COQ FRIDAY. M AY M Iti* . the QUAND JURY I but POUT DISSECTED ™ t*r Y T > ATTOim SERVICE (Continued Attention Soldiers! Have your uniforms cleaned and pressed at once BE PREPARED FOR Memorial Day 7 - ^ 1 - PAGI .. vacated in any county in ’ except by authority o f the County Court o f the proper county. The eoonty court shall supervise the con ■traction and repair o f all bridges on the county roads. 1%# power» herein given may bo exercised directly by » . rxKirt, or through ¿1 projects for which U with the discrepancies herein a»- aadMn Mr. Ferguaan’e report noted. IN THE MAIN T H U S IS NO GREAT CRITICISM OF THE .WORK AS DONE." They charge 1 only that «10,000.00 whs wasted on bond project No. A This being the trying to orooto the impression that the bead fundi money was wasted must bp in error. I still maintain that m y 1 original I statement that the report1 o f the | — <* «■ I C m . ■pvO you know what you are paying for your Groceries? Q O many never ask the price on goods ^ they buy but take-it for granted every store is selling for the same price. » ■ ■ — Tailoring, Cleaning & Pressing And that part of such report where .Respectfully submitted, in It ia stated that all this wss done W. H. Wenn, C. P. A. I Special attention given ladies* Georgette Crepe in the face o f Section 89, Chapter29o, iUT W E are selling cheaper than oth o f the General Laws o f Oregon, for W aists and Silk Dresses. They Endorse Philip 1917, which reads as tallows: "When ers, not cheap goods, but goods cheap The following statement will be of In-1 ever, in any statute o f this state, the words ‘road supervisor' a n used, if I tereat and it te from the men and women ae road supervisor is elected or ap who are almost daily thrown in official Sueeeaaar to Fred Slagle _ o f _ any such _ touch with Commissioner Philip. It I pointed, or if the term rp H E R E are many reasons why we can road supervisor has been terminated' *how* th,t each everyone o f these Front St.» opposite Farmers A Merchants Bank the position or office abolished by " W B ld wonMm " • convinced he ia a I Phone 1193 4 Coquille, Ore. sell cheaper than others, and if you any law of this state, the authority of ‘ o o i m,n ,or *<*•««»• No other said road supervisor shall be veeted I molive couW ** P°“ ,ble ,or "<> " ‘•mber | will take the trouble to compare others’ in, and the duties o f said road eu- •* the County (Jourt has anything to do porvisor shall devolve upon the road- w1ith **'*'« they are em-1 prices with ours you will be convinced. maetors o f the respective counties e f by * * r* rioM this state, and raid duties .hall b e L Ws. the Underaigned employee, of GET YOUR performed by said roadm.stera with- ^ <**"*• in * out extra or additional comp.ns.tion " * nU ° l tb* ^“ rt Househ.rebypMdge A SK the price on everything yon buy thereof.” Chapter 899 o f the General f e _•“ *>*>* to O>mrmraion.r Philip-at Law. of Oregon for 1917, repeals *11 r 6 .3 ^ * 1 **C“ U , ' WcUoa tot th* ° H ^ and cut down the living expense. acta pertaining to the dutio. any ‘0W,n* r*“ °n ,: » “ »1 has, in ell questions coming before the read supervisor on the County road. County Court regarding the laboring Therefore said Chapter 296 is repeal been foremost to advocate better i 5 .• . - : ed by implication and was not in ef. working conditions end salaries, regard | feet when said Grand Jury Report less of political affiliations, givin g hie antagonists the same consideration as | And in euch part of raid »report his fritnds. which is as fellow»: "It has some- Furthermore we like the outspoken I times occurred! that the Commission- stand Commissioner Philip ttkes on all era have employed themselves oa eon-1 queit|0na because we know absolutely tracts, or Jobs, with the Couaty for wb«re he stands at all times. services outside o f their official duty ARTHUR A. SELANDERi and for which compeaoatkm was Cequille, Ora. A. B. COLLIER paid.” It is admitted that tho same I Save Money by Paying Cash MYRTLE KNOWLTON ia contrary to public policy and should | RENA L. DANIELSON not hova been done. INEZ BUNC* On page 3 of the Grand Jury’s Re-1 R. E. CAUGHRON port, it is charged that on bond pro- Federated Church A. O. WALKER Ject No. 3 there was epant a matter GEO. O. LEACH © i I a n in the m a rk * T Sunday School meets at 9:46 a. m. of «10,000,00 more than was neces R. W. CATION ' Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject, sary. I have no means o f estimating ADA WITTBMAN' "Wonderful Influence«.” One Cent a Ward Each Insertion what datg was used as a basis for H. C. GETZ Epworth League meets at 7 p. m ., . this astimate, there being ao engin MARION S.CHKOEDER Preaching at 8 p. m. Subject, FOR SALE OR TRADE— Light row eer’s report attached. However, It | MADGE YOAKAM. “ The Lost Message.” boat, oars and locks; Remington is probably true but I Revival Series will begin the 8th of j pump gun; small duck boat. Lang for shipment to the Portland m arket W ill pay The New Trial Jury why, on the other hand, this report I June. You are cordially invited to at- j Leneve, Coquille, Oregon. tKe highest market price for good stuff but should not give the Coimty Court due The date for the opening of the tend the Sanday Services and the mid- credit for economical , work done on .