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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1919)
COQUILLE VALLEY P A G I TW O COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, M AT M, MM. W O M A N ’S C L U B A C T IV E L Y A T W O R K Whan a club is so fuU o f business fo r tha in Ur eats of the city that thsy must lay aside tha forming o f thsir awn constitution, you may know tha) consider theae civic interests vital ts the community and to them selvae Such was tha case at tha Woman’i Club Tueeday evening. Mora than fifty wore at tha City Hall randy for anything to promote the welfare of Coquille. Ih e Club wishae to gat information concerning tha issuee in queetion for the Tuesday election, before the pub lic, at every public meeting- between now and then. J. E. Norton gave a very clear account o f what the bills and amendments moan, on this occa sion. ' The school committee gave a partial When your floors begin to look shabby, and the worn report o f their plans whereby public spots show up on the steps, your work o f keeping them sentiment can be awakened to the clean is almost doubled. Your housework will be made imperative needs for a new school much easier if you have them refinished with building. If you could have heard a few o f tha many plans you would ki ow that they meant business. One o f the items is the arrange VARNOTILE (FLOOR VARNISH) ment for a big parade o f the school children, parents and citisena, before made especially for floors. It wears well, does not the school election. There will be scratch or mar white, and is the ideal finish for floors, great rivalry in costuming and dec steps, hallways, and interior woodwork o f all kinds. orating o f automobiles. The school There is a special Acme Quality Varnish for every surface. Tell children are already making posters us what surface needs varnishing, and we will assure your and thinking up slogans in competi getting the material that will give you the best results. tion for prizes offered by .the club. Everyone should qarry a banner with a motto or oartoon on it. Every cit a * & S 9 Ê & J>" " • _ ■ _ COQUILLE, OREGON izen, young and old who wishes Co quille to havo a now school building should help by being part of the big gest parade the city has ever seen. This is only one of the many plans that tha committee is working on. Women joining this club for civic improvement are taking a stand for the betterment o f our town. Is your name in this list? > I f not, see that it is placed there next Tuesday night 'OR a woman’s mass meeting will bo hold in the Assembly Hall o f the High School building. The meeting will be called to brder promptly at 8 o ’clock by the president Mrs. L. P. Branstetter. The dues are placed at such a nominal fee—26c per annum —that every woman t/ho has a per sonal interest in what Coquille is to be, call become a member. Every public spirited woman should become a member of this democratic organ I zation. The names enrolled up to this date are: Mesdames Mamie Branstetter, Ger Get our prices tiude Lorenz, Graee\ Norton, Anna Morrison, Christens Paulson, Pansy Young, M. E. Treadgold, Ed Elling sen, C. W. Endicott, Mabel E. Hazard, Bertha 3. Smith, Catherine Dungey, Florence Rogers, Flora Dunne, Hattie sity are to get half a million apiece, That 5 Million Bonding Bill For the Young Soldiers Leslie, Mary Harvey, Helen P. Sperry, a new state reconstruction hospital The Sentinel will try to make the Karls Isensee remarked the other Della M. Belloni, H. W. Young, W. for the medical school at Portland day that if he had staid at home In H. Lyons, Inez R. Chase, William $6,000,000 bonding amendment and $860,000 and the Insane hospital at stead o f going to fight for his country Condlln, Emma F. Oerding, H. L. act clear to its readers as it sees them« Pendleton $160,000. These five items “ over there” he would be graduating Johnson, Mamio Slagle, Viola M. Col There are two propositions, onrf a con aggregate two million dollars. with the present senior class of the lier, Florence Sanford, Cynthia A. stitutional amendment, authorizing The rest of the five million $268,- Coquille high school tonight. Al Sherwood, Virginia Lamb, Ella Gib and validating the passage ,o f an act 000) is to go to six armories, includ though only nineteen years old now son, Pearl D. Tuttle, Neita Oddy, Jen to issue'bonds for five million dollars ing the one «$ Marshfield, buildings in he was aighteen months in France, nie Dean, Carrie B. Stanley, C. C. for reconstruction purposes and the connection with the Soldiers’ Home at having gone over in the fall of 1917. Price, Beulah L. Norton, Loretta E. other a bill bonding the state for five Roseburg and a hospital at the State So he was not only the youngest of Nkely, Martha Mulksy, Annie Burk million dollars to provide a fund for Institute fo r the feeble-minded. No the soldiers who went from Coquille holder, Lida L Ramsay, Lula M. Nos- the various reconstruction measures request for a building anywhere ap but he was in France and Germany lor, Florence Seely, Grace M. Pope, mentioned. These two measures are both neces pears to have been turned down. longer than any other of our boys that Bessie I. Jeub, Lillian Catton, Amy Now it seems to us that all the we have a record of. He is expecting Aasen, Louise Mansell, Eva M. Bar- sary if the five million In bonds are to To pass either measure buildings needed at our various pub soon to take up his interrupted studies row, Pearl M. Pursley, Lizzie Oden, be issued. lic institutions for many years to in some educational institution. Sadie Jayes, Catherine Dungey, Annie without the other would be useless. come are included in this blanket ap His cose is similar to that of other Lawrence, Eva Currie, Virginia In considering the bill and its pro propriation. It may be inferred from Creagor, Beatrice Getz, J. L. Smith visions we shall begin with the last soldiers whose needs are to be pro the wording o f the set that some or and Misses Gladys E. Treadgold and item. This is for $2,000,000 to be vided for by a measure on the ballot most of them are not to be built at Rosine Kaldor. at the election next Tuesday under used for the reclamation o f lands in once unless there are a great many yhose terms tuition will be Besides the above there are a num this state by means o f irrigation, returned soldiers needing em p loy-! ber o f ladies actively engaged in com drainage or other improvements. for soldiers and sailors ment, and this is the view Gov. Olcott • who mittee work for the club who have as These are to be issued only in c a e wish to continue their appears to take o f the situation. But yet had no opportunity to formally Uncle Sam matches dollars with Old „ „ „ ■____ . ____ ~ i euucarion education io to me the extent oi of $25 a we can imagine the pressure mat w ill: ___ .. - — ■ enroll themselves as members. or Man Oregon. If the money is wisely be brought to bear on the governor ***% A ganization has been formed to boost spent it means that we will get two go ahead, with every last one of these "*mnl“ tion b~ " iom ed to * Mrs. T. B. Carrie Entertains dollars in new taxable values for ev projects doing its dumdest to get the this measure and here is one of the things, among others, that the moth Mrs. T. B. Currie entertained the ery one we put down. It would cer * A . B. CAMPBELL, Special Agent Standard O^^oquiUe, Ôrcgon. younger 600” club with a 1 o'clock tainly be a good bargain for us if it is money appropriated for it. ers o f the herpes who helped to turn On the other hand everything that luncheon last Tuesday, small tables a good one for the United States. It will add to our educational facilities the tide o f battle at Chateau Thierry being arranged in the living room, is possible, though, that if the thing is desirable—if we can afford it. Be and to break the backbone of the Ger which was most attractively decorated goes through and the four million is fore the war no one would have ever man resistance in the Argonne forest, in California poppies. A moot deli spent, more or less of it may be wast thought o f the state voting a lump hrve to say to the voters of Oregon cious three course luncheon was serv ed, and it is more than probable that sum of away over $2,000,000 for edu at this time: Uncle Sam won’t put up his share, in “ No man or woman whose life or ed. cational purposes. Now after sub A novel feature o f entertainment which case the state will issue none o f scribing in the state for twenty to property was protected by the valor ( o f our boys and who feels any sense was a printed conundrum in rhyme, the two millions. thirty millions at a clip for each o f o f gratitude for their splendid valor Then there is a provision that $647,- at each guest’s plate, which afforded the five Liberty Loans, a mere matter