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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1919)
m m im S-V í - PAG E Druuth la Ou Vote Against The Recall of ARCHIE PHILIP -- • • County Commissioner I was elected to oflce on Good Roads platform , sad daim I have kept all pre-electioa promises, aad Coos Comity fo r first • time, has had s permaaent road profram carried oat. Claim all work accomplished was at minimum cost uader w ar conditions. Claim showing made on County Roods more creditable than ^ showing made by my opponent, Henry Kern, on City streets o f North Bend aad iavite comparison. . ? Claim that opposition comes from the few who have gouged the County in the past or have such designs for the future. Claim the aaimosity o f the Coos Bay Times against me is becpuse, as a member o f the County Court, I Insisted that suit be brought to recover $9,337.21, which this newspaper, by fraud and conspiracy, cheated the county out of, aad which suit the Graad Jury raaommended be vigorously pushed. Submit the fact that only eight business men o f my home town signed the recall petition, one o f whom waa g y opponent. I am willing to accept verdict of any disinterested ju ry as regards work accomplished, east o f same aad disposition of County funds. y- . > Pay no attention to thé bonk thé Cooa Bay Timea is publishing about me. -A * The truth is not in it, and it always treats me unfairly, because I would not held it in graftin g the county ARCHIE PHILIP PsM Adv. > Stanley Bartlett Discharged Watch for the NEWELCAR An automobile that is built for rough countries 37 1-2 H. P. in the 4 cylinder 40 H. P. in the 6 cylinder * A 4-passenger Touring Roadster has arrived for demonstrating and will be here soon. Your choice 4- Passenger Touring Roadster 5- Passenger Touring Car 4-Passenger Sportster Fully equipped. Best built car for anything near the price $1375 delivered - Six Cylinder $1575 0 GET R E A D Y TO LOOK IT O VER Coos Bay Motor Works Marshfield Oregon CITY BAKERY Under new management Fresh Bread, Cakes aad Faocy Pastry Laird B u ild in g. Coquille,'Oregon intervene* with ■ “ * * to CoquilW thc end o f the fej the largoat and Cod Harry longest dry apell sine* Mohammed w ill ly . Her be with ua within a few short weeks. o f that place, was killed With rare exceptions w* are prepared in a logging eai and ready for it. The entire far Watt, Two yean ago whoa the $900,000 save California, la already dry or aboat proposition fo r a now penitentiary to dry up by state action. National waa up I voted fo r i t Thia year my prohibition woa’ t change th* situation’ | vota gooo against tha penitenteniary though it will still further restrict th* not that I am opposod to A now poní small amount o f rum running into dry tantiary, but positively opposed to the territory. For a while national prohi $£'000,000 Reconstruction Bonding bition will undoubtedly stimulate homo industry. Many private breweries, emendan ant and biU. For it looks' to wineries and distilleries will be operat mo as if that thing is a straight out ed, but In tha tong run th* individual aad out gra ft game with tha dice who manufacture* intoxicants solely loaded in thc inte root o f the “ educa for his own ua* wilt find the work too tors’* sad their school machino. The laborious aad quit. I f he manufacture voters w ill figure that the new pen th* stuff for bootlogging purposes, the itentiary scheme thia tim e is simply law ia sure to got him. And the stocks te cover s sharp hook with which o f th* liquid with the sw ift kick stored is hoped to land the millions to bo In private caliars and basements will blown in on things that a t« not noad- vanish far more rapidly than th# owners od. In fa it thorn is a hook each end suspect By 1926 boon will be merely of thia «£,000,000 “ Reconstruction an odoriferous memory and tha genera patriotism, the tail and o f the Uno is tion that caste its first ballot in 1960 baited with the patriotic love fo r tha w ill he one hundred per cent pure—if supposed needs o f the soldier, sailor tha absence o f alcoholic stimulant* can and marine. It looks to ms ss though bring about the sanctifying transforma that reconstruction loro is is n hook tion o f human clay, that'ls baited with a gold brick. Tbs Petitions are now out in various only answer to the gold brick game U states blessed with the referendum de No. manding that the legislatures' act in When wo vote fo r thc Industrial endorsing th* prohibition amendment to and Reconstruction Hospital Amend the federal eooetitution be submitted to ment we vote to pluck bristles from the voters. Th* petitioners might aav# the bock o f the Salem Log. themselves and th* sUtes the expense The 7th of May la one o f the days, o f the election. It ’s all over. The but not the day'th at BUI Hohenxol courts have already declined to inter lorn, alias BUlio 2, and his gang of fere, taking the ground that the resolu thugs, thieves, liara, rapista and mur tion of endorsement ia a federal matter derers wore looking for. provided for in th* federal constitution Thank the Lord that Mr*. Sperry and therefore not auhjeet to a local re has the fight in her and objects to ferendum. B oom 1* beaten and ought paying tribute. Think o f it, and to slink out o f the back door without Henry Sengs tac ken is tile m*n who kicking up another fuss.