The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, May 23, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. XIV. MO. » .
Hi*h School
The Commencement Exercise#
the city High School will take place
at Andereon’e Hall on Friday evening
. o f next week. The pupils who have
r '■ ■
CoGncil Meeting Lent Night
The council met Iht night ip format
lop for the first time this month
with the mayor and all the members
« -v ... . .
_ .. .
except Councilman Sheets present
Coquille Has Decided We Most flnUh6d tha Mhooi
s « , and .
Ordinances were passed providing At Meeting Tuesday Night the
Celebrate T h i s 'Year of
now ready to "commenta” work in
for the conatruftion of the new sewer
m Promise to Set
and paving projects on First and Ha IT
AH O ther*!
>"•*•«• M l » » :
Things Moving
Alice Curry. Eula Moore, Mildred
streets. Notices to-bidders on these
< Neely, John Stanley, Carol Rahakopf.
improvements are published else-
Ladles Mass Meeting
The discussions a t the Commercial Elizabeth Church, Margaret Cunning-
srhere in the Sentinel.
Q ub meeting here Wednoedny even ham, Thelma Richardson, Austin Has­
Quite a large number of ladies re­
About the *bnly other business
ing covered a wide range including sl'd, Irene Kime, Edna Olsen, Lester
beeides allowing the sponded to the invitation to meet ai
The Sentinel has received from 16th 1 again sent a telegram urging monthly bills, was a vote to instruct the city hall last Tuesday evening,
th proposed Fourth of July celebra­ Bogard, Katie Price, Della 8trang,
Judge Watson the following commun­ 'action as the county is paying many the Chairman %f the Street committee for the purfldih bf organising a Civic
tion, the evergreen blackberry drive Genevieve Chase.
I to* purchase a carload of Powers Improvement club. H is the inten­
this year, loganberry and raspberry
The following is the program of the ication setting forth the real reason dollars interest on indebtedness.
why the recall movement was started prepared much data and did much gr-vei at a cost of about $46 to re­ tion of this club to federate with the
culture, the utilisation of our hill evening’s exercises:
lands, the Roosevelt Highway, the Piano S o lo ................Genevieve Chase against him and informing the public Work. I feel confident that had it pair Ferry streets and others where state snd national federated efuhs,
Market Roads bill and moot of the
"Hungarian Concert Polka” Alfoldy of the stand he has taken on matters not been for the action of the County H is needed. Mr. Mansell said that and to work along whatever lines are
Courts of Douglas and Coes Counties the recent reduction of the railro.d deemed besjjm d desirable by the club
other measures on the ballot
Invocation........ ..Rev. W. E. Couper affecting their interests:
/ there would not have been fhvorabts rate on the Sooth Fork gravel from members. At the present time we
The members gathered slowly but Chorus fAway to the Tides” Wilson
Editor Sentinel:—
action on the provision under which
they kept coming until there was
will proceed with Civic Improvement.
"Over the Summer Sea" Verdi
During the past four years and over said counties will receive 26 per cent t l cents per hun«fc-ed to 4 tt made it The organization has not yet been
good attendance and a spirited c
Address ^..........Dr. Carl Gregg Doney
change of opinions which was both Vocal S o lo ..............Oliver B. Hughes I have fought the taxpayers’ battles of the net proceeds from the sale of
perfected and last Tuesday's meeting
against the grafting instincts of the the lands and this will amount to ever
instructive and interesting
was adjourned until tonight when we
Presentation of Diplomas and
Evening Record and the Coos Bay $260,000.00, after the Government is
There seemed to be but one opinion,
meet at the same place to finish the
Scholarships . . . Raymond E. Baker
Times and have thus incurred their repaid the amount it has expended.
Mrs. Qeo. Maglli, who lived «even organization and outline p!ans for fu­
as far as the Fourth of July was con­
enmity and desire for my removal Nine-tenths of this vast sum will be miles eabt of Myrtle Point, died last ture work. And tho same urgent in­
cerned. That Coquille should wake
Death of J. H. Aker
from office in order that some one may for use for Road, School and Port Thursday at^the age of 61 years and vitation is hereby extended to every
up and celebrate was the general
J. H. Aker, one of the few remain succeed me who will permit them to purposes in this county.
11 months, snd was buried at Fair- lady
opinion. And all were agreed that
the city to be in attendance.
