The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, June 13, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PAGE TWO •
Supt. and Mr*.
L. Barnhart and
littls daughter, DsroOky, le ft Saturday
Portland, where they will
visit Mr*. Barnhart’» people. A fte r
visiting in Portland they will go on to
Fail* City, where Mr. Barnhart ex­
pects to help on his mother’s farm
this summer. Mr. Barnhart doe* not
expect to return to M yrtle Point next
fall. Their many friends are sorry
to ice* Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart. They
will to missed by a large circle of
I f your car is mud-stained, weather warn and shabby,
reftnish it with Acme Quality Motor Car Finishes.
Their use makes re-finishing inexpensive, they are easy
to apply, and by following the simple instructions a
beautiful and lasting finish may be obtained.
are offered in popular colors, as used by the leading
manufacturers. They are made especially fo r automo­
bile use, and are recommended to the automobile own­
er, no matter whether he expects to do the work him­
self, or employ an expert finisher.
Call at our store, and let us show you color samples
Thermos Bottles
Water Bags
all the necessary equipment for
camping out.
T h e T herm os Bottles have just been
received— a full assortment of sizes
You can depend
on th e uniform,
high standard of
Red Crown gaso­
line. Look for the
Red Crown sign
before you fill.
(Calif «rats)
A. B. C A M P B E L L , Special Agent Standard Oil, Coquille, Oregon
I will pay the highest market price— in cash—
for your hides.
I can handle any quantity and
will pay for them on delivery.
0 . T. N ELSON
Phone 731
Coquille, Oregon
Building Conti
Plans and Specifications on Application
Estimates Furnished on A ll Kinds o f Buildings
Phone 1051
Coquille, Ore.
Robert Hildebrand returned to M yr­
tle Point from France last Friday. He
has been in France eight months and
has just arrived in this country.
Phil Harth made a business trip to
Roeeburg Saturday and returned to
M yrtle Point the next day.
Mrs. Ralph Christensen, o f Bridge,
daughter o f Mrs. Baker, went to Port­
land last Friday.
Prof. C.^A. Davidson went to Salem
last Friday where he spent a, few
days and then went on to Portland,
returning home Tuesday. Mr. Dav­
idson will be in Salem this coming
winter, where he w ill have charge of
the music in the Senior High School,
and the supervision o f the nine special
teachers in the grades.
Mi’s. Tom Guerin went to Portland
Fridny to attend the Grand Lodge of
the Eastshrn Star and also to attend
the Rose Carnival. She is expected
home the latter part o f this week.
Mrs. J. 0 .#Stemmler and daughter,
Maria, and Edris Greene went to
Portland to attend the Rose Carnival.
Edris expects to remain in Portland
v/ith her aunt, Mrs. Stewart, and Mrs.
Stemmier r.nd Maria will be home in
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Barklow left
for Eugene in their car Tuesday morn­
ing where they expect to make their
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Scott and
daughter, Fay, left Tuesday morning
for Harrisburg. They w ill visit rela­
tives fo r a few days there and then
go on to Sheridan, where they e i-
pect to make their home. They were
former residents o f that place, haying
lived here not quit* a year. They were
much liked in this country, but fo r
other reasons were obliged to return.
Miss M yrtle Tobey, who has been
principal o f the ily r tle Point High
School during the past year, left Mon­
day morning for the home o f her
mother at Halsey, Oregon.
Tobey expects to take music in the
University o f Oregon this summer.
The W. C. T. U. met Tueedsy a f­
ternoon with Mrs. Adell Harriott fo r
the annual election o f officers. A fte r
a short program the follow ing officers
President, Mrs. Adell
were elected
Horriott; Vice-President, Mrs. Maude
Annin; Secretary, Mrs. Edith Rouse;
Treasurer, Mrs. Sarah Hermann. The
W. C. T. U. endorsed the resolution
introduced by the principal o f the
North Bend school, prohibiting the
pupils taking part in the track meet
that use tpbacco. This resolution has
been endorsed by North Bend, Co-
quille and M yrtle Point.
Miss Kathlsen Marsters went to Co­
quill* Thursday and returned Satur­
Rev. Mr. Drake and daughter, Ed­
na, visited at the Wm. Stauff home in
Arago Wednesday.
There will be a Basket social given
by the Christian Endeavor of the
Presbyterian church Friday evening
at the Woodman Hall.
Miss Carmel Marsters was a Co-
quille visitor Monday.
Mrs. E. F. Handerson, o f Demmiqg,
Wash., arrived here for a short visit
at the F. L. Handerson home. She
expects to return to her home Satur­
day, taking with her Bert and Erma
Handerson, her husband’s children,
and grandmother, Mrs. Mary Yoakam,
for an extended visit.
Mrs. J. C. Warner, o f Rowland
Prairie, was in town shopping Tues­
Economy Fruit
Ball Mason Jars
Kerr’s Self-Sealii
ay Caps
Hali Galloni
W ide Mouth
Mason Caps
W ide Mouth Caps and Lids
Jar Rubbers
A ll foodstuffs w ill be high this year and home canning
w ill be in order. W hy not anticipate your requirements
o f jars and extras and g e fy o u r supply while stocks are
There is sure to be shortage in these lines
later on, and higher prices.
A ll orders given careful attention
The Busy Comer
United States Food Administration— License No. G 46545
Gladys Carter, who has boon at­
tending the Willamette University in
Salom this year, returned home
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crawford from
southeastern Montana returned to
Power*- Wednesday.
