~ ■JP1 Coquille Valley Sentinel A N b THE COQtJILLE HERALD VOL. X IV . NO. M CLUB BIKES WAY COQUILLE, COOS C O U N TY, OREGON. F R ID A Y , M A Y M . » 1 * . ing the library up to' its high point o f efficiency to the librarian, Mrs. Dim- mick, who has labored untiringly for its upbuilding. ' GRAND JURY REPORT A FAKE »1.50 T H E Y E A R . Rasy Corner Bays Building TO MAKEJHE FILL Last week the Coquille Valley Mer 1 cantile Co. purchased from the San derson heirs the fram e building oc cupied by the Busy Corner. While on Myrtle Point Given the Right of Who Spoiled the Road? i his trip outside Mr. Skeels completed City Council Decides to Build The condition o f the Coquille.Myr- W » y for the Fourth of the arrangements fo r the deal which Road Acroos the Gulch tle Point road, which is not in all had been begun by mail and every July Celebration * places as good as it used to be, is thing has now been finished up except From Bledsoe blamed on Judge Watson and Com turning over the papers. Mr. Norton, There wan a large attendance at the missioner Philip. Just as well blame president of the company, says they The council met in adjourned ses Commercial Club Wednesday evening them for (the weather or the world do not intend to build them thfs year, sion last Monday evening to decide at which delegatee from the Woman’s war. There is equal reason. . In ap probably not for two years, but their what the city should do about con Coquille, Oregon, May 28, 1919. . ___ Club were received and the requests proving the bond issue the voters o f HO NO RABLE C O U N TY COURT OF COOS C O U N TY, CO Q U ILLE. *° fire-proof buüd- necting up the road from Marshfield Club and the Myrtle Point Commercial Coos county devoted part o f the sum OREGON *7™*. one story with basement under with the roads to Myrtle Point and granted. to this road. The bonding bill ap t i e whole building. When they get Bandon and thus insuring an unbroK- Gentlemen:— In accordance with your instructions, I have examined the The committee from M yrtle Point, proved by the voters o f the state also ready to build, the fram e structure en improved road from the Bay by consisting o f W. C. Fensler, Dr. J. L. provided fo r hard surfacing this road report o f the Grand Jury in the matter of the "Investigation o f the E x will probably be moved across the which the Roosevelt Highway will Masson, Henry Schroeder, Claude So it had to be prepared fo r paving penditure o f County Money during the past Six Years.” I have considered street to the old city hall site which pass through Coquille. Moon and H. M. Fensler, had come under the direction of the State High the report o f Special Accountant Ferguson as a part o f the Grand Jury’s they own. For the present they will When it was foupd impossible to down to request that Coquille join way Commission— not the County Report. make such repairs as are absolutely secure assistance from the county in I find that an incomplete statement o f the financial standing o f Coos with them in the celebration o f the Court. The result necessarily was necessary— painting, new roof on the making the fill on Taylor street from Fourth this year. They stated that that the old gravelled road was dis County was made. I refer specifically to the failure to credit the County warehouse shed, etc, the Burkholder corner to the Bledsoe they were going to put on a »8,000 turbed in some places and abandoned with the uncollected taxes, although H has been ruled that "unpaid taxes corner, the original plan was revived show— a three days’ affair— which in others; and that the new fills and were considered and treated as chsh assets o f the County and all are to Alva Shelton Cones Home o f making an assessment district would be in the same class, only on a cuts took some time to settle. So Jim be deducted from the out-standing indebtedness for a correct ascertain Alva Shelton, who served more than which would include property on the little smaller scale, as the Pendleton Watson and Archie Philip are blamed ment o f the County’s constitutional liabilities.” ' I refer you to State ver a year in France in the Engineer north side o f the gulch and which sus Hopkins, 14 Wash. 69. , Round-up, and that their arrange Corps of the second division, arrived property is going to receive more ments were mode with the northeast Therefore I give the proper statement of the financial standing o f Coos Our Chautauqua will begin this af- home last Thursday. In November benefit than any other along the ern Oregon cowboys after they had urnoon. Have you bought your sea County on December »1st, 1918, as follows: he was severely wounded while fight line o f the proposed improvement. been assured that Coquille would not son ticket? Assets Twenty o f our citisens As worked out by the street com celebrate this year. There eras con have pledged the amount necessary to Cash in General Fund .............................................. ...................... » 64,023.01 ing in the Argonne sector and has siderable discussion, with the best o f secur? its fine patriotic, educational Cash in General Road Fund ................... 