„une term of the Circuit Court here week services. don’t want the other kind at any price. ¡HOME FOR RENT and fruit yard other projects where the contractors hM ba-n ch«nged 4gain, to June 9th, I Come to the revival. Rev. Mr. tor sale. Inquire at this office, have lost money, notably . Perham and L trom next Monday: The tal- Fry is a g n a t preacher and will in- ...____ „ rr Hagquist and BJorquwt. I lowing is the list of Juror, for the terrat you. H i. mescage. are vital F° “ j £ I£ “ *r *Xch“ f* *?r * f 00*1 1 „d timely. saddle horse, a well broken farm I notice that in the recommendation from whom the n#w L Coquille - Oregon horse that weighs about 1260 to of-th e Grand Jury that the suit is - I w(n v . *«i«otnd- James E. Coader, Pastor. 1300, and is quiet, true and gentle stitutad against A . R. O’Brien and his1 for any kind of work, only four wife, originally contained the sen S. W. Warner, Myrtle Point. St. James Episcopal Church. years old. Pacific Real Estate Co., tence, “ But we can’t see why the other John H. Eckhoff, North Bond. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Coquille, Phone 778. 19t2* parties to the alleged fraud, or as John R. McAdams, Coquills. Morning senrice at 11 a. m. many of them aa can be found and Robert C. McKinnis, Bandon. Evening service at 8 p. m. WANTED SHEEP—Good ewes, state brought within the jurisdiction of the P. D. Parrish, Myrtle Point. W. E. Couper, Vicar. age, bread, price wanted, with wool Court, should not bo made parties. Frank Burkholder, Coquille. on and after shearing. M. M. Bull, This sentence was ruled out with ink William Ekblsd, Marshfield. Christiaa Church Monroe, Ore. 19t8 before the report was submitted. Charles W. Hill, Coquille. 1 Church af Christ A further criticism was made on D. C. Key, Bandon. «46.00 Marswell Bicycle for «26.00 Sunday School at 10 a. m. the payment o f «9060.00 out o f the Edmond P. Lewis, Marshfield. F. C. Pursley, HABERDASHERY. rood bond fund for tho purpose or Ole Paulson, Coquille. 19tf Christiaa Science Society. iting the first semi-annual install- James T. Roes, Powers. ■aft JsQ PIH ^ir fWF iB- -------------------- j---------------------------------- t e f interest on said bonds. This William H. Hayes, Powers. Services next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. WANTED—A home for an elderly TO YOUR criticism is not just for the reason M. J. Hartson, Coquille. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 lady in a small family. Will do that when the bonds were sold, the Marvin O. Hawkins, Coquille. | tfclock. light house work very reasonably. County received in addition to the David J. Rees, Marshfield. Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. Phone No. 38X6 Myrtle Point, Ora. face value o f «382,000.00 tho sum of George E. Cook, Marshfield. The Reading Room will be open «▼- 18t3* «12,432.26, of which «3018.66 wag-ac Albert Seelig, Marshfield. |ery Tuesday and Saturday aftathoon crued interest and properly applicable FOR SALE— Two Jersey Bulls, 12 Dennis McCarthy, Marshfield. rom 2 o’clock until 4. to the payment of road bond interest. months old. Ed Gillespie, Fat Elk, W.*T. Dement, Myrtle Point. The remaining «9416.61 was premium Coquille. W. J. Conrad, Marshfield. Church of God. and would ftaturally belong to the John A. Blatt, Marshfield. Services at Church of God chapel FOR SALE— 6 Teams of Gray Per general funds o f the County and this E. E. Oakes, Bandon. | every 8unday. cherons. Agee 4 to 10 yean. An amount also was, in my opinion, prop ITS WEEKLY VISITS B. C. Shull, Myrtle Point Sunday School at 10 a. m. drew Anderson, Coquille, Ora. 17t4* erly applicable to the payment of road F. A. Golden, Marshfield. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. bond interest, especially in view of ARE 8. C. Braden, Myrtle Point Prayer meeting Thursday evening WANTED— Wool and Mohair, Hides, the fact that at the time the last bud Louis P. Brarr* tetter, Coquille. | at 8 p. m. Pelts and Chittim Bark. Highest BOUND TO INTEREST THEM get was made it was not known that M. H. Hersey, Coquille. ■'* A cordial welcome is extended to all. Price paid. Geo. T. Moulton. 