Henry Schroeder received word
from Ray Wyland that ho waa in the
general hospital in Chicago and ha*
not yet received his discharge.
Mrs. K o ry Albee. who has been in
Humtfoldc, California, fo r some time
visiting her mother, returned last
Verla Sumcrlin, o f Gravel Ford,
hrs been visiting the C. C. Carter
home last week end.
R. L. Weekly will take charge o f
the poet office the first o f July. Miss
Effie Weekly w ill be his assistant.
Until then Harry Fensier will be in
the post office.
The City Meat Market owned bfr
Carter and Davis bought a new Chev­
rolet truck Wednesday.
Mrs. Harry Fensier and children
left last week for Spokane where they
will make their home. Mr. Fensier
will join them there in July. He will
leave with his parents in their car
about thè seventh of July.
Last Friday, while playing near the
depot, little Phillip Brack was kicked
in the face by a horse, not only knock­
ing all o f his upper front teeth out,
but fracturing the upper jaw on the
right side.
Several stitches were
required inside and out, but Dr.
Clarke reports he is getting along
The Commerciai Club announces
that the contract is completed and
the horses and performers from the
Pendleton show are to be here July
4th, 6th and 6th. t^oos county and
Southern -Oregon will celebrate this
year a ! M yrtle Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton M iller are
happy over the arrival o f a 9 pound
boy June 6.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Edwards
are the proud and happy parent* of
their first born, Jack Freeman, who
weighed 9 % pounds, born June 8.
There will be a Red Cross business
meeting at the Red Croes rooms next
Wednesday. A ll ladies are asked to
be present.
O. E. Marsters, who has been in
Prixley, Calif., in charge of the Unit­
ed Brethren church o f that place for
the past six months, returned to M yr­
tle Point Wednesday. Mr. Marsters
and his fam ily expect to spend
o f the summer here, returning to his
charge in Pixley next fall.
The Boys’ class o f the Methodist
church with Harold Drake as teacher,
enjoyed a wienie roast laaty Wednes­
day evening in the country.
Mrs. Nystrom, o f Griddle, Calif.,
arrived in M yrtle Point last Wednes­
day. She went to visit her sister,
Mrs. Warner at Roland Prairie Thurs­
day. Mr. and Mrs. Nystrom formerly
owned the Myrtle Point hotel. Their
son, Clair, has Just returned from
France and is now at home in Cattfor-
Wednesday evening where he has
Kathleen Marsters was a passenger been working since the first o f the
on the auto stage Wednesday after­ year in a gasoline statfbn. He ex­
noon. She met her sister^ Carmel pects to work near M yrtle Point this
at Roseburg and surprised their father summer.
who was coming home on the train
Bom June 9th to M l, and Mrs. El­
from California.
mer Myeru an 8 pound girl.
Mrs. C. C. Carter was visiting rela­
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sumerlin and
tives in CequiH* Tuesday and Wad- daughter, Locil«, of Gravel Ford, wort
in town visiting Wednesday.
grave was buried under a mass o f
flowers. E va waa the kind q f girl
that when you m et her once you war*
McKinley N o u s .
glad to meet her again. And to those
A t our club meeting at the hall Sat­
frequent trip* she mad* with Earl
urday there was not so large an at­
from their summer hom* to Brewster
tendance as was expected, but there
V alley it added something to the day*
was plenty to eat, however, and after
when my w ife or I said to the other,
dinner Miss Cowgill gave a very in­
“ E va is on the stage today.**
teresting talk and sewing demonstra­
Did the recalien reverse the Su-
tion, in which every one was much
, preme Court so that Maloney may slip
his overcharge bill, that Watson would
Mr. Peterson attended the meeting
not allow, into the new County Court
and visited the club boys and their
and have it paid. W ill the new Coun­
pigs, while in the vicinity.
ty Court keep up the flght that Judge
There were about twenty-two young j
Watson started, to make Maloney,
people who attended the Liberty Club
O'Brien and Catos puke up the f9,-
picnic above Brewster Sunday.
A ll
837.21 that they got out o f the coun­
reported a good time and lota o f eats.
ty by “ fraud and conspiracy.“ I nevar
Little Harold Glenn has been very
heard a recaller make any objections
sick with chronic indigestion but is a
to those three Angered gantry scoop­
little better again.
ing that pot.
Mrs. Fred M att, who has been so
Did the recallers reverse the U. S.
low with pneumonia caused from the
District Coart so that tha new Coun­
“ flu,” is able to he up again.
ty Court may mak* Frank W aite and
Frank Church, o f Camas Valley, is
others a present o f their taxes and
here working on the fosd.
penalties or any part thereof ?
Erma Bunch returned home Sunday
Only about one third or one h alf of
from a week’s visit at Brewster
the voter* voted at the recall election,
so if the new County Court releasee
Miss Anna Dean spent Sunday ev­
the Barabbas who by “ fraud and con­
ening visiting Arthur Brown’s.
spiracy" rob the county add rebates
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mast spent Sun­
taxe* in favor o f Frank W aite and
day evening at C. O. King**.
others, the voters who were silent may
C. O. King cut ensilage Monday.
speak at the next election.
Miss May Lund and friends fii*om
R. A . Easton.
Marshfield passed through McKinley
Mrs. Lark Mast has been quite sick.
Her grand daughter, Mildred is stay­
ing with her fo r the present.
Grandma Laird was called to Co-
quille Monday on account o f the ser- 1
ious illness and death o f her grand 1
daughter, Mrs. Earl Endicott.
Lyle Beyers is out visiting his