994.36 been in the hospital ever since— the mittee the improvement district will feeling evidenced, and the club finally and entertaining program for our Cash iq Southern Oregon Co. Interest Fund ................................... 6,470.44 last two months being m the hospital extend from Second street on Taylor decided to cancel all arrangements for city. ......................................... 18.76 at Camp Lewis— till his recent dis to Sanford street in the Barrow & in Road District No. 1 Fund They have taken .a chance 'Cash charge. A fter hia visit home, he will Strang addition, just over the brow a celebration here this year i f Myrtle which may cost them many dollars. Cash in Road District No. 2 Fund . . . .................. .............. 16.82 be Point would join with us n«xt year. Can you fairly do less than risk hr Cash .................................................... 38.61 sent to school by the government, of the hill going down to Cunning in Road District No. 3 Fund . . , who thus prepares her disabled sol ham. One hundred feet on each side This they readily consented to do, vestment in a season ticket. .................................................... 13.62 Cash in Road District No. 4 Fund . . . v of Taylor street is included in the pro diers to provide fo r themselves. but having these representative citi- 167.04 Cash in Road District No. 5 Fund . . . posed assessment district, except that sens whpre they couldn’t g e ( away, 11.25 Cash in Road District No. 6 Fund .. on the east side o f the street from several o f the local men took occasion ............. >.................. 190,891.61 Uncollected taxes Southern Oregon Co. Sanford up to near the Burkholder to point out to the visitors how the Penalties, interest etc. on same same (exact) ... ...................................... 151,778.41 place the district line will be 111.21 going had been practically one-Bided Other uncollected taxes ..................................................... 108,96433 feet east from Taylor street. heretofore, and while Coquille always Penalties, interest etc. (estimated) ............................. ............ 80,464.39 The intention is, as elsewhere ad turned out in crowds to the fa ir and 18.00 There has been considerable uncer Due from State o f Oregon on scalp bounty ............................... The Grand Jury which reconvened vertised in this issue, to make all the their Chautauqua the M yrtle Pointers tcinty as to the qualifications necet- property included in this district pay so very seldom attended festivities in Total Assets .............................................................................»587,866.64 Monday returned no indictments, the ry to enable one to vote at school only report o f'th a t nature being the its share o f the »6372.87 which the Qoquilld. That this giving way to our Liabilities elections; and the Woman’s Club here return o f “ not a true bill” in the libel filling and grading will coat, according sister town in the matter o f a celebra has been seeking light on that sub Warrants unpaid General Fund ................. ................................. »17^119.73 The to the benefits each lot or tract of tion this year will result in more 8,970.91 case against M. C. Maloney. ject at rpcent meetings without reach Accrued interest on same (estimated) .......................................... absence o f Frank Hague made it im land will receive. And with the state neighborly relations between them in 56368-03 ing a conclusion. For the benefit of Warrants unpaid General Road Fund .......................................... highway commission’s agreement to the future is practically certain. 1,171.61 possible for them to return true bills, all concerned the Sentinel reprints Accrued interest on same (estimated) ........................................ hard surface this roadway, probably so they considered no new cases. Warrants unpaid Road District No. 1 ............... 18.75 The committees from the Woman's herewith a portion o f r.mendod See. next year, there is no question that They did, however, make the fo l -16.82 Club— Mrs. H. W. Young, Mrs. Edwin 4089 o f Lord’s Oregon Laws, whifeh is Warrants unpaid Road District No. 2 . . . ; .................................. the benefits will be greatly in ex 38.61 lowing additional report, supplement Ellingsen, Mrs. T. B. Currie and Mrs. found in Chsptsr 99 of Sassion laws Warrants unpaid Road District No. 8 ...................... cess o f the coat. The only expense Warrants pnpaid Road District No. 4 .................................. 