racy, or the tooting o f the county treas feel as that woman did when the Sal of white light into the even colors of Somebody will be needed st Wash ury. It was written into the records of vation Army lassies importuned him to the spectrum. And food is more than ington now to lobby for the Roosevelt the circuit court of Coos county when buy a “ War Cry,” but he is glad now a matter of fats ana proteins. We Highway appropriation. Oon't ask J. C. Savage, Who claimed an interest to have the opportunity to contribute may almost say that in the vitamins in the unlawful profit brought suit to the Army what would buy several it has a soul or furnishes soul food Governor West. against Cates, his partner, for a division score of “ War Cryc.” It is r.ll in the We thought we knew it all, but we The Smith-Umpqua Cow Testing o f tbs spoils. way you look at this great organiza were as far wrong as our teachers That suiy and the testimony given at Association has a woman tester, Eva tion of the helping hand and the work were sixty odd years ago when they Blackwell by name. There is one its hqpring, showed Judge Watson the it has done and is doing. told us that all the really great dis herd in this association which num wrong that had been done the taxpay coveries had been made now that we ers of the county. He accordingly, LITTLE CARE FOR HEALTH bers 232 cows. had the steam engine, the railroad brought suit in the circuit court o f the We recently came across the state and the telegraph. The Illinois and Wisconsin legisla county against O’Brien, Maloney and ment that an insurance company with For a million years we doubt not tures which were in session when the 'Cates for the recovery o f the principal 600,000 policy holders figured it out discoveries will continue to be made in woman suffrage reeolution passed con sum unlawfully acquired by their con that if in any way it could extend the an ever increasing ratio. Our little gross have both approved it by prac spiracy and the accrued interest. That life o f each of all those it had insured plummets have not yet gone very far suit is now pending, waiting for the tically unanimous votes. No politi for a single year, the interest on the in fathoming the mysteries o f God’s cian wants to incur the ill will of the strategy of the defendants to be ex death payments it would cave, with all universe. Indeed, through all the hausted, and for its trial upon the voters who are bound to be enfran the additional payments its policy eons of eternity we may expect to be merits. Lawyers, who know the facte, chised shortly. the law and the decisions of the courts, holders would make in that year would e\er widening our horizons. Among the things that many peo declare there is no doubt concerning the put it $80,000,000 to the good. No GOOD FAITH ALL AROUND ple were hoping the new Congress verdict, if the case is tried upon its question about it; that would be an In last week’s election Douglas and would do was to repeal the daylight merits. In that case the defendants average o f only $167 to the person. The Insurance Company not only Umatilla counties voted against every saving law and stop the lying our face the imminent danger o f being figured it that way, but it set out to measure on the ballet. They were tht compelled to return some $10,000 to clocks are compelled to do now. But make the dream come true and add only ones to gain the unenviable repu the house killed that amendment to the Coos county treasury. This, undoubtly, was one o f ths chief that eighty millions to its profits. tation o f being feminst everything tbe the agricultural appropriation bill, and it looks now as if the turning of and underlying causes back o f the The plan was to have a health survey rest o f the state wanted. . te o f each one of these 600,000 The counties which cast an affirmative the clocks ahead an hour the last o f movement to recall Judge Watson. Ca- risks aa a basis on which they would vote on all measures were Clatsop, Coos, flaged by other contentions, March was going to become a con firmed habit of the American people. movement was successful. Ths Journal all, or moBt o f them, -4tearn how Curry, Deschutes, Hood River, Klamath printed these facte. It did so iq the in to lengthen their lives. But only one and Lake. The Coast counties through Curry county voted $#0,000 bonds terest o f public morals. It has no apol in ten of those 600,000 took the which the Roosevelt highway is to run, for road improvement last week. In ogy for the course pursued. It believes trouble to avail himself of the oppor all kept the faith by'giving majorities proportion to population that is as it is just as wrong to take money un tunity for a free medical examination for the irrigation bond interest guaran much as $800,000 would be for Coos, lawfully from the treasury o f A county offered by the company that insured tee measure. In return all the counties interested in irrigation are reported to but Curry’s develbpment absolutely as it would bo to take it from the state, « is life. This is characteristic o f ninety- have given majorities for the coast requires the building o f an improved or the vaults o f a bank. It believes that road down the cost through that coun restitution should be forced from those nine people in a hundred. They, of highway, Umatilla not appearing to be ty. It looks now as if the railroad who do such things. It believes a pub course, consult a physician or dose in that class. and the highway might be built about lic official who stands between the themselves, when they become uncom A recent San Fransico dispatch says the same time. Then Curry, instead treasury and those who would dip into fortable, but as to finding out the con of being one o f the most inaccessible it with unlawful