I have constantly^tavored the build­ view Monday, Rgv. Thomas Barilow
this was a time when our national ing veterans of the Civil W ar among collect any amount they demand. I
Mr. Baker, city superintendent of
birthday should be heartily celebrated us, passed away at 4 o’clock a. m. yes refer ^you to my letter published in ing of better roads and have been conducting the fageral services. The schools, Miss Minnie Kalbus, repre-
ef her 4f*lh eras a complica­ Sentating the .Hams Economies de­
if ever; that the victory we helped terday morning. His funeral services the Oregon Journal of the issue of before the State Highway Commis­
win over the forces of absolutism in will be conducted by the Chadwick February 16th, 1217, as to my -stand sion a number of times in the interest tion of diseases, any one of which partment in C«o* county,- Miss Car­
the World War was an event to kindle Lodge A. F. A A. M. a t 2 p. m. to­ in opposition to thé printing bill pass­ of State appropriations for Coos would hav* proved fatal, Among them diff, county nurse, and Rev. J. E.
We expect to ed by the Legislature of said year County. I feel I am entitled to much being cancer of £
anew the fires of patriotism, make us morrow, May 24th.
^ " • . enUt**;|o»«der were invited to speak to the
interment will and I worked for the repeal a4 that of the credit for getting the appropri­
o# th e ,h e a rt, diabetes, snd llüdiep and we regret that we are un­
all rejoice th at we wero Americans,
The records in the County ation for the road from Myrtle Point Bright’s diseeie.
She leaves eight able to publish verbatam their most
There had been a proposal that thi^
celebration should be taken up by * pect to publish an obituary sketch Clerk’s office show that the Evening to the Douglas County line and also children, flve boys and three'girls.
interesting and inspiring talks. The
Record has received the Iqrge sum of deserve much of th« credit for getting
single organisation, but the Club next week.
prying need in Co<pulIe today is for
$17,769.67 for publications ahd print­ the Coquille-Marshfield road in shape
would not have it that way and it
better school accommodations and fa­
ing and the Coos Bay Times M.611.M for the fourteen miles of pavement
was voted that President Cary ap­
cilities, and each of U m speakars
for the same purpose between Janu­ ta cost over $818,000.00, now being
point a committee of five representing
made a strong pie« to that effect.
ary 1st, 1218, and March 1st, 121$; laid, and for the additional amount
that organisation as well as others,
Those of the speakers whose duties
that in the year 1216, these papers at­ that will be expended for pavement
which should begin to plan a t once
take thea». to ail the schools in the
tempted to overcharge for printing between Coquille and Myrtle Point.
fr*--------- ’
for a first class celebration. It
Finql pre
under way county, can not do otherwise tKan
For the Decoration Dny exercises the delinquent tax list $442.66 for
however, decided to omit the lire works
The County Judge or the Commia- for th* o]
Chautaoqu». draw comparisons between our in­
h paper—a total of $686.80. The ■qlners handle no funds or money of The dalas
feature, Mr. Cary’s opinion that a special invitation is extended to
four, day in- adequate, and antiquated facilities
enough powder had been burned for any G. A. R. Poet or not; also to Con­ County Court refused to pay the over­ the county. The only officials of the «piratic nal
t are May and thoae of our mora progressive
a long time to come and that it would federate veterans and all members of charge and was sued by the Coos Bay Coanly who handle any funds or mon­ 30 and t í /
stader communities^ and ask themsel­
Relief Corps, and school children, who
ey are the Sheriff, County Clerk and
be little less than criminal to
Radeliffe Sys- ves snd us, “What is the m atter with
will be esked to bring flags—those cuit Court and in the Supreme Court. County Treasurer. The County Clerk
money in that way wails $^p-Ai
of this un­ Coquille.” Do we enjoy hearing the
These papers tried to raise the price draws Warrants on the County Treas­ nual gettii
lens were starving, being generally who have them
sre arranging tru(h, about ourselves ? No.