—Sunset, the I filed the recall petitions. Do you ro- Pacific Monthly. | member that Germany was going to Can’t Sac Her Husband put a cloud on the title o f the whole world and demand tribute from all Announcement was made Saturday o f nations? Germany was a recaller a war marriage which had been kept She did not make it stick and secret for many montha because o f the her petitions on to~tha socialists, the opposition of th* parents o f the groom bolsheviks, the anarchists and I. W and which became known only because W.’s Germany has representatives in th* groom la lying ill MJtb# home of his parents at Marahfleld; says th* Cooa Coo# County. R. A . Easton. Bay Timo*. Lloyd Halo and Mrs. Ivy Howard were Items From Ange. married on February 27th in Martinos, Rev. Mr. Sims broached to n largo Calif., according to papora which th* audience at the M. E. Church South «rife ahowed Saturday in looking ad on Fish trap Sunday evening. mittance to hor ill husband’s iteom. L. A . Pinkston has a now ear, as Tha parents o f the groom; Mr. and have Goo. Henninger and D. C. Krants Mrs. Wm. Hale, are still opposed to th* marriage and th* young poop la will Clarence Schroeder lo ft Monday to probably not b* reunited until th* re ottend the Jersey Jubilee in Portland covery o f th* husband makes possible hud fo r other business matters. his departure frdia bite*. I *' Godfrey Vetters is erecting s n Th* two know each ether before Mr. wood house and barn on his promises Hate entered the army. She later went at Arago. to California where they were married D. W. Newtons have had word from and after his release from the army re their son, George, who is helping in turned to the Bay, residing at the Cen convoying the soldiers to and from tra! hotel. He waa paying her ex pen« Franco to Brooklyn, N. Y . Ho lo ft aha states. By hi* request th* wadding for another trip the 26th. was to b* kept unknown until ho had People interested in tha Fiahtrap settled certain business matters. Ha cemetery spent last Saturday fiving has had an interest in his fath. r’s busi up there and putting the roads lead in Marshfield. ing to it in bettor shape. Word was iweoivod by Mrs. A . Mc Intosh, o f Band on, a few days ago that hor son-in-law, Sorgosnt Stanley Bartlett, o f the 102nd Infantry, has returned to the United States from England, and w ill bo muatared out at Camp Lowis shortly. Ho w ill then join Mrs. Bartlett nt San Frrncisco, and they may later com* to Bandon for a short visit with relatives and Money In Hosiery lends. Mr. Bartlett was one among Th* old saying that there is plenty the first to go from Cooa county, be ing a member o f the old Third Ore o f moody in boo* nowadays was prov en to th* fu ll satisfaction o f a local gon.— Bandon World. resident yesterday morning. While walking up Casa streets th* observ NOTICE OF STREET IM PROVE in g citizen noticed a well known Roe«. MENT. burg lady wearing a rather short skirt—and silken hose. Just what Taylor 8treat ia Elliott’s Addition. drew the attention o f our townsman No'-ice ia hereby given that the to th* sidownlk would be difficult to common council of the City o f Co- ■ay, however, he waa doubly reward Evidently the lady took no quill«, a municipal corporation, of ed. Coos County, Oregon, did, at a regu- chance with house burglars; she I lar-adjoumed meeting o f such council placed the fam ily “ bank roll“ in her It so happened that the bold on the 26th day of May, 1919, stocking. duly adopt a resolution end by such crisp bills slid down into view. From resolution did declare its intention end tkf expression written on hor face purpose to improve, by grading, Tay it was plain to see that sh* waa won lor street in Elliott’s addition to Co dering why men were so curious. Our quills City, Coos County, Oregon, end townsman say* ha does not know the the intersections of said street oast sise of th* bills— but— Roseburg Re- and wast for suitable approaches, view. from the north lino of Second street, in said addition, to the north lino of Blasting Rock for Road Paving said addition, and which resolution is The Dean A Brown quarry, on Cooa kept o f record in the office o f the River, which concern is to supply eruah- ■City Recorder o f said cjty in the rec sd rock for the concrete road between ord* of the proceedings o f said coun Mr.rshfield and Coquille, ia operating cil, and reference to said resolution three shifts. Th* compeny has leased and the record thereof is hereby made the crusher belonging to Com county and by such reference the same are and kept at Bandon for a number of made a part o f thia notice. years snd now have It in operation to Said improvement w ill bo made in gether with their own. A largo amount accordance with the plans and speci o f rock waa loosened by firing a series fications o f the City Engineer o f said o f blasts at one time. Sample* o f rock city filed in the office of said Recorder supplied is considered by experts to be on the 26th day o f May, 1919, and the the best the quarry has ever turned out estimate o f the probable coot thereof and entirely satisfactory for the pur is th* sum o f «6872.97. se. Th# company w ill operate two Said improvement w ill bo made at shifts o f men on the concrete work.