13.62 al to the one we publishod in February H. S. Tuttle— requested the active co o f 1917, Sectionl: j . the property owners will be put to Is Warrants unpaid Road District N o .'6 ........................................... 163.90 in regard to county affairs: operation o f the Commercial Club “ We have caused the books and ac fo r the grading and filling and the 1136 with the ladies’ organisation in ae- "Section 1. That Section 4089 o f Warrants unpaid Road District No. '1 ........................ — .............. counts o f the several county officers benefits will be s hard surfaced road Overdraft Road Bond Fund No. . this year, L o rj'g Oregon Orwt be and the same way both into town and to the Bay. 7,406.13 to be examined and have reported our or next at least. Mrs. Ellingsen was is hereby amended to read as follows: Overdraft Road Bond Fund No. 2 .................................................. The council voted to reimburse the .findings. spokesman o f the delegation and her 18364.47 “ Section 4089. Any citizen o f this Overdraft Road Bond Fund No. 6 ............ Commercial Club for the »160 the “ We find according to the state sincere appeal for assistance in what state, malo or female, who is 21 years Club advanced for the purpose o f ad Total Liabilities ....................................................................... »287,208.69 ment o f the County Asseseor fo r the they were attempting to accomplish o f age and has resided in the district vertising the Roosevelt Highway year 1918, as per assessment roll, that caused the club to go on record in fa thirty days immediately preceding Surplus or excess o f asseta over liabilities . ................................. »300,657.86 proposition on the ballot at the June there were assessed for said year vor of their piano and pledging their the meeting or election and la s pro In addition to the ’.labilities listed to the County at least »260,000.00. money, notes and accounts in the sum 3d election. They also granted the co-operation in every way to arouse perty in the district, as shown by the It is in order here to state that the o f »33360. By the statements o f the club permission to erect a drinking above, we have a road bond indebted- interest and to secure the largest pos last county assessment, and not as- is o f »362,000.00 on which the in overdrafts on bond projects 1, 2 and various banks o f the county th<*re is fountain at the south end o f the park sible attendance at the school meet secsed by the sheriff, on which he or terest is paid up to the date reached 6 havo been made good from the gen money belonging to individuals o f said ing in Willard street. ing, June 16th, when two directors art- she is liable to pay a tax, shall be en by this report which is December 31st,- eral road fund, as originally intend county to the amount o f one million, to be chosen. titled to vote at any school meting os 1918. Theie was established in 1918 ed, since the period reached by this Memorial Day Services five hundred thousand dollars. Mrs. Tuttle also requested that the election in said district; provided that a sinking fund of »13,000.00 fo r the report, December 31st, 1918. T ie This vast sum is escaping entirely Memorial Day was appropriately club provide four-minute speakers at the property qualification imposed by retirement of these road bonds, said standing o f the road bond projects on its proportional part o f county bur observed at the Federated church here the Chautauqua meetings to talk fo r this section shall not apply in the elec fund now being in the hands o f the April, 30 1919, were ms bellows: den. last Sunday. The thining ranks of the measures on the ballot June 8d, in tion o f school directors and school Cash on hand County Treasurer. Therefore if the “ We urge the county officials to a the Veteran! of the Civil W ar were which this -section is so greatly inter clerks.” 0 uncoil *tcd taxes listed in the above Bond P ro jirt No. 1 ........... » more diligent effort to carry out the very clearly evidenced when only five ested. It was promised that this No. 2 .............. 0 intent o f the law, that all properties o f them were able to be present on statement had been collected the Bend Project would be done, C. R. Barrow being This is not the whole of the sec County would have been aWe to apply Bor.d Project No. 3 ...................0 be assessed equally, and urge the en- this occasion. They were J. S. Mc- named to secure the speakers- tion but there is nothing further than the above shown surplus o f »300,667.- Bond Project No. 4 .......... 47363.10 forcemnt o f the present law to the Ewen, D. P. Strang, W alter Sirfclair, The committee named to raise funds this that provides any different quali 86 and the Baking fund balance of Bond Project No. 6 .............. 