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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1919)
a^COQUILU, n r j m éi M) j r . \¿a bioX f S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 31 DUSTIN FARNUM in Athletic and Acrobatic STORY BY ZAN E GREY i wwww » i w • I' -*»l :A*; » , Doug Fairbanks Tlie Light of Western Stars’ : Highway “Headin' Soiith” It Means— Quick mobilizetipn o f guns and men fo r national protection. A rip-roaring Western drama, full of life, action and thrills See Doug handle Greasers It Means— Commercial pnd agricultural develop ment o f seven Oregon coast counties —Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry. -The opening o f a year-round paved road from British Columbia to the Mexican border. June 6th Pronounced by the critics and the public aa Far- num’s Masterpiece , T H U R S D ’Y , J U N E S and “Captured by the Cannibals” I t Meaaa— The opening to sportsmen o f the county's fishing and hunting paradise.. It Means— The employment o f thousands o f skilled mechanics and laboring men in its construction. m Outdoor Western Drama, Gripping with action and situations j.y Final Installment of MARTIN . JOHNSON’S •; Final Installmept of MARTIN JOHNSON’S It Means— That Uncle Sam w ill match every state dollar fo r construction and w ill maintain the highway forever. You owe it to your country— you «we it to your state, to go to the polls at the special state election June 8 and vote 310 X Yea For the Roosev elt Highway 1 “ Cannibals of the South Seas” l-i FOR TH E R O O S E V & T H IG H W AY Oregon’s Road to Prosperity '*■ '• r-*— i Ph otograph ed sensational pictures “ Cannibals of the South Seas” at Wild, naked, man-eat ing savages, who bury their dead alive the risk o f ,life I f f/k'l 1 . • . • » , . . Bargains in Farm Lumber Have a stock w e, want to t * • move. . Come quick E. E. JOHNSON O h’ MANY EYES Go for years without the need of glasees-^-others, doe to a refractive error, need gliesse early in Ufa. I have had ware than twenty yean’ experience, aad the aae of scientific iaetraweato enables to determine the exact refractive error of the eyee aad relieve your imperfect vision with my Perfect-Fitting G la earn. Make your appointment! by phone or mail, for evening work. Office Phone 4M. Residence Phone 449R. DR. F. W. CLARK Eye Specialist Corner Front J ■ "■ J *""“ “ “ , Audaciously Original i ■ . i ■ ■ ■ Selecting Brides fot mar Startling pictures of riage— Savages— Naked Trapped by man-eaters— Treacherous* -man-killing Sixty hour death-watch— Frequently Man-Eating ^ _ i , ’ m ,--- ‘ r Blood-curdling, H air-raisin g, the m ost sensational m otion picture e ver taken m ^ first hand visit to the lan d o f the h um an brute. Neither is there • sewer and the cost same as every other county mad will The School Hooao Question of a large septic tank would be im-f pey one-third of the whole state tax, “ A Mother” contributes to hbo Sen mense. while a little joker in the bill prevents tinel the following reasons for a cen We advocate the present location, | that county from hogging an undue tral location for a school building: buying the vacant property on the ' proportion of that tax by providing east, if necesapry, for play purposes, that no county can receive more than All children should bo considered in this matter—for all children must at Acres of land are not ^required for ten per cent of it. To this bill there young children to get the air and was not one word d t opposition, tend school. Among these are the romp In during the thirty minutes a j Of course, the Roosevelt Highway very young, the frail, and girls of ma- ture age. Nono of these could, with day play period. What we need most j bond bill was boosted, and so was the aafety, walk a mile in a drenching rain storm. What proportion come under this class—at least one-half. If we lived in a climate where there was less rain, that objection might be eliminated, but the fact remains that a c r r V B e g ^ B the school months are our rainy ones. m Node» Mothers dread sending their little __ , ,____ once even so far , aa ’ Warrants drawn , _, the present prim- , oad fund and In- ,ry bulld,B* w*d f**1 mor* th* n *>•«» , , lots win k» when their children are promoted to l * 5 1“ \ 2 “ * the central school. 3n * ... . be al- , Who are we considering me interest will . . , when .. u w talk of a site out of town? None but 1B19 the few living near aad the strong and There Is mors Catarrh In this section of tbs country then sU other dies an a put tocuthsr. sad (or rests It was sap posed ts bo loco rabio. Doctors proscribed torsi romodlso. and by constantly (alSna to euro with local troatmont. pronounced M Incurable. Catarrh Is s local dlaaasa. srratly Influenced by constitutional con ditions and therafor* raqutraa consStu- ■ ■ ■ ■ A, Unconventional day of May, 1919. M Dtariek ** we muat have a ball ground, and County Treasurer. h~ rti,F lW t •honld- ______________ us provide a municipal playground where all who are able may go. We may be obliged by the courts to pur chase the Barrow ft Strang street in which case that might be used, but don’t build our school there and oblige the delicate ones and young children to be exposed te that long walk in all I kinds of wsather. If we had a street javel in or a duc tu, an, U they had en- joyed aa oppertunity to ose tham, they would hâve been pracûcally cer tain of ecoring edveral more pointa. The thren individuals making the bigheet number ai pointa were: Hockott, North Bond, 28. Oerding, Coquille, 22. Bobimon, North Bond, 11. Other contestants who won honore were: Hammock, of Myrtla Point, Rose, o f North Bend; Sim paon, o f Co quille; Kern, of North Bend; Moomaw, o f Myrtle Point; McGilvery, of Co quille; Kiltner of Myrtle Point; Kjel- iand, of North Bend; and Backham, o f Coquille. Nerth Bend won the * relay race, thereby capturing the re- lay pennant. Judge Watson's Expen Speaking of the circulars Judge Watson has boon sondi to some of the voterà of the the Coos Bay Times says: s * " It costo S cento postage < letter and there are more thi thousand voters registered. -V--- —» ■ the postage bill alone more than $270. ..v— *— —■/—" » ** 7-,“7 “ [This. with the coat of the circulars and public institution* of any kind— l #mJ w,v#lopM> ^ M k l Jlm Wat- Track Meet Last Week Ron’i campaign letter coat mero than |1600. or more than half a year's sal- ' nry o f the office of county judge.” The track meet at North Bend laet Saturday was participated in by the The actual amount Judge Watson high schools of that place. Myrtle ■pent In getting these circulars print Point aad Coquille. North Bend Ledv and distributed w-s about $100. However, a flea hundred par aggeration in rather mild The Record which * * * '* ‘ l running cant ex for the put the truer to