— th# coet and expense o f the property Coos Bay Harbor. - « benefltted thereby as stated in aaid resolution. “ Captured by the Cannibals,” final Any and all persona interested may installment. Startling ’motion pic make and file with the aaid City Re tures of cannibal life. Original, un corder written objection to or remon conventional and sensational. Liber strance against th* said proposed im ty Theatre June 6th and 7th. provement within twenty days from the date o f the first publication of A t year service. Phone 1198 and this notice, tew it: within twenty days have your cleaning and pressing call from th* 80th day o f May, 1919 ed for and delivered. J- 8. Lawrence, ,* * * City W ork Started on B ig Contract Th* finishing grading started Monday on the county highway naar Coaledo in dicating tha rapid work don* by t contractors, which ia progressing batter than anticipated, although th* weather i mad* road working conditions very difficult. The pavers are now on th* ground and a carload o f pipe* has arrived. Th* bunkers at Delmar will ho finished this week, and Monday o f noxt week the first shipment o f the rock will start. Th* sand pit ia now ready to ran and the testing is well over. The screen* and washers are also in stalled and forkin g. Those observing the progress o f th* contractors in the work, realise tha lack o f foundation for complaints which no periodically from consistently complaining quarters. Aa the work ia now going, th* road is in a fair way o f M n g finished before th* end o f the time limit set.—Marshfield Record. That Famous Rad Cow Caaa A demurrer has boon filed in th* “ rod cow” case by L. A . Liljeqvist who is representing J. D. Davis. Th# demurrer w ill he argued in a few d; ya. The cas* la a toot o f th* valid ity o f tha stock law, which requires all stock to b* fenced in. T. G. Ger- lach, represented by A. E. Pock, ston ed action against J. D. Davis because th* cattle o f Davis hav* been running on his property, and Davis contends that tha stock law ia invalid.— Cooa Bay Timec. SCHOOL D ISTRICT BUDGET. To th* Clark o f School District No. 8, Coos County, Oregon: Following ia a statement o f th* es timated amount o f money needed by the district during th* fiscal year be ginning on June 16th, 1919, and end ing on Juno 80th, 1920. This bud get is mad* in compliance with Sec tion 217 o f th « School Laws o f 1917, and includes the estimated amounts to be received from the county school fund, apodal district tax and all other moneys o f th* district: BUDGET Eatiasated Expenditure* Teachers’ salaries ....... «12,986.00 100.00 Furnitur* and supplias, Apparatus such as maps, chalk, era*- era,stoves, curtains, ate.. 1,000.00 60.00 Library b o o k s «................. Repairs o f schoolhousos, 600.00 outbuildings or fen ce*... 260.00 Playground equipment . . . . Janitor’s wages ................ 1400.00 800.00 Janitor’s supplies ............ 600.00 Fuel ................................... 12.00 Ligh t ................................. 120.00 Clerk’s salary ................... 76.00 Postage and stationery . . . . 800.00 Rent o f A cad em y.............. Installment and interest on 860.00 • street assessm ent........... For outstanding warrants 4,092.58 and in te re s t................... Total estimated amount of money to be expended fo r all purposes during th* year .¡k...........................«21,984.68 Estimated Receipt* From county school fund during th* coming school year ............................... « 2,487.10 From state school fund dur ing the coming school 876.00 T * » * ..................... .......... Cash now in the bands o f th* district c le r k ........... 6.16 Balance on taxes to bo col lected, last h alf o f 1918, estimated, belonging to the district ................... 8,600.00 Estimated amount to be re ceived from all other sources during th* coming school year ................... 1,000.00 Total estimated receipts, not including tha money to be received from th* tax which it ia proposed to vote ............................... f 7,818.26 Recapitatati** Total estimated exponas* fo r the yoar ..................821,984.68 Total estimated receipts not ‘ ’ including the tex to b* voted ........................ . 7,818.26 Balance, amount to be raised by district t a x ................«14,116.83 Dated this 26th day o f May, 1919. F. C. Trua, W . L. Kiatner, H. O. Anderson, Board o f Directors School District No. 8. OVERALLS^ Keep Kids Kleen the Suit A New Suit F if R they E rip E Ilf O VER A L IS I au u.k. peT.orr. I k o u j te a s e l IO .! « mtm s u m rua a P.M.L