Special invitation is given to all the of printing the delinquent tax list urer and money from the Treasurer for a rousing AMm
approved. The amount of (honey to
twelve grip* malms us pahamed, but we need ta be
be raised for band and speaker add returned soldiers, sail# s and marines f io a two cents to five cents per line, ean qnly be obtained by lawful war­ ping events on the
Enter­ informed, some of ua, as to just how
the day’s sports was put at about to come and take pari, in this first because under the law, they
rant. Did the Grand Jury And that Ulnmant number«
be Arri quality fa r behind the jpneoasion we. afe.
having the largest
Gwtaty Judge or Commissioners are to be combined-^Ith
Mr.- Baker sta ta i cotteli lions that
the County was forced to publish in had steten any money or fan d st ' Me,
A* motion was adopted th at an ea- aa for the old boys.
**M*e of Abe gfsat central theme lately found existing at the primary v
The procession unfer the direction
they concluded they it did not.
ecutive committee of five be appoint­
of this year’s program—Education for building ffiat were shocking in the
ed to take charge of the celebration of N. C. Kelley end Leo J. Cary will could more than double their former
Should the recallers be successful’in very ftmeriean child.
extreme—conditions that the teach­
and the following have since been form at the Liberty Temple a t 10 a.
their fight against me it will not be
The quickened spirit s f demooracy ers there are unable to cope with ; *
due ta the truth of any of their preparing for the dawn of a new era conditions that cannot be allowed to **
named by President Cary: C. W. En- m. Friday, May 30. The order of
have been cut because they were pad chargee. If taking a firm stand fpr the embraces Education aa tAe only road
dicott, A. B. Collier, M. O. Hawkins, march will be aa follows:
exist, and which do not exist, be it
ded, and many dollars have been saved public is being arbitrary. If the ’pro­ to future progress. Embarking on
G. A. R. and W. R. C. in autoe.
H. W. Miller and 0. 0 . Wilhite.
said to our shame, toi any other town
the County in thia way. This paper tection of the county from the avari­ crusade fbr real education and staking
Coquille Band •
The berry talk was started by A.
of this size in the county. It is safe
has been after me for year« snd has cious instincts of the Evening Rec­ its success on the fine# and mors oy-
Spanish War Veterans
S. Chase, of CresWelf, who ran a small
to say that every mother who heard
■landered, libeled and blackmailed me ord and the Coot Day Times for oua things of life, the Radeliffe Chau­
World War Veterans
cannery a t Myrtle Point last year and
what Mr. Baker hatfto say, (and it is
Just because I stood in the way of charging the .County five cents per tauqua, and its local co-operators in­
Red Cross
who will be down here again soon for
S pity that every mother- in the town
its graft. If I, had lain down, I would line for publiahiiyj the delinquent tax vite the wtiole community to make the
Honor Guard
this year’s evergreen blackberry
did not hear it), felt outraged that
hava had the siipport of this paper. list when the Supreme Court held town the dynamic center of the Unit­
»Home Guard
we, as decent citizens, have not in
Upon reliabla authority 1 wi« told that we need pay but thre4, Is being ed States for four days.
Boy Scouts
Mr. Chase said that they only ship-
all these years, provided*dren decent,
that O’Brien said, “If Watson will arbitrary—if the attempt to recover
School Children
two carloads of canned blackberries
Tim Intel Chautauqua promoters are not to,mention comfortable and pleas­
$9337.21 from the Evening Record, buildhg for an ideal—a raised stand­ ant surroundings for our Uttle child­
from this section last year. Although
They will »march to the Odd Fel­ Watson has not come through and will ’he Cooe Bay Times and Low A. Cates ard of living for everybody. And they ren. And every opinion expressed in
there were hundreds of tons of ber­
ries to pick, owing to w ar conditions lows’ Cemetery where the W. R. C. not, even if it mean* my defeat at the which was ««cured by their* fraud and are building with ideas. Thè program the meeting, and afterwards, was that
it was possible to get but few pickers. will hold services for the Unknown recall election.
conspiracy in preventing competition,
loaded with material.