0 limit, to the end that if erroneous it James B. Davis and Wm. H. Lytton. to pay off the indebtedness on the Lib fications for voty-s in voting for di ¡113,000.00 to the cancellation o f these Special Bond Fund .................. 0 may be repealed. During the past year at least two of erty Temple were not ready to make a rectors and clsrks at school meetings. bonds, thus redeeming nil but about I will state in finishing my comment “ W e find that there is little insur the company here have gone over the It appears from this that any man »48,000.00 o f this road bond issue | on the financial statement that the report but asked for information a i ance carried on the court house and range, B. H. Haskin and J. H. Aker. to what disposition was to be made o f or woman who is qualified to vote at without having to reiort to fu rth er j one-sided report o f the Grand Jury none upon the annex. W e recommend The attendance of the W. R. C. was the building, whether it wac to be fin s state or county election is also qual t: xation fo r t'-is purpoce. It should led one o f our leading newspapers to that a reasonable amount be placed considerably larger. ished or whether they were to raise ified to vote for directors and clerks at therefore be evident to everyone that prints as follows: “ Huge overdraft immediately on the said buildings." The ehoir sang a patriotic anthem enough funds only to pay off the debt. bchool meetings in either first, second the financial condition o f this County | startling feature o f investigation.” and led the congregation in singing C. T. Skeels also asked for an ex or third class districts. is good. I will say further that the j This goes to show the unfairness of America. The Memorial address was Portland Opinion pression from the club in order that items c f »190391.61 and $ 161 , 778 . 4 1 , the interpretation o f the financial given by Rev. A m es E. Conder and The Oregon Journal yesterday made the council might know how the citi- Fire at Johnson’s Mill. shown in the general statement as standing o f this County. Tue uncol- was timely, eloquent and breathed the the fight of the Marshfield newspa sens felt before they took any action An alarm o f fire last about 7:45 last uncollected Southern Oregon taxes locted taxes o f this County are the pers against Judge Watson the sub fervor o f a vita) patriotism. looking toward its removal from the evening called out the department to will soon be paid to Coos C .ur.ty by cause o f the “ huge overdraft” and ject of a leading front page article. city property. This brought forth a the E. E. Johnson mill, where a blaze the Government. I know this to be fertunately the hugo amount o f uncol Among other things it says: Where is Center of Population? motion that a committee be named to had ust been discovered getting a good true as I have before me a letter to lected taxes is even more startling view of the talk that is going to confer with the Red Cross and ascer “ The consistent refusal o f Judge start in s pile o f papers and rubbish this effect, signed by Clay Tallman, than the huge overdraft. be so common during the next two tain how much longer they might need In consideration o f the Grand Commissioner of the General Land Watson to “ lay down” or step aside under the floor o f the office room at weeks about the school house site to occupy the building, and to report the west end o f the dry shed. A Office and if we receive or.ly this sum Jury’s report, wherein it is stated from between the public treasury and question, the Sentinel would be glad a recommendation for its disposal (referring to the County Commis without fretting another penny o f the those who longed to get at it, and his bucket brigade had the flames nearly to be informed just where tho popula next Wednesday evening. 0. C. San extinguished before the arrival o f the other items of jineollected taxes, any sioners) “ Among other things, in after fight for the repeal o f the de tion center of the Coquille school dis ford, W. C. Chase and C. R. Barrow December, 1917, they caused an or one can see from a glance at the gen- linquent tax publication law which carts, but the large hose was hooked trict is located. The census people were named. , on and the ground under the building ,erBl statemer.t that this sum with the der to» be made by the County Court had lost the people o f Coos County so figure out the exact point on the map appointing them to be supervisors of The club has been notified by the given a thorough soaking. How the many thousands o f dollars to the ben on ^and would be sufficient to fo r the population center of the Unit Public Service Commission that J. P. Are originated could not be ascertain- I™? Outs tar ding warrants and roads and bridges, each taking a def efit o f the Eevening Record and the ed States each ten years, and to give O’Brien, member of the Federal Rail ed, but as the cracks in the floor o f the °ther obligations listed ir the state- inite portion of the County as his Coot Bay Timea, the official papers, us such a point fo r this school dis road Administration, w ill be down office are large enough to permit a cig- Tnent » nd cti11 ,eBV* • « ’l*h *urP,u* of district.” The authority for this ac has led these papers to engineer me trict ought to be a comparatively here soon to look over the ground‘with arette to pass through it looks as i f , »HS.229.18 to be applied tc tho re- tion is provided by Chapter 296, Sec attempt to recall him from office.” 