hands ought to be sup dition of their health er whether they that In proportion to the size of the sections of the United State would be ported pnd not punished. It believes are drifting towards long life or an community, outside o f California, Coos on the principal highway o f travel be that the minds of the voters of Coos early grave, so long as they have no Bay orders for liquor to be stored there county were befogged by false issues, acute trouble, “ we should worry’’ is after the eountry goes dry exceed those tween San Francisco and Portland. raised by those who are seeking to es the sentiment of nearly everybody. of any other community. One order re One of the reasons assigned for the cape the consequences o f their own We ought to pay our physicians by eeived there was for $6,000 worth of defeat of the $6,000,000 bond bill in wrong doing. the year to keep us welFand tell us wet goods. Another order was for $3,- The Journal will await, with some this state to furnish employment for what rocks are ahead in our course, 000. Both orders came from Marshfield. returned soldiers is that instead oi little anticipatory interest, to see wast instead o f calling them in only when a lack of employment there is now a the incoming county judge will do w ith our craft has stranded. K erosene Lightens Housework shortage of labor all over the state; the $10,000 suit o f restitution brought No woman likes to be a household and so the men who were unable to by County Judge Watson. Will he win MORE ABOUT VITAMINES drudge. She wants time for ever so get needed help voted not to open it? Or will be lose it? Although we have never seen a vi- many other things than cooking and other TVenueg o f employment which tnmine and don’t have any idea of leaning. By using kerosene instead From ths Oregonian would still farther deplete the supply. what it looks like, or. how it can ’be of coal or wood much of the old-time Coos was one o f the counties tn defined, yet we are intensely inter work and dirt is eliminated. As the bonds were not to be issued ex cept so far as required by unemploy which a fairly representative vote ested in them. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley A clean, pure kerosene like the The ment conditions there was little dan was cast in thf last election. in The American Journal o f Clinical Standard Oil Company’s Pearl Oil, ger o f the scarcity df help being ren people were greatly interested in the Medicine says it used to be the case assures the housewife a cool, clean dered more acute, and yet at the same Roosevelt highway and they had be that “ thy principles of correct diet kitchen ths year round. All the drud More were based upon the supply or a *o- gery o f handling the heavy coal and time the need of such provision for fore them a proposed recall. those out o f employment was not than 50 per cent o f the voters turned crlled well- balanced ration. We were ashes is done away with and there is out and the recall carried by a vote of taught that the human animal, in or no dust nor dirt nor odor. Unlike manifest. three to one. der to grow, enjoy health, and be able coal or wood, kerosene lights at the During the lifetime of the writer of Everybody will now be inexpressi to multiply his species, required a cer touch of a match, so that there is no these lines the entire National Wealth bly shocked to learn from that re tain proportion of food giving a defin waiting for the fire to come up. of the United States (not including doubtable champion o f the reckless, ite evolution o f heat and supplying Pearl Oil is econmical*'and can be the value of the slaves in the southern limitless and unrestricted recall prin the needs o f growth and repair. We readily procured everywhere. It is al state before the civil war), has in ciple— the Portland Journal—that the were taught that this balanced ration ways the same high quality whether creased from five billions to 275 bil will of the people has actually mis consisted o f 'certain amounts o f pro it is bought in 5 gallon cans or in lions o f dollars. That is, it is fifty- carried in Coos county. It is a charge tein, carbohydrate, fat and minerals. bulk. It is easy to handle and gives- .five times as large now as it was tn that must be as painful to the maker Much to the astonishment of the phy all the convenience of gas. Being re 1850. That is an average increase of as to those who read it. siologists, it was discovered that when fined and re-refined by a special pro nearly four billions a year for the The county judge, it is related, dis an animal was fed pure protein, pure cess the impurities have been removed past 69 years and a total Increase or covered a conspiracy by which the carbohydrate, pure fat, and pure min and it bums up clean without smoke 6400 per cent. The cost o f the World treasury had been mulcted and had eral, it failed to grow, gradually lost or odor. war to this country up to the 1st of refused to pay a balance claimed. Ths v/eight, and finally died. The peculiar July, 1919, is put at a little over $30,- conspirators, so the Journal’s charges contrast was presented o f impure 000,000,000, Which S~ six times as go, engineered the recall opd so be foods, that is, impure from the chem • much as all the wealth in the United fogged the minds of the Voters with ical point of view, being far ‘better State seventy years ago. Our wealth false issues that they ousted the Judge than foods that are pure from the Carpenters A Contractors | now is mere than double that o f ¡from office. same point o f view. • • « Estimates Furnished ff Great Britain, and probably nearly as We know nothing about the issues “ In the comic papers we have all Lock Box 43 Myrtle Point, Ore. $ much as that of the entire European in this family quarrel. We should been regaled by the cartoons entitled • continent. One-third o f our war debt like to think that here, at Inst, there Bringing up Father.’ A similar • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • is in the shape of loans to the nations ■ had been an exception to the general course of instruction is necessary for of Europe, most o f which will be re- ¡run o f recalls in Oregon. The recall is medical profession, especially v. • ¡is not confined to charges of total in- those o f us of the older school. As “““ "- i competence or curruptioii—not in I recall my own medical training, I The Mistake is Made by Many Co- Looking ahead to the disposition o f , Oregon. It may be invoked on any can not remember a single lecture on quille Citizens. the wine grapes grown in California | pretext. As such it may be as free- dietetics that had any kind o f a foun Look for th# cause o f backache. the Southern Pacific people say they ly used to gratify personal animosity dation except pure empiricism, [The To be cured you muri know the can ship 200,00 tons of those grapes and factional hatred as to gratify a at the rate at 250 carloads a day if the proper longing for good government. guest and try method.] Inacmuch as cause. If it’s weak kidneys prohibition o f th ei manufaclure of In the past it has been Invoked almost food has such aq, intimate relation not You must set the kidneys working only to prophylaxis, [what doctors do wine destroys the commercial market exclusively for ulterior purposes. right. fo r the prevention of disease], but al A resident of this vicinity shows for them. But this would be to ship But here is Coos county with a them to people in the east who wanted three-to-one vote in favor o f the re so to therapeutics, [what medical sci you how. Mrs. Wm. Hnrvcy, 621 N. Eighth to manufacture wine only for their call of a public official, is it possible ence does for tlu? cure of diseased we St., Grants Pass, Ore., rr.vs: “ I suf own use and there seems no likelihood to befog the minds o f three-fourths of need a series o f cartoons or some sim fered from kidney trouble and my of there being a demand for any such the voters with chicanery and false is ilar form of instruction illustrating back nearly killed me, H ached so quantity of grapes in household lota: sues? The champion of the unlimit the bringing up of the old doctor. Per badly. I was helpless aa a child, be ing confined to my bed moet of the No doubt there would be plenty o f ed recall insists that it has been done. haps there is no point in medicine so time. My kidneys were terribly con people who would like to drink the Does it still insist that such a recall confusing and conflicting as the diet gested and I was a nervous wreck, wine, but few o f them would be ex is a safe implement in the hands o f a aries proscribed by the attending phy t seemed as though every inch o f sician in case o f illness, and likewise my body was affectedv /o r I ached all pert wine makers and few o f them people so easily befuddled? for children and grown pcrsoiis as a over. Doan’s Kidney Pills pulled me would care to fuss with a small batch preventive o f disease. The very, foods trough this attack. I stuck to them of grapea. The railroad may be equip SHE DIDN’T WANT TO GIVE that have been most denatured, and for several months and was finally ped to handle the business but it The following incident of the Salva therefore are least wholesome and as able to get around as well as ever and consider myself curred.” wouldn’t find the purchasers, with war tion Army drive is told by the New Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t time prohibition o f wine making in York Sun, in whose city it occurred; similable, are constantly prescribed by the physicians for the well as for simply ask for a kidney remedy—get effect for mdet if not all the rest o f “ One of the workers was c o lle c tin g those ________ ___ _ functions of leaf vege- Doans Kidney Pills— the same that ill. The the present year, and the const!tu Mrs. Harvey had. Fcster-Milbura , to * **rr* th*“ tr* wh#n • "Oman instable, for instance, so important *in Co.. Mfgrs, Buffalo, N. Y. The Sentinel ----- T <• : I ' I I 1 • • * • » I M i t • # • • J. P. & J. H. WINTERS • ALL WRONG \ A NEW EMERGENCY IN MANY W AYS it will be even mere d ljk u h to turn from war to pease than it waa two years age to turn from peace to A NEW EMERGENCY ta before us aad deaver. ear utmost en- THIS INSTITUTION, and that means everyone connected with it, 18 PLEDGED TO A CONTINUANCE ef helpful service t to Coqullle and vicinity, ths kind Of service that we feel has dene its share in building up the proud record hereto fore attained in the various war activities, and here renews those pledges in the activities yet ti cime, AS WELL IN PEACE AS IN WAR. FARM ERS 4 M BICHANTS BAN K OREGON COQUILLE \ get New Springs for your M , Maxwell or Ford cars at Gardner’s Garage See him too about Prest-o-lite Tanks for Ford cars They will interest you The Best o f AD 'I ’ve been ad miring your wedding gifts and am glad that your friends were so thoughtful as to remem ber the electri cal devices.” “ How I would have enjoyed them twenty years ago. Anyhow it is pleasant to feel that you’ll eiyoy them and you’ll find this G -E Radiant Electric Grill the best of all—so practical and convenient—I think I will get one myself. If you are so disposed, give us a call. Mountain States Power Co. Phone 71 H-as ‘See here,** «y, the Good Judge I want to remind you about that small chew of this good tobacco. It tastes better because it’s good tobacco. Its quality saves you part of y o u r to b a c c o m on ey. It goes further and lasts longer. the rea l to b a c c o ch ew t e ht tw o , RIGHT CUT ig ■ short-cut to! W -B C U T is e tobacco Y f )