the |jime hid tome when we Could not
Before I was elected ¿ouftty Judge, is being arbitrary, if giving unceasing,
The price paid was 6 cents a pound, Dead and the graves of the soldiers
Land would not tolerate such a dis­
(it used to be two cents upVn the will be decorated by the Red Cross. O’Brien, Mike Maloney and Lew A. devotion to the public in tercet and
graceful state of affairs. Something
Nearing the Goal
Willamette valley before the Trar), Then the march will be to the Ma­ Cates secretoly framed up a conspira­ unlimited time, if attending to nil
MUST be done to change the school
and this year they wobld prjjbbly sonic cemetery where the graves of cy against the County under which the probate, juvanUe, insane, feeble­
in Coqaille, and be done
two Methodist churches in Coquille
pay 7 or 8 cenU. At laatyejjpFprice soldiers will be decorated and the they would receive $11,844.40 for pub­ minded and county business diligently
immediately too.
of 6 cents there were sViffal people mound decorated in memory of the lishing one tax forpcloeurd notice, and constantly for $1000.00 a year is in the Centenary drive, They sob
Crowded, uncomfortable, unsa&i-
in the Myrtle Point neighborhood who soldiers of the World War by the when they were lawfully entitled to an extravagant and Incompetent ex­ scribed for about $2400 Which lacks tary, unsightly, altogether unfit and
only $648.20. O’Brien was to receive penditure of public fund's, then I am
made as high as $8 a day and this Honor
e Guard.
little if asy more than $100 of the then some, is the place in which for
over $2,000 for printing and furnish­ guilty, otherwise not.
year he looked to see the same people
amount asked. Six men took nine months, in the year, and a t the
Decoration Day Program
make $10 or $12 a day. He said they
Thera is so extravagance or in­ $160 d this stock, subscribingv.$280 most important and impressionable
be divided between these three con* competence in the management of the
were prepared to handle all the ber­
1:30 P. M. at Chautauqua Tent.
apiece; two young men not yet of age age, are housed our little ones.
ries they could get and send auto Music . . . . . . . y . . . . . . Coqaille Band s p in tors. The county is now sueing County Judge’s Office or any extra­
So, this organisation, for which we
put themselves down fof $100
trucks for them, where a quantity Singing ..................; ......... .. Audience them to recover $9,837.21. The pay­ vagance (n general In the expenditure apiece. Everybody seems to have beseech your co-operation, is most vi­
were gathered.
With the co-opera­
of public funds for buildings, bridges,
Star Spangled Banner” s'
learned how to give liberally dozing tally interested in this subject at this
tion of the Commercial Clubs and the Gettysburg Address 1. Austin Hasard was stopped after I assumed the office. roeds or equipment; our work is per­ our war experience, and those*who time, and with yoar help, mothers es­
I have been Arm in my stand manent and cannot be duplicated at
aid of the school childien in the work Song ..................X .......................Choir
have given most freely have oome to pecially, we will accomplish some­
against a compromise of the Kinney this time for wlmt it coet.
he believed that thousands of dollars’
Frank Leslie, Director
Are you concerned in your
comprehend'most fully the Master’s thing.
worth of these berries could be saved Address ...........................Rev. Couper taxes, because such settlement would
The County Court is responsible
child’s welfare, health, morals?
this year—which we pause to remark Song .....................
Choir have been unfair to other taxpayers for less than one-third of the taxes give th an 'to receive."
yea are, yea’ll no longer remain qui­
would be food conservation on a grand Flag Drill ..........Third Grade Pupils and because as a m atter of right and raised; it has not jurisdiction over
escent in this' m atter—you’ll line up
Singing ................................. Audience justice any concessions or compro­ special taxes; the Court is not re­
with the ladies and get busy.—Com.
mises should be to the honest taxpay­ sponsible for the conduct of officers
But Mr. Chase’ talk was principally
er—the man with small means,\ $ « elected by the people. The Court has
The trick meet of the schools of
as to loganberry culture on the f^rms
Joan ef Arc Portrayed
county which bar tobacco
and ranches, which led to a general
The Memorial Sunday services will
talk about the desirability of getting be held at 11 a. m. at the Federated estate shark, wild cat speculator, o r cure for the purposes required with will be held at North Bend at 10:80 Geraldine F arrar as the immortal
tomorrow mhrning and a largo num­ patriot and Greatest Woman of his­
small farmers and fruit ranchers on Church, sermon by Rev. James E. tax dodger. These properties Were the means available.
m time valued at $400,000.00—
our uplands, while dairymen in the Conder and appropriate music by the
O’Brien and Mike Maloney don’t ber- of people will go over both' by tory in “Joan the Women” a t the Lib­
The other erty Theatre, Friday, May 30th, after­
bottoms, who did not have large choir, Mies Mabel Bay, director. The the taxes, penalties and interest like me; they charge that I am a r­ auto and on the train.
herds, might augment their incomes soldier boys with their families are amount to approximately $100,000.00. bitrary—extravagant— (incompetent. schools whose teams will participate noon and evening.
will be those of North Bend and Myr­
From a peasant jteath the rose
by raising from one to five acres of particularly invited by the ladies of A decision has just been handed down They want me recalled. *
wondrous works until
the fruit.