7 job. a view to acting on the club’s request someone might have circleesly drop- , 'iemption o f road bonds in addition to tion 2, General Laws o f Oregon for fo r a new station building here, and ped a stub which fell through iuto the the »18.000.00 Sinking fund herein be- 1917, which provides among other Columbians Here Monday Makes It Look Silly things, “ Each County Court within that the Commission is anxious to as trash below. for* mentioned. The Columbians, rollicking youth- The report o f Accountant Wann, sist us in the matter is evidenced from ...... ............ * I give the County Court due credit this State shall have the authority, fni spirits, all o f them, but artists of and it shall be its duty,'to supervise, the highest order, will offer two con who has been employed to expert the the correspondence they have had Walters as a Lawyer for ln,il? n‘ T * '* " * , ,th* with Mr. O’Brien, copies o f which amount of $151,778.41 for penaltiea, control and direct the laying out, certs on Monday June second, the last county books fo r some years past, As a lawyer Watters seems to rank ¡nterMt etc., on the Southern Oregon opening, establishment, loenting, relo .lay o f our Chautauqua. These are makes the advertisement of the Re- have been am t the club here. Before adjourning Mr. Sanford in the haystack class. He wanted Company taxer, and also endorse the cating, changing, alteration, straight skilled Instrumentalists aa well as high callers elsewhere published look silly. made a talk on the needs of the Co Philip and Armstrong compelled t o ; g,mnar sUnd uken by tkefn in the ening, working, grading, maintenance ly trained vocalists, and their esthetic Th latter is merely a rehash o f Ma Kinney taxes.” and keeping in repair, improvement musical numbers are offered in combi loney’s drivel. quille Public Library, giving the his refund to the county their pay for mRttpr o f tbp tory of the institution for the past work the law expressly provided com- j aI(lo cr#dit the Cqunty Court for and vacation o f all county roads with nation with colorful costume effects. nine years, and urging a more serious missioners should do. But then both h>vln)r in e d itio n to consummating a in its county, and to prescribe the County Board of Education consideration o f its needs by the citi hi. law and hia facta seem to have ’ M M met»ry settlement o f th , South- methods and manner o f working, im Dr. Harmbn Sunday Afternoon The new County Board o f Educa zens of the town and the city council. been invented principally to “ get” Oregon taxes to also h-ving - proving and repairing the same, and Sunday afternoon June 1st Dr. D. D. tion just appointed constats o f C. E. A meeting o f the Association is to be Philip. I great deal to do with securing from to legalize old roads and to restore Harmon, the Chautauqua Director, will Mulkey, ex-officio; A. T. Morrison, of held soon at which time a request will the Government an allotment to this monuments thereon; and except as give his inspiring "Pushing Back Ilori- Coquille; C. A. Smith, o f North Bene; be formulated, asking that the city Doug Fairbanks in "Headin’ County o f twenty-five per cent o f the *h* n *>• expressly provided, no county sons— individual bouse and eummunity." Claude Nosier, o f M yrtle Point; and take over the active management of South.” This is said to be his best and sa in price o f theee Southern Oregon ‘ road shall be hereafter established; This ia a fertile su ijeet, which invitee E. W. Fahey, o f Bandon. They hold the library as practically every other greatest. By all means see it. Lib- Company Lands fo r roads, schools, nor shall any such road be altered or eloquence and imagery while It also af- their annual meeting here next week city in the state has done. Mr. San- erty Theatre Saturday evening May and port Improvement purposes. This lords a basis for instruction ia practical to decide upon their policy fo r the feed gave the satire credit fo r keep (Ceotiaoed on tU rd page.) ¡eoneaaeiou, it ia eetlm rted, will giva W. H. Wann, Who Experts County Books, Shows How Unreliable it Was and How Unjust to the County Court EVERYBODY CAN VOTE GRAND JURY’S SWAN SONG