16tf there would be any road bond interest Willis A. Hoover, bandon. L. E. Neal, Pastor. IN THIS COUNTRY to meet and no appropriation was Frank B. Phillips, Coquills. FOR SALE— 6-room modern house made for this purpose. On page 2 of William G. Ingram, North Bend. and one acre o f ground on Spur Douglas Fairbanks, the athletic snd the report o f tho Special Accountant, geon Hill. Tracy A. Leach. 14tf acrobatic star, in “ Hmdin’ South” at # Section 6320, L. O. L., is quoted as a Death o f Mrs. Garrett the Liberty Theatre Saturday even- proper method to be used for this FOR SALE the beet and cheapest va SHOW THE PAPER ____ __ in raising _ road funds. This Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Folsom and E.|in8- 8ut- Couaty cant lot in the city o f Coquille. lew his been repealed end succeeded 10 . Garrett came up from Modesto last TO YOUR FRIENDS WHO ARE NOT Speak quick if you want t t A t the ice. Tailoring, Clean- by another similar law dividing the Monday with the body of their moth- ___ Sentinel office. Phone 1193. R road funds in the proportion of thirty er» ^ rB- Mary C. Garrett, who died an< TAKING IT. Calling Cards, 100 for «1.00. per cent for the general road fund there on Thursday, May 22. The | THEY W ILL BECOME end seventy per cent for the road funeral was held at Norway Tuesday districts. However, neither o f these I »fternoon at 2 p. m. Mrs. Garrett INTERESTED IN IT TOO. IT IS laws ia pertinent to the raising or dl- ^ *>•«» » sufferer from asthma for vision of the road monye in this Coun- ye»™ ond has made several changes IFFEREN T. T H E PAPER T H A T IS D IFFERE ty in 1917 snd 1918, as this County |ot climate for the benefit of raised its road money under the pro-1 health. The ravages of the disease We have just received another shipment of this vision» of Section 987, L O. L. W ei«»*H y wore her out, the end coming | quote No. 1 o f the Syllabus of the quite suddenly popular line of jewelry novelties, see the display case o f Roney versus Lane County, in our window. Marriage Licenses 81 Or. Page 372, as follows: “ Under THE SENTINEL. COQUILLE, ORE. LavaUen ............................................................ section 987, 6278, L. O. L , giving May 24— Con Newman and Thora I Reads ..................................................................................20c A 35c ei-------- County Court authority ewer « 0 ^ 1 ^ Neweaan. bath e f Cequille ........................... 66c roads and power to tax fo r general They were married the earn* day at I Rings ................................................................. ! county purposes, the moneys so raised the parsonage o f the Federated] Pins, par p a i r ..................................................... .. 15c. 20c. 25c, 50c may be used upon county roads, for church by Rasr.-J. E. Cornier. Hat Pirn, pair ............................. . 4 , . . . . . . . Sertioni 6320, 6821, authorising spec- May 28—Wm. H. Rice snd Basel A. 26c, 35c, 48c. 86c Caff B a tten s...................................................... jial tax levies for ‘Traildfng and im Carey, both o f Myrtle Point. ■m jL ifije Watch fhahw ..................................................... proving” county roads Is not an exclu- On Monday afternoon, the last day W a tch « .......... .................................................. »r H e f the Chataeqoa, Kathleen Mason, the jsive, bat merely a supplementary, N ew C u m in C ln w rt C ou rt. The M M watch guaranteed far 1 year nowing the cause, a --------- method of raising funds.” en be avoided. This is par- Radcliffe Peoples' woman specialist in May 23— Frank Thompson and ] sew and attractive— 75c ft up In conclusion I win ray that the . true o f headoche. The most household engineering will lecture on House-making and after the concert Grand Jury returned no indictment Charles Thompson va. L L Strong. May 24— Wm. T. Stoll vs. RusJUl I hold a woman’s conference on "The against any member ef the County Winslow. , £ £ 2 2 u B .S iS L .* & House Around the Corner.” That she Court. And quoting from the report will be listened to with aboorbing inter y others have obtained per- est by both men and women is the as 'on road bond funds upon which the What Ja "Headin’ South!” See relief by taking these Tab- surance given because o f the scientific investigation was really based. “ We MRS. BONNIE W ALK ER , Prop. Fairbanks Saturday evening, UIIU that WMe with W iUI the UIQ V kLWpVlVU o VI , Doug find « «caption f «8j08*. importance and the practical nature o f key are easy to taka and mUfi her talk and her demonstration. 00 this fund has Seen expended on May Slat Liberty Theatre. R. H. SWEET Bee Supplies direct from the factory. W e have all kinds of Bee Goods on hand NSi to§ Veal, Hides, Hogs, Poultry NOSLER’S Cash & Carry Store W ant Ads H. W . M IL L E R THE SENTINEL FR IE N D S IN T H E EAST • ♦ ¿ B a r g a in s «Jewelry Racket Store