I ask your careful consideration of tle Point. Our team is ni excellent by
the W. R. C. to attend this service.
form and feel confidant of winning, she stood beside kings. At seventeen
County, snd (he properties may soon these matters.
Mr. Chase wanted 200 or 300 acres
be sold for the taxes and the County
---------------------- .
«he was commander-in-chief of th*
planted in the Coqaille valley this
Jack Juza Visits Here
Yours truly,
get its money.
A viator* A lm ost A cro ss • ■French Armies. At nineteen she was
fall and promised to take all that
James Watson,
John A. Jusa, editor of the Gold
could be raised, establishing a fruit
An Act has just been passed by
The three American airpl&nes a][ burfied at the stake by the people she
County Judge.
loved. It la a story which has trilled
and vegetablp cannery either here
congress whereby the county will re­
reached the Azores, making
ting th
the l 1306
or at Myrtle Point to take care of up from Gold Beach Saturday after­ ceive some time in June over $490,-
mile lap of the Atlantic journey, men, women and ehildreiy through the
Earl Inenaee Home Again
noon and ramained till Monday morn 000.00 in taxoe, penalties and interest
, U
* though only the N. C. 4 landed from oenturies. Now I t is told beautifully,
It is claiaisd th at loganberries will ing. Lon is in’ charge of the
from the United States Government
Earl Isensee, so many of whose war the air or it able to continue the jour­ Wonderfully by the marvelous photo-
net the gqgvAers from $160 to $400 an phone lines between Langleis
due from the Southern Oregon Com­ letters have been published in the ney. The gallant Hawker, who tried spectacle, “Joan t$ e ‘W o m a n ,a t the
acre, and the Phes company of Salem Crescent City but makes it a point pany lands. I have expended much Sentinel, returned Wednesday from to beet them to it, and his companion Liberty Theatre, Friday, May 30th.
are talking about having a thousand to visit Coquille every two or three [iiln« , nd energy in attempting to get Camp Lewis where he was discharged. have disappeared without leaving a Afternoon and evening.
acres put in over a* the Bay. As it weeks. Jack, who formerly was em- U r poesible for the county and but for He was, we believe, the first Coquille trace in the stormy Atlantic—martyrs
requires 8 people to each acre to pick ployed on the Sentinel, saye that busi-1 my efforts—backed by the County soldier boy ta go overseas, and was in ta
Special program of music by th*
them, it will be seen what an army nets is good, in the Curry county seat Court—such Mt would have been de­ active service a t the front for a year
Coquille Orchestra at the Liberty
would be required there—or even In ( town. He is still fealing the effects , l,jmd, u the bill was lying dormant or mors. He was also the youngest
See Geraldine m Wallace Reid. Theatre, Friday, May 80th, afternoon,
this valley—if we should plant 200 of the severe case of flu he suffered (in the hands of the committee, on ac- man le enlist of those who wont from Theodore Roberta and Hobart Bos and evening.
last winter.
count of the war. ' i made one trip to here.
Everybody waa glad ta see | worth, foof big stays, in tha-. great
That there was no danger we should
I Roaeburg in the interest of the coun- him back safe end
photo-play, “Joan thè Woman,” St
Haide«» Hr rued in Grecian dances
Buttar Wrappers snd Trespass, ty ta this matter, wrote many Utters
tha Liberty Theatre, Friday, May at the Liberty Theatre, Friday. May
en eighth paga.)
Signs at the Seotiasl offios.
and tent a auaber ef telegrams. May
30th, afternoon and toeningv
Cell on ns for
Judge W atson Tells W hat He H al Done
For the County and How the Bay
Papers Have “Done” the County.
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