much amusement as well as some 000 bonds shall be issued to help sol of five milliona doesn’t stagger us at and sacrifice can deny the opportunity to complete an education to any of mental exercise. diers settle on our lands and go to all. them. While $26 a month will not Following the luneh, 600 was play farming. It is a question here wheth We are not expecting to see this ed. The ladies wnining high score er many of our soldiers want to dig $6,000,000 bond isaue voted, but if it pay the expense o f schooling, it will honora were Mrs. J. L. Smith and farm out o f our logged off lands, does carry we hope that in issuing the help subetantially and it will show Miaa A Hie Phillips. but if they do the legislature has al bonds the loan will be made a popular that^Oregon is not ungrateful.” Beside the club The measure authorize* a tax of members several additional tables ready appropriated $60,000 as a start one and offered to our own people in two-tenths o f a mill— 20 cents on included in the afternoon’s er in that direction. In our view we denominations as small as $60. Phone 731 Coquille, Oregon $1,000 valuation or 2 cents on $100— can hardly do too much for our re turned soldiers, and if they want loans Dr. Harmon at the Chautauqua during a period four years, after which it will cease to be operative. G«t the Vote Oat on Jane 3d. to help them open farms, we favor Monday Dr. Harmon will talk about — _______________ J___ loaning them needed money from the All are eeger to see the Roosevelt a very timely and practical topic "T b s "Captured by the Cannibals” final state treasury for that purpose. So Highway appropriation approved; but Problem o f the Unprepared.” In this installment o f the Cannibals, showing there ia no objection to that part of especially those owning automodiles. lecture be will inject fresh elements in wild, naked, man-eating savages, who the bill, for bonds will be issued only to Social life and in snappy, live wire bury their dead alive at the Liberty If you are thus interested, consider in amounts sufficient to furnish the yourself responsible to get all voters in phrases, awaken us to some o f the Theatre June 6th and 7th. loans the soldiers ask for. yoar precinct to vote. See that every backward conditions o f American Hfa These two items make more than and their dangers and hindrances to the busy housewife or invalid is carried Building C ontractors # DU Yeu Enjoy LlfeJ* half thy five million reconstruction iudividual and the community. bown to the polls Tuesday. e A man in good physical condition Is Will any who si re unable to go to the bonding proposition. almost certain to enjoy life, while the voting booth give notice in advance to Lady will assist w i t h __________ bilious and dyspeptic _________________ The rest is all to go for buildings are despondent, not #nJ°y enjoy theirm their meals Mrs. Harold S. Tuttle. Phone 64. for state schools, hospitals, armories, and do plain sewing for self and hut- ,l i do Pi* eals and feel f? mis- i— u -----------* - ............ This etc. First there is half a million Par r r . Why ie Ho "Headin’ South?" Lib- new penitentiary, which standing Nome. Inquire at Sentinel office. W ry A few doses o f Chamberlain’s 1061 Thxotre Saturday evening, May alone we would heartily approve. . — 1 • |Tablet* to ton* up the stomach. !m- C a ll* * .* f« r i * 1........ .................................................. Then O. A. C. and the BUM Univer- • \ Varnished Surfaces Make- Housework Easier ACME QUALITY Udii Your Iowa, Your I Vote MARKET HOADS BILL JUNE 3,1919 FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY W ire Fencing Whatever your needs in this line you cannot do better than to let us All them. We have a large stock of STOCK and POULTRY WIRE and BARB WIRE Coquille Hardware Co. The coming election will be one of the most important in the history of our state. Let every good citizen lose no time in investi gating the merits of the measured to be vot ed on and turn out on that day prepared to do his or. her full du.y to our great state. : YOURS FOR PROGRESS co q u ille v a l l e y MERCANTILE CO. H igh Qjiality Bring Me I will pay the highest market price—in cash— for your hides. I can handle any quantity and will pay for them fiem on delivery. 0. T. NE SHELLEY & SON Plans and Specifications on Application Estimates Furnished on All Kinds of Buildings Phone r Coquille, Ore. 52? ^ * Iff<g